Katie's Pain Lesson - Cover

Katie's Pain Lesson


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Katie, a virgin 18 years old who dreams about pain and pleasure goes through a journey of both.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   BiSexual   BDSM   DomSub   Spanking   Rough   Torture   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   BBW   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Know what I've always wanted to do, Jason," I asked him on our next date, as I had been thinking a whole lot about what I really wanted when it came to this pain stuff.

In fact, I hardly thought of anything else. It took up a lot of my time. That, and of course, Jason.

"No. What?"

He pulled me to him and gave me a real good hug as his hand slid down to squeeze my tit as I leaned into him and let him have free access to whatever her wanted to play with at the moment.

"I've read all of these crazy books and magazines, you know adult type junk, well, anyway, they all rave on and on about New York City being the mecca of painful porn. Is it true? Can you get anything there? Are they as free as everyone makes them out to be?"

"Well, ah sure. I've been there several times and I'd say that was a fact. Why? What's cooking in that brain of yours now?"

"A shopping spree."


"A shopping spree, with your money of course."

"Of course. Why can't you shop here?"

"I'd be lucky find a dildo in this town and believe me, I have much more than that on my shopping list."

"Oh, and just what is on this list of yours?"

"Well, that's half the problem. I don't really know what all is available. Which of course is why I want to go to New York. Here, let me show you."

I dug into my purse, where I had stored, a real sleazy adult magazine that was into the leather and pain scene. Granted, the quality wasn't all that great, but it was good enough to make my twat hot and wet as I flipped through it.

"See, this is what I mean. Do they have stuff like this paddle, leather clothing like that," that was a picture of a gal covered in leather, except for tits, pussy and ass.

"How about these? Do they have these leather bras? How about this, what would you call it, anyway?"

"I'd call it a restraining harness. The straps between her legs keeps her open for, well, whatever. The ones around her breasts make them stand out, while the rest holds her in various positions. Vertical, horizontal, twisted, stretched and so on depending on how you hook her up."

"They really have this stuff in stores where you can see it? And try it on for size and all?"

"Sure, if you know where to go."

"And do you? Know where to go, that is?"

"I'm sure I could manage it, why?"

"How's your plastic holding up?"

"No complaints. Why, want to see how much you can charge on them?"

"Well, the thought had crossed my mind. You don't really mind, do you? I mean... well we'll both benefit from it."

"I don't mind at all Kate. You want to go on a shopping spree, we'll go on a shopping spree. How's this weekend sound?"

"Great! Know any places where we can ahh you know, try them on for size and all?"

"I know just the place."

And he did. God, did he ever.

We left right after our last classes on Friday and flew into the big apple by late afternoon, to see all the business types flooding the subway, trains and streets as we leisurely made our way to the place Jason knew about.

It was the pits.

I mean this place actually had dust balls in the corners, cobwebs on the walls and customers who looked like the FBI's most wanted. In other words, it was great!

The merchandise? Well it was all there. And more. I actually had to duck under a leather harness hanging over the isle as my eyes took in every sight. My nose wasn't neglected either. The strongest scent was leather. Closely followed by a strong hint of metallic. And then my fingers did do a bit of touching, too.

As I said, I am a very sensual gal, and boy were my senses ever being stimulated as Jason placed his hand in the small of my back as we slowly made our way all around the five rooms that made up the establishment.

It took us at least a good hour to make our first tour. Jason had told me ahead of time that we would see all that was available before making our first purchase and he was true to his word as I made notes of special placement of articles.

"Okay, Kate, now it's time to buy. Where do you want to start?"

That I had decided the moment we had entered the room that contained harnesses and clothing. Grabbing his hand, I quickly pulled Jason into the room and raised my hand. Pointing my finger, I said, "That."

