Between The Heartbeats - Cover

Between The Heartbeats

Copyright© 2006 by Megan Kingsley

Chapter 4B

Sunday, 29 June 03
1530 EDT
Chegwidden Residence
McLean, VA

Jules slowly came awake, snuggled in the bed with the sheets nearly mummifying her. She buried her face further into the comfy pillow and reached out for AJ. Finding the bed next to her empty and cold, she sat up, holding the sheets to her chest. As she was ready to call out for AJ he came in from the adjoining bathroom.

Seeing her awake, AJ murmured, "Sleeping Beauty." He strolled from the bathroom, naked and freshly showered.

"Mmm. What time is it?" Jules asked and then watched the play of muscles in AJ's body as he approached the bed.

"It's time to go back to bed." AJ answered as he climbed on the bed over Jules and eased her down onto her back, removing the sheets as she went.

Jules giggled as AJ stretched out over her and tickled her breasts with his damp chest hair. "And now that we're both in bed?" Jules asked.

AJ grinned wolfishly and whispered in her ear, "We could go back to sleep, but it's the middle of the afternoon."

Jules murmured her agreement, "We could always raid the kitchen and bring it back here, have a bed picnic."

"Mmm, we could." AJ trailed his lips from her chest to her ear and whispered, "Or we could..."

Jules grin spread across her lips slowly and wickedly. She kissed him passionately and flipped AJ onto his back, preparing to take full advantage of his suggestion.

Monday, 30 June 03
0530 EDT
Chegwidden Residence
McLean, VA

Jules internal clock woke her early this morning to go running, but she decided after being up with AJ most of the night making love she would treat herself to a bit of a lie in and woke an hour later. She probably didn't need to run today, Jules mused as she lifted her head from AJ's shoulder; she'd gotten enough exercise last night.

Jules pondered AJ's sleeping face; when he wasn't being the Admiral he was funny, and playful, but when he was relaxed in sleep he looked positively boyish.

Grinning appreciatively in the dark, she reflected that it might just be the boy in him that kept him so amorous all evening. Jules knew she would be walking funny today, but being with AJ like that, so intimately, him being so loving, she couldn't regret a few tender muscles.

Trying to wriggle out from under the arm AJ threw possessively over her, Jules accidentally woke him.

"Darlin'?" AJ rasped groggily. "It isn't time to get up yet." He rolled Jules onto her back, throwing an arm and a leg over her, pinning her to the mattress, and snuggled into her warmth.

If only his officers knew what an absolute snuggler AJ was they wouldn't be nearly as respectful and fearful of him. Chuckling silently to herself, Jules whispered, "Honey, I have to get up now." She turned her head so they were face to face.

"No you don't."

Grinning, Jules kissed the tip of his nose and said, "Yes I do. I have to drive to Quantico today."

"Mmm, stay here. In bed with me." AJ mumbled into Jules hair and kissed her temple.

"My CO outranks my boyfriend." Jules grumbled as she managed to slide out from under AJ's arm and leg. She dashed into the shower hearing AJ mutter something about getting more stars to outrank her CO.

Jules giggled as she started the water to warming and brushed her teeth. After taking care of her bursting bladder she stepped under the warm spray allowing it to pummel her body as she shampooed her long tresses. While she was rinsing the conditioner from her hair she felt a small draft against her skin. She looked up at AJ from under her lashes and said, "AJ, you don't have to be up yet."

AJ took Jules in his arms and kissed her water sluiced lips saying, "I tried to go back to sleep but the bed was cold without you." AJ nuzzled into her neck and shoulder.

Jules wrapped her arms around AJ and held him to her. "So you decided to get up early and shower with me rather than go for a run?"

"You're not running this morning either." AJ reached for her unscented soap and began lathering her back before turning her back to him and washing her front.

Jules wrapped her arms behind her and around AJ's rounded six, "I couldn't drag myself out of bed this morning." She looked up at him from beneath her eyelashes, "I can't imagine why."

"Probably because I wouldn't let you." AJ admitted.

"Hmm, you do seem to like keeping your girlfriend in bed." Jules goosed him before taking his soap from the shelf and lathering his chest. "Do you realize that you are a possessive snuggler?"

