Cathy Douglas - Cover

Cathy Douglas

Copyright© 2006 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 9

Cathy Douglas

In the weeks that followed the Organisation began setting itself ready for whatever action the Association might decide to throw at it.

But there was nothing to do! Although small crimes were reported, none were to the degree that was expected. Cathy was wondering if her advice was premature and so she met and spoke to Sir Timothy.

"Was I wrong Sir Timothy? Did I just panic when I didn't need to?" She asked him.

Sir Timothy looked at her and realised just how young she was, as she looked her age at that point. "I don't think so. Remember Chris has had the same training as you and so he knows what we would do in some situations. I've worked with Hiram on what might happen and he's created some scenarios that we have our people working out solutions." He said trying to calm her down.

Cathy shook her head, "I keep thinking of Charlotte's father and how he tried to take her, what if he wasn't the only one with a program like that?" She asked.

Sir Timothy thought about this and went to a filing cabinet where he read a report, refreshing his memory about the case. "Yes, that people approached him in prison and then gave him that PDA after his release," He said and then nodded, "So they were recruiting criminals to join them." He added.

Cathy nodded, "And could you see what might happen if they acted at the same time?" She prompted.

Sir Timothy thought about it and spoke out loud, "Anarchy! The police would be overwhelmed and would need help ... drawing us into the fight along with the normal army." He said looking at the main result

But Cathy was shaking her head, "What if they used the PDA programme to affect others, you know the effect it had on Maria!" She said, "Even a glance at the screen was enough to stop them!" She added.

Sir Timothy nodded, "I see, well then I'd better warn people about this, I mean if they're aware that this might happen..." He said but was stopped by Cathy.

"But we've no real evidence that this is going to happen, it's only a suggestion and what's going to be said when we say it could happen? We'd be laughed out to the place!" She said.

Sir Timothy nodded in agreement. "That would be true, but I'll have a discrete word with people I know, let them step up security, we'll blame it on the bank robbers link them with terrorists or some-such, we have a couple of names, we'll also include Chris ... I'll have to talk to George and Sandra about that." He held up his hand, "NO, not you this time Cathy." He said.

And so it was that the alert went out increasing the country's security — officially due to possible terrorist attacks, the world situation helped towards that — In the meantime Paul Grogan and Chris Henderson's names were placed on to the Police Most Wanted files as suspects in the bank robberies, all the banks and financial firms on Hiram's list were given instructions to increase their security and to vet their staff, this also included McMaster's and Fiennes in London. This was where they found several members of staff who had more money than was expected. All admitted to being approached by some men with instructions to phone a number when things quietened down — it was an unregistered mobile phone, but when it was dialled they found it was switched off.

PC Sheargold met up with the four girls and they had a luncheon with Jameson providing service, at first she was uneasy talking about her actions with Jones, but soon she was relaxed and began to talk.

"It was just a spur of the moment thing, I was in the bank and these men burst in, they were surprisingly polite about it, ordering all the customers on to the floor and the staff to move away from their positions. I did try to get out while their attention was distracted but then Jonsey grabbed hold of me and so I made out that I was scared." She said but the girls noticed her eyes go misty as she spoke.

"So you worked on his vulnerable side?" Charlotte said.

Gwen nodded with a smile, "You know what men are like, once you turn on the tears they're like putty," She said without thinking and then shook her head, "Oh I'm sorry I forgot." She added.

Cathy patted her hand, "You'll be surprised what we think of." She said looking at Kathy and Charlotte who both blushed.

Gwen smiled, "YOU might be surprised, I used to be your age and had a crush on this boy ... I used to dream of him..." She pulled herself together and blushed.

Sharon looked at Cathy and then said, "That's nothing you should hear those two when they're at it!" She said deliberately.

At first Gwen didn't realise what was being said and then her mouth dropped open, "You mean that ... and... ?" She said looking at Kathy and Charlotte.

Cathy nodded, "Yes Kat and Charlotte had a very bad experience which brought them very close together, and they were intimate." She said.

