Unwanted Suitor - Cover

Unwanted Suitor

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2006 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Megan is unhappy that her 15 year old daughter is dating a 17 year old high school boy. When her daughter brings home Chad, her boyfriend, Megan initially changes her mind about him, that lasts until during dinner when Chad startes running his hand up under her dress and inside her panties.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Spanking   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   .

Megan Barnes knew that she wasn't going to like this Chad boy, not one damn bit. First off, her daughter Jean had refused to bring him home and introduce him to the family. Secondly the way she had been talking about him it was obvious that he was starting to become a bad influence on her and Megan knew that this boy was going to be trouble. And thirdly he was 17 and Jean had just turned 15 and Megan well knew what 17 year old boys wanted — pussy!

It came to a head on a Friday afternoon when Jean brought home her report card and handed it to her mother with a look of despair in her eyes. Megan opened the envelope and looked at the report card and saw C's and D's and she wasn't surprised that Jean's grades were dropping. She knew her daughter had been slacking off on her homework so this wasn't a real big surprise. "Well this certainly isn't your best effort honey."

"I know mom but I'm trying, honest. It's just that..."

"It's just that you're spending entirely too much time running around with this Chad boy and not enough time on your studies, that's the problem."

"Oh mom you're exaggerating this whole boyfriend thing, honestly."

"Oh really, well we'll see."

The following Monday Megan was doing the laundry and when she stripped Jean's bed she noticed a paper bag partially hidden behind her night stand. Curious, she picked it up and looked inside. Swell, just fucking swell she thought as she pulled out three rubbers and a pack of cigarettes. That evening before her husband Jim came home from the office she confronted her daughter with what she had found in her room. "Jean honey would you like to explain these?" She handed her daughter the paper bag.

"MOTHER! You're invading my space and spying on me, how dare you!"

"I am not spying on you and the space you're referring to is my house. Now what's going on? Are you two already having sex because if you are I'm calling the cops? I'm sorry honey but you're only 15 and having sex with a 17 year old boy is considered statutory rape!"

"Mom we aren't having sex even though I want to, Christ half the girls in my class have already had sex, but not me. I bought the rubbers just in case things went too far and the cigarettes; well I got those for him too."

"Jean I don't care what the other girls in your class are doing but you can't be serious about having sex, not at your age, there are just too many bad consequences that can happen. Honey you're going to have to end this relationship right now."

"Mom I'm in love with Chad and if you were to meet him you would know why. I know I've always said no when you asked me to bring Chad home to meet you and daddy, but now I've changed my mind. If you give me a date I'll make sure he's comes and meets both of you."

"Alright young lady I'll give this Chad one chance to show me something, have him here at seven for dinner on Friday night. Your father will be here and we can evaluate Chad and then make our decision."

Friday night at seven o'clock when Jean walked in the house, hand in hand with Chad, Megan was pleasantly surprised. She had been expecting a pimply faced, longhaired teenager with torn jeans and a bad attitude. Instead what she saw was a boy that looked like an all-American, he was about six feet tall and was well groomed and wearing a nice pair of slacks and a nicely pressed golf shirt. He reminded Megan of the picture of Adonis she had seen in her college mythology textbook. He said hello to her, shook her hand and even asked if he could help with anything. Truly amazing! Maybe she was imagining things after all.

Megan had Chad and Jean mix the salad while she finished off the potatoes and steaks. One thing bothered her though, it was the way that Chad followed her every movement, it was almost voyeuristic in nature and it bothered her. When she was washing out a pan at the sink Chad slid by her and brushed her butt with his crotch and she was almost sure that it hadn't been an accident.

When they sat down for dinner Jean was across the table from Chad, Jim took his place at the head of the table and Megan was seated next to Chad. They said a prayer and started passing the food. Once everyone was set they started eating and making small talk and that's when it happened. Megan felt a hand on her left leg, her knee to be more accurate and she damn well knew whose hand it was — it was Chad's. What should she do now? Trying to be subtle about it and not upset her husband or daughter she set her knife down on her plate and slowly eased her hand under the table and moved his hand off her knee. She looked over at him and smiled but it was a clear warning to the young man — keep you hands to yourself!

