Streets Of Bakersfield - Cover

Streets Of Bakersfield

by Meahana

Copyright© 2006 by Meahana

Erotica Sex Story: With due respect to the late Buck Owens (my dad's favorite). My husband would spend all day watching their little butts wiggle and their little boobies jiggle and come home to me. Not that I'm complaining mind you, but...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   .

A short story that has nothing to do with Bakersfield.

Life just isn't fair. I guess lots of people say that, but not everybody's husband just up and leaves them. I guess I shouldn't be so harsh, at least my husband died and didn't run off on me. Wait, that didn't sound right. I just mean that my husband didn't take off with a young slut. He passed away about a year ago. In any case, he left a thirty-six year old woman and his fifteen year old daughter alone. I'm sure that if he had a choice, he would rather be with us than having had an aneurysm on the golf course. He had a great sense of humor though and would have just said that it was a really bad round.

Now Bethany and I aren't doing bad. It's not like we've gone homeless and are starving. Elliot left us plenty of insurance. Even the house got paid off. I have a good job too, so we aren't poor. We both just miss Daddy. I guess Beth even more than me sometimes. Beth and her dad were tight. I mean from the time she was born, they were like one unit (her Daddy always said they were a unit). I guess that if I were the jealous type, I might have been jealous of what they had. I often thought I might come home one day and find them rutting on the living room floor like bunnies or catch him with his face buried between her thighs. I even gave some thought about what I would do to stop it from time to time. I never found an answer and suppose that the answer would be I'd do nothing.

Beth is still a virgin. At least up until recently. I took her to the doctor to get a physical and maybe put her on the pill. Beth made sure that the doctor informed me that she was still "with cherry". You have to understand that by anybody's standards, Bethany is a knockout. She's about five-foot-five, has huge brown eyes and light brown hair. We put her in a large B cup this year and she doesn't try to hide that she's proud of them. Maybe her legs are her real asset though. In shorts or a short skirt, Beth will put any straight guy on his knees. Probably more than a few girls too.

Of course Beth can get all the dates that she wants. I don't have that problem. The only guys that seem to be interested in me are old, bald and drool a lot. Old doesn't bother me so much, heck Elliot was eight years older than me. Not that forty-four is old, but you know what I mean. Actually, I think I'm sort of perverted anyway. The only guys that really make me wiggle in my seat are the young studs that sniff around Beth. Especially Eric. Eric has had his nose up Beth's skirt since she was about eight. He's nearly two years older than she, but he's most definitely in love. And you have it right, Beth pays as little attention to him as she can. He is just a go-for to her.

Now, if it were me and having watched him grow over the years, things would be different. Eric is what the young girls call a hunk. He's six feet tall, has very light brown hair and pretty blue eyes. I've seen him come out of the surf or pool more than a few times too. Get that bathing suit stuck tight to him and get a nice view of the long tube encased in the suit and you'd know what I mean. I would love to see more of that even if Elliot were still alive. Heck if Beth won't then ... well, he shouldn't have to suffer should he? He's not likely to be interested in a thirty-six year old bag anyway. Even if she thinks she still looks pretty good. Actually Beth and I would look a lot alike if I weren't just a little taller and just a bit bigger in the chest. Obviously my butt and hips aren't that of a fifteen year old either. Eric does notice from time to time and I do nothing to dissuade it either. Beth often kids me and accuses me of promoting the side looks and attempts at hidden glances from him. I guess even an old lady like me likes to be noticed.

See, I am a pervert. I'm lusting after a sixteen year old hunk with a cute butt and a nice bulge in his jeans. I don't think that, if he's looking down now, Elliot could say much about it. He would often spend all day Saturdays with Beth and her friends teaching them to surf or whatever. He would spend all day watching their little butts wiggle and their little titties jiggle and come home to me. Not that I'm complaining mind you, but I did have to leave my bra off and wear cheap panties because he would toss me on the bed and rip them off. Jeez, his cock would be half hard before he even unzipped his pants. You could say that I loved it. He fucked harder and longer at those times than any other I think. Beth would have had to hear me screaming and groaning. I often wondered what she thought about while Mom and Dad were in that room fucking.

