White Slaver - Cover

White Slaver

Copyright© 2006 by Rod O'Steele

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young girl is kidnapped and trained to be a sex slave

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   First  

It was several days later. Katrina was no longer frightened, having learned much over the past days. Every girl had gone to see the Master. Once, he had called for Siobhan and Natasha at the same time. Katrina expressed surprise only to learn that the Master sometimes liked two girls. He would have them make love to each other first. Then he would have sex with one or maybe both girls. Once he had three girls. He put them in a daisy chain, then had them line up, their butts in the air, as he fucked one after the other. He had them put their heads together as he jacked off into their mouths, the three girls sharing his cum.

"Isn't that embarrassing, having sex while he watches?" Katrina asked.

"A little," acknowledged Natasha. "But pretty soon you forget."

"Especially if Siobhan is the one kissing you down there," Anna said, then blushed at her boldness. The girls all laughed and said Siobhan was the best at making you forget everything else. Katrina thought about what it would be like to have sex with Siobhan while the Master watched.

She knew it would be her turn soon. Two days before, one of the serving women showed up with a strange device. Suji had called her over. The woman sat before Katrina holding what looked like a needle connected to the strange box. "What's that?" cried Katrina, fearing it.

Suji laughed, "It's just an electrolysis machine. It removes the hair. That's why all of us are bare."

"But I don't want to," Katrina said.

"But the Master does."

"Is it permanent?" Katrina said worried.

"Yes. But you will grow more so don't worry," Suji said. She didn't say that when Katrina did, it too would be removed. Why worry the girl. It was hard enough to be here.

The woman inserted the needle into the follicle. There was a buzzing, an itch but no pain. Then the hair simply fell out. The woman quickly removed her few hairs. Katrina knew she was now ready for the Master.

Katrina had been steeped in sexuality, sensuality for days. It was all she thought about, talked about. The truth was part of her was looking forward to being called, to experience what she had only been able to talk about and think about. What would it feel like to finally feel a man inside her, taking her, fucking her?

It was late afternoon when the door opened. The girls had been napping through the midday heat. "Katrina," Khalid called out.

She panicked for a moment. "It will be all right," Suji calmed her. The other girls smiled their support. It calmed her, buttressed her. She stood and followed the giant man. He led her upstairs and to a door.

He knocked, then entered. "The new one, Master."

Katrina knelt as she had been taught. She heard a not unkind voice, "Thank you. You may go." The door closed behind her. "Let me see you, my dear." Katrina stood, keeping her eyes down. She heard him come across the room. For over a week, Katrina had been immersed in sensuality, both in learning and with the other girls in the dark of the night. Her body was exploding with new and powerful physical desires. Her body desired a man. Yet, her mind shrank from the reality. This was a monster, though he didn't look like one. He actually was rather dashing: dark hair, fair skin, blue eyes and a pleasant smile. He almost could have been a movie star. Like all things unknown, Katrina feared sex. In the throes of this conflict, the Master came to her.

"You are very beautiful, little one," he said.

The praise, so genuine, opened Katrina's heart just a little. She was pleased to be thought beautiful, especially since this man could have Siobhan or Natasha who really were beautiful and with much bigger tits.

His hand touched her cheek, gently, and pulled her face up until he was looking into her eyes. "You are a perfect little gem, my dear. I shall enjoy you."

It should have disgusted Katrina, being compared to property, but the metaphor, a gem, somehow seemed to make her feel valuable and desirable. She could see the lust in his eyes. She had never before aroused such a look in a man's eyes, that she had noticed. It filled her with new and potent feelings of her own. She felt herself becoming wet, as if one of the girls was making love to her.

The Master dropped his robe standing before her as an Adonis. He kept himself in good shape. His cock was rampant. He had been looking forward to this girl for months and he was finally going to take her for the first time. He felt like he might cum just standing there, as he had sex with her so many times in his mind. Katrina's eyes locked onto his staff: large, stiff, and pulsing before her. She felt conflicting emotions, fear of its size and yet her body, already excited, flooded her pussy with lubricant to prepare for the onslaught. She both desired and detested what was about to happen.

