What Went Wrong? - Cover

What Went Wrong?

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2006 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: A tale of deception and blackmail that goes very wrong. When a teenage heartthrob and basketball prodigy finds a way, even one so devious, to get into his pious girlfriend's panties he takes it, never thinking about any possible consequences until it was too late.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Mother   Daughter   First   .


It was almost completely dark inside the cell and I was in deep shit and I knew it! I was sitting on the top bunk waiting to see who, if anyone was going to try and bail me out of this mess, a mess I might add that was completely of my own making. My college scholarship was long gone, as was any chance that I was even going to get to college in the fall. My name, once spoken with awe throughout the entire county, was now nothing but headline fodder in my hometown and now my only real hope was that I wasn't going to have to spend any time inside jail. I still wasn't sure what the accusers in this case were going to say about me but between them and the variety of witnesses my only real hope was some sort of court leniency combined with community service. All of this is my problem but what led to it started almost two months ago and here is how it all transpired.

Two Months Previously:

I took a sip of my beer, snuffed out my cigarette in the car's ashtray and looked at my watch; it was 11:17 at night. I was still parked across the street from Gina Holtzers' and I was still pissed off. I had dropped off Gina less than a half-hour ago and was parked here stewing because I just couldn't get anywhere with her. It had been our seventh date and she wouldn't even let me feel her tits. Every time I tried to get anywhere near her tits, or God forbid, her pussy, she would push me away and chastise me for being so damn crude and telling me that she was saving herself for marriage or some such load of crap. For Christ sake this was becoming a monumental disgrace to my reputation.

I was set to graduate from high school in less than three months and had already accepted a full ride basketball scholarship to UT. I was the best basketball player to come from this part of Texas in more than twenty years and I was definitely going places and everyone in the county knew it, or so it seemed until I ran into a wall of steel named Gina. Gina had been a junior transfer to our school, her mom and dad having moved into town in late July. She was a gorgeous girl and she caught my attention immediately because I stood 6'5" and liked to date taller girls and that was definitely Gina. She was 5' 10", with blonde hair and blue eyes and a set of legs that just wouldn't quit. Her breasts were proportional to her size and I was betting that she was at least a 36C cup.

My mind came back to the present and as I starred at her house I sucked in a deep breath, popped opened another beer and lit my third cigarette in the last 15 minutes. I silently swore under my breath, how in the hell was I going to get into this girls panties? At this point in our relationship everyone in school knew that we were dating and assumed that I had been to bed with her and I was constantly getting bombarded with questions like; 'Is she a good lay?" Are her tit's for real?" This was the normal guy stuff that can make a high school legend, but I was avoiding the questions and because of that my reputation was suffering. Christ, just last week I heard one of the nerds from the Chemistry lab telling his buddy that no one could get into Gina's panties, not me, not anyone. Defeated and dejected I reached for the ignition key and was just about to start my car when I saw the garage door opening and Gina's mom, Erika Holtzer backing out of the garage.

I sunk down in the drivers' seat hoping that she wouldn't notice me as she slowly backed into the street and headed east out of town. It was strange I thought why would she be headed out of town at what... I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost midnight. Curious, I waited until she got to the end of the street then I started up my car and followed her. It really wasn't difficult; she was obeying the speed limit and the cars distinctive tail lights made my job even easier. When we hit the town limits she took State Route 118 North and I followed although I let her get way ahead so she wouldn't get suspicious.

I didn't know much about Erika Holtzer other than it was obvious where her daughter got both her height and looks. Erika stood at least 6'1" and was a duplicate of her daughter, just older at 41. Gina had told me that both her dad and mom played college basketball at Baylor University and I believed her, after all where else would a girl get the moral values Gina had other than from parents who went to a Southern Baptist university. Erika always looked sexy, even when she was wearing nothing but a pair of sweats. While I followed her car my mind wandered back to that summer day... Gina and I were swimming in their backyard pool when Erika came out wearing a string bikini that instantly made me forget about her daughter. Her breasts stood out like two ripe melons and her bikini bottom made a neat little camel toe when she got out of the pool. I watched her walk over to a lounger and lay down on her stomach, her heart shaped butt attracting all my attention and I thought, God what an ass, then damn what a body!

