Robbie Macrae - Cover

Robbie Macrae

Copyright© 2006 by Scotland-the-Brave

Chapter 10: Goodbyes

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10: Goodbyes - A young boy on holiday with his parents is involved in a car crash that leaves his mother, father and the driver of the other car dead. The young boy's spirit leaves his unconscious body to look after the wife and young daughter of the other man with startling results for his emotional and sexual development. Slow to start but plenty of sex later.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Romantic   Mind Control   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Mother   Father   Daughter   Slow  

Zoe looked on as her mother virtually smothered Robbie with a hug and kissed him soundly on the lips. She was impatient to show her own delight at the fact that Robbie seemed to have pulled of a major coup but was non-plussed that her mother seemed to be supplanting her position with him. She tapped her foot and her brows dropped in a frown.

Robbie was surprised at Amanda's show of emotion but luxuriated in the feel of her body pressed against him, her firm breasts against his chest, her soft and pliant lips against his. "Oh god, I could get used to this," he thought. He willed his cock not to rise at the feel of her in his arms and was thankful he was now dressed so that the jeans he was wearing helped mask his excitement. Amanda broke the kiss and stepped back, flushed from what she done and ambivalent as to whether it was wrong or not. Robbie noticed that her eyes were slightly hooded as if she was aroused and he thrilled at the possibility.

Seeing her chance, Zoe launched herself at Robbie, knocking him back onto the bed as she covered his face with kisses.

"Robbie, Robbie, yessss," she chanted. "Does this mean that you are coming to stay with us now? Can I take you away from all of this?" she joked lightly.

Not to be outdone by her mother, she took this opportunity to rub her little titties against him, feeling her nipples harden at once. She reluctantly drew back, her face mirroring the flush on her mother's.

"Well," said Amanda, "does that mean we are ready to go? I have to warn you Robbie that we weren't expecting this so I'm afraid the house is a bit of a mess." Amanda's feminine pride came to the fore, despite the fact that her house was never untidy.

Mother and daughter were almost giddy as they helped Robbie from the hospital and out to Amanda's car. They stowed his bag in the trunk and set off, Zoe chattering away incessantly. Robbie sat back and let her enthusiasm wash over him, pleased that things had worked out as he had wanted. He made a little mistake when they arrived at the Gray household by walking immediately into the family room and taking a seat on the sofa. Amanda looked askance at him, wondering how he seemed to know his way around the house but said nothing at this point.

Zoe plonked down beside Robbie, wrapping her arms around him and bursting into tears as the tension that had built up was released. Amanda watched as Robbie stroked Zoe's back and she heard him whisper:

"Shhh, angel Bruno says it's time to stop now, Bruno says it's time to stop."

As Zoe immediately began to calm down Amanda thought "my god, if I closed my eyes I would swear that was her daddy comforting her. How does he know what to say and what to do?"

"How about we phone for pizza to celebrate Robbie's escape?" She suggested.

"Yes!" Squealed Zoe. "Way to go mom!"

"If you don't mind Mrs Gray, I think I would enjoy that."

"Lighten up Robbie," Amanda said. "Try and act like this is your home too."

"Thank you ma'am, I'll try."

Amanda sat on the sofa beside Robbie, effectively sandwiching him between herself and Zoe. She took Robbie's arm and faced him.

"Please Robbie, call me Amanda. Ma'am, is very chivalrous and gentlemanly and reflects well on how your parents brought you up but it makes me feel old."

Now in contact with her, Robbie could here her thoughts.

"I am so impressed with how adult he is. It's uncanny how he knows how to treat Zoe so well. He reminds me of Jason in many ways."

Robbie decided to take a slight chance with Amanda while he was connected with her. He thought back to the frantic scene inside the ICU room when Jason had died and recalled that he had referred to Amanda as 'Mandy'.

"Would it be okay if I called you Mandy instead?" He asked.

Amanda stiffened and stared at him. Then she slowly relaxed. Robbie could hear the surprise and thrill inside her head as she wondered at him using the name that Jason used with her. She snuggled into his side and kissed his cheek.

"That would be just fine dear."

Zoe had been watching this exchange in amusement. She connected her mother's actions now to the kiss and hug she had given Robbie at the hospital and wondered whether her mother was flirting with him. She hesitated and thought about how she would feel if it was true and was surprised that she did not feel jealous.