Kathy looked at her, "That's Kathy not Kat!" she said but Gwen could tell this was a normal argument.

"Whatever! The fact is that nothing you tell us is unknown and regardless of how we look, we are still women!" Cathy said

Gwen looked at her, "But you're not, I mean how can you... ?" Then her eyes widened, "You mean that you've... ?" She couldn't finish it.

Charlotte spoke up, "I was forced by a man to pose and then have sex with other children and men, Kathy was lucky to just be undressed by him — he was saving her for later!"

Sharon then spoke, "Cathy and me," —she indicated which Cathy she meant— "Were kidnapped, if it wasn't for Cathy I don't think I would be here, she saved me and for that I will always be hers."

"I was fighting for my life, in another place, and I had to watch as a person who became a friend was killed. I contained the monster and lived! So I know what it means to sacrifice a life." Cathy said thinking about the battle she had with Bemalin and the loss of Jeanne.

Kathy shrugged, "I've been the lucky one, I was rescued by Cathy and then she helped to rescue my lover. So I'm indebted to her forever." She said seriously.

Gwen looked from one girl to the other, not certain how to take this information when Jameson spoke up, "If you wish to verify what these girls have been telling you it is filed away in our records."

Gwen shook her head, "That's alright, it's just that it's a shock that all." She said.

Jameson nodded, "Indeed that was my impression when I first met them all." He said, "But they are also just the girls you see before you."

Cathy laughed, "True, but that because when he's not being a butler he's also our tutor, to be honest most of what we know is due to Jameson." Cathy said enjoying the way she was embarrassing Jameson.

Jameson refused to be baited by her barbs and returned to his position, Kathy smiled, "You know I used to be scared of him until he saved me." She said

Gwen looked at Jameson and shook her head, "But how did he save you?" She asked.

Kathy shuddered and so Cathy took over the tale of the raid on Alpha 3 and the way that Jameson defended Kathy, leaving out the backup that Su-Li gave him — he was still unaware of that action.

Sharon realised that they weren't getting anywhere and so steered the conversation back to Jones, "Gwen have you heard from Jonesy recently?" She asked.

Gwen shook her head sadly, "No, not since before the bank robbery, I wish I knew why he lied to me!" She said.

Charlotte spoke up, "I don't think he did, I think that it was late intelligence that ruined everything." She said with a wane smile.

Kathy then spoke up, "But we have to try to trace the call should he try to phone again, and for that we need something." She looked at Gwen who began to shift awkwardly.

"Why do I think you mean me?" Gwen asked.

Cathy sighed, this was the difficult one, "We believe things are going to get worse, your life is in danger! The Association is likely to kill you if they find out, we want a team to follow you ... and we also want to tap your phones, so that should Jones phone we'll be able to trace him. Oh we also want you to use this phone, it will accept your Sim card but it also has a GPS tracker inside it, which is independently powered so even if they remove the main battery it will still work." She said

Gwen looked at the phone, it was almost the same as hers and at a quick glance you wouldn't notice the difference, "You're serious about this aren't you?" She said seeing the girls in a new light.

Jameson spoke up again, "If I may Miss Sheargold, don't let the age of these four mislead you, I assure you that in these situations they are deadly serious and they don't fool around, if they say you are in danger then believe them!" He said.

Gwen's look was one of disbelief, but Jameson held her gaze until she looked away.

Charlotte then spoke, "If you'll pass your phone I'll change the Sim over, tell me do you hold the numbers on the phone or the Sim?"

Gwen bit her lip, "I'm not sure, what's the difference? I press the numbers and they work!" Charlotte didn't answer but was navigating through the phone's memory, she copied the entire phone's internal numbers onto the Sim card and then she looked up.

"You have a note of all incoming numbers and the times." She asked and at Gwen's blank look she took that as her answer. "Okay! Phones 101, to enable you to call people back you can use the received calls and automatically dial them." Again she was navigating through the menu, she started scrolling through the numbers, there were several marked as phone-boxes, she made a note of the date and times of the calls, and then she nodded to Cathy.

