Sex Slave Virgins - Cover

Sex Slave Virgins


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A young girl, who gradually discovers that other people have some startling and perverse fantasies they are desperate to play out. And she finds that she also enjoys them. Her story is a mirror of a way of life behind closed doors. No facade, no regrets. Indeed, to Mary, her behavior and fantasies become a norm.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

In the bathroom with the douche tip inserted deep into her cunt-hole, Mary realized that she was losing her grip on reality. When Nate had fucked her the first time, she'd resisted enjoyment of the act. But by the end, she'd nearly begged for it. Then Royce had stabbed her with his big prick and again her lust had finally overcome her fear. In fact, even the stiffness of the plastic nozzle made her tingle. She stood in the tub, legs spread wide as the cummy juice drained from her body. She pushed the plastic thing deeper, wanting to get it all. Every last one of those squirmy little sperm. From what she'd' heard, there were millions. And it only took one to do the job.

"It's a wonder that there are any women at all walking around with flat bellies."

Teresa came into the bathroom then. She seemed surprised to find Mary there, and the flush of her cheeks made Mary remember exactly what her best friend bad been up to. Teresa covered it by asking Mary a question.

"What happened to you?"

"Royce fucked me. And he shot me all full of cum." This admission, made Mary feel sorry for herself. She chewed her bottom lip as she eased the plastic nozzle from her hole. She was sore where the big man had stretched her.

"Don't worry, Mary, you don't get knocked up everytime you fuck."

"You d-d-don't?"

"Of course not. It takes the right time."

"I did hear something like that. But I can't remember when my period was." She pressed a towel gently against her swollen cunt-lips, patting the wetness as she stepped from the tub. Now she could smell the musky aroma that wafted up from Teresa's cunt.

"You fucked Nate, didn't you?"

"So what?" Teresa turned to primp in the mirror. "I think he likes me."

"Teresa, have you lost your mind completely? What about getting out of here? When is Nate going to let us go? I don't think I can stand to stay here another night."

"I'll bet he'd turn you loose if you asked him." Teresa tilted her head. "But he was mad when he found his keys gone."

"Royce took them away from me before I made it to the door." Mary was watching her best friend closely. "When Nate fucked you, did you like it?"

Teresa hugged her breasts. "Yes! I'm crazy about it. I love the way a cock feels when it's sliding in and out of my pussy! Ohhhh, Mary, I know you must think I'm awful. Especially after the way we were held here against our will. But..." Teresa closed her eyes for a couple of seconds. "I just plain like to fuck. And Nate knows more about that sort of thing than any guy my age."

"How do you know? Have you ever done it with anybody your age?"

"Well, not really." Teresa shrugged. "But Nate made me beg him for it. And when he put it inside me, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven." Teresa caressed one of her large, round fits. "He can fuck a girl until she comes two or three times, and he never comes himself."

Mary remembered how Nate had fucked her. Yes, he did have a way of making her beg for it.

But she couldn't understand how the man had kept his hot sap from spurting out. Royce certainly couldn't.

"I don't know how I'm going to do it, but somehow I'm getting out. Then I can tell the police that you're here and..."

Teresa had waved her hand for Mary to stop. "No, Mary, don't do that"

"You mean, you don't want to see Nate punished for going along with this whole sordid mess?"

"Oh, maybe it is a sordid mess. I know Royce isn't the most gentlemanly guardian to have lurking around. But I wouldn't want Nate to get into any trouble."

"You've lost your mind," Mary said, almost ready to cry. It was as if her friend had turned her back on her. Though Teresa had always been more daring, Mary hadn't expected her to become so enamored of Nate Rexford. Just because he could make her come two or three times a fuck.

That evening they were served supper downstairs. Mary felt odd sitting at the big table with Teresa while Royce brought their food. She expected Nate to appear at any moment. She almost hoped he would. She had a few things to get off her chest. She wasn't so afraid of him anymore. Maybe the fact that she'd lost her virginity was working on her. She'd turned from a scared child into a woman. And a woman had rights! She'd been reading about that sort of thing lately.

Royce was looking hungrily at both of them while they ate. And when he suggested that he might like to sleep between two young females sometime. Teresa laughed and led him on with suggestive looks. Mary was of course turned off. Until she thought of a way out. Maybe if Royce was busy with the two of them, he might not miss his keys for a while. Already Mary's mind was working, thinking through the details.

"The boss be gone until ten tonight," Royce said, smiling again at Teresa. Now both of them had nighties to wear and the skimpy gowns left a lot of exposed flesh.

Royce brought something to drink as he escorted them back downstairs to their quarters. As Mary descended into the windowless rooms, she felt despair again. She knew she had to escape Nate Rexford's mansion that night or flip out completely.

"You girls nicest that stayed here."

"You' mean there've been others?" Mary gave him an incredulous look.

"Oh. sure," Royce laughed. "Nate bring them from out of state most of time. Not come right into trap like you did."

"How does he keep out of trouble?"

"What trouble?" Royce grinned, pouring Mary a drink, then getting another glass for Teresa. "Most girls leave here with new outlook on life."