"Mom needs to be comforted too," she thought. "Robbie said that dad made him promise to look after both of us and I guess it's only right if he does things with her."

Robbie could hear all of this and smiled to himself. He didn't think he would ever have a chance at being intimate with Amanda but was pleasantly surprised that Zoe seemed to be okay with the idea that it might happen.

Amanda asked them what toppings they wanted on their pizza and phoned in an order. She quickly prepared a salad and put some frozen garlic bread into the oven to go along with the pizza. When the pizza arrived they adjourned to the dining area and Amanda set out dinner plates for each of them. She went to the kitchen and brought back a bottle of red wine - "not very patriotic," she thought "something from California might be more American but I do love this Australian cabernet shiraz."

She set up three glasses and, opening the bottle she poured wine for all of them. "It's okay for you to have one glass," she said, I've heard it's good to educate young people on how to handle alcohol by introducing it at home."

The pizza, salad and bread were quickly demolished and Robbie and Zoe enjoyed the accompanying wine. Zoe was particularly impressed as her mother had never introduced this kind of parental relaxation before. She felt her head buzzing from the glass of wine but thought it was quite pleasant.

They mucked in together to clear up after they had finished eating. Robbie washed up while Zoe dried and Amanda put the dishes away. When they had finished Robbie indicated he was beginning to feel tired and needed to get some rest.

Amanda realised that they had forgotten that Robbie had only recently recovered from a coma and a significant emotional trauma. She immediately fussed over him, asking if he wanted a hot drink before going to bed. Robbie declined gracefully and bussed Amanda on the cheek as he headed upstairs.

"Perhaps I should let you know which room to use," she said. "After all, we don't want you in the wrong room now, do we?" Amanda took Robbie upstairs and showed him to one of the spare bedrooms on the same floor as her own and Zoe's rooms.

"Thanks Mandy, I really appreciate what you and Zoe are doing for me. I can't believe how lucky I am to have you take me in. I really miss mum and dad but I know that Zoe and you are also missing Jason so agreeing to have me here must be difficult for you. Not only are you both very beautiful, you must have big hearts and I am truly grateful. I promise I wont put you out for any longer than necessary and then you can both get on with your lives."

Amanda had shivered at his use of 'Mandy' and the sincerity and maturity in what he had said, combined with the sad look on his face was almost enough to break her heart. She wrapped Robbie up in a hug, squeezing him tightly to her. She could feel how solid his body was and her head lay on his chest. "Robbie you are welcome to stay for as long as you need. Don't worry about Zoe and I, we're both really happy to have you."

"Zoe seems really happy to have him here all right. I'll need to keep an eye on that girl," she thought. "She does have a point though, he is pretty cute and well built too. Amanda Gray behave yourself, getting your panties wet thinking about a boy half your age just wont do."

Robbie blushed as he heard these thoughts going through Amanda's head. He was appalled to feel his cock react, beginning to thicken and become hard in his pants. He tried to separate his lower body from Amanda so that she wouldn't feel him. "I can't believe my little head is doing this to me, how embarrassing, she takes me in, looks after me and all I can think about is how wonderful her body feels. Get a grip MacRae."

Amanda thought she could feel his cock, stiff and hard, pressing into her lower tummy and was surprised anew at her reaction to it. "Oh, has the cute Scotsman got all hot and bothered over Mandy? Is he thinking about throwing me onto that bed and taking me?" She shivered at the thought, she knew she responded to strong men, was turned on by their forceful behaviour, liked the take charge kind of guy, decisive.

"If only he knew that my panties are already soaking and if he pushed me now I would find it very hard to say no," Robbie heard her think. "Amanda honey you've let one little glass of wine go to your head, now behave and leave the poor boy alone."

She sighed and pulled back from him. "Goodnight Robbie," she said, almost reluctantly he thought, and she kissed him softly on the lips.

When Amanda left the room Robbie prepared for bed, washing his face and brushing and flossing his teeth. He normally slept naked and that was how he crawled under the bedclothes now, feeling his eyes already beginning to droop and relieved that his cock had softened. He fell asleep thinking how wonderful Amanda had felt in his arms.

Zoe told her mother that she was also drained and thought she would turn in. She kissed her mom goodnight and trudged upstairs, stopping to peek into the guest room to watch Robbie sleep for a moment. She sighed and made her way to her own room, getting ready and climbing into bed. She couldn't believe what a roller-coaster day it had been. From the despair of feeling there was nothing they could to for Robbie, the anger at that, that woman! from social services, to the joy at discovering Robbie had sorted everything out himself.