Anyway, the end of Beth's precious cherry came last weekend. She called after the football game Friday night and said that she and Eric were going to a party. I told her no drinking or drugs and she just said, "Oh Mom." Beth is really dead against drugs and alcohol. It was getting a little late and I was starting to worry just a bit when I heard a strange car in the driveway. I know Eric's car and that wasn't it. I put down my book and started for the front door. I left the porch light on for her, but Beth wasn't to be seen. I looked out of the little side window and there she was, in the arms of a huge looking guy that certainly was not Eric. His hand was up her tiny cutoff t-shirt and pawing a tit while she was rubbing the front of his jeans. No doubt his tongue was buried in her throat. I was sure that Beth was about to slide down his leg, unzip his pants and take out his cock. If she had of put it in her mouth, then I might have interfered. I sorta doubt it though.

Bethany suddenly stood up, gave the boy a kiss and came inside. "Did you enjoy the show, Mom?" she asked.

"I didn't get to see much. It looked like it might get interesting though."

"It might have if you'd have left the porch light off. I think you would have liked that ... huh?"

"Was there more to tonight Beth? Like did you finally give up that precious cherry to him?"

"Your daughter is no longer a virgin. His name is Kalani and he made a woman out of me, as Dad would have said. Wanna hear about it?"

Actually I did want to hear. "Yes tell me all about how my Baby finally met the man worthy of her," I said.

"Well you know that Eric and I went to a party. Eric started dancing with some girl and I saw Kalani looking at me. He's a linebacker or something on the football team. Anyway, pretty soon he asked me to dance and so I did. We danced for awhile and I had to go to the bathroom. I was in the bathroom, just finishing, when I heard a knock. Before I could answer, I heard the knob jiggle and Kalani came in. I was standing there with my skirt still up and I was adjusting my panties. He told me not to worry about the panties because he was just going to take them off anyway."

"Sounds like he had something in mind," I interjected.

"He's a big guy Mom and really good looking. You should see his hands."

"Something else big then too?"

"I'll get to that. Anyway, I was nervous and told him that I was sorry if I misled him, but I wasn't really interested. He told me that I would be interested in a minute and he picked me up and set me on the bathroom counter. Just picked me right up like I was a doll or something. I do weigh almost 110 pounds, so he is strong. He grabbed my ankles and then reached under my butt for my panties. 'Pretty pink panties ... good enough to eat, ' he said to me and he pulled them off. 'Pretty pink haole nani, ' he said then. Nani means..."

"I know," I said, "nani means pretty and is Hawai'ian slang for pussy."

"He said I had a pretty pink white girl cu..."

"Cunt ... it's okay Beth."

"Cunt. It was getting to be a wet white girl pussy with him talking to me like that. Then he unzipped his pants and pushed them down. He took his penis..."

"Cock ... you may say cock, Beth."

"Cock in his hand and started to stroke it until it was big and ever so hard. It got long and was really nice and thick. He has beautiful big balls too. He said, 'I'll bet that's the biggest cock you've ever seen.' I just nodded at him. I didn't want to make him feel bad and say that my Daddy's was just as big."

I wanted to stop her and ask how she knew how big her Daddy's cock was, but I let it go by for now.

"He took my face in one of his big hands and the other forced it's way between my legs. He wiggled one of his big fingers into me and started to fuck me with it. He must have torn me a little with that finger, because it hurt at first. Not for long though. Then he pulled that finger out, got between my legs and pulled me to his cock. I felt him put it in and try to push it in. Of course it met some resistance, but one more hard thrust and he sunk it almost all the way in. Now that really hurt and I cried out. Nobody came to my rescue though and soon his hands had my tits out and he was fucking me hard and his hands were squeezing my tits."

Okay, now I was feeling the pressure. My nipples were starting to react and I could feel the heat building between my thighs.

"What's the matter Mom? Making you horny is it? You have that far away look in those big eyes. What are you thinking about? Is it that beautiful big golden brown cock deep in you or the thought of your little girl getting fucked?"

"Go ahead with the story. Did he make you cum?" I asked, avoiding her questions. I wasn't quite sure of the answer anyway.

"Not that time. He did though. You should have seen it all! It took a half of a roll of toilet paper to clean up, I swear. He fucked me again later though. In the back of his car. He fucked me from the back and I orgasmed some, but when he flipped me over and got between my thighs ... I was sure that I was going to faint or something."

"You'd better go up and take a bath. I'll bet you're one sore girl."

"Yeah, and you'd better get into bed and take your nightstick out too. You look like you need a good working over."

"We need to get you on those pills too. I have a couple of Plan B sets in the bathroom. Maybe we'd better give you one just in case."

