Between The Heartbeats - Cover

Between The Heartbeats

Copyright© 2006 by Megan Kingsley

Chapter 6B

Monday, 7 July 03
0730 EDT
JAG Headquarters
Falls Church, VA

Jules gear bag and rifle sock were stowed in AJ's Escalade, all she carried with her was her laptop briefcase nearly bursting the side seams it was so full of work. When she walked into the building with AJ and signed in for her visitor's pass, the Lance Corporal insisted on searching her briefcase.

"She's with me, Lance Corporal." AJ insisted.

"I understand, Admiral, but I've got orders to search every bag that goes in, Sir." The Lance Corporal remembered this Colonel from a previous visit. Wow, she's got a chest full of metal, he thought. What's she doing wearing a Trident?

"It's alright, Lance Corporal. Just don't read the files." Jules leaned in closer to the young man and murmured, "I might have to kill you if you do."

"Don't mess with the man, Colonel, he might take you seriously." AJ admonished Jules.

Jules grinned at AJ and winked at the Lance Corporal when she handed over her briefcase. While he searched the bag, she filled out the log and AJ tapped his foot. Jules knew he was anxious to get upstairs, but she did not intend to take advantage of his position or hers. Her bag would be searched like any other person visiting the building.

Jules wished for a visitor's badge to on the left lapel of her uniform, it would hide a good portion of her ribbons, but it wouldn't cover the insignia decorating her chest. The Marine Corp insignias, the Recon patch, the wings, the trident, they would all be visible. I guess the badge would be pointless if it didn't cover the insignias, Jules mused. Well, she thought, at least today won't be boring.

When they were both in the elevator heading up to the fourth floor, AJ wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. He couldn't help it, she looked so beautiful, and even though they'd made love in the shower this morning before work, he wanted her again. She had on minimal make up, just enough to accentuate her startling green eyes; her long hair was up in a French roll with her wispy bangs framing her face. He knew that under her very professional looking uniform was some very feminine and non-regulation lingerie.

When he heard them passing the third floor he ended the kiss softly, gently and set her away from him, holding on to her until she got her footing back. Her face was flushed and her eyes were sparkling, when his gaze traveled to her lips he nearly moaned aloud when he saw they were swollen and red.

"That's not fair, AJ." Jules admonished breathlessly as she straightened her uniform and made sure her appearance was utterly put together and professional.

"I know, Darlin', but I can't help it." AJ grinned wolfishly as the door opened to the bullpen.

"I'll get you back later." Jules promised and ran a finger over his erection from bottom to top. She grinned wickedly when she felt it twitch beneath her hand.

AJ growled and followed her into the bullpen, being sure to keep her slightly ahead and in front of him.

"Attention on deck!" Tiner called when he spotted the Admiral. He knew that it was only him, Coates and a few other enlisted personnel in the office, but still.

"At ease!" AJ called and escorted Jules toward his office. "Tiner, is Mac here yet?"

Tiner followed the Admiral and Colonel Merriweather into the Admiral's office. "No, Sir. Should be any minute though. Can I get you something, Sir, Ma'am? Coffee?"

AJ accepted the phone messages Tiner handed him as well as his sorted mail that arrived over the weekend. He quickly flipped through the messages and said, "Send Mac in here as soon as she gets in, there's a case I want her to judge starting after the Jenkins court martial. And make a pot of coffee would you, Tiner?"

"Aye, Sir." Tiner left to start a pot of strong coffee and waited for it to brew. He wanted to be able to see the Colonel enter the bullpen so he could get her in to see the Admiral as soon as she arrived.

When Tiner closed the door behind him, AJ backed Jules against the corner of his desk and pulled her into his arms. He licked her lower lip slowly and plunged his tongue inside when she parted her lips. He felt her hand cupping his six and the other trailing over his bald pate. His body responded eagerly to her stroking fingertips, AJ set her on the edge of his desk and inched her skirt up her thighs. He hooked her thigh around his hip and stroked his fingertips upward until her silk stockings gave way to soft skin. He heard Jules moan when his fingertips stroked the silk panties between her legs.