Neither could she believe how good he looked in jeans and a tee - he really was fit and oh so cute. And he was lying next door, possibly naked, with that big penis of his between his legs. Zoe unconsciously began to rub her thighs together as she let her imagination go. She had plenty of material to work with now. She had seen Robbie in the flesh had held and sucked his cock ("Oh, I love saying that word, it seems soooo nasty, sooooo slutty but absolutely perfect to describe Robbie's penis") and she now wondered how it would feel if it was sliding into her little pussy.

She pressed a fist between her legs, squeezing both thighs tightly around it, pushing her hand hard against her vulva.

Amanda had poured herself a second glass of wine and, an hour or so after the youngsters had turned in, was in the middle of a daydream of her own.

"I cannot believe how hot I am for a sixteen-year-old boy. It's not real, Jason has been gone a week and I'm acting like a slut in heat, that's not normal. It's not right."

"There is just something about him though. He reminds me of Jason in some ways, he even seems to have some of Jason's mannerisms and way of talking. And Zoe's right, he is cute and he likes me if that lump in his pants is anything to go by."

At the thought of Zoe she reminded herself of how attached her daughter seemed to be to Robbie, even to the extent of crying out his name when she had been using her dildo. "Perhaps it's a good idea to keep a close eye on my daughter," she thought. She put her wine glass down and quietly climbed the stairs to check on the two teenagers. She looked into Zoe's room first and saw she was on her side, apparently asleep. She cautiously peered into Robbie's room next. He was on his back and the sheets had slipped down exposing his upper body. Amanda took in the chiselled, highly developed muscles of his shoulders, chest and arms. Lower, she drank in the incredible six-pack Robbie had as a stomach.

"Well now I know why his body felt so hard when I hugged him," she thought as she let her eyes run over him. "He must work out a lot to be in that kind of shape for just sixteen. And his other 'muscle' felt well developed too." She giggled at her own immodesty and then chided herself once more for her lustful thoughts and backed away from the room, returning downstairs. She topped up her wine and sat back on the sofa, slipping back into her thoughts.

Zoe had heard her mother quietly checking on her. She had slowly let her imagination and the hand between her legs work herself up into a fever of arousal. She had been at the point of throwing caution to the wind, of simply climbing into Robbie's bed, when she had sensed her mother at the door. Knowing her plan was now frustrated seemed to just fuel her need.

"Maybe it's safe now that she's checked on me," she tried to rationalise. "If I'm quick, maybe I can get back before she checks again." She knew she was taking a huge risk but her hormones were clouding her thinking and the juices covering her hand and thighs were a physical measure of just how hot she was. She slipped from her bed and softly crossed to Robbie's bedroom door.

When she entered his room she took in the sight of him lying on his back. She gasped at how fit and powerful he looked, at his shape, leanness, his well-developed muscles.

"Oh god, look at him, sooo hunky. Come on girl stop gawking and get on with this, she thought to herself.

Zoe crawled in beside Robbie, cuddling up to him and letting her hand drop to his groin. She slid her hand under the sheet, searching for his cock("Yes, his cock, that's it's name," she thought). Her hand found him, limp but warm and soft. She gently wrapped her fingers around the shaft and began to tug slowly. She marvelled at the way the loose skin seemed to stretch over the flesh underneath it, at the feeling of him beginning to harden in her hand, of the velvety head as she ran her thumb over it.

"Wasss, what," Robbie mumbled, wakening slowly at the feel of her jacking him.

He came fully awake and after taking a few seconds to realise what was going on, he made a grab for Zoe's hand, stopping her from continuing her stroking of his cock.

"Zoe, what do you think you're doing!" he whispered urgently.

"Isn't it kind of obvious?"

"I can't believe you. Your mother is downstairs and there is no way I am going to return her hospitality by taking advantage of her daughter right under her nose."

Unbeknown to both of them Amanda was not in fact downstairs. Her imagination had got her so hot she had succumbed to a desire to have one more look at Robbie's body as he slept. "I wont go into the room, I wont touch him," she tried to convince herself as she quietly climbed upstairs. When she glanced through the bedroom door and saw her daughter in Robbie's bed she lost all thoughts of lust and instead her face took on a concerned look.