He led her to a large bed by the open window, which admitted cooling ocean breezes. Katrina felt her skin prickle from the breeze. They lay on the bed. Katrina remembered what the girls had drilled into her over the past week. 'Make him feel good, ' had been their mantra. 'Act like a virgin, but not too much.' She was a virgin. How could she act otherwise?

"I'm scared, Master," she said.

He smiled. "That is normal. Don't worry, little one. After today you will no longer be scared. You will look forward to this. It is the greatest pleasure you can achieve." He leaned forward and kissed her.

Katrina was shocked. She had expected him to simply lay on her and push his hard cock into her. This was the first time she had ever kissed a man. Her body, already prepared for response, did just that. Her nipples hardened, and her whole body became sensitive to every touch, the fabric of the bed, his hot lips on hers, his hand touching her arm, everything seemed suddenly sensual. She gasped when he broke the kiss.

He pushed her onto her back, then kissed her again. His hand trailed down her neck, awakening further desires in her body. His lips followed his hand, kissing, nibbling down her neck and across her chest. His fingers found her erect nipples, teasing, then touching them. Katrina gasped when his lips surrounded and sucked her nipple. The intense pleasure connected to her loins as they prepared for her first sex with a man.

His hand now trailed down to her loins, spread her legs and settled between them. He found her wet and smiled. He spread her wetness around, teasing her, running his fingers up and down, then around but not over her clitoris. Katrina's hips bucked involuntarily, seeking more, seeking fulfillment. She was ready.

The Master could see that she was ready. He settled between her spread legs, his cock almost hurting from the desire to plunge into this young girl spread like a sacrifice before him. He felt his power then, knowing that he owned this girl. She was his and his alone. He exulted. All those girls who had turned their backs on him in high school and college, forcing him to jack off all those lonely nights, he would show them! His face became a half smile, a half grimace of revenge as he lowered his body. His cock found her pussy. He rubbed his cock into her pussy, lathering his cock with her wetness. Katrina was lost in the desires filling her body. It was going to happen...

His cock seated itself in her opening. He pushed. Her muscles resisted. He pushed again; this time her lips opened for him, spreading to accept the invader in her body. As his glans pierced her opening, Katrina felt a brief stab of pain as her hymen tore. She was a woman.

He felt the resistance, then the release as his cock tore through and entered her no longer virgin opening. He gloated. All those women who wouldn't have him. He would show them. He began fucking the girl under him, thrusting and pulling back. Katrina experienced intercourse for the first time. Her body responded naturally. The pain quickly subsided and soon her body was rising towards her own climax. It was different, maybe better than when she made love to the girls in the night. This is what her body was designed for, to be filled by a man.

He gloried in taking this girl. She was his. He let the pleasure wash over him. It filled him, sated his need. The physical pleasure continued to build. He felt the tingling in his loins and knew he would spend himself quickly. He let it come. He thrust faster and deeper. Katrina was overcome by the sensations of sex. He groaned above her, thrusting deeply and she felt the heat of his come filling her. Her pussy was awash in his cum. Knowing that a man was filling her pushed her into her own climax. He emptied himself into the young girl beneath him, his mind flashing on Robin, the girl who had disdained him in high school. This girl was so like her. He had her now. His release was total as he pumped out his cum and collapsed over the girl. He fell to her side, breathing deeply, satisfied. It was worth all of the money to feel like this. He was the Master...

Katrina recovered from her orgasm, surprised that she had enjoyed it. As her body recovered her mind filled with the thought that she had enjoyed her own rape. It was rape, being taken against her will. She was filled with shame. How could she have enjoyed this monster? Tears filled her eyes. She turned away from him, so he would not notice as her tears wet the pillows.

He fell asleep soon after. Katrina spent the night in his bed. She slept fitfully, never knowing what might happen next. He awoke in the morning surprised that she was still there, but not unhappy. He sent her back to the girls' room with a smile.

As Katrina entered, all noise stopped, then the girls all burst into questions crowding around her. Suji finally calmed the riot and led Katrina to a couch. "Tell us what happened."

