Jade's Holiday - Cover

Jade's Holiday

by expatdad

Copyright© 2006 by expatdad

Erotica Sex Story: An adventurous brat slips away for a college break in Africa, without quite enough money to cover her holiday

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   .

Jade grinned as the heat overwhelmed her. It was so hot! She loved it. She gave a little skip of delight as she made her way across the concrete apron of the runway towards the terminal building.

I am free... Free... FREEE! She felt like screeching in delight. The first time in her life she was having a holiday on her own. Paid for by her parents as a present for 4 grade A passes in her A levels. In three weeks she would start university at Oxford. But for now study was the last thing on her mind.

She was going to have fun, Fun, FUN!!!

Her parents had given her a holiday voucher. They would have a fit if they knew she was going to Africa, not just Africa but Zimbabwe in 2001. The country was regularly in the News, it would be great to spend a few weeks here. By all accounts it was a dangerous place to be!

Jade thrilled to the idea of danger. After living life cosseted in the bosom of her upper class English family she delighted in the idea that she was entering a dangerous country! Wow!

Her boyfriend had thought she was mad, so she dumped him. What did she care? He had been fun to learn about sex with but she would be at university next year. Not just any university. Oxford University! It would be full of rich sons of the aristocracy. She did not need Peter any more!

She flicked her blond curls out of her eyes as she entered the terminal building, and gazed around. The signs were clear and she headed for the luggage carousel. She grinned as heads turned and hungry eyes looked her over. She was used to that and gave it little thought. After seven years of turning men's head she took their attention for granted. Seven years in a civilised European country where most people lived by certain standards had not prepared her for how men would react to her beauty in a different world.

A more savage and primitive world.

She strode briskly through the airport luggage in hand. She was wearing tight fitting beige trousers with an equally tight fitting brown lightweight sweater. That it hugged her full round breasts that left little to the imagination of the watching African airport workers did not cross her mind. It was how she had worn her sweaters since she had turned 13 and her breasts had sprouted as if by magic on her girlish frame.

There was nothing girlish about Jade now.

Her progress was brought to an abrupt halt by the outstretched arm of a uniformed African. She scowled at him and sought to skip around him.

'Halt! Customs search. That way!' His fierce glare surprised Jade. Men usually were very friendly around her.

'But I have nothing to declare!'

'That way now!'

'But I'm on holiday!'

To her shock he pulled a truncheon from his belt. She had seen images of truncheon wielding African police on the television. She suddenly realised that hitting people was probably second nature to a man like this.

'OK! OK! I give in'.

She stalked off making it clear she was in high dudgeon as she went. Not that the African give a damn. The Customs Officer had immediately noticed her arrival in the terminal building. Blond hair not being so common since most of the white community had gone into virtual hiding His glaze dropped to her jutting, tightly clad breasts and locked on them as they bounced through the terminal building. Now as she strode before him his gaze switched to the tightly encased derriere. He was going to enjoy this search.

Through a dark green door Jade pushed her way. She was hardly through the door before the African starting barking questions.


'Jade Seymour. My father is very rich and will not like the way you are talking to me!'

'Passport?' Jade handed it over.


'53, York Drive, London.'


'I told you! 53, York Drive, London.'

'You lie! This is not good!'

'I don't lie!'

'You are a spy!'

'I am not!'


'I told you, 53... ' the slap of the African's hand left a red weal on her cheek.

Jade reeled in shock and pain. The bastard! No one had ever laid a hand on her!

'I want to know your real address? Don't lie to me. What address is this in your passport?'

Jade's widened in sudden realisation. Her parents had moved three years ago and she had not updated her passport! He was looking at her old address.

'We moved! We used to live at 64 Wentworth Road, London.'


'I'm not! My parents moved. I live with my parents.'

'Strip. I am going to search you for drugs.'

'What... you can't do that! I want a woman police officer!'

The African laughed. 'This is Zimbabwe, not some decadent European country. We do not allow women to work in the police! Now strip!' He yelled the last at her and pulled out his baton.

Jade realised that this was not something she was going to be able to talk herself out. Quickly she stripped down to her underwear, suddenly wishing she was not wearing satin lingerie.

The African watched as slapped his hand with that police baton in a clear threat.

Jade stood in embarrassment in front of him.

'Everything off!'

'Please... please... ' The African sneered.

'You want to keep your little things on?'

'I have to search you!'

Jade shook her head bewildered.

'But I have done nothing wrong. You can see I have nothing!'

The African slammed his baton down on the table beside him.

'Stand by the table!'

Jade moved over the table and faced him.

'Turn around!'

Jade turned away from.

The silence was deadening.

The touch of the baton made her touch.

The Customs Officer poked her with it. First in the small of her back, then higher as it traced her spine. Jade shivered. The baton left her but then reappeared poked between her legs tapping each leg in unspoken command. Jade spread her legs wider, and the baton slid almost gently up and down her inner thigh.

