Between The Heartbeats - Cover

Between The Heartbeats

Copyright© 2006 by Megan Kingsley

Chapter 6A

Saturday, 5 July 03
0000 EDT
Chegwidden Residence
McLean, VA

Finally everyone was tucked in and Ginger was back inside. Now AJ could strip down and crawl in to bed beside Jules. He secured the house and set the alarm. When he made it to the bedroom, Jules was on her side, facing his side of the bed, cuddled up with his pillow. He smiled as he watched her and undressed. Before he could remove his unbuttoned shirt, the house line rang shrill in the silence of night.

He grabbed the extension in the bedroom before it could ring a second time and wake the girls.


"It's Jones." Came the flat reply.

AJ couldn't tell from his voice what was going on, "Hang on, she's asleep." He leaned over to wake Jules and found her watching him. "I thought you were asleep?"

Jules took the receiver and sat up, saying, "I never sleep very deeply when I've got an op in the works." She put the phone to her ear and said, "Merriweather."

"It's over. Score one point for Crash."

A relieved smile slowly spread across Jules face as she said, "Really?"

"Yep. Went off without a hitch."

"Great!" Jules exclaimed, giddy with relief. "When's he going to be back in town?"

"Early in the morning for debrief and then the weekend off."

AJ listened to the cryptic conversation while he undressed. Just as he was climbing in beside Jules, she hung up the phone and cuddled up to him on her side. He turned out the lights and wrapped his arms around Jules snuggling her close.

"You know about what's going on in Korea?" When she felt his nod she continued, "The General wanted to send me to take care of the leader of the rebel faction but I thought Crash could take care of it. The General agreed, but said that the panel of my CO's wanted it to look like it was accidental, that meant extra training for Crash at Quantico. He's getting good as a sniper, but he needed a little extra work on arranging accidents."

Stroking her back with one hand and the arm thrown over her chest with the other, AJ said, "So after training, Crash took off from Quantico for Korea and you took off for the Pentagon to come to the party?"

"Yes. I was on standby which meant if something went wrong I would be on the next transport bound for Korea." Jules was so comfy cuddled up to AJ's side she didn't want to move. She felt sleep beckoning her, but wanted to tell AJ anything he wanted to know about the mission.

"And all the calls you had today?" AJ asked, curious.

"Mmm, the first one was to let me know that everything was in place on the ground in Korea, the next was to let me know Crash made it in country, then the last to let me know that it was over, Crash was ok and coming home." Jules yawned and nuzzled into AJ's neck.

"So how did he take out the rebel leader?" AJ asked, wondering if Jules made a recommendation on how to do it.

"Um, don't know. I showed him a couple things he could do including planting a bomb made from what looks like Korean government parts. He had a good sized bag of goodies to choose from to fit the situation he found himself in."

AJ smiled and tried to hold in a chuckle when Jules shifted on top of his chest with her thighs on either side of his hips. "Going to sleep?"

"Mmm." Jules mumbled.

AJ let his chuckle rumble in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her back. "Love you, Baby."

Jules nuzzled AJ at the throat and murmured, "Love you too, Honey."

AJ felt Jules breathing even out and knew she was asleep.

Saturday, 5 July 03
0900 EDT
Chegwidden Residence
McLean, VA

Jules rolled onto her back when she felt the bed dip beside her hip. She smelled the wonderful aroma of coffee before she opened her eyes and saw AJ sitting beside her. What a way to wake up, Jules smiled.

"Mornin', sleepy head." AJ slid down in bed beside Jules and hugged her to him. "You slept right through my morning run. Even Francesca is awake already."

"And she's got jetlag." Jules mumbled.

"Mmm hmm." AJ sat up until he was resting against the headboard with Jules' back against his chest. She was sipping the coffee while he talked. "Do you want to run today? You know the trails, or there's the treadmill in the basement."

"Maybe I'll run later today. I don't feel like getting all sweaty right now." Jules stretched against him and purred, "At least not from running."

AJ took the coffee from her and set it on the bedside table. When she began to protest AJ kissed her deeply until she moaned deeply with pleasure. "Maybe, if we take a shower, you won't get sweaty." AJ grinned.

