Taking Care Of Family - Cover

Taking Care Of Family

Copyright© 2006 by Techsan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Young Ben is enouraged by his parents to help take care of chores for his twin aunts, both widows. As he grows, so do his desires until he finds satisfaction with the twins. His own widowed mother comes under his care after his father tragically dies.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew   Oral Sex  

I have to admit that I was worried about my dad. There seemed to be a problem with the men in my family dying at an early age. For example, my mother had two older sisters, twins, named Fae and Mae. Both of them had been married before I came into existence. Fae's husband, Fred, had died of a stroke while I was still very young; I barely have any memories of Uncle Fred at all. Mae's husband, Jeff — short for Thomas Jefferson — had died a slow, ugly death from lung cancer when I was about ten.

When Mae asked Fae to move in with her in the big empty house just three doors down from our house after Uncle Jeff's passing, Mom asked me to spend as much time around them as I could, making myself useful. She still had Dad to take care of things around our house, she explained, but her sisters needed a man to mow the lawn and keep things looking neat and to sometimes run errands to the store. I was that man.

So, okay, maybe I wasn't a man to most people but it felt like I was doing a man's work and helping my aunts at the same time. Besides it was just a stone's throw from our house so it wasn't like I was that far away from my own family. Mom even encouraged me to sleep over at her sisters' house, since having another person in the house would make them feel safer. With four bedrooms upstairs, they each slept in one and turned one into a room I could call my own whenever I stayed over. Which happened on an irregular basis but sometimes as often as five nights a week.

I have to admit that being in a different house than the one I was most familiar with left me sometimes feeling uncomfortable. I'd sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, go take a leak and then pop into the room of either of my aunts and ask if I could snuggle with them for a while. Both of them were very understanding and always let me under their bed covers and held me until I went back to sleep. It was comforting to cuddle up to her big warm, curvy body and drift off to sleep.

My aunts were identical twins and even at their advanced ages — they were in their later thirties — it was difficult to tell them apart unless I could see the right side of their faces. Fae had a small brown mole on her right cheekbone that Mae didn't have. Other than that, they seemed to weigh about the same thing, they were the same height, both of them had big bottoms and big bosoms but modest waists, and both of them had a lighthearted way of walking that seemed to exude life and laughter.

By the time I was fourteen, I was spending far more of my time with my aunts than with my own family. During the school year, I simply took my homework to their house, finished my studies, did any chores Fae and Mae might have, ate dinner with them, and then spent the night there too. In the summer, I moved back and forth between the houses a little more. At family gatherings, Fae and Mae kidded my mom about raising her son for her but the hugs I got from all of them — and some kisses, too — let Mom know that they appreciated what I did for them.

The next fall, we had an unusually rainy season. Unlike what I hear some people say, I have never really liked rainy weather. Some people say it is good sleeping weather. Not me. I have difficulty sleeping during the rain. I guess I have some sort of breathing disorder, not the kind that makes me sick, but the kind that just make me work hard enough to breathe that I don't sleep well.

I knew I was getting too big to sleep with my aunts but I just couldn't help it. I needed some comfort. I went into Fae's bedroom and quietly asked if I could sleep with her. She said sure and held the covers up for me to climb into bed. She was laying on her side and pulled me close to her chest. I know I was laying a little lower than she was but it always seemed comfortable like that. I put an arm around Fae's waist and buried my face in the warmth of the valley between her breasts. She was wearing a dark blue rayon sleeping gown, so it wasn't like I was becoming too familiar with her.

In just a few minutes, I could tell from her breathing pattern that Fae had gone back to sleep. Yet sleep eluded me. I closed my eyes — nothing. I tried counting sheep — what foolishness! I tried extra-deep breathing — that just sucked Fae's sweet female smell into my brain and turned everything on instead of off!

Surreptitiously, I brought my hand up and filled it — to overflowing — with one of her big tits. There was a slight pause in her breathing but then it returned to the same pattern. I rubbed the tit around my face, being careful to make no sudden moves. I felt her nipple grow hard under my fingers and I nudged it with my thumb. Ever so carefully, I slid my hand around to the buttons of her gown and opened the first three. Pealing her gown back, I again cupped her boob and lifted it to my mouth. Sucking that hard but yielding bud was the most natural thing to do, although I tried to do it softly so that I wouldn't wake my unsuspecting aunt.

Before long, I became aware that my penis had grown harder than I could ever remember it being. I pulled my hips away from Fae a bit to keep from poking her, tucking my cock up into the waistband of my shorts to provide a little assistance. I returned my attention to her soft orb, only barely visible in the occasional moonlight shining through the drifting rain clouds and the gauzy curtains of her window.

I nearly died a few minutes later when she sighed loudly and shifted, pulling me closer to her breast with both arms, while her top leg slid over my waist and pulled me closer to her. I stopped sucking for a while, letting my pounding heart slow down again. By the time it had, it seemed as if Fae was thrusting her tit into my mouth — although that might have been my imagination. For a long time I just licked her nipple and the bumpy areolae around it.

