Two Hot Daughters - Cover

Two Hot Daughters


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Anita Loper is a horny teenager who is eager to go after all the males in her household.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Incest   Brother   Father   Daughter   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Anita rushed home, her school shoes clicking on the sidewalk. Fucking with her dad, that was a great idea! She shook her head, wondering why she hadn't thought about it herself. She pretty much had her father wrapped around her little finger. It would be a piece of cake to get him to take her cherry!

She turned the corner near her house, and came to a screeching halt. Her father wasn't home from work yet! The driveway was empty. Apparently her mother was gone somewhere, too.

"Damn," Anita said softly, walking on more slowly.

Because she had cut herself off quickly at Diane's house, she was still very horny. She hadn't gotten to experience that needed second orgasm, and her pussy nearly smoked as she headed home to fuck her dad. And now, when she realized that she would have to wait for an hour or so before she could get any sort of satisfaction, lust and frustration bubbled up between her legs.

Sadly, she trudged up the walkway, the heat in her cunt making her sway slightly. She was halfway up the heavily shaked walk when there was a war whoop, and suddenly her twin brother Mike dropped down beside her from the tree that covered most of their front yard.

"No passem, white woman!" Mike said, grabbing Anita's hair as if he were about to scalp her.

"Cut it out!" she snapped, struggling to get loose.

"This house, Indian house!" Mike insisted, trying to hold her.

Micke was about the same size as Anita, and he wore his dark, straight hair slightly long. Right now, he had it pulled into a small ponytail and he wore only light-colored shorts His small chest was bare, and Anita could see he had streaked it with something, trying to simulate war paint.

As they tussled, Anita dropped her school books. Mike held onto her with both his sweaty hands, mumbling and hooting like an Indian.

"Stop it!" Anita cried.

He'd caught her so off-guard that it took her a few seconds to really start to fight back. Finally, when she could tell that he wasn't going to just let her go, she hauled off and kicked him in the shin.

"Ow! Shit!" Mike exclaimed, hopping back on one leg. "What'd you do that for?"

"So you'd take your grubby paws off me!"

Anita stormed into the house, with Mike hobbling behind.

"What put you in such a good mood?" he asked, sitting on the couch and rubbing his injured leg.

"I just wanted to talk to dad about something important, and now he's not here, that's all."

"You wanna talk to me about it?"

Anita looked over at her brother. Because they were twins and got along very well, she now felt sorry about what she'd done. It was sweet of him to want to help her.

"Thanks, but don't think so. I need a real man, like daddy."

Mike jumped up and slapped his tanned chest. "Me real man!"

Anita laughed and went over to give him a hug. She gave him a short peck on the cheek. "Thanks anyway."

But, when she tried to back away, Mike put his arms around her. In a flash Anita realized that, perhaps, her brother could help her. It was her pussy and not her brain thinking, but she relaxed in his embrace and put her lips back against his face.

She kissed the sweaty side of his neck, her eyes closed, some inner force telling her what to do. Each kiss she gave him seemed to make her pussy hotter, and she shimmied her legs together.

Mike stood very still and let his sister kiss him. He hadn't expected her to act this way at all. He'd only held onto her as a joke -- but what was happening between his young legs was anything but funny. He was getting a big hard-on!

Now it was his turn to try and get free. But, just as he had held her before, Anita now kept him encircled with her arms. Her mouth moved back up to his face and across his cheek to his.

"Sis... wait..."

But she cut off his protest with her soft lips. Their kisses were tinned at first, neither child knowing much about what they were doing. But Anita was hungry for it, and as the lust mounted in her blood, she grew bolder.

"Come up to my room with me," she said breathlessly, gripping Mike's hand and pulling him along behind her.

"What for?" he croaked.

But Anita didn't answer. She just rushed them upstairs and closed the door to her room behind them. She whirled Mike toward the bed, letting go of his hand. He landed on the bed and bounced. Then, as he looked up, he saw Anita reach under her short, plaid uniform skirt and pull down her panties.

"I wanted daddy to do this, but since he's not here..."

Mike gasped as she came toward him and reached for the button on his shorts. Their dark eyes met and shared a look of understanding as he lifted his ass and let her slide his shorts and undershorts down and off.

The naked boy and the girl in the school uniform rolled across the bed. Their small hands explored each other, touching here and there. Anita kicked her legs apart, liking the feel of the cool air on her hot cunt. Her pussy was already very wet, and she touched herself, fingering her pussy open.

They came to rest with Mike on top of her, his naked body between her legs. Anita reached down and gathered up her skirt, baring her pussy. Mike looked down at her dark-tufted cunt-mound and moaned.

"I never did this before," he said.

"Me neither," Anita replied.

"But you wanna?"

"Oh yesssss!" she said, reaching down and taking hold of his cock.

It certainly was not the big cock she had imagined for her first fuck, but it felt good in her hand, and she was sure it would feel even better in her cunt.

"I want to," she said.

Anita bent his cock downward, butting its head against her tight cunt-lips. But, because her pussy was so wet, her cunt opened to take in his throbbing cock. Easily, she fucked her twin brother's prick just inside the eared lips of her cunt.

"Ummmmmm!" she sighed.

"Ohhhhhh!" he moaned.

Anita wiggled her ass around, and his prick slipped into her deeper. Mike wiggled, too, and before the two teenagers knew it, his cock was completely buried in the soft warmth of her cunt.

"God," Anita gasped, "we're fucking!"

Mike giggled. "We are!"

Moving awkwardly at first, the boy drew back and then shoved forward. The results sent incredible tingles of wonderful sensations coursing through his body, and so he did it again-and again. Soon Mike had established a very respectable fucking tempo.

Anita lay stiff as a board beneath him. She lifted her legs up like the women in the pictures had done, but, other than that, she didn't know what to do. Her brother slammed down against her, fucking the breath out of her. She tried to time her breathing to his so that she didn't make such horrid gasping sounds. And, once she did that, the fucking was much better.

Her cunt sizzled around his fucking prick. She had known it would feel good, but she hadn't known it would feel this good. Glorious feelings radiated out from her cunt to the farthest reaches of her body. The ends of her hair even felt good!

To show her appreciation, she started moving, too, rocking with Mike, and, although she wouldn't have thought it possible, the feelings got even better.

"Yeah, fuck me!" she panted, her words literally fucked right out of her.

Mike turned out to be a very good choice for her first fuck. He drilled his cock in and out of her, fucking her nicely after he got the hang of it. And, even if his prick wasn't the biggest one she could have chosen, Anita came to realize that her brother's cock felt just perfect.

Mike started out flat on top of her, his cock barely covering half the length of her cunt-tunnel. But, as he grew more confident, he pulled himself back and fucked her with long, deep strokes. His cock had never felt so thick and hard, and he used it to their best advantage. The sweaty streaks of his pretend war paint smeared off against Anita's white uniform blouse, but neither teenager cared. All that mattered right now was their wonderful fucking.

Anita used muscles she didn't even know she had as she fucked back at her brother. Her uniform skirt was smashed between their bodies, wrinkles being pressed into it by their sweat, but that didn't matter, either. She wiggled her ass around, making whatever motions her body craved. Mother Nature was her fucking guide, and she proved to be a good and eager student.

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