Two Hot Daughters - Cover

Two Hot Daughters


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Anita Loper is a horny teenager who is eager to go after all the males in her household.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Incest   Brother   Father   Daughter   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

After fucking her two younger brothers, Anita turned her attention naturally to her older brother, Rick. While she hadn't given up, or forgotten about, her desire to fuck her father -- and her bet with Diane -- Rick was a constant temptation. She'd never noticed before just what a hunk he was.

So, she flirted with him, hoping he'd take the bait she made of herself. She figured she had enough cunt left to fuck all the men in her family and, besides, Anita was sure that Diane was still as cherry as the day she was born. She hardly considered it a contest anymore. As far as Anita was concerned, her father was as good as fucked. It was all just a matter of time.

And so, while she bided that time, she turned her attention to Rick. Although he still lived at home, Rick went to junior college and had a part-time job at a gas station. Like her other brothers, he was tall and dark and well-built. For Anita, it was like waking up from a wonderful dream only to find that reality was even better, as she discovered how attractive her brothers all were. She found it amazing that she'd never noticed that until now.

One Sunday afternoon, Rick was working on his car in the driveway. Anita had made a plan to go shopping with Diane but, when she saw that her brother was planning to spend the whole day around the house, Anita called her friend and canceled. She told Diane she didn't feel well, that she had her period. Diane sounded disappointed, but Anita couldn't help that. She was thinking only of the erotic possibility of fucking her older brother.

"Hi!" she said, turning up beside him in a yellow sun-suit. "Need any help?"

Rick saw his sister's legs from underneath the car, and shimmied out to talk to her. His handsome face was smudged with grease, and his skin glistened with sweat.

"I could use a cold beer, if you don't mind going in for one."

Anita scampered away and came right back with two beers. She handed Rick one, and took a big pull off the other.

"I didn't know you drank," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his greasy hand.

"Oh sure," said Anita, trying to sound as if she liked her beer. "I do lots of grown-up things."

"So hear," he said, looking at her meaningfully.

"What do you mean?" Anita asked, moving closer to him.

"You just better watch out that Mom and Dad don't find out what you've been up to."

"Do you think it's wrong?"

"I'm sure Mom and Dad would think it's wrong."

Anita laughed, making her tits shake. "I didn't ask you about Mom and Dad, asked you about you. Do you think what I've been doing with Mike and Chuck is wrong?"

Rick paused, considering his answer carefully. Anita waited anxiously, knowing this was the moment of truth.

"Nah," he finally drawled, looking up at her sheepishly. "I think it's kinda hot."

Anita laughed happily. "Hooray! God, I'm glad you said that. So, ah, you wanna?"

She thrust one hip out and shifted her weight sexily. She and her brother just stared at each other, their eyes locked.

Finally Rick got up and opened the car door, in front of where Anita stood.

"After you," he said, motioning her inside. "Welcome to my orgy room."

"All right! didn't think you'd be so easy!"

Rick laughed as she climbed in behind her. "I'm easy but I'm not cheap!"

Anita clambered over into the driver's seat, while Rick settled into the passenger seat. Then he reached across his sister to click the seat recline button, and Anita suddenly found herself flat on her back.

"Hey!" she exclaimed.

He hit his own button, and then reached into the backseat for a beach towel. This he smashed down into the area between the two front seats, covering the gear knob. Then he reached out for Anita, and took her in his arms. He kissed her long and hard, then broke it off to hold her close.

"No," he said, "I don't see anything wrong with this at all."

Anita reached up and drew his head back down to hers. Their arms entwined around their bodies, and their lips quivered and ground together. Anita put her feet on Rick's side of the car, and together the brother and sister stretched diagonally across the front seats.

When Anita felt her brother unbuttoning her sun-suit, she helped him along, wiggling out of the one-piece garment. When Rick reached down to take off her panties, he got an erotic surprise.

"No underwear!" he exclaimed, breaking their kiss, and looking down at her bare cunt.

