Sandbagged - Cover


by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2006 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Betty a 41 year old mother of a 15 year old daughter takes an evening to teach her daugher and her daughter's best friend about sex. What she doesn't know until her daughter's friend and her boyfriend show up on her doorstep is that they have pictures of mom and daughter having sex. Now what?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Blackmail   BiSexual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   .

41 year old Betty Alder was lying on her bed and starring up at the ceiling and trying to piece together exactly how she had come to be here. Just one week ago she had been living a relatively normal life as the wife of a local businessman and the mother of a 15 year old daughter. Now, here she was on her back with her legs spread while an 18 year old teenager named Chad Miller was slamming his cock into her wet pussy as her daughters' best friend, Meg Willingham suckled on her breast. She closed her eyes and felt the familiar sensations starting deep inside her pussy and realized that she was about to cum, once again, and there wasn't anything she could do about it and, in fact, she didn't even want too. My God how did this ever happen to... to, well to a Mrs. Plain Old Jane?

Monday, October 14th, One Week Previously:

It was nine o'clock and Betty Alder was sitting at her kitchen table sipping a glass of wine and she was irked. Once again her husband was out of town on a business trip the third time in less than two months. Ever since his promotion to Senior Vice President he had been taking trips almost every other week and it was definitely putting a crimp into her sex life. She sighed and tried to remember when they had last made love but nothing came into her mind. Damn, damn and double damn she mumbled and just then Betty's daughter, Misty, walked into the kitchen and asked if she and Meg could pop a bag of popcorn.

"Sure honey, no problem. What are you two young ladies up to anyway?"

"Oh, just watching a movie, that's all."

"Ah... what's the name of it?"

"Uh... well its called 'Saving Face' it's kind of a chick flick"

"Hummm, I don't think that I've ever heard of it, what's it about?"

"Well... er... it's about a Chinese family in New York and... ah... well there are a bunch of family issues."

"Oh, okay honey, thanks." She took another sip of wine as she watched her daughter nuke the popcorn. My God she thought, Misty sure is growing up fast and she's turning into a beautiful young woman, a lot prettier than I was at the same age. Misty finished popping the popcorn and left the kitchen and Betty refilled her glass and sat back down and mused about their life. Her daughter was in the middle of her sophomore year in high school and she was making excellent grades. Betty hoped that she would continue to work hard and stay on the dean's list as well as continue her efforts with the swim team. She was a pretty good swimmer and maybe she could even get a scholarship to college just as Betty had done. Her husband Walter was certainly doing well enough that they could afford a college education for Misty but why not let someone else help out with the tuition.

Betty took a deep breath, stretched and suddenly realized how tired she was and she wondered if it was from all the wine. She decided to head upstairs and go to bed so she stood, maybe a little unsteadily, and refilled her glass then started down the hallway to the back staircase. Suddenly curious why the girls were so darn quiet she walked further down the hallway to the back of the house and peeked around the corner and into the den. From her vantage point she could see both girls but with their attention focused on the television they most likely couldn't see her which in this case would be a good thing. Both Misty and Meg were sitting back on the couch starring at the images on the television while their hands were busily playing inside their unbuttoned blouses, their bras having been pushed up and over their naked breasts. Startled at the sight of her daughter and Meg's nakedness Betty slowly took her eyes away from the girls and looked at the television and that's when she realized what they were watching. The movie was about two Chinese girls alright; two Chinese lesbians trying to have a relationship and keep it from one of the girl's mothers — a mother who as it happened was both divorced and pregnant. My God where in heaven's name did they get a movie like that? As Betty stood there wondering what she should do her mind wandered back to her days in college. She closed her eyes and conjured up the image of Lisa, her sexy roommate, the same roommate who had taught her about sex as the two of them explored each others bodies in the privacy of their dorm room. As she thought about Lisa she felt herself becoming wet and when she listened to the girls talking openly about sex the decision of what she was going to do was made for her, be it for the better or for the worse.

"Misty?" Meg asked.

"Uh huh?"

"Are you feeling anything yet?"

Misty looked over at her friend. "Some tingling in my stomach and my vagina is all wet, how about you?"

"Yea me too. Now what do we do?"

"I don't know I thought the movie would show us more."

"I... I was thinking," Meg said, "have you ever rubbed yourself... you know, down there?"

"Ahhh, well... uh, sure. Haven't you?"

"A couple of time but nothing big happened, I mean there were no 'bombs bursting in air' kind of things. Hey, do you think it works better if 'it's' rubbed by someone else? I mean you know, maybe if someone else is rubbing it makes you cum?"

