Taking Care Of Family - Cover

Taking Care Of Family

Copyright© 2006 by Techsan

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Young Ben is enouraged by his parents to help take care of chores for his twin aunts, both widows. As he grows, so do his desires until he finds satisfaction with the twins. His own widowed mother comes under his care after his father tragically dies.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew   Oral Sex  

The next thirteen months were like living a dream for me. I did well in school and virtually lived with my twin aunts, Fae and Mae. Not only that, but I spent every night in their house in bed with one or the other, alternating nights. Both of them were my idea of tremendously sexy women, still identical twins even in their late thirties.

Then came the day that my constant worry became horrifying reality. I had just dumped my books on my desk upstairs when the phone rang. After a moment's pause, Fae called to me that my mother needed to speak to me quickly.

I grabbed the extension in my room and greeted Mom.

"Ben, I just got a call from your father's office. He has had a heart attack and been taken to the hospital. I'll be there in two minutes to pick you up. Please be ready."

"I'll meet you outside, Mom," I replied, my heart sinking with dread, yet hoping for the best.

Fae and Mae came running up the stairs to change, telling me to tell Mom that they would follow as soon as they could. I ran down the stairs and rushed out the door, stopping at curbside just as Mom pulled to a screeching halt. We made a mad dash downtown to the big hospital and ran into the emergency room into a riot of activity. Finally Mom managed to get someone to tell her which cubical Dad was in.

Two people were quickly but efficiently working around Dad, whose skin looked a pasty gray under the oxygen mask that covered most of his face. He was conscious enough to recognize Mom and squeeze her hand as she stood beside him but there was a definite patina of pain in his expression. I waited just outside the cubicle, watching but staying out of the way of the nurses who worked over Dad. They soon had two IVs hooked up to his left arm, a portable EKG machine with sensors running all over his body, and a vital signs monitor hooked up to his right arm to read his blood pressure and pulse.

Fae and Mae came in a few minutes later and I went over to tell them what we'd been told, that he was somewhat stabilized but there was still considerable danger of heart damage. As of now, they weren't sure how much of the heart muscle had been damaged. It would be touch and go for the next 24 hours or so to see how he did. The doctor had told Mom that there was a likelihood that Dad would need a heart catheterization as a minimum but it would have to wait until the present danger was past.

They settled into chairs in the waiting room to provide support for the family. Although there was little she could do, Mom pulled a chair up beside Dad's gurney and settled in for the night, keeping his hand in hers. I got cups of coffee for my aunts and settled into a chair near them, knowing we would be spending the night there.

I slept fitfully through the night, rousing every twenty to thirty minutes to see if anything new had developed. One of the nurses was almost always in Dad's cubicle or at least nearby. Some of the pain had faded from his face and he seemed to be resting reasonably well. About four o'clock in the morning, I got Mom to drink a little bit of hot coffee, the first thing she had drank since we had arrived the prior afternoon.

By 8:30, with no real change in Dad's condition, Mom took time to use a pay phone to call the school to have me excused. I tried to convince her to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat while I stayed with Dad but she wouldn't do it. She talked Mae and Fae into taking me instead.

When we came back, there was no change and Mom was very worried because he wasn't improving. Still all we could do was wait. Again we found spots in the waiting room and tried to get comfortable. It was a long day and every half hour or so, I strolled over to the cubicle to see if I could help Mom any way or to offer support to Dad if he was awake. Twice he gave me weak smiles and gripped my hand.

At 4:46 that afternoon, a cacophony of sirens and alarms began to go off and there was a mad rush to the cubicle where Dad was laying. They worked on him for a half hour or more but to no avail. The doctor speculated that he may have had a blood clot that broke free and then he had no chance.

With few out-of-town relatives, we had the funeral three days later. Consumed by mixed emotions, I moved back home into my old room to help my mom around the house. Understandably, she was distraught. She spent days in her room crying, coming out only long enough to nibble at her food for meals, barely eating enough to stay alive. Finally Fae and Mae convinced her that she had to start taking care of herself or she would make herself physically ill too.

I went back to school after a week off, struggling for a few days to get caught up on assignments and stay after school to make up a few quizzes. But then it smoothed out again and I got it under control.

What I didn't have under control was my libido. Being away from my two lovers for so many days was leaving me in a state of perpetual frustration. One afternoon on my way home, I stopped at Fae and Mae's house and greeted my aunts with long kisses. Mae asked if I felt like going to her room for a few minutes and I eagerly accepted the offer, leaving Fae grinning like a Cheshire cat in the kitchen.