"Gwen, we need to have your authorization to get the numbers from your provider." Cathy said.

Gwen shook her head, "We've already tried that, it didn't work! They were all over the place." She said

Sharon spoke up, "But the last call you had? Wasn't he rushed?" Gwen thought back and then nodded, Sharon continued, "So then it would have been close to their place!" She said triumphantly.

Gwen sat back in shock, "We didn't think of that! I must be slipping all I could think of was Jonesy." She said and began sobbing; Jones had affected her so much.

Kathy sat beside her and held her, "You're not slipping, nobody else caught that either." She said comforting Gwen while she was crying.

Charlotte took up the other position beside Gwen, "It's perfectly natural to feel affection for him, and you've got to know him personally not just as a picture on a photo-fit". She said which made Gwen smile.

"He does have a soft side, and he's very affectionate. But I've not heard from him yet and I'm worried that something has happened to him." Gwen said confidentially to the two girls, ignoring Cathy and Sharon who were watching them.

Cathy took a sheet of paper from the table and, taking a pen, handed them to Gwen, "All we need is your signature here." She said, not adding that it also gave the Organisation full authority to monitor Gwen closely.

Gwen glanced at the sheet and then signed on the line, she handed it back to Cathy who smiled at her, "Thank you Gwen." She said and then handed it to Jameson who took the page outside where it was given to intelligence to deal with.

As Jameson returned Gwen was still being comforted by Kathy and Charlotte while Cathy was reading the numbers that Charlotte had written down.

"We'll need to get a map of the area and check with estate agents which properties have been sold in the past few months." Sharon said.

Cathy nodded and then she added, "Plus the letting agencies, they might only have it on a short term lease. You know how the Association works."

They knew that what they were saying were being recorded and used by their people who would start work on the information.

They didn't rush their lunch, but continued to commiserate with Gwen over her love affair; she was driven home in one of the unmarked cars with her new phone and a card with a contact number for Charlotte and Kathy, who had established a rapport with her.

"You know it's sad, if we're successful then she'll never see Jones again." Kathy said.

Charlotte hugged her lover, "Then we're going to have to help her even more!" She said forcefully. They waved goodbye to the car and then turned to enter the house.

The Organisation started its work tracing the location of the safe house that Chris's gang were using, thanks the number given by Gwen's phone company. The phone-box was on a housing estate and so there was a survey carried out by a local supermarket on shopping habits, which led to three addresses that didn't answer, these three were checked and two were cleared.

With the third house there was a paper trail of purchases but all seemed to originate from the same source, a company that was a front for the Association! They had found the safe house!

A raid was set up using the local police, who were told that the notorious bank robbers were there (Which was true!) and so there was an armed support team, augmented by the Organisation with several teams in police uniforms (to blend in).

At a prearranged signal the police entered the house ensuring that all entrances were used so that nobody could get out, however the main door led to a narrowing channel in which the men entering were forced to pass through one at a time!

The side door and back doors were more accessible and gave entry into the house itself, someone had ensured that anyone entering through the front would find themselves caught in a trap, there were doors above that allowed people to fire down into the hallway.

Luckily, or unluckily, the house was deserted, although there was enough evidence to prove that this was the hideout of the gang, although the evidence showed that they had cleared out two days before — a newspaper was left on a table along with copies of a blueprint labelled, Human Intelligence and Relative Attribute Matrices — Version 1.5

"I'm sorry sir, but it seemed to be a bust! They moved a few days ago!" The squad reported back to Sir Timothy.

Cathy was despondent, "I was wrong, I'm sorry Sir." She said and started to mope.

Sir Timothy shook his head, "No you weren't! We were just unlucky in this case. You heard the report they pulled out a couple of days ago, it was the right house you pegged it exactly with your work." He said trying to raise her spirits.