"Christ Meg I don't know. Uh... are you thinking what I'm thinking, you know, doing it to each other?"

"Maybe but not here, your mom might just walk in and catch us."

"Okay, let's turn off the TV and go up to my room."

This seemed like as good as time as any for mom to step in so Betty made her decision. She didn't want to walk directly into the den because she needed to give the girls' some time to get their blouses buttoned so she stepped back away from the door and cleared her throat. "Hey Misty," she called, "I'm headed upstairs for a shower and to bed." She said it in a normal tone and then slowly walked into the den. "Well ladies, what's up?"

"Oh nothing Mrs. Alder," Meg said, "Misty and I were just watching the movie and talking."

Because it took them time to rearrange their bras and blouses the girls hadn't had enough time to turn off the movie and Betty sat down between the two of them and set her glass of wine on the coffee table. "Is this the movie you were telling me about honey?"

"Uh... yea mom, it is."

They all sat there and watched the movie for a little while, none of them saying a word. Then the movie got to an intimate part and one actress pulled the other to her and they kissed. It was a passionate kiss and you could see their tongues playing with each other, their hands roaming over each others breasts and butts, then the older of the two pulled the other girl's shirt over her head and off. She wasn't wearing a bra and the girl leaned down and began sucking on one of the girls' breasts while she massaged the other.

"Uh, gee mom, I'm sorry about that, I should have turned this off."

"Why honey, are you embarrassed that I'm seeing this? I mean it seems to me it's about two women in love, that's all."

"You're not embarrassed by it Mrs. Alder?" Meg asked.

She turned and looked at her daughter's friend. "No Meg I'm not embarrassed. Like I said it looks like the plot is about two women are in love with each other and there isn't anything wrong with that, with the exception of course that society frowns on the gay lifestyle." Both girls were starring at her as if she just dropped in from Mars or something. "So tell me ladies why are you two so interested in watching a lesbian movie?"

Neither Misty nor Meg said a word, there was just a long dead silence.

"Well come on, spit it out."

Misty looked up at her mom. "Look mom I don't want you to go all bananas or anything but Meg and I, well we were... uh, just curious that's all"

"Misty you should know by this time that I don't get upset over silly things. Now tell me what are you two so curious about?"

Misty looked over at Meg. Meg just shrugged her shoulders as if to say, it's your mom. "Well the whole sex thing I guess. I mean we both have been dating a little but it seems like the boy's expect us to know certain things, some we are okay with, you know like how to kiss and so forth but there are some things that we don't understand."

"Yea Mrs. Alder, my boyfriend wanted to touch me, you know my breasts and well, down there. He even asked me how sensitive my nipples were and if I got real wet when someone played with my nipples and... well there were other things too and I really didn't have a clue what to say."

Misty picked up the conversation. "We thought if we watched a movie about the lesbian lifestyle then we could learn more about our own bodies, you know how they respond and so forth." Misty's eyes dropped down to her lap and she was blushing as she discussed sex with her mother for the first time in her life.

My God Betty thought, these two are only sophomores and they're already into light petting, what the hell is next? "Okay fair enough. So if I understand what you're asking you two don't know much about sex or about your bodies and you want to learn, I assume about masturbation too, is that about it?"

"Uh yea Mrs. Alder, that's it." Meg lied. It had actually been Meg's idea to watch the movie after all she had been the one who had rented it in the first place. Meg was bi and she had been attracted to Misty for almost two months. She had discussed having sex with Misty with her boyfriend, Chad and they agreed that the naïve 15 year old would probably fall for her story about 'learning' all about sex together.

At this point in the evening the life of Betty, Meg and Misty took an unusual twist of fate as a parallel idea formed inside Betty's mind. It was a fact that if Betty hadn't consumed almost a full bottle of wine she probably wouldn't have thought about the idea much less actually even acted on it, but she had drunk the wine and she did act on it. Betty took a deep breath and straightened up on the couch and looked first at her daughter and then back at Meg. Then with a smile she said, "Well, would you girls like me to help you learn about your bodies and how to masturbate?"

Misty's head shot up. "Mother, are you serious?"

"Sure I am honey. How about you Meg, are you interested? I mean I know this is pretty personal stuff and if it's too, well too personal for you I understand. Misty and I can always do it alone some other time."