"That" was a leather harness that encompassed a mannikin to show how it was to be installed. Over tits, forcing them way out and cutting into boobs and chest. A series of straps connected everything together—around neck, arms, waist and thighs. The lower section of leather straps was wedged into ass crack and pussy slit, making all intimate openings vastly available to whatever. There was also a strap hanging down the back that held two massive dildos that could or could not be used in conjunction with the remaining harness.

Each connecting strap also had huge rings attached. Each strong enough to support the average person. There were rings at each upper arm band, each thigh band, at the neck and waist straps, too. Each ring was also large enough to allow a bar or rod to slip through, or to hook a chain or rope too.

Jason smiled. He didn't even wince at the accompanying price tag. But he did pick up the box beneath the display and tuck it under his arm.

My entire body was literally covered with goose bumps.

"Next," was his only comment as he again turned and looked at me to make my next selection.

I was determined to put a dent in his charge cards. Three hours later I succeeded. It took us three trips to carry it all out to the cab.

You should have seen the cabbie's eyes!

We made the slowest trip in a New York cab in history. Of course part of that reason just might have been caused by the fact that Jason again ordered me to discard my top as he tried out several of our purchases right there in the cab.

You know, the cabbie wasn't even offended about not getting a tip at the airport.

He even helped us load up the luggage cart. Then he got his tip.

A tip in the form of using one damned stiff cane on my displayed ass as I leaned over the hood of the cab as others looked on with mixed reactions.

No sir, that cabbie didn't object at all in not getting any extra money. And he sure as hell laid into my ass. I mean, I could hardly even sit on my ass as we drove back to Jason's.

But I was far from complaining.

There was also the fact that I didn't sit on my ass all that much. No, most of the time my face was plastered against Jason's cock and my ass was in the air after we reached his Vet. Totally bare I might add for those interested.

It was quite late when we finally arrived at his house, but neither of us had any desire to go to bed. Well, at least not to sleep that is.

After dropping the final bag on the floor in a corner, Jason was past the point of patience. He grabbed the bag he wanted, dumped it on the floor at my feet and told me in no uncertain terms to get into it.

'It' being my first selection of the harness.

With cool fingers I quickly removed the remainder of my clothing, discarding them in a heap, and stood very eagerly in front of him for him to harness me.

To say that my pussy was wet would have been the understatement of the century, but when he fastened the first strap around my neck I was in total flood stage. I got wetter with each successive strap— around waist, arms and thighs.

I was actually shaking when he began to entrap my bloated boobs between the leather straps. And God, when he began to tighten them, well, there is no way to deny it, I came.

Right there standing in front of Jason as he adjusted them to me, I came.

My legs almost gave up support of me. I know for a fact that they were literally quivering. Right along with my clit, cunt and asshole. Hell, why pull punches. I was a goner. In fact Jason actually held some of my weight as he pull the straps tighter as my legs resembled an up and down yo-yo.

Jason wasn't the least bit put out though.

No, he just kept fastening strap after strap, sometimes holding me, sometimes not, depending on the strength of my legs until I was securely encased in every blessed strap.

Talk about a rippled body. Mine was. Each strap was digging in as deep as it could. Boobs oozed over straps, as did arms, waist, ass, cunt and tights. Fingers and toes were turning numb. But the rest of me was firecracker hot and ready to explode some more as he walked around me. Believe me, he gave me a very thorough look-see.

I also know for a fact that he liked what he saw.

His solid cock was proof enough to verify that statement as it pressed against his zipper. And of course there was the smile that just wouldn't go away from his face, too.

Oh yes, we were both very pleased with the harness and raring to experiment with it. And with me of course, too.

I got an inkling of Jason's idea when he pulled out a very long rod and slipped it through the ring at the back of my waist. His words of, "Stand up on the bed," told me the rest. And sure enough, a few minutes later I was swinging back and forth at the end of his bed by my waist as the harness really dug into my gut. I mean really dug in as he cuffed my wrists to the rod and began to lengthen a spreader bar between my feet.