"But I wanted to find Chris! I need to rescue him from them before it's too late!" She said voicing her fears, Sir Timothy didn't speak he knew from reports that Chris was too involved in the robberies and so was with the Association!

The next event was following a report to a local police station of a man's body found lying near a hospital; at first the report was sketchy as it wasn't clear if the person was alive or dead! A subsequent report showed that although alive the man wasn't responding to stimulus.

A picture of the man was passed to the police Missing Persons Bureau and a copy was routinely sent to the Organisation where he was recognised immediately as Carl, the last known leader of the Association!

When the report was passed to Cathy's team she recognised the importance of the information and brought it to Sir Timothy's attention, he arranged for a medical team to retrieve the body and to run tests to find out exactly what was wrong with him.

Their report was strange, "We don't understand how, but the mind is gone! The brain is functioning normally, keeping the body alive but it's as if the intellect that inhabited it — well it's either missing or wiped? As long as we feed and look after the body it will live, but there's nothing there to respond to stimulus." It said.

Sir Timothy didn't know what to make of it either, but he gave instructions for the body to be cared for just in case Carl made reappearance.

During the next few weeks reports came in of disturbances, nothing major to require the attention of the Organisation but disturbing anyway.

Then it began.

A slew of bodies suddenly started to appear, these were all definitely dead! Most had been shot, strangled or in one case disembowelled! A search of the records showed they were all former criminals who had disappeared and were listed as belonging to a syndicate known as the Association.

Sir Timothy discussed this with Baxter, "I think this is a sign that there's been a change of command at the Association, they've cleaned house and are starting to reform, it's fortunate I listened to Cathy, despite her later fears, we still need to be ready for them." He said.

Baxter nodded, "Indeed Sir, it was lucky that you allowed Miss Cathy to be in this position so that she could have access to your ears." He said.

Sir Timothy shook his head, "Luck had nothing to do with it and you know that Baxter. The prophecy isn't clear about this time although it mentions the twins as being the ones to bring down either our Organisation or the Association, what we don't know is who the twins are!"

"Well obviously it refers to the Douglas's twins, who else could it be?" Baxter said confused.

Sir Timothy shook his head, "Does it? We've all studied the Twins and have found nothing strange with them; if they were the one's then wouldn't we have noticed something? No Baxter, somehow I think these two are decoys to distract both forces while the true twins do what is needed!"

Baxter shook his head in mystery, "So who are the twins?" He asked.

Sir Timothy shook his head, "I'm not too sure!" He said.

"Sister, did you hear?" Samuel's 'voice' spoke to Samantha

"Yes Brother, but there is nothing to fear, the plan is going ahead." Samantha said her eyes misting up as she thought of the plan.

"But what about Chris, he's not clear of Bemalin's control!" Samuel said

"I know, the path to his change is near, but it is dark! I don't want to point us in that direction, it might turn Cathy instead!" Samantha was concerned.

"We didn't choose the path, it was chosen for us. We have to do it Sister!" Samuel said but tears were in his eyes.


"Soon, very soon. We have to prepare Hiram!" Samuel said and the pair closed their eyes and sobbed together.

Cathy was talking to her group, "It's strange, I feel that something is going to happen but I don't know what! We're going to have to rely on all our knowledge and prepare for it..." She said

Sharon shook her head, "Whatever it is!" she said.

Cathy nodded, "Yes, whatever it is!"

"So we'd better tell Jameson to devise a series of refreshers in all subjects!" Charlotte suggested.

"It would help, perhaps we should get Su-Li back as well, and she'll be able to tell us where we're going wrong." Sharon said remembering how Jameson was able to block and throw Kathy the previous day.

"That wasn't my fault; it was just that Charlotte distracted me by stepping into view when I went to throw him!" Kathy said as if she also knew what was meant.

Charlotte smiled at the memory, she had just had a shower while Jameson and Kathy practised, she timed her movement to ensure that her body was in full view of Kathy and not of Jameson; she didn't think he would appreciate the sight as much as Kathy would.