Anita giggled. "I was hoping you'd say yes."

"I swear, you better watch out..."

"The only thing want to watch," she said, grabbing his crotch, "is this."

Rick moaned and let the naked little nymph crawl across him and take off his clothes. He had to help her as she pulled down his undershorts and jeans.

"It's great!" she said, staring at his prick. "I love it!"

Rick reached out and brought her hand over to his prick.

"Show it," he said, his voice tight with excitement.

Anita jacked on his cock, her fingers barely reaching around its thick shaft. Great amounts of pre-cum ran from the slitted tip of his prick, and she smeared the pre-cum out and down his entire prick-shaft. Her hand slid up and down his cock easily, greased by his thick fuck-juice.

"Oh, baby," Rick groaned, reluctantly pulling away from her and curling down into the floor of the car, between his sister's outstretched legs.

"What are you doing?" Anita asked, her wet fingers already missing his prick.

Rick laughed. "I'm gonna eat your pussy out, sit.

"You mean put your mouth there?"

"Sure! like it. You mean you never did this before?"

Anita shook her head, her body jumping as his chin bounced against her tufted cunt-mound.

"Well, I'm glad to hear you don't know everything about fucking. Get ready!"

Anita wiggled back into the seat, her legs spread wide, and her big brother crouched between them. Her ass stuck to the vinyl, and she felt tense. She couldn't imagine why anyone would want to put his mouth on her cunt but, if Rick did, she certainly wasn't going to stop him.

He took hold of the insides of her thighs and leaned forward. His face met the hot meat of, her cunt, and he started tonguing and licking immediately. His tongue fluttered lightly over the darker outer lips of her cunt, batting the sensitive skin this way and that.

"Eeeee!" Anita screamed, incredible sensations radiating out from her pussy. "Ohhhhh, that's great!"

Rick looked up over the mound of her cunt, and smiled at her with his eyes. His mouth continued to work, his tongue now licking straight up and down her cunt-gash, the flat of his tongue covering a wide patch of her cunt area.

Anita spread her legs out wider, wanting her brother to have all the room he needed to eat her cunt. She tossed her head back, her cunt feeling as if it would come at any moment.

Never had she experienced such direct, erotic stimulation! Pussy-eating was the best! She'd demand it of all her brothers from now on!

Rick lapped up and down her cunt-crack, taking down her cunt-juices eagerly. Her cunt was very creamy, and he had to swallow often to keep from drowning in her freely flowing pussy-nectar. His flattened tongue covered a wide portion of her cunt area, and his hands tightened on Anita's thighs to keep her still enough to tongue-fuck. Her little ass was dancing around so much, he could barely get his mouth to keep up with it.

Then, for a change of pace, he curled his tongue into a tube, and began to fuck his sister with it as if it were a mini-cock. Judging from the way Anita moaned and gyrated, Rick knew he had hit on something good, so he kept it up. His tongue flew in and out of her open cunt-tunnel, reaching in as far as it could go.

Whenever he took his tongue out of her pussy, he flicked the tip of it around her fluttering cunt-lips, making his sister cry out all the louder.

"Ohhhhh! Ahhhhh!" she sighed, her hands clenched into fists of excitement. "Ohhhhh, ohhhhhh, ohhhhhh!"

Her knee bounced up against the dashboard, her other leg stretched out nearly straight. She fluttered her eyes closed, wanting nothing visual to interfere with the incredibly sensual emotions running through her body. Her cunt clutched and trembled, all the nerve-endings raw with [lust. As Rick trenched her cunt out with his pointed tongue, she felt her heart pounding and her cunt juicing up like never before.

Rick bobbed his face up and down, butting the bridge of his nose against her clit. Anita jumped higher than ever, her cunt trying to grab hold of his tongue and pull it right out of his fucking mouth. His teeth ground into the light circle of hair around her pussy-hole, chewing at the sensitive skin underneath.

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