The Trailer Park: The Third Year - Cover

The Trailer Park: The Third Year

Copyright© 2006 by Wizard

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Tony, Tami and Robbie start high school. It HAD to be easier than middle school.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual  

"Tony! The vice principal would like to see you," Mrs. Wayne said after reading the note the office aid had given her.

What the hell? The new school year only started an hour ago. I can't be in trouble already.

I glanced at Tami and Robbie as I gathered my books. They both shrugged.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I stepped into the vice principal's office.

"What are you doing here, sir," Mr. Parker corrected.

"What are you doing here?" I repeated.

"Sit down, Mr. Sims."

"I'm missing algebra."

"Sit down!" he snapped.

I sat.

"Miss Carlyle has retired, and I'm the new vice principal. I wanted to make sure that you're getting off to a good start."

"I was doing fine, except I'm missing my algebra class."

"There are more important things than algebra."

"I'll be sure to tell Mrs. Wayne you said so." I started to stand. "Are we done?"

"Sit down! I'll tell you when we're done." Mr. Parker steepled his fingers. "We need to discuss your attitude."

"My attitude has been just fine the entire..." I glanced at my watch, "hour and seven minutes of the school year so far."

"Your attitude is as bad as last year."

"Are you planning to talk to every freshman who got in trouble last year?"

"My plans are none of your business, but no."

I stood up and walked out the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" he bellowed, causing everyone in the outer office to stare.

"To class. I'm here to learn, remember?"

"You're here to do what I tell you!"

"Mrs. Hatcher?" I said, looking at the school secretary. "Would you call my mother and tell her I'm getting suspended for going to class."

Mrs. Hatcher put her hand on the phone, then looked at Mr. Parker. He shook his head. "I'll tell you when you can talk to your mother."

I smiled, then turned and ran into a wall.

"Is there a problem here?" the wall asked. I stepped back.

Imagine Dom DeLuise after he'd gained weight. A lot of weight. Then put him into a security guard's uniform that didn't fit and strap on a gun.

"This student needs to go back into my office," Parker told the wall.

The wall put his meaty hand on my shoulder and started pushing.

I pulled out of his grip. "This student needs to go back to class."

The wall put his hand on the butt of his gun. "You'll go where you're told." He reached for me with the other hand.

I ducked under him and out the door.

I started to go back to class but realized that would last about two minutes.

I could call Mom, but the only public phones were in the office, or the main lobby. The wall looked stupid, but I thought he could figure out the lobby.

I could steal a car and make a break for it. From hero to fugitive. Hell, they'd make a TV movie out of it.

Then I had a better idea. Not as much fun, but better.

"Could I have a word with Mr. Mulino please?" I asked the secretary.

She looked up at me suspiciously. "Are you delivering a note or something?"

"No, I just wanted to talk to him for a minute."

"Why?" Suspicious old bat.

"He's the superintendent of schools. I'm a student in school. I thought we had a common interest."

She shook her head. "He's a very busy man. He can't talk to every student. And shouldn't you be in class?"

"Wouldn't that be nice," I mumbled.

"What is it you want?" a man asked, standing in the doorway to the inner office. If the wall looked like Dom DeLuise, this guy reminded me of Jackie Gleason.

"Just a question. Are you Mr. Mulino?"

"I am. What's your question?"

"I just wondered if it was school policy to single out one student, pull him out of class, and make dire warnings about future trouble?"

"No," he admitted. "That's not our policy.

"Then why did Mr. Parker have me pulled out of algebra and waste my morning listening to his threats."

"Well, Mr. Parker is the vice principal."

"And why did Mr. Parker refuse to allow my mother to participate in these discussions. I asked several times."

Mr. Mulino looked troubled about that. "I'm sure Mr. Parker has his reasons. He's an experienced administrator after all."

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you my opinion of Mr. Parker's abilities as an administrator, since freedom of speech doesn't apply here. Maybe we'd better get my mother here, and she can discuss Mr. Parker."

"Well, we could..."

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