So when Kathy made her move she looked past Jameson to where Charlotte was standing, it was enough to make her pause and Jameson grabbed hold of her arm and threw her! He was so mortified at his action that he tried to apologise to her but Kathy shook her head, "It's okay Jameson, these things happen when people get distracted, you did nothing wrong." Kathy said and shook his hand instead.

But back to the present. The girls all held hands and concentrated as Su had taught them, it allowed them to move to another plane and to meditate in peace, but this time they found two people waiting for them.

'Greeting to you! Cathy has spoken the truth, there is a dark time coming, a war will be fought and it will be a time in which you will have to be strong and persevere regardless of whatever it is you face' although neither spoke their words could be heard by all four girls.

"But what is it?" Sharon asked looking at Cathy who seemed to have a fixed look on her face, as if hearing something else.

'We cannot tell you, it would alter the plan if you work with knowledge, you have to be blind with regards to actions, only in this way will you gain back the light, be brave as you will need each other to win!' The pair said and then they vanished.

Cathy, however, was seeing and hearing a different message. Although she knew what her friends were seeing she saw the twins, who were crying.

'What's wrong? Please tell me.' She begged them.

Samantha shook her head, 'I'm sorry sister but we can't tell you.' Her 'voice' said.

'All we can say is that the next few weeks are going to be hard on you, you will have to be strong if you're going to survive!' Samuel said.

'And you must survive or else we all will perish, as none will be allowed to live should you fail' Samantha warned her.

'But what's going to happen?' Samantha demanded as a feeling of dread overtook her.

Both children looked at her before Samuel spoke for them both, 'The war has started, and many will be killed! Be strong! Be yourself and persevere!' He said before they both faded from her sight.

To the other three there was a feeling of warmth and friendliness but also of loss as the two strangers faded away.

"Who were those two? They seemed familiar but..." Kathy said

Charlotte shook her head, "I don't know, but what were they telling us?" She asked.

Sharon looked at Cathy, "You didn't see them did you?" She said

Cathy shook her head, "I'm not saying what I saw, but they told me the war had started, whatever we were planning to do is too late!" She said to her friends.

"How bad?" Sharon asked the question that the other two needed to hear.

Cathy looked at her, "Have you studied any good wars? We're going to have to prepare for our friends to die, and we're going to have to win, we just have to!" She said.

The girls opened their eyes and then they heard an alarm sounding throughout Alpha 3, without bothering to change they made their way to the base beneath running into a large room, there was a display showing the BBC news channel.

A rolling ticker display reported multiple explosions had occurred all over London, and the newsreader was speaking. " ... we have several reports of explosions in London, all at tourists' attractions, The London Eye — a gondolier was destroyed and there were several injuries, many fatal, but we have no exact figures. In Trafalgar Square there were two explosions a few minutes apart, people being evacuated were caught up in the second blast, we have word of at least 4 fatalities and many injured. At Buckingham Palace there was a blast by the Victoria Statue causing damage to the statue and injuries to visitors. We've also received news of explosions at the Tower of London, Westminster Abby, St. Pauls Cathedral and other places. Hospitals are being overrun with the injured and several private hospitals are now being used..." The report faded away as Sir Timothy's face was now being displayed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen in light of this action we are now mobilising in support of the police and the regular army." He said

Cathy picked up a microphone and pressed a button on it to attract attention but in the meantime Sir Timothy was still talking, " ... all troops are to deploy along invasion plans..." He paused and then asked, "Any Questions?"

Cathy's microphone lit up and she spoke, "Cathy Douglas, Alpha 3. Are we sure this isn't the Association showing its teeth?" She asked her words being echoed on the screen.

Sir Timothy shook his head, "We don't know at this time, normally there is a warning given, but it is possible that this is another terrorists attack as with July 7th, as you recall there was no warning given there ... but I do agree that the possibility does exist that the Association could be funding it." Sir Timothy said and then asked, "Any other questions?" The light on Cathy's microphone went out.