Meg knew that Betty was probably more than a little drunk; still she was stunned by her offer. Christ this was absolutely fucking perfect. She had to grin at the thought of it, after all she had just planned on seducing Misty but now the idea of playing the naive teenager was even better, and to top it off it was Betty's own suggestion, so she just agreed. "Oh no Mrs. Alder, it's alright with me, I want to learn too."

"Alright, now that everyone is okay with it lets get out of our clothes." Betty reached down and lifted her glass of wine and drained it then set it back on the coffee table. Taking another deep breath she stood up and unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off her shoulders and dropped it onto the coffee table then reached behind her and unsnapped her bra and tossed it on top of her blouse. "Come on girls, I don't want to be the only one without any clothes on." She unzipped her slacks and let them slide down her legs onto the floor then she bent over and picked them up, folded them and laid them on her blouse and bra. She looked over and saw that Meg had already pulled off her blouse and bra. Her breasts looked like they might be 36C or D's but she wasn't sure. Misty was already down to just her panties and her breasts were obviously much smaller than Betty's or Meg's but they were pert and her nipples were already hard. Betty thought her daughter looked embarrassed by her nudity but not Meg, she looked excited.

"Ok, what do we do now Mrs. Alder?" Meg asked.

"Well first off Meg, please call me Betty, and you two go ahead and sit on the floor in front of me and let's talk about some things." The girls sat down cross-legged in front of Betty, wide-eyed and eager to learn. Betty noted that Misty, like her, had light brown pubic hair, but where Betty's was thick and trimmed, Misty's was thin and wispy and Betty could easily see her daughters' labia, already puffy probably from the excitement of what was happening. Meg's vagina on the other hand was shaved almost completely bald with just a small strip of hair remaining over the top of her opening. "Well girls, for starters my body certainly isn't anywhere as nice looking as you two youngsters but it's all that I've got. Just so you know what my stats are, I am 5'6" and weigh a 128 pounds which is just about five pounds heavier than I would like to be. My breasts are 36C's and they are very sensitive to the touch and even more so when someone is sucking on them, God I absolutely love the feeling I get deep in the pit of my stomach when someone does that." Betty smiled at the girls as she massaged her breasts. Alright now tell me a little about you Meg."

"Uh, what do you want to know?"

"Well what size are your breasts and what turns you on, you know excites you."

She needed a good lie to tell so she hesitated just a little bit before she answered. "Gee Mrs... ah, Betty I'm a 34C cup but my mom thinks that I'll probably end up a 36D by the time I'm out of high school. What turns me on? Let's see, well I've never had sex but I have fooled around a little. Kissing is real nice. I never seen a penis before but the thought of my boyfriend and what he would feel like inside me always gets me wet. Is that what you meant?"

"Exactly!" She turned to her daughter. "Now what about you honey?"

"Well gee mom; you already know that I'm a 32B, not very big compared to you two. Anyway I have kissed a couple of boy's and that was a real nice feeling. One boy even got his hand under my sweater and grabbed my breast but that was all he did before I slapped him. Even so that kind of turned me on."

"Okay honey, anything else?"

Misty starred at her mother for a long time then looked over at Meg. "Well... ah I don't want you to think I'm all weird or anything but in swim class when we're all taking showers together I kind of get a thrill at looking at all the girls bodies. I mean their so sexy looking and everything and I've always wanted to just touch someone, does that make any sense?"

"That's fine sweetheart. How about you Meg, does knowing that Misty wants to touch another girl bother you?"

Oh this just keeps getting fucking better. "No, actually I didn't want to say anything but naked girl's kind of turn me on too."

"Okay that's fine. Now it's my time to confess. When I was young I was curious too only it didn't happen to me until I was in my first year of college."

"Really? What happened mom?"

"Well my roommate, her name was Lisa, she and I practiced having sex with each other, we learned everything about our bodies together."

"Everything?" Asked Misty.

"Really Betty, you made love to another woman? What was it like?" Meg asked.

"Well it was... ah, fun and felt real good too. Now it seems to me that if I'm going to teach you about your bodies and how to masturbate we're going to have to learn the same way I did by practicing — and the best way to do that is on each other. Do either of you have any objections? Meg? Misty?"

"No mom I'm fine with that."

"Yea, I'm good to go." Meg said.

"Good. Then let's start with our breasts. As you both probably know massaging your breasts can feel really good, but having someone else massage them for you is even better and of course having someone suckle on them is the absolute best. Now watch me and try to do what I'm showing you." Betty leaned back and massaged her breast with one hand, moving in small circles around the areola before pulling and pinching on her nipple. Both girls watched then tried it themselves on their own breasts. Betty watched first her daughter, and then Meg, play with their breasts and she smiled. "Very good girls, now both of you come up here with me."