Jules rolled over, face to face with AJ, and ravaged his mouth in return before she leapt from the bed and scampered to the bathroom. By the time AJ had recovered his wits and made the bed, Jules had already brushed her teeth and gone to the bathroom.

AJ walked into the bathroom and saw Jules adjusting the water. He shed his clothes and grabbed Jules into the stall once the water warmed.

In the kitchen, Francesca was making a light brunch for Jules when she heard a high pitched feminine squeal coming from her Papa's bathroom. She grinned.

An hour later Jules emerged from the bedroom with an almost dry head of hair. She met AJ and Francesca in the kitchen as they were transferring the brunch to the dining table. "Morning." Jules greeted Francesca with a hug and AJ with a kiss.

"Darlin', Francesca said while we were in the shower someone called for you." AJ seated both women at the table before seating himself.

Francesca continued, "It's very important, he said he will call you back here."

"Really?" Jules wondered what was up. "Who was it?"

"He didn't leave his name." Francesca responded.

Everyone dug into the wonderful meal Francesca prepared and spent the time discussing everything in a lively manner.

"Jules, I noticed the dress you wore to the airport the other night." Francesca mentioned.

Jules remembered the dress. "Yes, it's one of yours from last year."

AJ said, "All of Jules lingerie is from you're line, Darlin'."

"Really?" Francesca asked, surprised.

Jules nodded, "A lot of my clothes are from your boutique, Cesca's. Lingerie, night gowns, dresses. I was stationed in Europe for a long time; I have mostly European designed clothes."

"You stayed with my designs over the years from the time I started the lingerie line?" Francesca asked.

"Yes! I love your clothes. I'd wear anything you create!" Jules gushed.

"Funny." AJ drawled.

"What is, AJ?" Jules asked.

He grinned and said, "Because Meredith didn't like anything Francesca designed."

"AJ, she wore Shalimar and she let you get away, the woman had no taste." Jules reminded him.

"I agree, she had no taste and I didn't like her." Francesca grinned at Jules.

Jules smiled and asked, "Francesca, why did you name the boutiques and the line Cesca's?"

Francesca explained, "When I was trying to think of a name for the line I remembered that Papa told Mama that my name, Francesca, was too long for such a tiny baby. He always called me Cesca when I was little."

After lunch, they all pitched in to clear the table and clean up the kitchen. AJ was 'helping' Jules wash the dishes while Francesca cleaned the table top in the dining room when the telephone rang. Francesca noticed that Jules and her Papa were quite wrapped up in each other so she answered the phone.


"Who is this?" Came a slightly miffed voice.

Angered at his abrupt manner, Francesca snapped, "Who do you wish to speak with?"

"I was hoping my boss was there, but if the Admiral has another woman there, then I'll have to track her down myself." He was preparing to hang up, furious that the boss's new love had another woman over, he was going to tell Crash about this and they and the boys would go talk to this Admiral. No one messed with his Lady Boss.

"I am not another woman." Francesca bit out. "You wish to speak with the Colonel, then?" She surmised and held the phone out to a perplexed Jules.

Jules took the phone from Francesca, wondering what had her in such a tizzy. She was flushed and had her ire up. "Merriweather." She noticed AJ watching her.

"Hey, Boss. Who's the chick?" Luke asked, placated that the lady he'd spoken to wasn't the other woman.

"The lady you spoke to happens to be AJ's daughter." Jules stressed. "Why are you calling? Was it you who called earlier?" She thought that a Southern gentleman such as Lucas Preston Gage III would have more sense. Maybe he'd been around the guys in her unit for too long and lost some of his manners.

Luke hurried to explain, "No, earlier it was Ben that called. He took the first call and I took the second."

"What call?" Jules asked, forgetting that Lucas rambled a bit when he wasn't giving an official report.

"Me and the rest of the boys were at your house yesterday for a cook out, you know. I was in the kitchen early this morning, cleaning up and putting everything away for when you come home when the phone rang."

Jules asked, "So who was it, anybody important?" The most important people had her cell number.

"A woman named Aisha. Ben said she called earlier this morning too. This time she sounded frantic, she wants you to call her back right away."

