George's First Feel - Cover

George's First Feel

by ohmygod

Copyright© 2006 by ohmygod

Erotica Sex Story: George, the newest guy at school, somehow finds himself getting a date with the bustiest girl in the school. But then things go out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Rape   Incest   Oral Sex   Lactation   Size   Transformation   .

George was quietly eating his lunch with Sarah in the cafeteria when the girl called Laura suddenly walked into the room. George might've just glanced at her once to check her out, but there was something about her white sweater that wouldn't let him take his eyes off her, and it took him just a split second to figure it out.

George gasped. Hidden underneath that white sweater was an absolute crapload of tit! Laura's sweater surged outward, the curves that shown highlighting the sheer size and roundness of her huge breasts. No wonder this girl was so shy, her boobs were absolutely enormous! With her head cast down at the floor — her view most probably blocked by the vastness of her tits — she made her way over to them.

"Hey Laura," Sarah said. Laura sat down and allowed her huge breasts to rest upon the table. Sarah noticed her nipples punctuating the front of her thrusting white blouse. "No bra today?"

Laura shook her head. "No. The old one doesn't fit anymore. I think my boobs just hit a new cup size... L-cups maybe? I forget where I am in the alphabet."

Sarah gasped. "Wow, I'm in envy."

"Haha! Yeah. But it feels good to be out of the bra. My boobs need fresh air once in a while. But there is one drawback. I have to carry them with my hands when I walk around. My boobs are too heavy to be dangling unsupported." Laura made a quick glance at George who was sitting next to Sarah with his eyes bulging from their sockets at her tits. "Who's this?" She asked nervously.

"Oh, silly me!" Sarah apologized and introduced George. "This is a new guy. He arrived yesterday. His name is George. George, meet Laura. Laura, meet George."

George said hi and gave a small wave, and Laura just smiled at him shyly. Fuuuuck, this girl was the hottest thing he had ever seen! Long, wavy blonde hair, sparkling green eyes, luscious red lips and a tight cheerleader's body combined with a rack that you could basically curl up and sleep inside! George couldn't help but make a swift glance at the front of her sweater and noticed that her nipples were a lot harder than they were a few seconds ago.

"Well I have to go," Sarah said while gathering her books. "I have a math test in a few minutes."

"At lunchtime?" Laura said.

"Yeah, I missed it yesterday. You two should talk or something. See ya." Sarah left and walked off down the corridor.

Laura sighed and then looked at George sternly, trying to get his gaze away from her chest that was spilling all over the table. "Well just before we go anywhere, George, let me lay out a few things."

George gulped. Lay out those huge breasts will you!

"First of all, yes, my breasts are real and they are ridiculously big so I'm quite used to people staring. Secondly, I'm going to let you touch them, just so you can get that lust-filled urge out of your system and we can get to know each other like normal people. As they like to say, a man thinks only with his head after he's shot a load."

George gasped and almost shot his load from having her say that he could feel her up. He had never felt any girl's tits before, and this was going to be a first — a first which involved fondling a pair of breasts so immensely big, round, soft and perfect that they shouldn't even exist.

Laura gave him her address and they agreed to meet each other after school at 6pm.

George found the door wide open when he arrived at Laura's house. He was a little early — it was 5.30pm, but he didn't think she'd mind. Not bothering to knock, he walked inside and had a look around. Where was everyone? He went up the stairs and walked into a room which he instantly recognized as Laura's because of the several enormous bras which lay on the floor. He stared at the incredible depth of the cups and shuddered with excitement. Could Laura actually fill those things? He suddenly heard footsteps outside, and fearful for being caught snooping around her room, he ran for the closet and shut himself inside.

George opened the closet door just a few centimeters so he could get a good view of what was going on in the room. Laura was standing before her mirror, arms by her side and staring at her own tits. Starting at her neck, she slowly swept her hands down her chest, over the ever extending cliff face of her huge breasts and down to the whopping undersides. There, she pushed her boobs up until her chin was buried between her tits and finally let them drop. She winced as they fell and bounced dramatically, and George could see a tear form in her eye.