The buzz of his intercom startled him and broke their heated kisses. Without letting her go, AJ grabbed the receiver from his phone and barked, "What is it, Tiner?"

"Colonel MacKenzie has just arrived, Sir. She'll be in as soon as she sets her things in her office."

"Fine, Tiner. Have her grab a cup of coffee on her way if she wants it." AJ hung up the phone and hugged Jules to him. "I'm sorry, Darlin'."

"You'd better sit down, AJ. You're in no shape to be greeting a lady." Jules watched him sit behind his desk; she leaned over and kissed him deeply before saying, "Unless of course, it's me." Jules hopped off the desk and straightened her uniform just before there was a knock on the door.

"Enter." AJ called and saw Mac walk in, coffee mug in hand.

"Lt. Colonal MacKenzie, reporting as ordered, Sir." It was hard to stand at attention with a coffee mug in your hand, Mac mused.

"Have a seat, Mac." AJ handed her a file folder.

"AJ, if you don't mind, I think I'll raid your coffee pot. Want a cup?" Jules asked with an eyebrow quirked.

"I'll get one after I talk to the Colonel. Thanks." AJ declined with a wink, indicating he needed some time alone with his chief of staff.

Nodding, Jules departed the office in search of another cup of coffee for herself.

"Something I can get for you, Ma'am?" Tiner asked.

"No, Tiner, I'm fine. I'm just getting a cup of coffee." Jules smiled and turned to leave.

"Mind if I accompany you, Ma'am? I need a refill myself." Tiner stood with his mug and waited for the Colonel's permission.

"Sure Tiner, it's your office after all." Jules walked ahead of the Petty Officer into the break room.

"Here you go, Ma'am." Tiner handed the Colonel a visitor's mug so she wouldn't have to drink from a Styrofoam cup.

"Thanks Tiner. I'm assuming this is the coffee you made for the Admiral?" Jules asked with a chuckle as she indicated a pot of coffee nearly twice as dark as the other pot.

"Yes, Ma'am." Tiner smiled. He'd noticed the way the Admiral was acting when he shut the door earlier. It was obvious they had a private moment before Colonel MacKenzie arrived. "Can I ask you something, Ma'am?"

"You can ask." Jules smiled softly, taking the sting from her words.

"Are you really testifying in court today? For Lt. Commander Jenkins I mean." Tiner elaborated.

Jules was surprised, she wasn't expecting that question. She was sure Tiner was going to ask about her and AJ or about her uniform. "I don't know if it's going to be today, but yes, I'm testifying on his behalf."

Tiner nodded and then excused himself when he heard his name being called from the bullpen. Jules stayed behind to add some sugar and a little milk to her coffee.

Just as she was ready to leave, Harriet and Bud Roberts entered the break room. "I don't know, Bud."

"No, really, Harriet, what do you... Ma'am." Bud belatedly came to attention and nudged Harriet to do the same.

"At ease, you two." Jules let them off the hook. Jules noticed Bud staring at her and was about to say something when Commander Rabb walked in the break room.

"Harriet, tell me you baked something this weekend and I'll love you forever." Harm mumbled.

"With all due respect, Commander..." Bud started.

Harm smiled his charming smile and hit Bud on the shoulder. "With your permission of course, Bud."

"Uh huh." Bud kissed Harriet on the cheek and went to his office to prepare for the day.

Harriet grinned as Bud left and asked, "Can I get you some pound cake, too Colonel?" She was already cutting a huge slab for the Commander and handing it to him along with a mug of coffee.

"Not quite awake, yet, Commander?" Jules asked.

"Missed my run this morning," Harm muttered as he took a sip of coffee.

AJ walked into the break room and said, "Rabb gets grouchy if he misses his run."

"Very true, Admiral." Harm smiled his thanks to Harriet and excused himself from the room.

"Sir?" Harriet held up a large slice of pound cake and watched as the Admiral grinned in appreciation.

"Oh yeah! You know I never turn down something you've baked Harriet." AJ accepted the cake and broke off a piece. When Harriet's back was turned, he fed it to Jules.

