The Adventures Of Sally - Cover

The Adventures Of Sally

Copyright© 2006 by George

Chapter 10

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Mark and Leesha, happily married, take care of Leesha's niece Sally after her parents are killed in a car accident. Though raised as his sister in-law's daughter, Mark finds out that Sally was actually adopted. This doesn't stop Mark from dealing with his personal conflicts with the issues of youth, sex, and love.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   First  

The sun in the mountains is filtered through the trees, and isn't all that intense first thing in the morning. I don't know what time it was, but the smell of bacon cooking, and coffee greeted me. I awoke alone in my bed, so that told me that obviously, Sally had gotten up early, and cooked breakfast. I got up, put on my bathrobe, and whistled a tune as I walked down the stairs. I got to the kitchen, and Sally looked at me from the table, with an almost scared look on her face. I was trying to figure out what was going on, when I heard another voice.

"Hey Boss, glad you could join us sleepy head." Don was standing at the stove, along with Brenda making us breakfast.

"Uncle Mark!" I heard a squeal from behind me, and arms were around my neck from behind.

"Hey Alexandria. How ya doin kiddo?" I was trying to hide my confusion, but decided I'd just ask. "You did tell my I could borrow the place this week right Don?"

"Oh yea buddy, we just thought we'd drive up, and see how the place looked, and make sure you had everything you need. Breakfast was an afterthought, when we realized that we got here so early." He was sampling the bacon, and trying to talk at the same time.

Brenda looked like she was going to cry, and came over to me and gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry Mark," she said. "Who'd have thought Leesha would have done such a thing."

I knew Brenda was trying to help, and be thoughtful, but it seemed to me like she knew about what had been going on all along, and that upset me some. "Yea, who knew?" I managed.

Sally was sitting next to Alex at the table and they were talking quietly when Don started passing plates around the table. "Uncle Mark, can Alex stay the week with us?" She asked through a mouth full of eggs.

"Yea Uncle Mark, that's a great idea." Alex chimed in "That way I could keep Sally company while you do what ever you're gonna do."

Sally looked at me with a look that I thought said, "Say no, I had to ask you because she wanted me to, but say no" but then chimed back in with Alex. "Please?"

I looked at Don. "It wouldn't bother me any."

Don looked at Brenda and gave her an "I don't care if you don't" shrug.

Brenda looked back at Alex. "You don't have any clothes with you, or any of your stuff."

"I've got plenty of stuff, and she can wear my clothes." Sally interrupted looking at both Don and Brenda with a pouting look.

"Ok sweetie, as long as Uncle Mark doesn't mind." Brenda looked at me for final approval.

"It's set then." I shrugged sipping my coffee. "What she doesn't have we can shop for." This sent the girls into a squeal of approval.

I got the impression that Don and Brenda had planned this whole thing. I almost expected that Alex would retrieve a suitcase from their trunk fully packed. Everybody sat down and ate, which didn't take too long. After I finished, I complimented the chef, and announced that I was going to go get in the shower, and get dressed.

"Well, we'll get out of your hair then." Don said, "You're sure Alex isn't going to be a bother? You're supposed to be on vacation."

"No, no bother at all. We'll have a blast." I said turning to head upstairs. "You guys drive safe, and I'll see you next week." I got up the stairs, and I heard the door close, then their engine start. I waited for tires to squeal as they made their escape, but didn't hear any.

"You don't mind her being here do ya daddy?" Sally came up behind me and startled me a little while I was taking my robe off.

"Uh, no, not if you don't." I said trying to close my robe again. "Don't forget," I whispered, "I'd rather you didn't tell anybody about what we've been doing. Not even Alex."

"She touched my cheek, with a look on her face that reminded me of a mature lover. A woman of age that exceeded her years of life, the teenager was gone. "Don't worry, it's our secret." She smiled at me, and then walked back down the stairs.

I put on some shorts, and a golf shirt, and then headed down stairs to see what was going on. Sally had gotten dressed, and was sitting at the table with Alex. They seemed to be planning our day for us, looking at a map of the village that showed off all of the attractions available.

"Daddy, can we go to the mall?" Sally asked.

"I don't see why not. Is this a drop you guys off party, or am I allowed to tag along?" I asked jeering them a little, knowing that two teenaged girls probably don't want a forty-year-old man hanging around.