It was almost 12:30 and we were almost 20 miles outside of town when I realized where she just had to be headed, to the "Sweet Fourteen." The Sweet Fourteen was a notorious topless nightclub that catered to two types of clients, dirty old men and druggies. Sure enough Erika's car pulled into the unlit part of the parking lot and she emerged and walked into the club, straightening out her skirt and blouse as she walked inside. I parked on the opposite side of the building and went up to the door and started to walk inside.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?"

It was the clubs' bouncer and he had me by my arm. "Inside." I replied boldly.

"Really kid, well where's your fuckin ID?"

"Look, I don't have any but God I really want to come in and watch the girls. I'll stay out of the way, honest." He looked me over then he said,

"Aren't you that Richard's kid, the one who plays basketball at Riverdale?"

"Yea I am. Jack Richards, you heard of me?"

"Sure have. I'm Jim Burton; I graduated Riverdale eight years ago. I played for Coach Tunney too, nowhere as good as you are though. Look kid, you can watch from my booth, but you have to stay out of sight alright?"

Sure and thanks Jim." He let me inside and from my vantage point I could see almost the entire club. Erika Holtzer was sitting at a table just in front of the stage sipping on a drink and watching one of the house girls' dancing. My eyes focused on the dancer, a black woman who was certainly on the down side of her career. She was gyrating around the dance floor and was down to just her g-string. Her breasts were sweaty and hung down like an old woman's tits and for the most part no one was paying any attention to her. I looked around the club and other than the off duty dancers trying to get someone to spring for a lap dance, Erika was the only woman in the club. She sat there, alone for a long time, and then a guy approached her, leaned down and whispered something into her ear. She nodded her head yes and he walked off behind the stage. It sure looked like a drug buy to me.

Five minutes passed before the guy was back, showing something to Erika. She nodded her head and reached into her purse and that's when the fun began. He wasn't happy with whatever she had and a shouting match ensued. I couldn't hear what the shouting was about so I stuck my head just outside the booth trying to make out their conversation. My new friend Jim came back and pushed me back inside the booth then said.

"Stay out of the way and watch this kid, its going to get real damn good in just a minute."

"What's happening?"

"Oh this old broad with the nice tits comes in once a month or so to replenish her stash only tonight she doesn't have enough cash. Bill, he's the dealer, wants the money or no blow. I suspect the only way she is going to get out of here with any of Bills' blow is by giving him, hell maybe everybody a blow job, maybe even fuck them all for enough money to pay for the stuff. You keep out of sight kid, alright?"

"Sure, no problem." I watched as Erika and Bill continued to argue. She pushed him, he slapped her and she fell back into the chair, apparently crying. He shouted something like, 'do it you bitch or you don't get nothing' and she started to cry even harder. The next thing I knew she stood up and wiped her eyes then started unbuttoning her blouse. My eyes widened as she slipped out of her blouse and reached behind her and unsnapped her bra and shucked out of it too. Standing here in just her skirt she turned to Bill and he pointed to the stage and said something then she walked down to the steps and up onto the stage. Someone started the music and Erika started trying to dance and strip although she wasn't very good at it. Most of the men gathered around the stage and hooted and hollered as she stripped off her clothes. Finally she was down to just her panties and it looked like she was pleading with Bill, but I wasn't sure. I saw him shaking his head in a 'no' gesture and she shimmied out of her panties.

Everybody was clapping and it was obvious that Erika was mortified but it just got worse as Bill walked up onto the stage and stood in front of Erika, unbelted and unzipped his pants and shoved them down to his shoes. His flaccid member hung straight down between his legs, his hairy balls framing his cock. He motioned to Erika and she sank down onto her knees and took Bills' cock in her hand and started stroking him until he was hard then she took him into her mouth and began sucking him off. I was both stunned and hard. Here was the mother of the girl I was dating, a girl I might add who was so straight laced I couldn't touch her tits, yet here was her mother on her knees in a sleazy nightclub giving a blow job in exchange for drugs.

An idea formed in my mind as it dawned on me; my cell phone took pictures! I reached into my pocked and took out the phone, opened it and changed the setting to camera. I eased up behind Jim, looked over his shoulder and adjusted the cameras' zoom lens to max and snapped the shot. No one, not even Jim, seemed to notice the flash go off and I quickly turned around and looked at the picture, it was fuzzy but clearly it was Erika, on a stage with a ton of admirers tossing money and Bill's cock in her mouth. I turned to Jim, "Time for me to go bro, Oh and thanks for the show!"