A few minutes turned into 45 as Mae gave me a fantastic blow job and I ate her pussy until she gushed into my mouth. Then I mounted her and fucked her while sucking on her tits. When we went back downstairs, Fae smelled around my face and insisted on scrubbing it with their hand soap at the kitchen sink to make sure I didn't smell like pussy when I got home to Mom.

The following day, Fae and I repeated almost the same scenario, except that I spent even more time nuzzling and nursing at her nipples than I did with Mae. For some reason, I just couldn't seem to get enough of her precious mammaries.

That set the pattern for school days to follow. I'd stop at my aunts' house before going home, follow one of them upstairs and have a steamy bout with her in her bed for 45 minutes to an hour plus before going home to Mom. I would tell her that I had stopped off to see if I could help her sisters and she seemed pleased that I hadn't forgotten her siblings. On Saturdays, I would take care of things around our house and then go to my aunts' to take care of mowing or other chores that might need handling... including my two lovers.

Toward the end of spring, Fae and Mae were talking with Mom one Sunday afternoon while I was watching a baseball game on TV. I wasn't really paying much attention but occasionally a few words would register. It dawned on me that something that could impact me was up when I picked up on the words 'move' and 'room for both' and 'all together.' I began to pay attention to their conversation. It seemed that my aunts were trying to talk Mom into moving us into their house and selling our house. That way, we could all share expenses and save money, as well as being together as a family. Mom said she would think about it and let them know.

I had mixed emotions about their proposal and for the next several days, it was always on my mind. On one hand, I would be closer to my two lovers and perhaps have more time to spend with them. On the other hand, with my mother living in the same house, discovery would always be a prime consideration. Still it would be one less lawn to care for, one less house to keep up, one less bundle of worries and headaches.

Twice Mom sat down with me and talked over the situation. She didn't want to leave the house she had shared with her husband of 18 years, where she had so many good memories. But she was already worried about the expense when the roof had to be replaced or the major appliances began to fail. She wanted to know what I would think about going back to live in my aunts' house. I couldn't tell her that I would be elated!

A couple of weeks later, Mom made the decision that we were going to move in with her sisters. Ultimately economics ruled over emotions. So a little at a time over the next three weeks, we sorted out what we were going to keep, what would be trashed and what would be sold. Then we began moving it down to Fae and Mae's house. I moved my stuff into the same room I had occupied before while Mom moved into the room across the hall from Mae.

It wasn't the ideal situation but it was better than nothing. I managed to creep into Fae or Mae's bedroom after everyone had retired each evening and was welcomed into their respective beds. We had to be very careful about noise, holding it down so that Mom would not hear us.

I have to admit that I had become addicted to having sex with my aunts. Days when I had been unable to snuggle up to their big warm breasts, doing without tasting their sweet pussies, not receiving their wonderful blow jobs just nearly drove me insane. Now simply being able to get back to snuggling with my aunts, to licking and sucking and squeezing and kneading their huge supple tits put me back on top of the world.

Fondling their big round butts and fingering wet pussies, then burying my face in those wet folds between their legs and making them cum was the difference in living on bread and water or eating steak and baked potatoes. Adding to that the option to slide my cock back and forth into those magnificent pussies until my balls emptied was the ice cream on the cake for dessert. My only regret was having to keep myself under control so Mom didn't hear. Still I managed to do that well enough for seven months that we all seemed to be a big happy family.

Then came the morning when I was tiptoeing back to my room after a night of sleeping with Mae. Just as I closed Mae's door, Mom opened her door and came into the hall headed to the bathroom. She couldn't help but notice the way I was dressed — only in my underwear — and she asked what I was doing. I stuttered that I had just asked Mae a question. She let it go and I breathed a sigh of relief.

However when I got home from school that afternoon, all three of the women were sitting around the kitchen table drinking coffee and Mom told me to sit down with them. While Fae poured me a cup of coffee and scooted the cream pitcher toward me, Mom turned to me.

"Ben, you know I've always been proud of you for helping take care of my sisters, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ben, I just didn't know how well you were taking care of my sisters — until today. After I saw you this morning, I knew you weren't just talking to Mae. So we've had a very long talk today."

"Mom, I'm... "

"Stop, Ben! Don't start apologizing. I know how... horny... a young person can get, so to say you are sorry would be a lie, I know. I don't want you to lie. Besides Fae and Mae have already told me how they love being with you."

"It helps when you love them like I do, Mom."

"Yes, I'm sure it does, son. At first, I was really angry with you but the more we talked, the more I realized that you have been keeping Fae and Mae much happier than they would have been... if you hadn't been around. So... I'm over the bad feelings, Ben. In fact, I have agreed with them that, as long as the three of you are happy, you can be open with your relationship, as long as it stays here in our family and never goes outside. Is that what you want?"