The girls hopped up and sat down beside Betty on the couch.

Betty turned towards Meg and gently pushed her back on the couch. "Now just relax Meg, relax and enjoy this." Betty leaned over and ran her hand through Meg's hair and then she kissed her. Both of them reacted differently, Betty being the more aggressive of the two, her tongue easily sliding into Meg's mouth. Meg on the other hand was a little stiffer in her response that is until Betty's hand found her breast and started massaging it, then she relaxed and their kisses became much easier and more passionate. Misty just watched and rubbed her own breast.

Betty and Meg kissed for a long time then Betty lowered her head and sucked Meg's breast into her mouth and began sucking and flicking her nipple while she massaged her other breast. Almost instinctively Megs hand found Betty breasts and she played with her nipple. This lasted for only a couple of minutes then Betty sat up and looked at Meg. Her face was flush and her breathing rapid and uneven and Betty knew she was almost ready to have an orgasm. "Well seems like you like that Meg?"

"Oh my God yes, that was fantastic. I mean I felt the tingling all through my body."

"Okay now you two practice on me." Meg leaned in and lifted Betty's right breast up to her mouth and sucked on the nipple. Misty watched then lifted her mother's left breast up and sucked on it too. She was somewhat surprise at the heaviness of her mother's breast but also by how pliable it was. Both girls were sucking on Betty's breasts and playing with her nipples with their tongues and Betty moved her arm down and began rubbing her clit. It didn't take long for her first climax to arrive bringing shudders throughout her whole body. "Oh God girls that's it. Right there. Oh yessssssss."

The two girls quit playing and sat up. "Did you have an orgasm mom?"

"Yea Mrs. Alder, did you?"

She was breathing hard, her pulse racing. "Yes girls I did. What about you girls, how do you feel?"

"Uh mom I feel all tingly, you know down there."

"How about you Meg are you tingly and wet?"

"Uh I think so." Meg reached down and slid a finger in between her labia. "Yea, I'm all wet inside and..." her body jerked when she touched herself. "wow, I'm sensitive too."

Betty watched the girl shudder as she touched herself. "I'll just bet you are. That's your clit honey it's making you feel that way." She turned to her daughter, "Come on over here sweetie and feel how wet Meg is."

Misty moved over and Meg spread her knees apart for her friend. "What do I do mom?"

Betty took Misty's hand and moved it until it was positioned directly over Meg's pussy. "Look baby, watch me." Betty used two fingers to spread Meg's labia apart then she pointed down. "See that honey, that little white bump there that's Megs' clit." Betty touched Meg's clit with her index finger and gently rubbed it and they both watched the girl writhe in pleasure. "Just put your two fingers on top of it like I did and rub it gently in a small circle and it will make Meg cum, now go on and try it."

Misty put her fingers where her mother had shown her and started gently rubbing on Meg's clit. At first she starred intently at what she was doing, rubbing very slowly in small round circles as her mom had showed her then she looked up and studied her friends' face. Meg just sat there a little tense then as Misty continued to rub her clit her body seemed to relax a little and finally Meg laid her head back on the couch and she began to moan with obvious pleasure. While her daughter massaged her friends' clit Betty dropped her head down and sucked on the young girl's breast.

"Oh... Oh my God that feels... feels wonderful."

As Misty continued to massage Meg's clit, Meg's butt started lifting and up pushing forward into Misty's fingers, trying to get them inside of her.

When Meg could stand the pleasure no longer she finally asked. "Misty put your finger in me, please put a finger inside and fuck my pussy. Oh God I'm so damn close."

Betty took her daughter's hand and gently helped her push a finger inside her friends' pussy and she whispered into her ear. "Go ahead baby, fuck her pussy with your finger, make her cum."

When her finger slipped inside Meg's wet pussy the girl lifted her butt up into the air and she began yelling. 'Ohhhhhhhhh God, Oh my God I'mmm. I'mmmm commiinngggggg!!!" Meg then reached down and grabbed her friends' hand and held it inside her pussy as she squeezed her legs tightly together. "Oh God Misty that was wonderful. God you can't believe how good that felt, you just have to try this." She was still breathing hard as she turned to Betty. "Bet... Betty can I do it next?"

"Sure honey. Misty, climb up on the couch and let Meg make you cum."

But Meg had other ideas, ideas that she thought might lead somewhere else, somewhere that Betty would never have believed possible. "Uh... gee Betty I kind of wanted to try it with you."

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