Yuusou and Kizuna - Cover

Yuusou and Kizuna

Copyright© 2006 by God Emperor

Chapter 9: You What?

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9: You What? - About a brother and sister and their love for each other.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Romantic   True Story   Incest   Brother   Sister   First  

The next morning, I woke right at seven. Kizuna was still sleeping. She had a very peaceful look on her face.

Remembering the night before, I smiled as I looked at my little sister, then crawled out of bed. I felt an almost overwhelming feeling of affection and love for her. She stirred a little, but didn't wake. I thought that was a good thing. I knew Kizuna would have to get up in the next half hour, but she could rest for now.

Mom and Dad were both in the kitchen. Dad was getting ready to leave for work.

"Good morning, Yuusou," Dad said. "How's Kizuna?"

I nearly fainted when I heard her name. "She's just fine. A little tired, like I said."

"Do you think we should keep her home today?" Mom asked.

"It might not be a bad idea. She didn't get enough extra sleep last night. It's not like she has anything important going on today." I shut up then, afraid of saying too much. I knew I was being overly cautious, but you can't really blame me. The best I could hope for, if they found out, was prison. I wasn't entirely convinced my parents wouldn't kill me.

Mom nodded agreement with what I'd said. "I think you're right. Will you let her know if she's awake when you go up?"

"Will do." My voice sounded higher pitched than normal. I tried to eat a banana, but couldn't swallow my first bite. The fear in me was preventing it. Instead, I went to let Kizuna know she was staying home.

She was already awake when I opened the door. Looking at me, she asked, "Was last night real?"

"I'm afraid so," I replied. At Kizuna's questioning look, I added, "It's time for school but you're staying here today. For God's sake, don't let on at all. Stay up here as much as you can and pretend to be asleep or something."

Kizuna giggled, then climbed out of bed and threw her arms around me. "I love you, Oniichan." She kissed me. Leaning close to my ear, she whispered, "Is ... is it, um, normal to feel a little, um, sore afterward?"

"I don't know. I'll see if I can find out. If you can, get on the computer and look it up."


I shrugged. "Find one of those websites that answers questions and search it. Someone's probably asked that."

With another kiss — this one very chaste — I left.

The next week was exam week at college. Three weeks after that was exam week at grade school. A week after that was graduation. I had a month before I was free of grade school altogether, and I was terrified that something was going to happen.

I felt safer at college with my friends. Neither of them seemed to have a clue what had happened. That, at least, made me feel better.

At lunch, Earl said, "I had an interesting conversation with Laura last night."

"What about?" I asked, as casually as possible, though I nearly choked on the bite of sandwich in my mouth.

"She came to tell me about the night she spent at your house. Apparently, Kizuna has a crush on her older brother."

Peter frowned in confusion. "You knew that already."

"I know. I'm just happy that Laura told me. She said that Kizuna was brave enough to confess something that she hadn't been able to say."

"I'm a bit confused," I said.

"Laura confessed that she had a crush on me. She says Grace does, too. Now I know how you felt, Yuusou."

"Maybe. Has Laura asked you to make her a woman?"

"Yes. Though she said, 'I trust you more than any other boy. I know you'll be nice to me, not treat me like a toy. I want you to be my first.' Or something like that."

We passed the rest of lunch making jokes about our school, trying to lighten our moods. We were just getting ready to go pack up and head to class when I said, "Guys, I need to talk to you."

Peter smirked. "You did it."

"We could tell," Earl said.

I could feel my face getting hot. "Is it that obvious?"

"To us. We've been watching for it. Well, how'd it go?" Earl asked.

"I thought there weren't going to be any questions."


Looking at both, I said, "We had a good time together, I think. We're not really any different than we were before. I do need you guys to help me with something." I waited until I was sure I had their attention. "Kizuna was, um, complaining that she was a little ... sore. Do you know anything about that?"

Peter shrugged. Earl said, "It must be that massive prick of yours." I could feel my face heat up again. My penis was average sized and I knew Earl was just teasing. "Some girls have that happen. She'll probably be fine by the end of the day, if she isn't already. As long as your Mom doesn't notice her walking weird or anything like that. Anything else?"

I said in a mumble, "She wants to have my baby."