"No problem kid but don't make this a habit."

"I'm gone and don't worry, I won't be back any time soon." We shook hands and he let out the door. On the way back to Riverdale I though about exactly how I was going to use the picture. I plotted and planned and by the time I hit the city limits I knew what I was going to do.

I cut school the next Monday feinting a upset stomach. After mom and dad left for work I fooled around on my computer for a while than I cleaned up and then drove over to Gina's house. The night before I had downloaded the picture from my camera onto my hard drive and made several copies - just in case. I rang the doorbell and Erika opened it and just starred at me.

"Gosh Jack, what are you doing here in the middle of the school day?"

"I needed to talk to you Mrs. Holtzer."

"Alright, come on in the kitchen, I was just getting some things ready for lunch. Would you like a soda or something?"

"A glass of water would be fine." She poured me a glass of water from the fridge and we sat down at the kitchen table.

"I suspect that this has something to do with Gina. It does, doesn't it Jack?"

"Well, kind of."

"She told me that you have been pressuring her for sex and I thought that sooner or later we would be having this talk. Tell me Jack, do you think it's proper for a young lady like Gina to let you fool around with her? Well do you?"

Her voice was raised and the thought of her chastising me made me angry and I retorted. "Well I understand where you're coming from Erika, but it seem like that's really the pot calling the kettle black."

"It's Mrs. Holtzer to you Jack, and what do you mean by that?"

I took out a folded copy of the picture and handed it to her. "Well I guess that being a drug using cock sucker is alright as long as no one know it, isn't that right Erika?" I watched her as she unfolded the picture, gasped and held the picture to her chest and then started crying.

"Oh my God! Where... where did you get this Jack? Oh my God I can't have people knowing about this."

"I took it myself, I was there."

"There? You... you're not old enough to be in a place like that."

"Yea, I know but there I was anyway, watching while you bargained for some smack for yourself and then had to suck Bill's cock because you didn't have enough money. Strange world isn't it? Does your husband or daughter have any idea that you're using?" The tears were still rolling down her cheeks as she spoke.

"No. No Gina just thinks it's mood swings and C.R. doesn't have a clue."

"Well then this will be easier than I thought."

"Easier than... what do you want Jack? Money? I can get some cash but in truth I don't have much money but you already know that."

"Nope, I don't want your money Erika — I want you!"

"What! You can't be serious; you're just a kid. I can't be caught having sex with a minor, Christ Jack I'll end up in jail."

"Seems to me Erika that you really don't have any choice in the matter. If you don't do what I want I send a copy of the picture to Gina and to your husband, is that what you want?" She shook her head no.

"Oh God this can't be real."

"Real it is and we might as well get started, stand up Erika and take off your shirt." She looked at me for a long moment and for just a second I didn't think she was going to do it but then she stood up and unbuttoned her blouse, shrugged her shoulders and let the blouse slide down her arms and onto the floor. "The bra too." She reached around behind her and unsnapped her bra and took it off and laid it on the table. Her breasts spilled out and amazingly enough there was very little sag to them. "God those are great tits Erika."

"Thanks but I'm really not looking for compliments."

I reached over and picked up her bra and looked at the label, 36D, right about what I had guessed. "Alright, fair enough, now the pants." She was wearing a pair of jeans and she reached down and unbuttoned them and pushed them down over her hips. She kicked off her loafers and bent over and pulled off her jeans. She was wearing a pair of lime green French cut panties. I stood up and reached out and caressed her left breast with my hand. It was very soft and warm and I cupped it then ran my finger underneath it then up and over her nipple. She hardened to my touch. "So you're enjoying this?"

"No, not really."

I reached down and put my finger inside her panties and felt her vagina, it was wet to the touch. "I see, then why are your nipples hard and your pussy wet?" She didn't answer me. "Fine, don't answer me, I don't give a shit. Come on Erika let me see the big prize." She hooked her fingers into either side of her panties and pushed them down over her hips and let them slide to the floor where she simply stepped out of them.