No doubt about it, I sure as hell wasn't going to be going anywhere for quite some time. I also picked up on the fact that I could be rotated into any position with a flick of his hand on the spreader bar attached to my ankles. No sir, no doubt about it at all.

I had come to that conclusion before he picked up my specialized paddle.

A scant few seconds later I was hanging upside down. I had an excellent view of his pillows on the bed, which just naturally made my harnessed ass face Jason and my paddle as my feet were clipped to one of the numerous rings on the bed posts.

I don't know which of my senses was flooded first. My sense of touch or of sound as he laid one damned hefty swat into my upside down ass. Both were definitely registered, let me tell you, right along with the added sound of me screaming my damned head off as I hung upside down.

If you have never been into the submissive scene, let me tell you that a paddle landed on a leather spread ass crack is quite a sensation. A damned painful one. But then there were compensations.

I came like a banshee with the first landing.

And with each successive one thereafter, too.

I mean, let's face it. My body had absolutely no where to go. I was trapped, strung out, pulled, and squeezed. All I could do was sway a bit with each one landed. Sway and come that is, which is what I did until he finally unhooked my ankles and I again rotated to a somewhat horizontal position hanging from my waist again as I struggled just to breath.

When Jason stood up on the bed behind me and jammed his cock up my spread pussy I even forgot to breath. But I sure as hell didn't forget how to come as his cock was a very firm wedge up my sucking pussy as I rocked back on forth on the rod holding me in place.

His hands dug into her harnessed tits, pinching my rock hard nipples as my pussy pulled him even deeper in me.

God! what a fuck. It was out of this world. The combination of pain, bondage and fucking was devastating on all of my senses. Each sense was totally alive: touch had shattered nerve endings to register, sound was our combined grunts and groans, sight was viewing my bound body, smell encompassed our sweating bodies and sex juices, I even tasted the salt of sweat on my lips. All were registering erotic messages that turned my climax into a multi one that I reveled in with each thrust of his swollen cock into my willing body.

I screamed my damned head off in passion and mixed pain as I hung there. His hands dug into me. His cock pounded. Sweat stung my paddle heated ass. Then he was coming. Filling me to overflowing. Triggering even harder spasms of lust and passion.

With his last spurt of man juice up my very receptive body, Jason pulled away from my hanging body and stepped off the bed.

"Don't go away, I'll be right back."

Right. As if I could go anywhere bound as I was.

Tearing eyes watched his form walk out of the room and on their return trip across the room caught sight of my reflection in the mirror. Jesus Fucking Christ was I ever something to see!

Black leather straps all over me. My hanging hair did little to hide the straps cutting into and separating my bloated boobies. The supporting waist strap looked like it was severing me. The thinner straps going between my legs held my puffy pussy lips wide apart as they did my ass cheeks.

I mean I was totally open in that area that just happened to show ample evidence of recent activity. Then of course there were the straps on my legs and the bands to my ankles holding me to the spreader bar. And a bright red ass trimmed by the straps showed vividly against the whiteness of the rest of my bound form.

Yep, I was quite a sight all right. And raring to go for round two. Or three or twenty.

I wondered where Jason had gone off to, hoping he wouldn't be gone for long as I slowly swayed to my attached rod.

Blowing a strand of hair out of my mouth I heard voices approaching. Recognizing that fact, I gave them my full attention.

"Yes, sir," came a female voice.

"I want to give her a good demonstration of the things we got, for future reference."

"Perfectly understandable, sir."

That voice I recognized as good old Charles, his valet who had paddled my ass on a previous occasion. As the three of them entered the room I recognized Betsy, the maid whose ass Jason had pinched my first night there. Obviously it was going to be a very special night for me.

I smiled at them as they entered. I really couldn't help it. I was too damned excited not to. Maybe I'd get my first, hopefully the first of many, tastes of female loving, along with being double teamed by good old Charles and Jason to boot.

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