Two Hot Daughters - Cover

Two Hot Daughters


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Anita Loper is a horny teenager who is eager to go after all the males in her household.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Incest   Brother   Father   Daughter   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

When Anita told Diane about fucking with her middle brother, Diane was positively green with envy. She tried to sound enthusiastic, laughing as she reminded Anita that she didn't win their bet by fucking brothers. But, as the two girls spoke, Diane was very glad they were talking on the phone, so it was easier for her, to hide her real feelings.

She congratulated Anita one last time, and then hung up her private phone and leaned back against her pink and white pillows. Now Anita was two boys ahead of her -- and her own brothers, yet! How would she ever catch up? And, more important, how would she ever manage to fuck her father, when she couldn't even interest the twelve-year-old from down the street in fucking her?

"I'll probably die a virgin," Diane moaned, rolling onto her stomach and hugging her faithful bear. "What has Anita got that I haven't got?"

She flopped her bear up so he was sitting on her lap and she could address him directly.

"So do you think I'm pretty?" she asked, making him stare into her face. "Would you want to fuck me if you had a cock?"

His black, beady eyes looked at her blankly.

"I'd sure fuck you if could," she said, stroking his fur. "Right now, I'd fuck just about anything!"

She put the bear flat down on her chest, humping up against him as if he really could fuck her.

"God, I'm so horny!"

She let the bear slide off of herself, and then turned over onto her side. She wore shorts and a simple, button-down summer blouse with short sleeves. Her long legs were bare, her blonde hair loose around her face. As she turned, she put her hand between her thighs and pushed it against the mound of her cunt. Just that diffused pressure made her pussy tingle.

"Why won't somebody fuck me? Daddy, why won't you fuck me?"

Lying on her side, she humped her hand, bouncing her pussy mound against it. Even through her shorts and panties, she could feel the contours of her cunt area, the button that was her clit, the cleft that led to the hole of her cunt. She cupped herself, the warmth of her hand radiating out to excite her pussy.

Diane sighed and closed her eyes. She was tired of fucking herself with her fingers. Tired of wondering what fucking was all about. But she already felt that familiar ache between her legs, and she knew she would have to have some kind of relief. Even if it was only the kind she could give herself, it would, again, be better than nothing.

With a sigh, she shimmied out of her shorts and panties, and unbuttoned and shrugged off her blouse. She wore no bra-her budding tits didn't really demand one anyway-and soon she was gloriously naked.

"That feels good," she said softly, stretching out long on her bed.

She arched her back, working the kinks out of her shoulders and back. Then she formed herself into a big X, her limbs pointed to the four corners of the bed.

She then drew her feet up, following the line her legs had begun. When her heels met the cheeks of her ass, her thighs were spread wide, opening her cunt up to plenty of the warm, afternoon air. But compared to the temperature of her hot cunt, that air felt cool and refreshing, and Diane scissored her legs together and apart a few times to stir up an erotic breeze.

Her legs rocking, she brought her hands up onto her tits. Immediately she thought of Anita as she touched her small tits. Diane was very aware that her body was slow in developing, especially compared to her curvy friend. She pinched her nipples savagely, punishing them for being so childish.

"Ough!" she cried, the hurt zooming up to her brain.

Her hands worked independently, one massaging her right tit, the other, her left. She rolled her nipples around and around, pushing down on them with the tips of her fingers. Despite their size, her tits were very sensitive, and she could feel the sensations she created within them radiating out to other parts of her body, especially her cunt.

The way her legs were working opened her juicing pussy. Already, Diane could feel the wetness gathering there along the furry crack of her cunt and ass. She shifted her hips, the heat in her loins mounting.

Her hands ran down her front, her fingers just touching the top of her blonde pussy-triangle. She scratched her fingernails through the kinky hair there, arousing the sensitive skin underneath it. She fluffed up her cunt-bush, making what cunt-fur she did have stand up tall and thick.

Then she ran her hands back up herself slowly, letting them make tingling trails along her skin. She raked herself with her fingernails, liking the way she was making herself feel.

Briefly she wondered how much better fucking with a real man would be. For a moment, she remembered what it had been like fucking with Anita, but then she pushed that embarrassing thought from her mind. She didn't want to turn into a lesbian, and she made herself promise never to let Anita do anything like that to her again, no matter how horny either of them got!

But, whatever she wanted to do to herself with her own hands was fine. It didn't offend or embarrass her in the least to get herself off. In fact, she liked it.

But, she thought sadly, she would gladly have traded it for just one really good fuck-session with her father.

"Oh, Daddy," she sighed, "I just have to fuck you. just have to!"

She cupped her tits again, squeezing them in frustration. The little white handfuls of skin turned pink, and then a bloodless white as she gripped them very tightly.

"There!" she gasped, at last letting them go, looking down to watch the blood rush back into the abused areas.

Gently then, Diane stroked herself, working out the pain she had created in her tits. Her nipples stood up stronger and straighter than ever, as if the worse she treated them, the better they liked it.

Although her lower body was calling her, her cunt starting to clutch and demand the touch of her experienced fingers, Diane concentrated on her upper body. She knew that the longer she made herself wait, the better it would feel when she finally allowed herself some stroking.

But, still, her pussy began to sizzle with need, her lust growing.

Her hands went up and down her sides, her fingers clawing and groping. She touched the tanned parts of her belly, and the small bit of white skin that showed the shape of her bikini. She crossed her arms over her chest, pulling them back across her front, her nails leaving narrow stripes of tingles.

"Ummmm," she sighed, her eyes closed as she enjoyed whatever her hands did to her to the utmost.

While she played with her tits, her legs still moved in and out, in and out, pumping the juices up from far inside her cunt. She butted her heels against her ass, kicking herself slightly to jar loose even more cunt-juices. Her pussy was gulping in air, and Diane could tell that her cunt had gotten very juicy.

Slowly, she let her hands travel down toward her crotch. But, just before they got to the eagerly awaiting tangle of her cunt-hair, they split apart, one moving down one thigh, the other hand caressing her other thigh. The skin there broke out in goose-bumps of anticipation, as her fingers touched parts of her that had long gone uncaressed.

With her bent knees pointing upward, she could reach clear to her knees, and all up and down her thighs and shin. She massaged herself, her fingers bringing good feelings to wherever she touched. When she grated her fingernails up toward her aching cunt, along the insides of her thighs, Diane could feel her entire cunt area contracting, the sensations very intense and very arousing.

When she reached her cunt, it took all of her strength to make her fingers reverse their motion, and back down away from her eager pussy once again.

"Oh, you tease me so good," she sighed, her head tossed back, and her half-smile one of lust and longing.

She raked her fingers up and down her inner thighs a few more times. Each time she came near to her cunt, her body grew tense, and the tendons in her inner thighs tightened up.

Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore. Her cunt was already clutching and throbbing without her fingers even touching it. She couldn't put off what she really wanted a moment longer. Her body demanded some kind of relief, and she was just going to have to give in and satisfy herself now.

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