Earl dropped his book. Thankfully, he had the wisdom to keep his voice down when he said, "What?"

"That makes things interesting," Peter said. "You going to give it to her?"

"How the hell do I know? I'm living in fear right now of being caught. If she got pregnant, they'd definitely know. Isn't that statutory rape or something?"

"I think," Earl said. "But no one will know unless you tell, or she does."

"Oh, a paternity test would tell."

"But she'd have to consent to that," Peter said.

"Not at her age, I don't think," I said. "Mom and Dad could probably make her have one. I mean, I probably wouldn't be their first suspect if Kizuna turns up pregnant but they'll get around to me eventually."

We split up and went to our separate classes. As much as I loved my friends, I couldn't talk to them about what was going on anymore.

Kizuna and I didn't have sex again during the next two weeks. I knew she was willing, but I was afraid she hadn't recovered enough. Besides, I was still terrified of getting caught. After all, being found with my dick inside my sister would be awfully hard to explain.

Finally, the night after my last college exam, as I lay in bed beside Kizuna and hoped I hadn't royally screwed up, she turned to me and asked, "Oniichan, can we do it again?"

I knew what she wanted. I also knew that she was actually hoping to get pregnant and I really didn't want to have to go to jail. But with the look of love and pleading my sister gave me, I couldn't help myself. I decided that, if I must be damned, I'd be happy first.

We ended up making love three more times before graduation. That night, my family sat up in the second row. Since there were so few of us, each graduate would get a rose, take it to their mother, and kiss her. However, Earl, Peter, and I persuaded them to give us roses for our sisters, too.

After the graduation, Peter, Earl, and I went outside. We were getting tired of all the people surrounding the pastor's daughter and praising her for graduating (without any kind of honors; she'd gotten a 2.74 GPA). I was valedictorian of my class with a 4.11 GPA and Earl was salutatorian at 4.02. Peter actually would have been but he bombed his last Bible exam, finishing third in the class for the year and two-hundredths of a grade point behind Earl (at an even 4.00) for the average of our four years.

Outside, we found our principal. The man had made my life hell for two years, Peter's for one and a half, and Earl's for six. It was time for revenge.

When he saw us, he walked over and offered his hand. By way of congratulations, he said, "I'm glad to see you boys finally decided to shape up."

All three of us flipped him off at the same time. The look on his face was priceless. He said, "Now, boys, that is incredibly inappropriate. I expect you to apologize right now."

"Go fuck yourself," I said. "We've had enough of your bullshit for these past few years."

"It's assholes like you who give Christians a bad name," Peter said, smiling. "I'm embarrassed and ashamed to be associated with a son of a bitch like you."

"That and more," Earl said. "I've had to put up with your crap for a lot longer than these two. I've watched everyone else in this church and school rush to fellate you for everything. Jesus tapdancing Christ, it's almost like you're trying to make everyone on Earth hate Christianity. If that's what you're doing, keep it up, because you're doing a good job."

I was almost hoping, when he put a hand over his heart, that we'd given him a heart attack. No such luck. He hurried off. A few seconds later, as we congratulated each other, I felt a tug on my sleeve. I turned to find Kizuna.

"I heard what you said to him," she said. She smiled. "That was great. I wish I could have done that."

I put an arm around her. "No, you probably shouldn't learn from people like us. We need to keep you pure."

"Well, sort of," Peter said, winking at us.

I could see Kizuna blush pink. Quietly, she asked me, "Do they ... know?"

"They figured it out. Don't worry about them, though."

"Oh, okay."

Earl and Peter each gave Kizuna a hug. Earl said, "You're our best friend's little sister. No matter what happens, you're like our own little sister. We'll take care of you just as if you were, right, Peter?"

"Yep. Come on guys, we have a party to go to."

Earl and Peter recently rented a two bedroom apartment together, which we and our sisters used to throw ourselves a party that night. The apartment was already furnished. I'd secured permission from my parents to stay there overnight, along with Kizuna.

Looking at the place, I knew that I'd have to move out soon if Kizuna and I wanted to keep our relationship a secret. Earl and Peter told me I was welcome whenever I wanted to move in. If Kizuna did get pregnant, I needed to figure out how I was going to deal with our parents. I still had time before I had to worry about that. After all, I was now a high school graduate.

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