The slow movement was like a caress and it stirred Jade in an unexpected way.

The Customs Officer placed the baton on the table and moved up close.

'I must search.' His words were soft and Jade could feel his breath on her neck. She could smell the strong masculine odour of the African and her own body was reacting! She wondered where this was all leading.

The African leaned forward, and looked down the top of her loose fitting silken brassiere. He leaned forward and Jade became very aware of the heat of his body close to hers. His hands, hot and hard rest momentarily on her shoulders.

'I must search... ' his words were again soft. Jade tried to control her breathing as with his face close to hers one of his hands slid down the front of her body and delved into her top.

'Are you hiding anything in here?'

His hand palmed the full white globes and his face broke into a sneer as her hardened nipples betrayed her developing arousal. He squeezed the nipples. He cupped and fondled her breasts as Jade struggled to contain her breathing.

Finally he released her, and stepped away.

His hand in the small of her back pushed her forward and she fell over on to the table. Her hand on either side of her she sought to rise, but he held her down in unmistakeable command.

Jade stopped resisting and lay across the table wondering what would happen next.

The African strode around the table opening one of the table's drawers. He withdrew something and Jade's eyes widened as she watched him pull on a tight white latex glove. He grinned at Jade.

'I will now complete the search!'

'Please no... I am not hiding anything!'

'Then you have nothing to fear... do not worry... I will be gentle... '

Jade bit her lip to hold back a whimper.

Then with one hand on the small of her his other hand slipped inside the loose material of her French knickers. His touch was indeed gentle, almost soothing as he caressed her vulva.

'I must prepare you for the search, ' he explained.

His touch was sure, exploratory, and probing.

Jade's legs parted of their own volition.

His hand sent waves of pleasure and arousal radiating out from her loins.

Jade's hand rose and grasped the edge of the table to try and prevent herself from squirming with pleasure.

The African's hand released her back, but then both hands grasped either side of her knickers and slid then over her hips. Jade gasped, then closed her eyes. She lay still on the table, both dreading and anticipating what would happen next.

She heard the African peel off the latex glove. There were more noises behind, the sound of clothing being adjusted. She wanted to turn and look but did not dare. Then hands grasped her hips and raised them up.

She nearly screamed when hard male flesh pushed aside the soft fleshy lips of the vulva and thrust inside.

The African above her leaned forward.

'Soon be finished the search.' He laughed and thrust.

Jade was confused and frustrated as she left the African terminal building.

The black customs officer had held her down and had his way with her. Even now the residue of his lust was leaking into her panties. He had not allowed her to clean up. Once he had satisfied his lust he had chucked her back into the terminal hall, barely giving her time to dress.

That a strange man had so easily trapped her into being the object of his sexual desire was both disturbing, shameful and erotic. She had been helpless. He had aroused her against her own will. Then he had penetrated her and shot his jetting sperm deep inside her body. She had effectively been raped, and there was nothing she could do about it. She had fantasised about rape. To be held and forcefully taken by a strong man. It had been a fantasy that often aroused her. The reality was disappointment. The arrogant black Customs Officer had even come before she had time to achieve her own satisfaction.

She was not sure which troubled her the most. The act of rape, or his failure to give her time to achieve her own orgasm!

Such thoughts could not survive the melee outside the terminal building. She had hardly stepped through the door before grinning, yelling and gesticulating African men mobbed her.

'Taxi! Taxi! Taxi! Taxi! Taxi! Taxi.' The screaming yelling mob were pushing and shoving each other as they sought to attract her attention. Even as she was overwhelmed by the noise and the heat, the unmistakable feel of men's hands cupping and squeezing her curvy derriere sent shivers of renewed arousal through her. Others tried to snake their arm around her waist and guide her to his taxi, before another pushed him away and another dark strong arm encircled her waist. She gasped at the feel of that strong arm around her slim waist. Others grasped her hands and sought to pull her one way then another.

'This way Miss... '

'Come with me... '

'I'll keep you safe... '

'Don't trust him... '

'CLEAR THE WAY!' The booming voice rose above the hubble of African voices. It seemed like a miracle when the African men seemed to almost shrink into themselves. A large African, who was so tall that he seemed to block out the sun, loomed over Jade and the others. The taxi drivers moved aside giving her room. They were clearly afraid of the newcomer.

Jade looked up at him and had time to observe his hard, dark eyes casually look her over. His casual appraisal and quite nod sent an unwarranted thrill up her spine. His eyes were dark, stern and penetrating. A shockingly virulent spasm seemed to seize her still leaking vulva.

'Let me take you bag, miss.' Dumbly Jade handed over her suitcase. The African slipped his arm around her body and urged her forward with his hand in the small of her back.

His taxi seemed cleaner and more modern than the other battered taxi's. Indeed she wondered, with some alarm, if it was indeed a taxi. She looked up at the African. This one was not grinning and fawning her. He opened the door for her and she meekly climbed into the back of his car.