For courage, Mary slugged the liquor. Teresa was acting sinfully suggestive. She was so changed. Or maybe this part of her had been just below the surface all these years, and Mary had failed to recognize it. Teresa draped herself against Royce while he whispered something filthy into her ear. There was shrill laughter then and Teresa ran her fingers down over the crotch of his pants. Mary drank more booze. She was nervous, knowing what she had to do. She knew the keys to everything were in Royce's pocket. All she needed was one to get out of that room.

"Hell, why we fool around," Royce said. "We get in the shower together!'!

Mary's heart skipped a beat. "All three of us?"

''Hell, yes.''

Teresa giggled and let the big man lead her to the bathroom. There she draped her gown over the hook on the door and let Royce devour her body with his eyes. Mary undressed, too, and when Royce reached out to pull both of them against him, she shuddered. She could hardly stand to look at his cock. The cock that had been forced so deeply into her body. But she bad to stop remembering that. Every time she recalled the details, her cunt began to throb and her breathing changed. It was hard not wanting it to happen again. The pleasure she'd experienced while skewered on the big man's prick had been almost unearthly.

"Hey, hot water feels good. Almost good like rub against you two little girls."

Royce palmed Mary's ass, appreciating her rounded curves with his soapy fingers. His other hand traced Teresa's more boyish ass. He seemed to like both of them, kissing Teresa's large, round tits and then hungrily sucking at Mary's smaller adolescent breasts. Though her mind was still on escape, Mary couldn't ignore what was happening to her. And when Royce began to finger-fuck them both simultaneously, she panted raggedly and leaned her head against the man's broad chest.

"Hell, most girls don't want leave here after boss and me show them to fuck."

"Ohhhhh," Mary sighed. Teresa was busily sucking on one of Royce's small, male nipples while her long-fingered hand squished lather around his balls and cock-shaft.

"You better slow down," he said. "I don't have control like boss does."

"Doesn't he ever come?" Teresa wanted to know.

"All girls I talk to say no," Royce shrugged. "Maybe he can't, I don't know."

"But he likes to fuck," Teresa insisted. "I know he does. He was excited while he was doing it to me." She blushed, a little ashamed of her sudden outburst.

"Anybody who no like fuck you," Royce said, "have to be crazy." He turned his gaze upon Mary. "And that go for you, too, baby."

"Uhhhh," Mary sighed as a finger slipped up into her cunt again.

Teresa was kissing her way down Royce's chest now, her fingers still working at his huge prick. When Mary saw her girlfriend look at that thing, she had to turn away. Then Royce turned to let the spray wash the soap from his cock, Teresa quickly curved her lips around his exposed head, her throat working as she sucked. This excited Mary more than she wanted it to. And Royce grabbed her, his mouth covering hers, his hands curling into the softness of her ass.

"Muuuuhhhh," she groaned, letting him think that she was surrendering unconditionally. It was so hard to keep her plan uppermost when Royce was doing these wicked things to her! Royce made Teresa stop sucking him then.

"All go to other room. Bed make things easier."

They dried each other, while Teresa giggled and teased Royce. Mary was watching the big man's pants. He took them with him to the bedroom and folded them neatly on a chair. Then the lights were turned low and they all got in bed.

Teresa was wild with lust. She climbed up onto Royce's belly and rubbed her pussy up and down against him.

"You come up here and sit on my face," he suggested. It didn't take Teresa long to do what he wanted. Mary had to watch as her friend's pussy eased down over Royce's mouth. The sound of him sucking her juices, flicking his tongue across her clit made Mary's cunt throb for action. But she knew what was expected of her. Royce had a firm grasp on her wrist. He was pulling her around so she could suck his cock. Mary swallowed hard as she wrapped a thumb and finger around his huge prick and stripped the foreskin back. At least it was clean.

"Yeah..." Royce sighed as she began to lick it with the tip of her tongue. Then she let her lips slide out over his knob like Teresa had done only moments before. She bobbed her head slowly, letting just the tip go in and out of her mouth.

At first, the act made her dizzy. Teresa whimpered and squirmed around with her cunt, smearing hot juice all over Royce's chin and cheeks while his cock throbbed between Mary's lips. But after the first few seconds, the heat and smoothness of the big man's cock-head excited her. She used her tongue in new ways, trying to figure out which way worked best.

"Wow, baby, you do it good," Royce said, pushing Teresa up from his mouth a little to speak. Teresa growled something and thrust her cunt against him again. By now, her juices were leaking down his neck. The slurpy slide of her flesh was growing more ravenous, more carnal. And Mary knew that Royce was tongue-fucking her deeply.

Mary was torn. She knew that if she sucked him hard enough, she would get a hot mouthful of cum. And doing that was the quickest way to wear the man down. Wasn't that what she wanted? To make him tired and sleepy. That was the only way she would be able to get to those damned keys.

"Uhhhh," Royce groaned, as Mary bobbed her head faster. She was scared. She'd never tasted cum before. Would she get sick and throw up? Would she gag on the slick, slimy cream?

Teresa was plunging and writhing atop Royce's face. She grabbed her breasts and pinched her nipples. She was facing away from Teresa, but Mary could see the sinuous movements of her willowy body and hear her panting sighs.

"Uhhhhh," Royce groaned again, his hips moving from the hot, wet suction of Mary's mouth.

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