"Alright Jack, now what? You want me to suck your cock or fuck you? Maybe both? Come on you're the big stud forcing me to do this, what'll it be Jack? How about right here on the floor? You want me to just spread my legs and let you fuck me?"

I pulled out my phone and took a shot of Erika standing nude in her kitchen.

"For Christ sake Jack isn't the other one enough for you?"

"Nope, not really. Come on Erika, let's go upstairs."

"Oh sure, I get it, you want me in the marital bed. Nothing better than fucking an innocent housewife in her own bed."

"You're wrong Erika I don't want to fuck you in your bed; I want to fuck you in Gina's."

"Gina's, why in Gina's bed?"

"Because that where I want to do it, now let's go." I grabbed her by the arm and led her upstairs and into Gina's bedroom. The bed was nicely made and had a variety of stuffed animals on display around the pillows. Erika started to remove them but I stopped her. "I want them to stay on the bed."


"Because I fucking said so, that's why. Now get your ass on the bed." She crawled up onto her daughter's bed and sat back against the pillows. I took out my camera and took another shot. It was a great shot, Gina's mother sitting totally naked on her bed; her legs spread wide open, her pussy on display. I pulled off my t-shirt and tossed it onto the floor. I sat down and unlaced my sneakers and kicked them off then stood up and unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans and slid them down to my ankles and kicked them off too. Finally I pushed my Jockey shorts down and off, my hard cock bouncing up into view. "What do you think Erika, do you like it?"

She smirked at me. "It's a cock Jack, just another fucking cock."

"Alright then let's see how it tastes." I got onto Gina's bed and moved up until I was straddling Erika's face. "Go ahead Erika, suck my cock, get it nice and wet and ready for that pussy of yours." She slid down on the bed until she was almost flat on her back then raised her head, grabbed my cock in her hand and opened her mouth and took me inside. God it was a beautiful sight, this good looking, mature mother of my girlfriend laying totally naked on her daughter's bed, my cock slipping in and out between her luscious lips, a Kodak moment so to speak. 'Click.' Another photo only this one was for later, much later. "Oh yea Erika, that's nice, real nice. Keep sucking baby you're good, really good."

After a while I stopped her, after all I didn't want to cum in her mouth, at least not this time. "That's enough Erika." I pushed her away from my cock. "Not in your mouth, spread those legs wide baby." Erika moved her legs apart and I slipped in between grabbed a pillow and told her to lift her butt. When she did I slipped the pillow under her ass and she lay back down. "Go on Erika, put me inside."

Erika reached down and took my cock in her hand and guided me into her pussy. It was a surprisingly tight fit, nice and warm and felt like a well-worn glove as my cock slid down deep inside her. "Oh God Erika you're so damn tight."

"I know; C.R. doesn't use it much any more."

Boy that was a surprise! If she were my wife I would ever let her put clothes on, oh well some guys just don't know when they have it made. I continued rocking back and forth and could feel my cum welling up from deep within my balls. "Oh yes. Oh fuck yes, I'm close Erika. I'm gonna fill you pussy with my cum, hang on baby."

"Oh no you don't Jack! You're not going to cum and leave me hanging."

As I slid in and out of her tight pussy she reached down with one hand and started rubbing her clit with two fingers, her other hand pulling and twisting on a nipple as she moaned with pure pleasure.

"Oh yes Jack, fuck me. Fuck me hard and make me cum."

I did just that. "Yes baby here it cums! Ohhhhhhhh yesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!" I was shooting hot spurts of cum deep into her pussy when she reached out and grabbed me by my butt and held on as her pelvis jerked up and down, and slamming into me as she came too.

"Ohhhhhh Goddddddddd. Ohhhh ffuuccckkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeee. Fuck me hard Jack, don't stop, please don't stop."

I fucked her until I physically couldn't do it any more. Erika's vaginal muscles squeezed and squeezed, milking every last drop of cum from me before she lay back and quit moving. I rolled off of her and lay back breathing hard. She was breathing hard too but I didn't care, I caught my breath and rolled over and pulled her head down to my cock. "Clean it off Erika." She took me into her mouth and sucked off our juices then started playing with me, teasing my cock, running her tongue around the head and ridge line and then all the way down my shaft. Five minutes later I was hard again.

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