Turnabout Intuder - Cover

Turnabout Intuder

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2006 by Anonymous

Drama Sex Story: Young girl pursues goth and drugs at the cost of self respect and more.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Pregnancy   Size   .

Sara was every mother's nightmare by thirteen - goth and drugs!

Her boyfriend wasn't really her friend, just her supplier. When the money ran out, he took Sara's cherry in trade. Later, he would take her often in exchange for drugs, but certainly not often enough for Sara's needs.

So she finally got this care giving job (similar to candy striper) whereby girls would visit the homes of shut-ins or other invalids and clean and do shopping for them.

To pay for her drugs, Sara thought nothing of lifting cash from old man Carallo. The first two times, she picked off a ten. The next two times, it was a twenty.

But the fifth visit became Sara's Waterloo. Old Mike confronted her about the $60.00 she had stolen - he knew each and every one - and stright faced denials were all Sara offered him.

Then Mike suggested, "Let's go to the videotape!"

Totally busted, Sara hung her head in resignation, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

But what she got was an old man saying, "If you need money for Halloween (obvious derision of her goth look), I suppose I can pay you $100.00 right now - if you think you can handle it."

"Eeeeeuwwww, old man fuzzy sex?" gagged Sara.

Old Mike asked, "Oh, I'm sorry, you're still a virgin?"...

... To which Sara laughed, paused, and laughed some more, then said, "I'm on birth control pills."

From Sara's admission that she was already sexually active, Mike pressed home his advantage, "Suppose I tell you that for the c-note, all you have to do is take my entire head inside you."

Sara laughed again and asked, "Why don't I just use my mouth?"

The smile left Mike's face and he paused to get Sara's undivided attention. Then he lowered his voice and said slowly, "Your mouth, honey, is not big enough!"

Out of sheer wicked curiosity, Sara looked down at Mike's crotch, but could find no evidence of his claim, so she agreed to let him place just the head of his thing - IF he could get it up within seven minutes - into her sparsely haired pussy - for the entire $100.

As Mike shucked his pajamas, out popped this fairly decent appendage, hanging straight down and unthreatening; but as Sara shed her pants and Mike saw her firm, nubile genitalia, his monster came to life, stealing blood from the rest of his body, engorging itself until it pointed eleven o'clock high and scary!

Many teenage boys, perhaps even most, at one time or another, bullshitted that they owned nine inch horse dicks, when in fact, one is as rare as a hen's tooth - but "standing" before Sara was this old man with a TRUE nine inch masterpiece - veined and throbbing!

As old man Carallo laid Sara down, she suddenly got scared, but Mike assured her that he could make any woman cum, and he told her he believed her need for drugs would diminish if she enjoyed a good orgasm instead. (No one steals money like that, except for desperation, which meant drugs.)

Just as Sara was about to beg to call it off, Mike lowered his face to her squirming pelvis and dipped his tongue into her growing wetness, licking her nubbin, probing her outer lips, wetting her entrance for the real thing.

Sara's apprehension faded into sexual stupor as Mike broght her the first two orgasms of her young life. She hardly noticed when his mouth moved to her medium breasts, kissing each one and nipping at them.

As Mike pressed home that thick head to Sara's vagina, she closed her eyes in rapture, even as the head disappeared into her channel.

Sara involuntarily bucked up for more, so Mike gave her more, then more and still more!

When Sara finally realized she had performed her side of the bargain, she looked down to find that about half of Mike's humongous dick was inside her!

With trembling bravado, Sara informed Mike, "Uh, I believe you are well past the $100.00 mark, Mr. Carallo. Either we should stop now or renegotiate."

Mike was impressed by Sara's bravado, and he countered with: "Most people in your position would want to be paying ME for this baby. Are you sure you want to stop?"

While speaking, Mike continued to feed Sara more and more dick until he reached another blockage, then forced his way through the cervical sphincter and the head of his mammoth penis was now inside Sara's womb!

It was now a bit uncomfortable as the rutting old man was pube to pube with the young teenager, all nine inches of his angry mantool inside her and moving on its own.

Then Mike added some spice of his own, telling the youngster, "The head is inside your womb where birth control pills no longer work. I'm going to give you a baby!"

(Even by the age of thirteen, Sara's OBS/GYN or mother should have already explained that birth control pills work by convincing the body it is already pregnant and therefore it doesn't send out any more eggs.)

Sara either bought Mike's BS or pretended to - because she began thrashing about, which is exactly what Mike wanted. He needed this extra stimulation as he fucked the little girl silly.

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