Robbie Macrae - Cover

Robbie Macrae

Copyright© 2006 by Scotland-the-Brave

Chapter 1: The start

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1: The start - A young boy on holiday with his parents is involved in a car crash that leaves his mother, father and the driver of the other car dead. The young boy's spirit leaves his unconscious body to look after the wife and young daughter of the other man with startling results for his emotional and sexual development. Slow to start but plenty of sex later.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Romantic   Mind Control   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Mother   Father   Daughter   Slow  

Robbie MacRae had no sense of wakening. One second there was nothing and the next he found himself hovering over his own comatose body as it lay below him in a hospital bed. He gazed down with a puzzled expression on his face. How had he gotten here? Where was he? How was it that he was somehow outside of his body? He took in the fact that his body was hooked up to a range of equipment and the steady tone of some kind of monitor sounded every second or so. Tubes snaked from something lodged into his mouth and from a piece of tape stuck to the back of his hand. He looked at his 'other' hands, the ones that floated in front of him and could see that they were faint, translucent. His floating form was apparently thin and clearly had little physical substance. It seemed to be covered in some form of surgical gown but it too was very translucent.

Memories of the car crash then came flooding in. He remembered how he had been sitting in the rear seat, behind his mother and father, as they motored towards Glasgow, Montana. The family were on a typical fly/drive holiday package, taking in the sights of the Yellowstone National Park and places like the battlefield of the Little Bighorn. But as they were from Glasgow, Scotland they had decided that they must visit this town with the same name as their home city. The roads had been icy with snow ploughed and piled high on either side but the covering added a kind of Christmas card effect to the famous Montana badlands and they were all enjoying the scenery.

The car that had hit them had skidded as it came round a bend in the road and there had been no way his father could avoid the collision. Robbie remembered the other car had impacted the front left of their vehicle, causing it to veer off the road. The last thing his memory could drudge up was the sight of a fast approaching wall of solid snow then everything had gone black.

Robbie guessed that the emergency services must have got him out of the wreck and brought him to this place. He looked down at his body again. He saw himself in a detached way, a sixteen year old boy, brown haired, about 6 foot tall. An athletic build rather than what might be called 'buff' these days. His eyes if they had been open would have been seen to be an intense blue. There was some discoloration around his eyes indicating he had suffered a blow to the face of some kind. The slow rise and fall of his body's chest indicated that at least he was still alive, albeit apparently unconscious. Although he still could not understand how he seemed to be outside of his body he decided to take advantage of the fact that he seemed to be able to move around. He decided to explore his immediate surroundings.

He moved towards the door of the room and reached his hand out to open it. He felt his hand sink through the surface but the door did not move in anyway. Robbie wondered if he could simply 'pass through' the door without opening it. He tried moving forward and he sensed the grain of the wood as he passed through it. A weird feeling indeed, almost as if his body and the wood had become one for a moment until with a gasp of relief he was through and on the other side. "Great" he thought. "I appear to have become Caspar the friendly ghost!"

He found himself in a corridor of some kind. He turned and read the sign on the door that told him the room he had just left was an Intensive Care Unit or ICU as the sign said. That didn't sound like good news. He must be hurt pretty bad. Coming from Glasgow, a tough industrial city on the west coast of Scotland, he could never admit publicly to being scared of anything. But, inside, he was still only sixteen and his situation frightened him no end.

"Where are mum and dad?" he thought, instinctively looking to his parents for comfort and re-assurance. He could feel his eyes begin to fill-up as the seriousness of his position threatened to overwhelm him.

He heard a noise behind him and turned to see a pretty nurse heading along the corridor towards him. He shook off his tears and approached her.

"Not bad," he thought despite everything that he had been feeling only moments before. Ahh the resilience of youth!

She was in her early twenties, about 5' 4", blonde, blue eyed and with a fit body. Robbie took in her very sensual mouth, the top lip slightly curling upwards, smallish breasts, maybe only 34 or possibly 36, long graceful legs and the entire package wrapped up in a seriously sexy white and blue nurse's uniform.

"Hi," he said as she drew level with him, "um, could you help me find my parents?"

The young nurse swept past him without a sideways glance and entered the room he had just left. He thought he heard an echo of something as she passed but wasn't sure what.

"Great" he thought "she can't hear me or see me. Now what do I do?"

He quickly reversed direction and followed the nurse. Once again as he passed through the door into the ICU room he experienced the strange sensation of being as one with the wood, then he was through. He watched the nurse go about her duties when it became obvious to him that she was preparing to give his unconscious body a bed bath. He glanced at her name tag which read 'Becky'.

"Um, Becky" he said, feeling acute embarrassment at the thought of such a pretty young woman preparing to wash down his body.

"I really don't need a bath at this minute" he said. "Really I have more important things that I need to sort out right now. Like, do you have any idea where I might find my parents? Can you say what's wrong with me? Can you tell me how I got here? Can you at least tell me where 'here' is?"