Jules wondered what was going on to have Aisha calling her and sounding frantic. "Did she say to call her at home or at the restaurant?"

"She said you needed to call her right away at the restaurant, she really stressed to call her before lunch if you could." Luke looked at the clock and sighed. "Let me hang up so you can call her back, Boss."

"Thanks for letting me know, Luke."

"You bet Boss, thanks for loaning us your house for the party. We didn't trash it and me and Ben cleaned everything up in the kitchen, on the deck and outside too."

The pair said their goodbyes and rang off. Jules immediately dialed a new number and listened to the ringing in her ear.

"Casablanca." Came a heavily accented feminine voice.

"Aisha, it's JC. What's wrong?" She could hear the lightly veiled panic in her friend's voice.

"Oh, JC! It is terrible. Fatima came down with terrible flu of the stomach. For weeks, we have advertised noon show starting today. We will have no show without Fatima." Aisha wailed, slipping into broken English in her distraught state. "Please, you have to come."

Jules glanced at the wall clock and noticed it was 1100. "I can make it to the restaurant in time, Aisha, but I have no costume, no-"

"Do not worry. I have costume you left here last time for such occasion. It is, how you say, not purple, not blue."

"Lavender." Jules murmured, thinking of the costume she'd left. It would be perfect for a lunch performance.

Aisha took a deep breath and asked, "You will come, yes? I have everything you will need here."

"I will come, yes." Jules repeated. She wouldn't let her friend down.

"Oh, thank you, Jules. You will be here for the noon show." Aisha sighed, delighted. "Will you be able to do the evening show as well?" She hoped.

"I will do the evening show, yes." Jules assured her.

After listening to profuse thanks, Jules rang off and faced a very curious AJ. She smiled at his very Admiral like expression and when Francesca walked up, she explained to both of them, "A friend of mine needs a little help at her restaurant. She asked me to come for noon. I need to leave now to get there in time to prepare." Jules thought quickly. She'd left her hair down, as AJ liked it, that would work, but she would need her make up, hopefully Aisha was right and she would have everything she needed.

AJ watched her go into their bedroom and slip on a pair of sandals to go with her jeans and v-neck periwinkle shirt. "When will you be back?" He asked.

"I should be home around 1400 or so. I think." Jules scrunched her face up in thought and said, "Well, 1430 at the latest. What will you two do while I'm gone?"

"We'll figure something out," AJ winked at Francesca. He knew she wanted to spend some time grilling him some more about Jules.

"Ok. I'll be at this number if you need me." Jules handed AJ a piece of paper with Aisha's number on it and grabbed her cell. Francesca kissed her cheeks and they exchanged hugs before AJ walked her to her car in the garage.

"What will you be doing at the restaurant?" AJ asked, curious. Was she going to help cook or something?

"Aisha has a new show she's starting on Saturday's at noon. Her sister is the performer and she's sick so she called me. I have to go back tonight too, the Saturday evening show is from 2230 to 0200." Jules kissed AJ hungrily, sorry there wasn't time for anything more and said, "I'll be back as soon as the show is over."

AJ smiled when Jules whispered in his ear that she loved him before getting into her car and quickly driving off. He sighed and walked back into the house, pondering what kind of show she could possibly be doing, at a restaurant no less.

"So, Darlin', it's just you and me." AJ wrapped his daughter in a big hug. "What would you like to do today?"

Francesca grinned and said, "We will stay at home and talk, Papa."

AJ just groaned and went off to make a fresh pot of coffee and dig out some cookies. He foresaw a great and lengthy conversation in his future.

Once they were settled in the living room, Francesca cozied up next to her Papa, "You're serious about Jules aren't you?"

"Yes, Darlin', I am." AJ asked, "Is that ok with you? I know you didn't like Meredith-"

"I did not like Meredith because she was Meredith, I like Jules and I am okay with her and I am okay with you and her together." Francesca assured her Papa. "How serious are you about Jules, Papa?"

Across AJ's face slowly spread a smile that would rival the Cheshire Cat.

"That serious?" Francesca asked.

