Rebecca - Cover


by expatdad

Copyright© 2006 by expatdad

Erotica Sex Story: A white teenager takes advantage of her parents absence to have some fun in the firelight

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   .

Rebecca swayed lithely from side to side as she danced in the firelight. Here in the darkness of the trees at the bottom end of the three-acre garden little light penetrated.

She swayed and sashayed around the fire, enjoying the heat from the flickering flames. The orange and yellow flames enhanced the natural sheen of her body as she danced. It seemed so natural to dance naked in the warmth of the African night. The fire was hardly necessary to add warmth, but its glow, and the flickering flames splashed light intermittently around the glade.

Light that lit up her lithe and shapely body as she danced. Flickering light reflected in the eyes of the watching African men, even as it sent light and shadow flickering across her moving and twirling naked body.

Rebecca had discovered that she loved to dance naked in front of men. She loved the look in their eyes as they watched her dance and sway to the sound of the African drums as the African men lightly tapped with their fingers on the deerskin covered drums.

She ran her hands lightly down her body as she swayed from side to side, giving and extra little swirl to her rounded derriere. Her pert breasts jerked and bounced then steadied. There was little slackness in the seventeen year olds jutting round orbs.

She glanced at the men around the glade. Their eyes had flicked to her breasts as they jerked and bobbed. It was not difficult to retain their eyes on her breasts. She ran her hands over them as she swayed in front of them. Her fingers lightly squeezed her already hard nipples. She enjoyed the shiver of pain and pleasure.

She glanced again at the watching men and shivered with delicious delight at the hungry greedy lust openly displayed on the watching African faces, black men who lusted for her as they admired her young white body. How wickedly thrilling!

Her parents would be gone for hours yet. There would be plenty of time for sex, and then more sex! Her pussy tingled and throbbed with excitement. Her womanly folds were wet with excitement as she danced.

Three months earlier her 'womanly folds' had been virginal and innocent. The hungry gaze of African men had made her nervous and shy. Then one afternoon after swimming in the pool Old Josh the gardener had commandeered the towel and taken upon himself to dry her. She had protested weakly as he had masterfully taken control, briskly towelling her dry. With no regard for her blushes he had stripped off her wet bathing suite and continued drying her off more gently.

Somehow in the process he had lowered her down on to the picnic blanket. The towel had gone but his hands continued. She had not resisted as he had held her down and pushed her legs apart. The explosion of pleasure that had followed had left her breathless.

After he finished and pulled away she lay there dreamy and sleepy. She had opened her eyes it was to see the house domestic Sika standing above her staring at her naked displayed charms she had tried to cover herself. She had looked for the towel, but he had pulled it away then started stripping off his clothes. She had watched with disbelief as he stripped.

When his hard black cock bobbed into view she had stared in wonder.

When he had dropped down beside her his hands had eagerly parted her thighs and she timidly allowed him to mount her.

Later after her parents came home she had said nothing. Behaving with perfect decorum and such consideration to her parents that they had started checking to see what was broken! She had even allowed them to usher her off to bed early when she started yawning.

She had woken in the dark at 1.30am.

She had tossed and turned in her bed with her head filled with images of the afternoon. Her body tingling with newly understood needs and pleasure. For an hour and a half she had tossed and turned struggling to return to sleep.

Then at 3am with her heart in her mouth, she had tiptoed down the bedroom corridor. She had slipped the latch on the outer door and by moonlight she had made her way through the garden to the block housing the two African servants, their initial alarm quickly changing to pleasure as Josh pulled her into his bed.

Later they had distracted her parents as she sneaked back to her own bed. As she slipped under the covers she realised she had a new understanding of the word 'sated'.

That had been 3 wonderful months ago.

Now dancing in the firelight as African men ogled her naked body filled her with wonderful thrill and deep seated anticipation of the night to come.

'On your knees girl, ' Josh's gruff voice commanded.

Rebecca's eyes darted to him and the fierce german shepherd guard dog sitting at his feet. Her hesitation was momentary, before she dropped to her hands and knees. Even in this position she swayed her slim hips and shoulders. Her short, straight, blond hair curled around her head, and her blue eyes.

Eyes that held doubts.

Once, only once, she had said to 'No' to Josh. Just as an experiment, she had not really meant no, but she wanted to test her power over him. She had watched disbelieving as he had removed his belt from his trousers. Had not seriously believed he would actually strike her.

She was beautiful.

She was blond and white.

At seventeen years old and in the blossom of her womanhood she was a golden vision of white womanhood that should have made him crawl on his knees to please her.

He was her parent's paid employee, while she was their darling precious delight...

The bastard had thrashed her!

Thrashed her then fucked her!

She had never said 'No' to Josh again.

Not when he had buggered her!

Not when he had 'forced her' to swallow his come.

Not when he had asked her to fuck his uncle, and his cousins.

If she was honest with herself, 'yes please', had usually been her response to the opportunity of new sexual experiences.

She had even asked him to thrash her again when she realised how much of a turn on it was for him!

'Turn around, girl and stick that lovely bottom up high!'

Rebecca looked at Josh. She flashed her smile and pleaded with her eyes. She was not at all sure she wanted to go through with this. She stared into his eyes with a heartfelt plea.

His hands dropped to his trousers and started fiddling with his belt.

Heart jumping at the threat she had scooted around and presented her derriere to him. Proudly thrusting her full and rounded derriere back at him. She dipped her waist to add to the rounded effect of her bottom, and spread her legs wide apart as if offering her sexual centre to him.

If only he would take her like this. She liked it on her hands and knees. His cock went even deeper!

'Go on boy, help yerself!'

Rebecca cringed at the way he talked to the dog. She was not at all sure about this, but there was something delightfully wicked about it as well. She looked around at the watching black men. Their eyes were darting between her nubile charms, and back towards the dog. There was no mistaking the lust and excitement on their faces. Not one was looking at her with distaste, or disapproval, which gave her considerable reassurance.

She had been scared or what they might think of her after she had submitted to Josh's perverted demand.

This was perverted.

To kneel on her hands and knees naked, while a big dog circled about her.

She looked at the dog.

It was looking at her.

Their eyes seemed to lock and she looked away.

The dog recognised her submission in breaking contact first.

The animal could smell the sexual arousal of this human female.

An interesting and enticing smell, it scuttled around behind her looking for the source of the smell.

'Oh!' Rebecca yelped as a long tongue lapped up the line of her sexual parts! The dog backed away, and Rebecca looked around both alarmed and concerned.

That hot wet length of tongue had caught her by surprise! It had felt surprisingly good! She loved it when the Africans licked between her legs and returned the pleasure by eagerly sucking on their pungent cocks.

She thought again about the dog and it's tongue that she had seen so often as it panted after play in the garden. It was such a long pink tongue. Suddenly the thought of being licked by the dog did not seem so gross.

The dog seemed to sense her readiness and stepped forward. It's head lowered and it licked up along the line of tasty wet female parts.

Rebecca nearly swooned from the sensation of its hot, wet, raspy tongue lapping up the juices leaking from her sexual centre. Her stomach rolled as butterflies fluttered. Her legs went weak and she dropped to her elbows.

The dog ignored her movements now as its tongue delved, lapped, licked and pushing deeper surprised at how easily this bitch's sexual parts had flowered open allowing him to dig his tongue in deeper and lap up the tasty treat between her legs. He had not realised human females tasted this good!

Rebecca closed her eyes and tried to focus her wits about her as the incredible sensation of the eagerly licking dog sent shivers and tremors radiating out from her loins.

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