"Yes, ma'am. It certainly is."

Okay, then, no more sneaking around. You can sleep with whoever you want to and not worry about me. Okay?"

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, Mom."

I nearly spilled the rest of my coffee getting around the table to hug her.

Starting that night, I made love to my nightly partner with abandon. Neither of us was concerned about the squeaking of the bed nor of holding down the moans and groans that naturally came with the pleasure of making love. I knew Mom could hear us on a nightly basis, because the sounds could be heard throughout the house.

I never did let anyone outside of our family know what was going on. There were plenty of times when I would have loved to tell some of the jack-offs at school that I didn't think they knew what they were talking about — they were always talking about having sex with this girl or that and how he had rammed himself into her tight pussy two or three times and made her cum like crazy. I seriously doubted that most of the braggarts were even getting laid, much less making a female cum. On the other hand, I KNEW I was getting laid, not just once in a while but every night, and my partners always came two or three or four times. Instead of telling them about it, I just smirked and was accused repeatedly of still being a virgin.

Life was magically fantastic for four months. Then one night I was snuggling up to Fae's bare tits after our usual wonderful fuck when I felt her lips at my ear.


"Um, hum," I muttered, the sound muffled by her big globe.

"Ben, it is time to change your schedule."

"OH?" I jerked my head up, wondering what she was talking about.

"Ben, she won't admit it yet but Ida needs some of your attention."

"What kind of attention does Mom need?"

"The same kind you give to Mae and me."

"You mean... ?"

"Yes, I mean that you need to fuck your mother. She will probably protest at first, but she's just like we were. She won't go out on dates with other men and she's a horny woman just like we were. She just won't admit it yet."

"How... how do I do that?"

"Just like you did with us. Let her get to bed, then go climb in with her and begin very slowly, very tenderly. Just like you did with me, Ben."

"What if... if she gets mad at me?"

"She won't. She might protest a bit but... she knows how you make Mae and me feel, Ben. She needs a man too. I think... well, Mae and I both think that you are the man for the job."

"Woo. I need to think about this, Fae."

"You do that, Ben. Tomorrow is Friday and I think tomorrow night would be a good time for you to start. You don't have school the next day so you can take all the time you need. I know that you can make Ida feel so much better than she has since your dad died."

For some reason, the talk had made me super-horny again. My cock was rock hard and pushing between Fae's legs. She giggled and pulled me closer for a long deep kiss. Then she turned over and lifted her top leg, letting me pierce her from behind. It was a position that I had learned both twins liked, because when we intertwined our legs, my top leg rubbed her mound as I fucked her pussy, causing her clit to be softly manipulated between her puffy folds of skin. Fifteen minutes later as I was shooting a hot load of cum into her pussy to go with my previous deposit, she had her biggest orgasm of the evening.

Friday at school, all I could think about was possibly screwing my mother. She was built very much like my aunts, with a little extra meat on her bones, although she was about two inches taller than the twins. Mom had heavy breasts and a big bottom, seemingly much like the twins, although I had never seen her naked so it wasn't really a fair comparison. It wasn't difficult at all to think about having sex with her. Maybe it was taboo from society's viewpoint but that didn't keep me from getting horny every time I thought about sucking her tits or eating her pussy or cuddling up to her big butt.

The interminably long school day finally ended and I headed home, my erect cock pointing the way. Even when I got home, it was still poking a tent in my jeans and I had to carry my book bag in front of me to hide my problem. I was a nervous wreck all through dinner and then when we gathered in the family room to watch TV. I managed to sit next to Mom on the sofa and leaned up against her. When she put an arm around me, I took advantage and leaned my head against her breast. We spent nearly two hours watching TV, although I have no idea what shows were on or what they were about. I know I took a few liberties, touching my mother's tits surreptitiously as I scratched an imaginary itch, but she didn't seem to notice.

Finally it was time for all of us to go up to bed. I followed the three women upstairs and waited until the bathroom was vacant to brush my teeth and then went to my bed. There was no question of going to sleep, though; I was too caught up in my plan to seduce my own mother.

An hour passed, according to my luminous digital clock, before I decided to take a chance. I silently opened my door and crept across the hall to my mother's door. With my heart thumping wildly in my throat, I eased Mom's bedroom door open and slipped inside. I had to get close to see her outline as she lay under a sheet. When I got near the bed, I could see that she was laying on her side facing away from me. I pushed my underwear to the floor and kicked them away.

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