Again there was no reaction from the nurse and she continued to lay out a small bowl of warm water, a hand towel and a sponge. Robbie reached out and touched her shoulder lightly. There was no reaction from Becky but as with the door Robbie had a strange sense of his body merging with the cells and genes that made up the lovely form of the nurse in front of him. Immediately he heard her voice.

"... so young, what a tragedy to have lost both of his parents in a crash and on vacation too..."

Robbie staggered back. The shock was enormous. Both of his parents dead? He felt as if his world had come to a crashing halt. Again tears stung his eyes and a feeling of utter helplessness and desolation swept over him.

"Christ" his mind screamed "mom and dad dead? What's going to happen to me? What will I do without them? Where will I go? Who will look after me? No, its not true, I don't believe they are both gone."

It was only then that it occurred to him that he had heard Becky when he had touched her. He sobbed and tried to talk to her once more.

"Becky, can you hear me? Can you help me please?" he said. Nothing. The nurse turned towards him as she continued with her preparations and he leaned forward and laid his hand on her arm. He immediately heard her once more. "... and when I'm finished I can attend to the other guy they brought in at the same time and then my shift is over and I can go home and relax in a nice warm bath..."

Robbie noticed that her lips were not moving.

"Wait a minute" he thought "surely I'm not hearing her thoughts?" But that seemed to be exactly what was happening. Robbie looked on as the nurse pulled back the covers from his unconscious body and untied the gown that covered it in readiness to begin his bed bath. His face flushed with heat as he watched the nurse gaze at his limp cock as it nestled in its nest of curly pubic hair. The nurse reached out and took it in one hand while the other began to gently sponge around his pubic area and over his testicles. Robbie could feel everything, despite the fact that he was currently outside of his body and once more behind the nurse. He reached out and made contact with her shoulder, allowing him to hear her thoughts.

"... for his age. I wonder what size he grows to when this thing is hard?..."

This was too much for Robbie and he could feel his real cock begin to fill with blood and rise in the nurse's hand. The feeling was out of this world. At sixteen, no-one else other than him had touched his cock and the sensation of the pretty nurse's warm palm and fingers was incredible.

"... oh look its getting hard for me. That's strange, he hasn't responded in any of the physical response tests we have run. What a nice cock though, it has to be at least 7" and only sixteen too, still some growth to come perhaps. Hah, 'to cum' more like, I bet that's exactly what he would want now if he was conscious and aware of me holding his cock..."

Robbie moaned as he felt the silky smooth touch of nurse Becky as she slowly began to jack his cock with slow up and down movements.

"Oh god" he thought "so good, uh uh, can't believe this is happening but it feels so good... soft warm, hot, yeah that's it, hot, feels fantastic."

Having never had anyone else touch his cock before, combined with just how sexy the nurse looked, Robbie knew he was already close to cumming. Then he new he was going to go over the top completely as the nurse lowered her head and took the head of his cock into her sensual mouth.

"... so perfect, I just can't resist, gotta have this beautiful young cock in my mouth. Oh yeah, he tastes soooo good. I bet he won't last long before he shoots a huge wad of boy cum into my mouth. God I can feel my pussy is hot, my panties are soaked. This is such a turn on, sucking a sixteen year old's cock while he is unconscious. Soooo nasty and soooo fucking hot... uh uh come on baby cum for Becky, let me have your sweet boy cum... um um yeah so tasty, so hard, so soft, so hot, yeah mmmmm, uhhhh shoot for me..."

Robbie felt himself go over the edge. This was ten times more powerful than when he guiltily jacked-off in his room at home. His whole body tingled and he felt his cum shoot up through his cock and explode into the hot mouth that was wrapped round it.


He went dizzy for a few seconds before he recovered, panting heavily as if he had just run several miles.

"Awesome" he moaned to himself "absolutely incredible."

He stood pretty much in a daze as nurse Becky licked her lips and simply carried on to complete the bed bath, re-tying the gown and pulling the sheet back up over his unconscious body.

Robbie had maintained contact with Becky all through the episode, barely maintaining his touch through the powerful surge when he had cum so forcefully into her mouth.

"... well it might be considered nasty by some, but a nurse has to look after all of her patient's needs. And he did have a very, very nice cock. Now on to the other guy..."

Robbie could feel the nurse giggle happily to herself as she finished putting the towel, bowl and sponge onto a trolley at the side of the hospital bed. He heard her thoughts suggest that she would be thinking of this episode later when she relaxed in her hot bath.

As she turned to leave the room Robbie decided to follow her and have a look at the 'other guy' she had mentioned. He guessed this had to be the driver of the car that had crashed into his parents and himself. He followed Becky out of the door, down the corridor and into another room. The set up here was similar to that in the room that he had found himself. The only difference was there seemed to be more equipment here, more monitors and the man who lay in the bed had virtually his whole head covered in bandages. The bed sheets were also arranged over some sort of wire cage which sat over the man's legs. This seemed to be to keep the sheets off of his legs which were both encased in plaster casts. Robbie was startled to see the hazy outline of a man sitting in a chair beside the bed.

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