"A drop off trip. I need a new bathing suit, and some un-mentionables." She winked at me while Alex was looking down at the map. "Alex needs a few things too."

"Well, I'll be in the mall, but I won't hang around you guys. I need a few things as well." I had to play the responsible one. "Are we ready to go?"

The two girls didn't say anything to me, but started rattling on about what shops were there, and what they were going to look at. We got in the pick-up truck, and headed to town. Once at the mall, as agreed, we split up with a pre-arranged meet time and place. I promised them that we'd go out to dinner, and maybe a movie when the shopping was done. I gave Sally one of my credit cards, and made her promise not to take it over the limit, but I didn't tell her what the limit was. She could spend anything she wanted. I didn't care.

My time was spent lazily moving from one shop to another, looking at one thing or another, but not really interested in anything in particular. "No thanks, just looking." Seemed to be my catch phrase of the day, as sales person after sales person greeted me with fake smiles, but genuine greed for the credit card number in my wallet. While aimlessly walking around, I thought about Sally. Had I already dug myself into a hole with her? I couldn't decide if I loved her like a daughter, or a lover. She really wasn't my daughter, or related to me by blood in any way, so really it wasn't incest. It was, however, looked upon as distasteful by the general public. I was having feelings that I hadn't felt since I was in my twenties, and I liked it. Was it the beginnings of a mid-life crisis? She was perfect in every way. She seemingly worshiped the ground I walked on, and wanted to do anything she could to please me, sexually, or otherwise. She could cook, and clean, and really take care of me. But was it right, and furthermore, did I care? As long as nobody got hurt, what would it hurt, right? But was I scarring her for life. Would she eventually want to go out with someone her own age, or would she want to stay with me. What would the public think when they found out? All of the questions without answers that kept popping up were making me feel a little uneasy about what had gone on the night before. But, it was really good, and it really felt right.

"Boo!" Sally snuck up behind me with Alex in tow, carrying lots of bags of stuff that they had purchased. "Did I scare you?" she asked playfully.

She really had kind of startled me. "Yea, you really got me." I looked down at my watch. It was only a little after one o'clock. Too early to go out for dinner, and I didn't have a clue what we could do for a few hours. I yawned and stretched. "Shopping really wears me out." I said, faking being tired.

"Good," Sally said. "Lets go back to the cabin so we can try on our stuff before we go out to dinner. You can take a nap daddy." She seemed to have everything figured out.

"Have you guys tried the hot tub?" Alex asked. "It's not as big as yours Uncle Mark, but it's nice with the view and all."

Sally turned to walk towards the exit. "Yea, we got in it last night." She said rather plainly. "It's nice."

I followed the girls out of the mall, and towards the spot where we parked the truck. I loaded all of the booty in the back, and slid in. I was a little surprised to see that Alex had taken the middle seat, and not Sally. We arrived back at the cabin, took everything inside, and the girls disappeared into the downstairs bedroom.

Being left to my own devices, and not sure what to do with them, I decided that I'd grab a beer, and see what was on television. I scrolled through the channels, and found a pre-season football game on. The Raiders were playing the Seahawks in Great Britain, I think. I didn't get that much into it. I sipped my beer, and stared blindly into the flashing lights of the idiot box, not really paying attention to it.

"You wanna see what we bought?" A voice came from behind.

"Sure, model it for me." I said with fained enthusiasm, and sat up for the show.

Alex was first showing off a pair of conservative white shorts, and a pink blouse with no sleeves and the tails tied in the front. "Very cute," I commented. She posed a few times, then walked past me on her way back to the bedroom. It was Sally's turn. She paraded past in a pair of white Capri pants that were very tight, but also looked very good on her, and a tank top that exposed her solid mid-riff, and almost the bottoms of her tits. She teasingly lifted it up as she passed by to reveal that she wasn't wearing a bra, and showed me her perfect breasts peaking under the thin material. She brushed her hand across my shoulder as she passed by, and then disappeared into the bedroom again. I heard some giggles on the other side of the wall, before Alex reappeared. She was wearing a very sex white string bikini with a thong bottom. Her fantastic ass was out there for the world to see, and she showed it off to me several times. Her perfect tits bounced around in the top. She turned several times, and once, when she turned around, the top had ridden up a little letting one of her small pink nipples peak out the bottom. I didn't comment on her suit, but the look on my face would have told anyone that I approved of what I was seeing before me.