"Oh baby, what are you doing? Amanda it's kind of obvious what she's doing, looks like she had a similar idea to your own," she thought to herself guiltily. "I should stop this before it starts." She was on the verge of entering the room when she heard Robbie's whispers.

"Zoe this is not going to happen. It would be a betrayal of your mother's trust and I'm not about to do that. If you are so desperate to lose your virginity then you are not thinking straight. I've already told you that you need to get your head sorted and wait until the time is right. Sneaking around in the night under your mother's nose is not my idea of 'the time being right'."

"But Robbie, I need you, I need you now, please, I'm so hot for you, feel how wet I am."

Amanda watched as Zoe tried to pull Robbie's hand between her legs. Robbie used his superior strength to resist her tug and instead whispered to her again.

"Zoe, think about this. You are trying to initiate sex, probably unprotected sex, am I right?"

Zoe dropped her gaze guiltily as she recognised the truth of what he had said. Again he was right, she was letting her hormones and immaturity run away with her. But she just couldn't get the thought of him out of her head, it was driving her crazy with need.

"Zoe look at me."

She looked into his blue eyes which were piercing in their intensity as he tried to get his point across.

"Angel, I would like nothing better than to be your first. You are beautiful, smart and fun to be with. You have a killer figure, what's not to like about you. But this is not the time or the place, trust me. I would hate myself if I did this to Amanda. And I want your first time to be extra special, not rushed and spoiled by the fact we are sneaking around."

"But Robbie, I can't sleep, I can't stop wanting you, I'm burning up."

"Shhhhh, angel, I know, I know, maybe I can help you get off, just to help you get to sleep."

Amanda watched as Robbie began to kiss his way down Zoe's body, pausing to suckle her breasts and nipples for some minutes before continuing downwards towards her pussy. Amanda new the moment when Robbie's tongue found her daughter's little clit as she saw Zoe arch her back and groan deeply. Her own breathing had deepened as she was consumed by the tableau in front of her. She couldn't see Zoe because Robbie's head was in the way but as she watched, she knew Robbie was obviously swiping his tongue repeatedly up Zoe's slit, pausing to swirl over her clit probably as Zoe writhed around more frantically at some points.

She dropped her gaze between Robbie's legs and her tongue licked ever so slowly across her lips as she took in the sight of his hard, proud cock. "Oh god, he's sooo big and hard, sooo beautiful," She thought to herself. "Oh Robbie, such a beautiful cock, sooo big, sooooo hard."

As Amanda continued to play the voyeur, she witnessed her daughter reach her climax, covering her own face with one of Robbie's pillows to try and keep the noise down as she thrashed around, her hips thrusting into Robbie's face, her legs twitching. At last Zoe slumped back, satisfied.

Her mother heard her clearly tell Robbie that it was his turn now.

"No, Zoe, you don't need to do that, this was just for you, to help you sleep. What I said about not taking advantage of Amanda's hospitality still holds good and I would feel guilty if I was to give in. It's okay I'm fine, really, I don't need to get off. I enjoyed doing that for you, now back to your own bed before your mother catches us."

Amanda darted back downstairs before her daughter bumped into her on her way back to her bed.

Zoe climbed back into bed, a satisfied smirk on her face and had no trouble falling into a deep sleep.

Robbie lay awake, trying to will his hard cock to soften. He could still picture clearly the pearly drops of Zoe's juices leaking between her little lips and trickling slowly down her slit. He had savoured every individual drop as he licked upwards, letting the musky juice drizzle over his tongue as he moved upwards to where her clit was already peeking out from its hood.

"Stop doing this to yourself," he thought. "There's no way you'll ever get to sleep if you keep that up."

Amanda had refilled her wine glass for a third time, definitely getting a buzz and certainly feeling mellow. She could feel her breasts were tight, her nipples hard and her clit was throbbing as she pictured Robbie's lovely cock in front of her only minutes before, and she imagined his tongue was delving into her vulva rather than Zoe's.

"Oh yes Robbie, lick me baby, lick Mandy's hot pussy baby, yesssss," she whispered to herself unaware of her hand gliding into her lap, tracing a line up her panties, directly along her nether lips and up to her button. She squeaked when her finger and thumb pinched her clit, coming back a little and realising what she was thinking and doing.

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