"Let me tell you..." AJ leaned in and shared his plans with his daughter, seeking her approval on all fronts.

Francesca agreed with nearly everything he presented her, making suggestions of her own. Finally, they left to do a little shopping. Very important shopping.

Saturday, 5 July 03
1445 EDT
Chegwidden Residence
McLean, VA

Jules walked in the house wondering if Francesca was home but doubting it since the Escalade was gone. When she walked into the kitchen there was a not on the refrigerator,

Darlin', Francesca insisted on visiting the Mall in Tyson Corner. She was wanting to see what the masses are wearing for casual or some such. We'll be back before supper. Love you, AJ.

Jules left the hand scrawled note on the fridge and wandered into the bedroom to take a shower. After she pinned up her hair and put on a shower cap, so it wouldn't get wet when she washed her face, Jules stepped into the shower and sighed beneath the warm spray. After soaping and rinsing from head to toe, Jules turned let the water beat down on her tired muscles.

She was in wonderful shape, but she used muscles today for an extended length of time that she hadn't used like that in a while. They were letting their displeasure with their owner be known.

Once she'd dried off, Jules let Ginger out while she put on one of AJ's t-shirts. When Ginger barked to come back in, Jules retraced her steps and let the pup in. She gave her a cookie and then made her way to the bedroom. She had her heart set on an hour's nap.

Saturday, 5 July 03
1730 EDT
Chegwidden Residence
McLean, VA

When Francesca and AJ arrived home after a lengthy shopping trip, they each went their separate ways after leaving their take out bags in the kitchen. Francesca went to put her purchases in the bedroom and AJ looked for Jules. He found her, sound asleep and sprawled across their bed. As quietly as possible AJ stole across the bedroom and slipped his purchases into the back of his closet. It wouldn't do for Jules to find them.

With his secret hidden away, AJ slipped out of his shoes and carefully eased his weight onto the bed and spooned Jules from behind. He wrapped her arm around her waist and pulled her unresisting form into his embrace.

Jules woke the minute AJ walked in the bedroom, but she kept her eyes closed and waited for him to climb into bed with her. She twined her fingers with his and snuggled his hand between her breasts.

AJ brushed a kiss against her hair and whispered, "How was your nap?"

Jules stretched and then turned to face AJ, she purred, "Very invigorating."

"What do you plan on doing with all that energy?" AJ asked, a sexy grin curving his lips.

She put her hands on AJ's chest and whispered, an inch from his lips, "I'm going to go eat whatever it is you brought home for dinner. It smells wonderful." Jules leapt from the bed to avoid being goosed and donned her clothes from earlier in the day.

Jules giggled as she heard AJ's growl from the bedroom. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Francesca already dishing up the Thai food from the cartons.

"So, how was your shopping trip?" Jules asked. "Were you looking to expand into a new line of clothes?"

Francesca didn't falter, "Yes. I was looking to expand my casual line. I am picking up quite an American following. Wealthy women in this country wear different casual clothes than women in my country."

Confused, Jules asked, "What do you mean?"

AJ walked into the kitchen and found them deep in a fashion conversation. He shook his head and set about getting the drinks ready. He helped to carry the food to the table and sat the ladies when they were ready.

Nearly an hour later, after a lively meal full of teasing and conversation, Jules and Francesca were clearing the table while AJ took a call in the living room.

They were both in the kitchen, one at the dishwasher and the other tossing the cartons, when AJ walked in the room asking, "What's for dessert? Do we have anything sweet?"

AJ walked to the pantry and started rummaging, when he didn't find anything that struck his fancy he turned to the freezer. Maybe some ice cream, he thought, but when he looked, none of the flavors appealed to him.

"Actually, AJ, if you can wait for dessert, why don't you come with me tonight to the restaurant. Casa Blanca has all kinds of sweet desserts including Baklava."

"You are going back again tonight?" Francesca asked.

When Jules answered in the affirmative AJ asked, "What are you doing at the restaurant Jules?"

"I'm covering for a friend." Was all Jules would say. "Why don't you both come with me tonight? I'll need to leave here by 2130 or so. Can you wait for dessert that long, Sailor?" Jules grinned and patted AJ's tummy.

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