Katrina replayed the events of the night, including her own small climax, then the long hours of the night wondering what would happen, then his sending her off with the smile.

Natasha burst in, "He must have been pleased. He is normally a bastard in the morning." The girls all laughed.

Suji said, "Yes, you must have done a good job for him to fall asleep and still be pleased in the morning."

The praise made Katrina feel better about what had happened. The shame still hovered around the edges, but the fellowship of the girls made it recede. It wasn't important. What was important was the intimacy these women shared. Katrina hugged Suji in a burst of emotion. Suji was surprised, but she quickly understood. She waved the rest of the girls away. Suji joined Katrina on the couch, stroking her soft skin. When Katrina looked up at Suji, the older girl asked, "Do you want to..."

"Oh yes," Katrina answered.

Suji smiled and bent down to kiss the young girl who was now fully a member of their family, a family of women seeking to live as best they could.

One night the girls were talking. Katrina asked, "How come we do not have lights? The Master has lights."

Nantale, normally reticent, said, "Because we are not worthy of lights. We are like the scum of the waves to Him."

There was quiet, then Siobhan spoke up, giving a reproachful look to Nantale, "Because there is only a little generator. The benzene to run the generator has to be brought in by barrels. It is enough for his room. He has movies and a computer I have heard. Sometimes he watches dirty movies when we are there."

The other girls nodded. Anna spoke up, "Yes, he made me watch one with him. It was Japanese girls. I couldn't understand anything they said."

There followed much discussion on the movies and how bad they were.

Nantale ended the discussion with a curt, "People who watch such things are trash." Since this was dangerously close to criticizing the Master, all fell silent.

Katrina continued to think of escape. One afternoon the girls were swimming in the cove. Katrina looked at the hill that rose behind the villa. "Have you ever been up there?" she asked no one in particular.

"No. Why would you want to?" Anna asked.

"Maybe there's an island close by," Katrina suggested.

Nantale looked at her closely. Suji noticed as well. "And how would you reach such an island?"

Katrina shrugged, "I don't know. I was just thinking."

Nantale said earnestly, "There is no island in sight. I returned, my feet bleeding from the roots and rocks. There is nothing to see. If you chose the wrong direction you would have to sail for three thousand miles."

"But there is just one of him and many of us. What if the men rebelled too?" Katrina asked.

"And where would they go?" Nantale asked. "It's the same three thousand miles."

"The supply ship. We could take the supply ship back," Katrina said triumphantly.

Suji and Nantale exchanged a look. Suji said, "And when the supply man asked to see the Master to have him sign for the goods. How would we explain that he was no longer available? It is the Master who pays off the Government, not we slaves."

Nantale snorted. "It is the same everywhere. Those with power step on the powerless. Here, the pigs of the Seychellois would not allow us to kill him, since he is the one with the money. We would be criminals. The men know this. They would be hanged." She turned and headed back to the shore.

Suji said quietly, "She was whipped every day for a week for her escape attempt. Be careful, little one. They watch closely, even when you don't think they are watching. There is no way off this island except if He decides."

And so Katrina's life drifted along on waves of sex and sensuality. There were no weeks or months, no real seasons. Only sex and play. Every so often the Master would call for her. Sometimes he would make love to her, sometimes he would simply take her, use her. She learned to like both. Her body learned to respond to the feel of a man taking her. She learned to like taking him in her mouth, milking his sweet seed and drinking it down. It was expected by Him and taught and accepted by the girls. What influenced her the most was the way the other girls strove to become the best sexual partners they could be, to please a man totally. In short, she had been trained to be a perfect pleasure slave.

In the nights, she had the other girls. She learned to love sharing a couch with Jasmin or Natasha. She loved the fragile beauty of Siobhan, making love to the girl until Siobhan begged her to stop. She liked to lay with little Anna, the two of them fitting together so well. And finally, one night she worked up the courage. After the other girls were asleep, Katrina snuck to the couch where Nantale had fallen asleep. She lay next to the dark mass that was the African girl. Nantale awoke with a start. "What are you doing?"

"I thought I might sleep here," whispered Katrina.

"Why?" Nantale asked brusquely.