"Captain Broadshield, Beta 5. What medical need will be required?" A woman's voice asked.

Sir Timothy nodded, "All medical staff are required to be on standby, we will supplement the hospitals and provide support, our cover for this will be as local BUPA and other Healthcare organisations. Ambulances will also be used to supplement the local authorities as they are overstretched, so all sections will be available at a moments notice, you will follow the directions given by the ambulance system, if in doubt return to the nearest Beta base for medical attention. We'll worry about notification later, treatment is paramount."

Sir Timothy finished and scanned something in front of him before speaking again, "Another Question." He said.

"Charles Clarke, Police Liaison. I would request that identification be taken and passed to Police; they will then contact relatives to ensure that they know what's happening to the person, as this will avoid panic and despair of relatives if people go missing."

Sir Timothy nodded, "Thank you Mr. Clarke, I had missed that fact. I hope all sections are aware of this and will pass relevant details on. The more information we can provide them the better." He said and then added, "I have no more questions?..." he waited for a moment and then said, "Thank you all, please report to your sections and be prepared." He said and the screen went blank.

Since Cathy and her friends had no real orders they returned to their dormitory and dressed in fatigues, after that they went to the communication room, a full shift were there monitoring the city, there were scenes of people scurrying between lines of Police who were sending them to safety, a sudden flash on a screen indicated where another device had detonated, people were thrown to the ground.

"Oh my god!" One operator said and Charlotte noticed her face going white, she quickly ran over and got the woman out of her chair and to the side where she was sick, Sharon quickly sat down in the vacant seat and then placed an emergency call to the already stretched services, when she couldn't get through she pressed a button, "Beta 1 and 2. Location Haymarket and Jermyn Street many injured, normal emergency services unable to respond, support teams required to maintain security." She said. A nearby supervisor had noticed the change and nodded her approval of Sharon's actions.

Cathy went to Kathy who was studying a replay of the closest CCTV camera; she was trying to see who set the bomb off. On the screen was a reversing picture of the action, people walking pass and then the explosion, but there was nothing to be seen! Kathy swore (a rare event indeed), "I don't understand! There is nothing there! I was expecting ... I don't know, a parcel, rucksack even a person, but there is nothing!"

Cathy could understand her frustration; she also had been searching the pictures for any clue to the bomb, but had seen nothing. 'Almost as if the air exploded!' she thought.

The carnage continued for the next ten minutes, Sharon scanned the CCTV camera seeing scenes of destruction and injured people and then the ambulances of the Organisation arrive along with them several people in army uniforms, they were soon working with the injured, helping them with wounds and moving the worse to the Ambulances for transportation to the nearest medical facility, Sharon checked the time and logged it down.

Over the loudspeakers there was an announcement, "Would Cathy Douglas and her team please report to Alpha One, repeat Cathy Douglas and her team to report to Alpha One."

Cathy looked around, there wasn't much that they could do here, Kathy had left the screens after saving the files for detailed examination and was now with Charlotte comforting some of the women, and Sharon was still searching the screens for any other explosions. Cathy touched Sharon on the shoulder and gestured for her to get up, reluctantly she did so and her position was taken by another woman who had been watching and now continued the search.

They went to Kathy and Charlotte and then the four left the communications section and walked to the Transport where a car was waiting for them, the driver holding the door open for them.

The trip to Alpha One was in silence, they were stopped at checkpoints along the way but the driver showed their identification and they were passed though. Scenes of devastation were obvious!

Alpha One was a tall imposing building in Whitehall, the car in which the girls were in turned into a gateway and down to an underground parking area, the driver stopped in front of set of doors guarded by four soldiers.

The corridor they went through was guarded as well, the girls were puzzled by this but as they entered Sir Timothy's office the reason was evident. The Prime Minister, The Leader of the Opposition, the Cabinet and the Shadow Cabinet were all seated in the office.

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