"What do you mean?" AJ panted as she washing him between his legs.

Jules ran her hand then length of his aroused manhood and tickled his heavy testicles saying, "I mean that you like to snuggle and you keep your arm around me all the time. If I'm on top of you, you have your hand on my tush, if I'm on my side facing you, your arm is around me, if I'm on my back your arm and leg are thrown over me." Jules giggled, saying, "You, Admiral, are a possessive man." She kissed him hungrily, whispering, "And I like it."

"You do?" AJ was a little surprised. He knew that Sydney and Meredith both had hated his nocturnal possessiveness.

Jules nodded, "Of course I have to use every bit of muscle I have to get out from under your arm if I have to go to the bathroom, but it's worth it."

AJ swatted her tush, making her squeal.

They stepped out of the shower and dried each other. As Jules was wrapping a towel around her hair AJ left to go make coffee. She donned her lingerie, grateful that with her unusual job with the Corps, she didn't need to wear that terrible regulation underwear.

With her makeup carefully applied, and her hair almost dry, Jules was putting it up in a twist as AJ walked into the bathroom with a mug of coffee. She smiled, "Thanks, Sailor." She kissed his mouth appreciatively and watched his six as he walked away. The man could do sinful things for sweat pants she thought, taking a sip from her mug.

Jules donned her greens, boots and grabbed her cover; she sat the cover in the living room and took the empty coffee mug into the kitchen. She stood in the doorway and watched AJ appreciatively. His back was to her and it looked like he was stirring something on top of the stove.

AJ heard her walk into the kitchen and wondered what she was doing. A few moments later he felt her behind him and then two tiny hands came around his middle. He finished flipping the omelet and took one hand to his lips and kissed it. He felt a corresponding brush of lips on his shoulder blade.

"What'cha makin'?" Jules asked, her head coming around the side of AJ's arm to peer into the frying pan. "Oh, yum! Omelets!"

AJ tapped her hand when she reached out to snag a mushroom from the top of the omelet. "Hey!" Jules leaned up on tip toes and in retribution left him with a nice red love bite just under his ear.

AJ groaned and touched the tender spot on his neck, wondering how he would explain that if someone asked. He watched her pour two cups of coffee and set them on the table while he finished at the stove. She came back in the room and picked up the plate of toast that was near him on the counter, as she turned to leave, she ran her hand over his bottom and squeezed before she left the room all together.

He couldn't help the appreciative sigh that escaped his mouth as he watched her go. She was so affectionate, always touching in one way or another. How did he fall in love so quickly with a person that understood him so easily? He was glad he had though. He never felt about anyone else the way felt right now about Jules. The emotion ran deep, deeper than any other love he'd ever felt for another woman.

AJ reached out absently to grab the phone as it rang. "Chegwidden," he barked into the phone, wondering if it was for him or for Jules.

"Ciao, Papa. It is Francesca."

AJ grinned and shook his head, trust his daughter to call the moment he was thinking he loved one woman more than any other. "Hello, Daughter. How are you?"

"I am well, Papa, and you?" Francesca was worrying that her Papa might be feeling a little low after his breakup with that woman.

"I'm doing great, Darlin'." He knew his daughter was checking up on him, and he appreciated it, but, "What are you calling so early for, not that I mind, but-"

"I am calling to see if you would mind a visit."

"When are you coming?" AJ asked as he poured orange juice into a glass. He listened to Francesca as she explained that she was taking a week to draw for her fall line and she'd like to do it in McLean where she could visit with her Papa.

"This is alright, Papa? You have plans for your holiday weekend?" Francesca asked, remembering the fuss Harm once made over the American holiday.

"Nothing set in stone, Darlin'." AJ thought about it for a second and said, "We'll probably go to see the fireworks, take a picnic basket maybe."

Francesca caught the we in that statement and said, "Papa, are you seeing someone?"

Realizing what he'd said, AJ decided to come clean, "Yes I am."

"AJ, who was on the- Oh. I'm sorry." Jules gestured over her shoulder, "I'll just..."

"No, it's ok." AJ took Jules in his arms and spoke into the phone, "Francesca, email me your itinerary, Darlin'. Jules and I will come pick you up at the airport."

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