"Because you frighten me," Katrina said in a whisper.

There was a silence. Then a sigh. "Suji is right. I do scare the little ones." Katrina heard her say something she did not understand in her native tongue. Then Katrina felt more than heard Nantale begin to weep. Katrina scooted forward and took the larger girl in her arms. Nantale shuddered, then wept, quietly. Katrina soothed her. The weeping slowed and stopped. Nantale wiped the tears from her eyes. "Come here, little one," she said as she bent her head and brought her lips to Katrina's. Katrina was swept up in the passion of the older girl. It was a new and different experience. The black girl was strong and yet gentle as a woman. When her lips found Katrina's sex, she thrust hard into her, and yet she knew exactly how to please as a woman does. Katrina could not help it as she cried out in her pleasure, the climax taking her. Nantale gentled her, kissing her as she fell asleep, happy, and no longer frightened.

And so time drifted, and the girls drifted with it.

Months had gone by. Still Katrina thought of escape. The Master's computer had to be the way. He had to have Internet. That's how the supplies were ordered. She had been to his rooms often enough now to have a feel for the house. It had to be behind a door in his room. A door that she had never seen opened. She had asked the other girls if they had even been in there. No one had. Every other room, at one time or another, one girl had been in there. Not that room. The last visit, Katrina had taken the time to study it closely while the Master had napped after an invigorating bout of sex. Katrina had put all she knew into the sex and he had been drained. The door was solid wood and didn't even appear to have a lock. It had to be in there. But how would she get in there?

Katrina had a purpose now. She didn't tell any of the other girls. If she were caught she was determined not to get anyone else punished. If they whipped someone, it would be her alone. She watched the serving girls put together their lists of supplies. Khalid collected it and added his own. He took it to the Master. Khalid returned in a few minutes. Two days later the supply boat would come. No one had ever seen a radio. There were no sounds from the Master's rooms as if he were talking on a radio. It had to be the computer and it had to be an Internet connection, probably through a satellite. While she was swimming the next day Katrina examined the roof of the villa. She saw a small gray oval pointed up to the sky. 'Yes!' she said to herself. That had to be a satellite dish.

Katrina waited and planned. Life drifted along, making love with the other girls, being called by the Master, playing in the cove, working in their gym. The moment arrived as a surprise.

It was a dark and stormy night, the kind of storm only experienced in the tropics. The girls were awakened by a loud cracking sound followed by a thud. Flashlights appeared down by the wharf. The girls rushed outside, huddled against the blowing rain and wind. They saw the Master and the men all working to prevent the wharf from tearing itself apart in the wind. Part of the dock had torn loose and was threatening to tear the whole structure to bits. All four men worked to get it tied down.

Katrina slipped back into the room, through the inner door, and ran to the Master's room. She slipped inside, her heart beating quickly. There were no sounds except the storm. She could see the dark door was slightly ajar. Had the Master been working when the alarm sounded? She pushed on the door and it seemed to magically open. She closed it behind her. In the dim light she could see little yellow and green lights. She stumbled against a chair, hurting a shin. She worried that someone would hear. Groping around, her hand brushed the mouse which caused the screen to light up. It was on! Katrina sat down. There, on the screen was the IE symbol. She clicked it. It seemed an interminable time as several boxes flashed and disappeared, until finally Internet Explorer came up. She typed in Yahoo. Then her name and password. Her e-mail opened. Feverishly working now, worried that she could be discovered before she had finished, she hit Compose. A blank email. She typed in her Father's email, then HELP from Katrina! as the title. Typing quickly she wrote:

Dearest Father,

I have been kidnapped. I am being held in the Seychelles Islands. I don't know which island. The man is white maybe American. PLEASE rescue me!!!!!!!!!!

Your loving Katrina

She heard a sound and hit the send button worried that she had been found. It had to be good enough. She listened but heard only the sounds of the storm. Katrina put the computer to sleep and slipped from the room. The sound of the storm covered her as she hurried back downstairs and slipped into the girls' room. No one appeared to have noticed she was gone. Half the girls were still outside watching and most were going back and forth not paying attention to the others. Katrina went outside with the others.

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