Laura's hands went to the hem of her white sweater and she began to pull it up, struggling when it got caught at the thrust of her huge breasts and she was forced to pull with all her strength, compressing her tits inward, to get the layer over clothing off her voluptuous body. George half choked. Laura was now standing in a huge black bra which obviously didn't fit one bit. Her boobs spilled out in all directions in waves of succulent tit meat. She struggled to push all of her boobs back into the giant cups with her comparatively small hands, but had no success. Her breasts were just too big for this undersized — yet still huge — bra.

George thought he heard a sob as Laura reached behind her back with her arms to undo the clasps, causing her breasts to power forwards like never before, causing an extreme strain on the bra. Her boobs then positively exploded from their cups as the bra was no longer able to hold her incredible size.

"Why..." George heard her sob as she finally managed to unhook the bra which had failed her. The massive piece of lingerie fell to the floor and Laura's chest was now completely bare. Without the confines of the bra, Laura's breasts looked bigger then ever. George could not comprehend how a 17 year old girl could grow natural adornments like this. How could a girl's breasts be so overdeveloped?

Laura cupped both her huge boobs and squeezed them slightly, looking to the pictures of small breasted women she had stuck around the perimeter of her mirror. "How can you all be so lucky," she said to the pictures. "Why did I have to get these... things?!" She crushed her 'things' tightly against her chest causing layers of tit-flesh to rise between her fingers. Laura then began to cry, streams of tears trailing down her face and into the canyon between her tits.

Hearing her wailing, Laura's mother came rushing into the room. "Oh, Laura, please don't cry."

"They're just too big!" Laura wailed, holding both heavy breasts up to her mother. "I want a breast reduction! Please!"

Laura's mother shook her head. "You know what the doctor said, Laura. We can't operate until we are sure that your breasts have stopped growing. There's nothing we can do until then."

Laura began to wail even harder and her mother moved forward. "There, there, everything will be ok." She embraced her daughter, allowing Laura's immense bare breasts to press and mold around her torso whilst Laura rested her head upon her mother's own big breasts. Laura's mother had big boobs, but nothing in the scale of Laura's huge set.

Laura rubbed her mother's breasts with her face. "I want boobs like yours mum. They're not too big and not too small. I hate my breasts; they're just so huge and so heavy."

"Laura, dear. I must tell you that even though your breasts are very big..."

"Enormous." Laura corrected, pushing her giant tits harder against her mother to remind her.

"Yes, enormous... they are still the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen. Your father agrees too. Laura, if I had my way, I would wish that I had your breasts instead of mine."

George watched with amazement as Laura's mum placed her hands on each of Laura's boobs which were pressing hard against her and began rubbing them.

Laura cried out in alarm. "Mum! What are you doing... ooooohhhh!"

Laura's mum had began stroking her daughter's nipples and pulled at them as they went erect in her fingers. "Oh, Laura, you're breasts are so beautiful! They're so big and sexy! I want them so bad!"

"Mum! Stop it! Stop it!"

But Laura's mum was like an animal, pushing Laura backwards so she fell on the bed and jumped on top of her. Laura tried to protect her boobs with her arms, but they were just too insanely big. Laura's mum was on her tits at once, mauling them with her hands and sucking at her nipples. She then grabbed her own shirt and tore it from her body, revealing her own big tits to her daughter's eyes. Laura's mum then began rubbing her boobs against Laura's own enormous pair as her daughter squirmed beneath her, crying out for help.

"What's going on?" said Laura's dad as he came rushing into the room.

"Daddy! Help!" screamed Laura as she tried to push her mother off her breasts.

But Laura's dad just stood there, his eyes focused on his daughter's mammoth boobs and his wife that was sucking on them. Laura's dad's cock began do grow and he quickly undid his jeans, letting his enlarging rod spring free. "It's about fucking time." Laura's dad said, "I've always wanted to get my hands on those big tits!" He rushed forward and pushed his wife aside, positioning himself between Laura's legs. While Laura's mum held her in place, her dad ripped off her pants and underwear and took hold of Laura's huge boobs before ramming his cock deep into her pussy.

George couldn't believe it. These two parents were actually raping their huge breasted daughter! He couldn't just stand by and watch. He had to get out of there! Whilst Laura's parents were busy with Laura's boobs, George quickly made an exit and decided to wait outside at the front door.

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