She sat in the back relieved that air conditioning resulted in a cool interior. The African quickly placed her suitcase in the boot, and then slipped behind the wheel.

'Where to miss?' He asked as his car pulled away from the kerb, circled around the

Jade was suddenly dumbstruck. Just where was she going to stay? She had hoped to find a hotel desk at the airport, but there had been none, at least none that she had seen.

'Well miss?'

'I... I don't know... can you recommend a good hotel?' She missed the slow appreciative nod the African give to himself.

'Will you be paying be credit card?'

'Err no... my parents would not allow me to use their card. They paid the airfare. I have to pay for the hotel from my own savings. I took an evening job after I finished my university studies to help pay for this holiday.'

The African nodded as though in understanding.

'So how long will you be here?'

'Six weeks?'

'How much money do you have?'

'Three hundred dollars? Will that be enough for a good hotel?'

He laughed.

'That might be enough for one or two nights, providing you avoid the restaurant.'

He could see the concern cloud the pretty woman's face. He suppressed a smile. Six weeks he thought, his eyes ran over the figure of the now distracted white woman. Full, jutting breasts, that were not too fat, strained her shirtfront. Her hair was a golden yellow. Her troubled eyes were blue flecked with grey. A small mouth that was compressed by troubling thought, with lips that were red, and luscious. A man could spend hours concentrating on just her mouth...

'What's your name?'

'Just call me Bob Miss!'

'Bob, you don't look like a Bob'

'My full name is Robert Bouranga Merulefak... best just to call me Bob. OK!'

'Well Robert Bouranga Merulefak. I need your help to find a cheap hotel.'

Bob was surprised that she could both remember and pronounce his name. He was impressed, but did not let it show. Instead a frown creased his forehead. Jade looked at him. Concern etched her face as she noticed his troubled brow. She watched as he sighed and shook his head.

'What is the matter?'

'A cheap hotel would not do.'

'But I cannot afford a good hotel'

Bob shook his head.

Jade asserted herself.

'Look here. I know what I can afford and what I cannot. A cheap hotel will just have to do!'

'A cheap hotel is where the African factory workers stay. They came to the city and share a hotel room something seven men to a room. They stay in the city for six months without seeing their wives. Sometimes they get so desperate they gang up and rape a fellow roommate. That is rape a male roommate!'

He loved the look of shocked horror on the young white woman's face.

'I would strongly advise you not to stay at such a hotel. You would be like to bees and they would swarm all over you. The police do not go near such places and the staff will ignore any cries for help. Indeed they would probably just join the cue of waiting men.'

Jade looked shocked, even as one small part of her wondered what it would be like to be the object of attention for a line of queuing men! One black man, after another, with hard black cocks pushing her shapely white legs apart! Would they hold her by her arms and legs while their colleagues pounded their heavy dark bodies atop her slim white one.

She shivered.

Bob saw her shiver. He was content he had put the fear of god into the woman. He would have been surprised and delighted to learn it had been a shiver of barely suppressed sexual excitement. Her own burgeoning sexuality so long suppressed was ready to blossom into full womanhood in the heady exotic atmosphere of Africa.

'I know a hotel that might serve.'

Jade had to suppress her own wicked thoughts. From what she had seen at the airport there would be plenty of opportunity to find adventures with men.

'There will be plenty of men at this hotel.'

Jade looked at him and wondered if some men really could read a woman's mind.

'But businessmen, and other women will be there, and there will be visitors to the hotel bar who might buy you a beer or a meal without raping you!' He chuckled.

Jade chuckled back, while at the same time wondering what this man would think if he knew she might not be averse to being raped... a strong man holding her down, but hopefully taking more time than the Customs Officer had taken!

'You do not have enough money to pay for your whole stay here, but I could help you find a job. You could earn a some money to pay for your whole stay... '

'A job... ' Jade looked bleakly out of the window. She had come to Africa to find adventure, to explore the jungle, to ride safari jeeps and seek out wild animals. What she may have found was a job... boring... but perhaps she had no choice.

That in itself was unique! Not having a choice was an experience she had never encountered before! Why hadn't she listened to her rich sensible parents? She knew why. She wanted adventure! She would have to settle for a job... boring.

Bob pulled up outside a hotel. It was painted white. Exotic flowering trees lined those walls. Bob recovered her suitcase from the boot and escorted her into the hotel. His presence deterred the eager eyed Africans in the lobby from approaching. Bob grinned and nodded at a few, saying his hello's as they approached the hotel reception. A sharp eyed African woman eyed her. There was a hint of contempt in her eyes that annoyed Jade. However, she was all warm words with Bob, and did not require payment in advance which surprised and pleased Jade. Bob had been as good as his word. The rates were more than she could afford for six weeks, but she would have time to work and earn some money.

There is more of this story...

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