My eyes caught the outline of her curvy hip and I got a case of itchy hands. Ever so slowly, my hand trailed down her side to her waist and up over the arc of her hip. Back and forth my hand played, just barely letting my fingertips touch the cloth of her gown. On one of the trips down, my hand went a little farther and my fingers felt the slit in the side of the gown. Underneath was all skin — soft, smooth feminine skin. My fingers slid under the material and began an ultra-slow journey back up.

For the first time ever, I touched the bare skin of her broad buttocks. A little careful exploration revealed that she was wearing no panties and the silky gown easily came up, letting me have complete access to her big round bottom. I began to explore her contours, still very gently sucking her distended nipple. My fingers found the dividing crease between her buttocks and traced it until it opened into the valley of her anus, although I dare not touch her there lest she wake up — I would have to push my fingers in or separate her somehow.

I let my fingers move further around the hidden treasure between her legs and was astounded when my fingers found soft puffy flesh covered in some kind of sticky slick liquid. I wondered if she had peed herself and brought my fingers to my nose. Hm, didn't smell like pee. Smelled good. I licked at it — and loved it. Ohhh, this must be the stuff the guys at school talked about — the stuff females produced when a guy 'ate' her.

I carefully, gently worked my hand back to the position below her butt and let my fingers continue their exploration. It seemed the most natural thing in the world when they began to sink into the folds of skin, facilitated by that slick coating. I was alarmed when three fingers slipped into her, coming to stop when past the second knuckle of each finger. It felt like I had stuck my fingers into an oven. I felt Fae's bottom wiggle for a moment, then settle back down.

For the next several minutes, I slid my fingers in and out of her ever so slowly while I kept sucking on her tit. Occasionally Fae's breathing turned ragged and I stopped all motion for a while until it evened out again and then I resumed my activities. The wetness where my fingers were playing just kept spreading, until it covered my whole hand. The thought occurred to me that I could probably put my whole hand inside her with that much slick coating but I didn't try it.

However I did begin to explore more of that area within her slit. So very, very carefully, I maneuvered my fingers around, feeling how different she was. I had never touched a female between her legs before. When I touched a little bump at one end of the crease, Fae moaned and I almost jumped out of my skin. She squeezed her legs around my hand and then released it. I was sure she was going to wake up and find me out but she settled back into her rhythmic sleep.

When Fae squirmed around my hand, my cock escaped its confinement, pushing through the fly of my shorts and rubbing against Fae's hair-covered patch. I was about to lose my mind with lust and soon went back to touching the little bump to see what effect it would have. At first there was no reaction, but then Fae began moaning again and wiggling her bottom. I eased up with my fingers but she kept moaning and rolling her hips until she turned onto her back. The fingers of her left hand settled between her legs and she began to rub herself.

I thought Fae was still asleep or at least not fully awake. I watched for a few seconds and got so... so enthralled, I had to do something. The last several minutes had been an eye-opening experience for me, cementing some of those 'fuzzy gray' concepts I'd developed over the years about sex and the relationship between men and women, destroying a few others, like the old saw about pussy smelling like dead fish. Uh, uh! Pussy was magnificent, both in taste and smell. Anybody who could find something bad about what I had just touched didn't have my respect.

Finding myself pulled away from Fae's pussy and tit both, I eased myself down the bed, under the covers, until my face was just opposite her twat. Very carefully, I worked myself over her extended leg and settled comfortably face down. Although I couldn't really see, I could feel Fae's fingers rubbing the top of her crease. I lowered my head until I could touch her flesh with my tongue, just below where her fingers were working.

I knew, from my fingers' foray earlier, that she would be wet, but she was steamy, frothy wet. Keeping my face to her cunt, I worked my arms under her legs and curled them around until I was holding her so I could bury my face deeper into her slit. I didn't want to wake her but I couldn't help myself. I ate like a pig at a trough full of fresh... well, you know. I completely forgot about the need to keep from waking my aunt.

"Ben? Ben, is that you?" came her muffled voice.

The covers were thrown back and I saw Fae looking at me incredulously. I was caught. Well, hell, there was nothing to do for it. I moved her fingers and drove my tongue into the folds of skin where her fingers had been. A few seconds later, she groaned and her head lolled backwards. I found that little bump that my fingers had touched before and, since she seemed to like having it touched, I stuck my tongue to it and began running circles around it. Fae moaned and her hand, which had been where my tongue now was, slipped through my hair and pulled my head tighter to her.

I opened my mouth and sucked the area around the bump. Fae jumped like she had been shot, thrusting her pussy up to my mouth and wrapping her legs around my head. I kept on licking and sucking and a few moments later, Fae began to drum her heels against my back, not hard but I think it meant that she liked what I was doing.

Her legs closed and opened several times, clamping tightly around my head. I thought she might be having second thoughts about letting me continue. Her words kept saying something like "don't" and "no" and "we shouldn't" but her hand kept tugging me harder against her sloppy wet pussy. I was nearly blown away when a gusher of liquid hit my face, coating me from cheek to cheek and running down my chin. I managed to capture some of it on my tongue but I was too startled to get much of it. I swallowed what I could and the taste sent me into a frenzy of licking and lapping and searching with my tongue, looking for more of that fabulous taste.