Jules grinned and winked at AJ before Harriet turned around again.

"Colonel, would you care for a piece?" Harriet asked.

Jules thought she'd love a piece of AJ, but said, "Yes, thanks. It's delicious."

Harriet's eyebrows came together in confusion as she handed the Colonel a piece of cake. How would she know how the cake tasted, she wondered.

AJ poured himself a mug of coffee and said, "Jules, Mac said that it was unlikely she would be calling you to the stand today, but requested that you remain just in case."

"Not a problem." Jules picked up her coffee and took a sip. "Where will I be for the day? I brought some work with me." Jules mentioned sarcastically.

"I asked Mac if you could use her office, but it's a little cluttered." AJ grinned. "How a squared away Marine can work amid all that clutter is beyond me. There's a desk available in the bullpen. Are you working on something classified?"

"Yes, I am." Jules saw Harriet turn toward them.

"Sir, why don't you put her in Commander Rabb's office? He'll be in court with the Colonel and his office is much more organized." Harriet smiled.

AJ frowned; he didn't want Jules in Harm's office. He knew it was crazy, but he didn't want her there. "She can work in my office." AJ declared before stalking off to his office, leaving Harriet and Jules staring at each other.

"What was that all about?" Harriet wondered.

Jules had an idea, but she wasn't saying anything. She smiled in apology and took off after AJ. She caught the door just as it was going to slam and closed it softly behind her. AJ paced to his desk, she could nearly feel the repressed emotion from him.

"AJ?" He looked up at her and Jules noticed there was something in his eyes. "What's wrong, AJ?"

"Nothing." AJ ground out as he shuffled some papers on his desk. He wasn't really paying much attention to them, just trying to throw her off the scent.

Jules walked further into the office while watching AJ, something occurred to her. She touched his forearm and asked, "AJ, you heard me talking to Harm on Friday, didn't you?"

AJ tensed up and pulled away from Jules. He knew he had nothing to worry about, that Jules felt the same way he did, but he couldn't help the possessive feelings that welled in him when he thought of her working in Rabb's office. Finally he admitted, "Yes."

"I was planning on telling you, AJ. There just hasn't been a time for it." Jules sighed. "I thought of telling you each night before we went to sleep but we always made love, and then I just didn't want to ruin it." She was slightly worried when AJ didn't respond.

"AJ, you heard the entire conversation, didn't you? You know I turned him down, right?" Jules asked her eyes troubled. "AJ?"

AJ sighed deeply and turned to look out the window without answering her.

Jules stood stock still and became more and more anxious when AJ wouldn't look at her or answer her. Just as she was ready to leave the office and find another place to work for the day, AJ turned around. Jules held her breath, waiting. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous, if AJ had known about this for days he surely would have acted differently if he was angry or going to break up with her.

"I heard almost all of it, and yes, I heard that you'd turned him down, not only at the Pentagon, but at the picnic too." AJ walked over to Jules and took her cold hands in his.

"AJ?" If he knew that she'd turned him down, then why was he so quiet?

AJ lead her over to the couch and pulled her into his lap. When she started to ask a question AJ silenced her with a deep and loving kiss. "I heard Harm talking to Mac on Friday before he left for your meeting so I knew he was going to try something with you. I was furious when I overheard their conversation, and went from being worried that you would be receptive to him and jealous because of it to being mad at myself for thinking you could even do that."

AJ kissed her again, sweetly this time and breathed into her mouth, "I know you're not like that, but I couldn't help feeling a little jealous and it made me doubt how you felt about me." He looked into her shining eyes and noticed a few tears gathered there. "I'm sorry, Darlin'. I just don't like the idea of him around you."

Jules sniffled and said, "Honey, I'm not interested in anyone but you. No one has stuck around as long as you have and I'm glad because I let myself fall fast for you." Jules kissed him when he smiled.

"Harm made me uncomfortable at our meeting because I didn't know how to handle him. I was even going to talk to you about but with Francesca here, I never got the chance. Then he approached me at the picnic and well, I just dealt with it as best as I could."

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