"Ok, Last one's gonna take a minute or two." Sally called from the bedroom.

"Ok, I'll get another beer." I said, and started to get up.

"I'll get it for you, you just sit down" She yelled back.

She showed up before me in a French maid's costume complete with the little hat, an almost non-existent skirt, black stockings and cute little black shoes. The top of the costume was so low cut that half of her nipples peeked over, as the material strained to pushup, and contain her breasts.

"What do you think?" She turned around showing off the costume, revealing that she wasn't wearing any panties underneath the sheer panty hose.

"Will there be anything else?" I heard from the other side.

Alex also had on the same costume, and looked amazing. She stood with her butt and chest pushed out more than a little exaggerated.

I looked at both of them a little perplexed. "What's going on ladies?" I asked

"Nothing, we just want to have a little fun." Sally said looking down at my crotch at the swell that had started to grow. "Looks to me like it's working." She giggled. " Now look girls," I tried to interject. "I'm all for having fun, but..."

"Daddy, we have a confession to make." Sally interrupted me, and proceeded to tell me the truth about the night of the slumber party, and everything that went on. All of which I already knew, but didn't want them to know about. Alex then told me how much she enjoyed it, and then told me that she wanted to do it again.

I couldn't believe my ears. I gave Sally a stern look. "How could you do that to me?" I asked. "Do you know how much trouble I could get into?" I looked at Alex. "Your dad works for me. How do you think that's going to look?" I stood up from my chair, "If he ever finds out about that, I'm probably going to prison." I walked into the kitchen and left the girls standing there in the living room. I turned around and went back in feigning a little anger, and angst. "Sally, Alex, I'm begging you. You can't tell anyone about any of this." Both Sally and Alex walked up to me, one on each side. "We won't tell anyone daddy." Sally looked at Alex. "Will we?" "Oh no Uncle Mark." She put her arm through mine, and leaned her head on my shoulder. "I don't tell anyone about what my dad did to me before I turned eighteen, so, I'm not going to tell anyone about what we do now."

I looked down at Alex. "What did your dad do to you?" I asked sympathetically.

"Well," she walked towards the couch, "he doesn't touch me really, and he just watches me." She began to explain.

"Watches you?" I asked

"Yea, he's got a web cam set up in my room, and likes to watch me undress, and stuff." She sat down on the couch with her hands in her lap. "He really likes to watch me masturbate." She continued. "I think my mom likes to watch too, but I've never caught her masturbating to it."

I was astounded. "You've caught him jacking off to you?"

"All the time." She made it sound so ordinary. "He'd get occupied doing himself, and wouldn't notice that I left the room, and I'd watch him. I thought it was only fair."

A horrid thought came over me. "Do you think he has camera's in this house?"

"I know he does, but they only work when he has his computer plugged in." She got up from the couch. "Come on, I'll show them to you." She walked around the house, showing me the location of all of the camera's she knew about.

I was utterly amazed. Don was a jerk sometimes, and annoying most of the time, but he watched his own daughter getting undressed and masturbating. "Where does he put his computer when he's here?" I asked.

"I'll show you. It's downstairs." She walked out of the living room, and down a set of stairs behind a door in the kitchen.

She flipped on the light, and it turned out to be a nicely decorated den. A few mementos on the wall, wooden bookshelves lined the walls, and a large oak desk set diagonally in one corner. On the top of the desk were a laptop, and a black box. I looked at the screen of the laptop, and saw the entire house in little boxes. There appeared to be twelve cameras set up throughout the house. I could hear the black box humming a little. Upon closer examination, it seemed to be an external storage unit of some sort. It had a logo on the top with the specs. It was a five hundred gigabyte external hard drive. Not only had he placed the laptop here, he was recording everything that went on. My inspection of his sick little set up concluded that it was a closed loop system. This eased my mind a little. I don't think anyone was watching in real time, but it was being recorded for later viewing. I closed the program, and accessed the drive to see what had been recorded, and it looked like, by what had already been recorded, that Don had set the thing up when he arrived this morning. If it hadn't been found, he would have seen the girls putting on their modeling show for me, and the French maid costumes. Hell, he'd have seen what they looked like putting them on. He'd also have seen them feeling each other up, apparently while I was watching TV, and promise to finish the job after they finished me."

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