In spite of her apparent protests, Fae's legs pulled upwards and outwards, opening her pussy wider than ever to my mouth. If I was a pig earlier, I became a full-fledged hog now. I think she would have loved for me to crawl inside her pussy and eat her inside out. I would have if I could have, too. As it was, I settled for more circles around that little bump — was that the clit that the guys at school were always bragging about touching? My left hand slithered up her side until I felt her breast. I had to work to get the thin material of her sleeping gown off but it seemed like she was helping me. When the cloth was out of the way, I found her nipple hard and rubbery and I rolled it between my thumb and finger, causing a renewed moaning from Fae.

Fortunately Fae's objections had died away and she was moving my head around to the spots where she wanted my tongue. I didn't mind. Every place I licked was good for me! But I especially liked it when she pulled me back to that little bump and a few seconds later, she went rigid and inundated me again with a gush of fresh liquid.

Afterward Fae's hands fell away to lay on the bed and her knees flopped sideways, as if she didn't have the strength to lift a finger. I figured it was time to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. I gathered my knees under me and crawled up over her body, pushing my shorts down and off my legs. As I got close enough to touch her, my cock slipped into that hot crease, found her opening and dove all the way to the root.

I kissed both of her big titties on my way up and then stopped as I looked down at her slack-jawed face. I lowered my mouth to hers and, for the first time, kissed a woman on the lips. She didn't respond one way or another, so I tentatively stuck my tongue into her mouth. I couldn't tell if she even realized what I was doing or not but I loved it and took advantage of it by exploring every part of her mouth that I could touch.

Every fiber of my being said I should pull out and then drive my hips as hard as I could into her — every part except my brain. I'd read that it was better to start slow and finish faster so... I started slowly. I wasn't sure if I was doing anything right but after several minutes when Fae locked her ankles around my butt and began to rhythmically yank me into her pussy, I figured something must have been going well. And it all felt fantastic to me!

I lost my confidence a few minutes later, though, when I felt that same sensation I got just before I came when I masturbated. I knew that I was past the point of no return and I had hoped Fae would cum again with my cock in her pussy — but I suddenly started spurting hot cum deep into my aunt. I was despondent that she had not cum again, when suddenly she went stiff again and grunted that she was cumming and I felt her gushing fluids coat my scrotum.

With my muscles shaking so much I could barely support myself, I rolled off of Fae to her side. She turned toward me — and for the first time, I could see the moonlight shining off tears rolling down her face.

"Fae? Are you all right?" I whispered.

"Ben, oh, Ben! What have we done?"

"I'm sorry, Aunt Fae. I didn't mean to hurt you."

She put out her arms and pulled me to her bosom, almost squeezing the breath out of me.

"Oh, baby, you didn't hurt me. You've just awakened emotions that I thought I had buried forever."

"I'm terribly sorry, Fae. I didn't realize..."

"No, sweetie, don't apologize. It was so good. I... I just had... resigned myself to never feeling... that good again," she whispered between sniffles.

"So... you're not mad at me?"

"No, baby! I'm definitely not mad at you. Ohmigawd!"


"What will you mother think of me if she ever finds out?"

"Will you tell her?"

"NO! I couldn't do that. I'd... I'd lose my sister if she knew that I'd fucked her baby boy."

"Fae, I won't tell."

She sighed. "I know, baby. I'm just worried that Mae will know."

"We won't let her find out, right?"

"Um, hm," Fae said, hugging me tighter. She shivered and I wondered what thoughts had brought that reaction on.


"Yes, darlin'?"

"I love you, Fae."

"I love you, too, baby."

I found myself again cuddled to her big breasts, only this time they were bare. Fae pulled the covers over us, keeping one arm under my head along with her cushioning breast, while the other arm firmly held my back, pressing her other breast into the side of my face. For some reason, the intermittent rain did not bother my sleep the rest of the night.

The next morning it was raining again so I ran most of the five blocks to school. It was still raining when I finished my last period class so I raced home. Even though I was wearing a windbreaker that was supposedly rain resistant, by the time I walked into my aunts' house I was soaked to the bone. With Fae down at our house to help mom with some baking for an upcoming gathering of a bridge club, Mae met me at the door. She was alarmed I was so wet that I would catch a cold or something worse so she made me go upstairs and get out of my wet clothes so I could take a warm shower and change into dry things.

Mae was always the super-helpful one in the house and that day was no exception. She insisted on coming up and getting my wet clothes to put in the washer immediately to keep them from mildewing or something. Having just slipped into my robe to go to the bathroom, we accidentally crashed into each other at the door to my room. I crushed her big boobs and we got wedged into the doorway. In a nanosecond or three, my cock reacted to the feeling of Mae's tits, resulting in an embarrassed poking of her abdomen. There was no way she could not recognize it for what it was.

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