"I start my period in a few days, I'm sure that I'm fine. I can start the pills after the period."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"More important, we need to find you a boyfriend. How about Eric? He would be more than happy to help I'll bet."

"What about Eric? Did you just run off and leave him?"

"Nah, I checked on him before I left. He was in a dark corner and some girl had her mouth wrapped around his cock. We just waved at each other and I left. Eric can take care of himself just fine."

"I feel sorry for Eric. I can't believe that he keeps hanging around."

Beth huffed, "Poor Eric. I can't understand either. Maybe it's because of the hand jobs I've been giving him for the last four years. The first time he spurted cum was in my hand. Or maybe it's because he likes the feel of my mouth around his cock."

"Jeez Beth and you never let him screw you?"

"Nope. Maybe I was just chicken. Maybe I was hoping there was somebody else that wanted me. I'm not sure. I've been careful with the guys that I date because I didn't want to be known as a 'great little cocksucker'."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and shooed her off to take a bath. That and leave me alone for awhile. I learned a lot about my daughter tonight. I wonder how much her father knew and how he would react to what he didn't know. Where Bethany is concerned, there would be a lot of forgiveness if he were shocked. I also wondered what was said that I was missing. Maybe it's better not known.

The next morning I took a long shower went to the kitchen with just a towel around me and one on my head. It smelled good in there and I was hungry. Beth is a good cook and she probably had made more breakfasts for her father than I ever had. Cooking breakfast isn't so much unless it's omelets and Beth is a pro at omelets. I took the towel off of my head, shook my hair out and put the towel in the hamper. I ran my fingers through my hair to give it some arrangement as I sat down at the table.

"Bet you're hungry huh Mom? I could hear you in there working yourself over last night."

I just smiled and said, "I'm starved." I watched her pretty little bottom wiggle as she stirred the hash browns around in the other pan. She was wearing her light khaki shorts and a red cami top that came about half way down her tummy. There was a hint if string bikini panty line showing and I know that that's the way Beth likes it. The omelets weren't the only thing that looked good this morning. "What's on for today Baby? Are you going to see Kalani again today?"

"Yep," she said looking up at the clock, "in fact he should be here in about a half hour. Wait until you see him, Mom."

"I can't wait." That was true, I wanted to see the guy that finally got his cock in that pussy. Then she turned and it was plain that her bra was straining to keep those pretty breasts in. There was a quarter sized circle on each side with a definite protrusion in the middle. "We are going to have to get you 34 C's next time we shop Baby. You aren't hiding much and heaven forbid a small breeze."

"Aw come on Mom. You don't mind showing your nipples either."

"Nobody wants to see my nipples anyway."

"Right. Turning the guys heads with that great butt and those beautiful tits is probably keeping ten island chiropractors in business. Heck, I swear that Eric throws something out every time you walk by. Angie would love to get you in bed."

"Angie is a lesbian," I said matter-of-factly.

"Bisexual actually and one that thinks you're super hot."

I was a little red faced now. I wasn't really interested in a fifteen year old girl, but it was flattering to know that she thought I was still pretty hot. I wanted to ask Beth if she had ever had sex with Angie but did the right thing and minded my own business. After breakfast, I got dressed and brushed my hair. It was going to be warm and humid again today so I decided on a light, short skirt, and a very loose cotton cami top. I would say a little prayer for some afternoon trade winds.

Kalani knocked on the back door as I came back to the kitchen. Beth opened the slider and when he stepped in, I couldn't believe my eyes. Big is right. He is well over 6 feet tall and must weigh about 250 pounds (please don't test me, I have no idea what that is in metric). He was a nice golden brown Hawai'ian mix and was strikingly handsome. Beth took me aside and whispered, "See? I told you. You should see his cock too." 'I'd love to more than see it, ' I thought. Maybe even slip my tongue under it and let it roll across my tongue. "He's a very good looking boy Beth, you're a lucky girl," is all I could think to say. What I wanted to ask is if she thought he could handle two of us.

Pretty soon the pair were off for their day together. I wasn't too jealous of her. I thought maybe I'd just go to the mall and max a credit card or something. I was getting serious about that prospect when the phone rang and it was Eric. The boy sounded nearly in tears when I told him that she was gone for the day. I didn't say where or with whom, but I'm sure he knew. I was a little surprised when he asked if he could come over and talk to me, but I said of course.

There is more of this story...

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