Chad was explaining to Jim about his adventures with the school's swim team when she felt the fingers again. They touched her bare knee and started creeping up her leg under her dress. Farther and farther they traveled until they finally reached her panties. What should she do now? Say something? It would be her word against his and she was sure that Jean would believe him. Should she tell her husband? That wasn't going to solve anything either. She reached under the table and again removed his hand from her thigh.

Jean, oblivious to what was happing on the other side of the table asked her mother to tell Chad about her college experiences in sports and when Megan began talking she almost forgot about Chad's roaming fingers. She was telling one story about a road trip to New York City when Chad turned his chair towards her and pushed his knee in between hers and then the hand was back. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her story as the hand crept farther up her thigh. Megan was in a panic and having a hard time concentrating on talking and when he slipped two fingers under her panties and started tracing a line around her labia she started to stutter.

"Mom," Jean said, "is there something wrong?"

"Uh... no honey why honey?"

"Oh I don't know it's just that you're stuttering."

Chad turned and looked across the table. "You know Jean I think your mother is an absolutely enchanting conversationalist. It's a great story about her volleyball team in New York. I didn't know what they meant when they said a 'dig' in volleyball" and when he said 'dig' he inserted a finger inside her vagina and smiled at her, "exactly what they meant." He was moving his finger in and out of her now and she was trying to keep a straight face and not enjoy what he was doing, the only thing was, it felt good.

When dinner was finally finished Jim decided to go to the store and get some ice cream. "Come on Jean, come with me to the store, Chad and your mother can stay and get better acquainted."

Oh that's fucking great, thanks Jim. "Look honey why don't you take Chad instead?"

Chad spoke up. "Oh that's alright really; I want to talk with Mrs. Barns anyway."

"Well that settles it then. Come on Jean let's go."

No sooner had the door closed than Megan spun around and slapped Chad's face. "How dare you touch me like that and in front of my family?"

He rubbed his cheek and smiled at her. "Look Megan you liked it, I could tell. Besides I didn't hear you protesting, how come? I'll tell you why, you like it that's why. And I'll tell you something else Megan, I'm going to fuck you and very soon. What do you think about that?"

She laughed in his face. "That will be the day when some snot nosed teenager gets into my panties."

Chad grabbed her and pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She struggled and tried to get away but he pinned her arms to her side and eventually she let his tongue slide between her lips and touch hers. She tried to bite him but it didn't work so she pulled her head back and spit into his face and when she did he slapped her.

"Don't you ever do that again! It's a filthy habit and I won't stand for it."

"Fuck you." And she spit on him again.

He grabbed her and pulled her bodily over to a kitchen chair. He sat down and pushed her down over his lap then pulled her dress up and over her back exposing her panties. Holding her down with one had he pulled her panties down with the other.

"Stop this, stop right now." She screamed

"Oh I don't think so; you need to learn a lesson." He started spanking her butt and she began crying.

"Please Chad, stop. I... I won't do it again, I promise."

"Okay as long as you promise but you better keep it." She lay still and he stopped spanking her. Then he started to gently massage her butt cheeks where he had hit her and then his fingers slipped between her cheeks and he began massaging her pussy.

"Oh My God! Oh Chad you can't. Stop, please I'm married, oh please stop." But Megan didn't make any move to get off his lap or stop his roaming fingers.

Chad could feel the wetness and knew she didn't want him to stop. He inserted a finger inside her pussy and fingered her while he rubbed her butt. "Do you really want me to stop Megan?"

"N... n... no." She squeaked.

"I didn't think so. Now stand up and let me get a look at you."

Megan got off his lap and stood straight up, her hands at her side.

"No not like that Megan. Take off your dress and let me see you."

Her hand flew to her mouth. "I can't do that Chad, what if they walk in and catch us, what then?'

"Well, hurry up before that happens."

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