White Slaver - Cover

White Slaver

Copyright© 2006 by Rod O'Steele

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young girl is kidnapped and trained to be a sex slave

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   First  

Katrina struggled. She wasn't even sure what she was struggling against. It was dark, and it seemed amorphous, arms and hands and things holding her, not letting her go. She knew she was struggling for life itself. She swung her arm with all of her strength, and it hit something hard. The stabbing pain woke her from her nightmare.

She sat up, looking around wildly. She recognized nothing. Her hand hurt and she realized she had hit it on the tiled wall next to her. She soothed her hand for a moment before looking around intently. She was in a small room. The window was open and a warm breeze blew in. She looked down and saw that she was naked, lying on a bare mattress, the only furniture in the room. Things started to spin and Katrina had to lie back on the mattress until the spinning stopped. Where was she?

Visions slowly filled in the dark of her memory. She had been walking home from school one afternoon when a van pulled up. The side door opened and two men grabbed her. Before she could even scream, one had a pad over her mouth. She opened her mouth to yell, taking in a deep breath. The pad had been soaked in something, something that burned her throat as it flooded her lungs, choking off the yell before it could begin. She coughed and gulped air only to take in more of the fumes... Then all went black.

She woke sometime later, her arms and legs bound, not uncomfortably, but quite well. She was fed and allowed water. At one time, the men sat her on a toilet and allowed her to void herself. She felt completely degraded, naked, using the toilet as these strangers watched. Her clothes had been removed and they had been replaced by a long robe, almost like she had seen Arab women wearing. They brought her a drink and then it was black again. She woke on a small boat, the motion of the sea making her quite ill as she recovered her senses. It seemed like an eternity that she was on the boat, but she knew it really wasn't all that long. One of the crew held a noxious cloth to her face and again she was plunged into Stygian darkness.

She awoke in the strange room. The spinning was abating. Katrina wondered again where she was. She sat on the edge of the mattress. There was one door. She got up and tried the knob; it was locked. The room was almost bare. By standing on the mattress she could look out the window. She could see a small hill climbing away. It was verdant, tropical, and smelled of exotic blossoms. A veritable Eden. She heard a click and turned to see the door opening.

"I see you are awake," the man said. He looked Arabic, his beard flowing. His voice was strangely high and tinny and seemed ill suited to his massive body. He wore a turban and a flowing robe.

Katrina suddenly was aware that she was naked. She curled up on the mattress holding her legs and arms in front of her as a shield. "Where am I?"

The man smiled without warmth. "I am Khalid. You will call me Sir. Do you understand?"

Katrina nodded, her mind running on auto pilot as she tried to make some sense of what was happening.

"Come with me," Khalid commanded.

"I'm naked," she whined.

"Yes, you are. Now, come with me," he said. Katrina didn't move. Khalid stepped forward, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her to her feet like she was a small doll. He led her down the hallway. "You must learn to behave or you will be punished. I have no desire to whip you, but I will do what is needed."

Katrina recoiled. 'Whip?'

The large man opened a door into a room. A blonde girl was inside, also quite naked, but seemingly comfortable since she made no effort to cover herself. Khalid pulled Katrina into the room. To the girl he said, "Here is the new one. Make sure she knows how she should behave. If the Master is unhappy, you will share her punishment."

The girl looked down, "Yes, Sir. It will be done."

"Good." He released Katrina. "Learn well, little one. I have no desire to whip that pretty white skin of yours." He smiled an evil smile, turned, and exited, closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door closed, the other girl bounced off the couch and happily said in a strange accent, "I'm Natasha. What is your name?"

"Katrina," she said. "Where am I?"

Natasha looked around. "The house of the Master. None of us know his name. Siobhan, she's Irish so she kind of knows accents, she thinks he's American."

"He's not American. He's an Arab," Katrina said.

Natasha laughed. "Khalid? No, he's not the Master. He works for the Master."

"Oh," Katrina said. "But where is here?"

"One of the Seychelles islands. The Master bought it, or at least the right to use it, from the President. In the Seychelles, everything can be bought for the right price," Natasha explained. "You're number seven, one for each day of the week. That's what Suji said."

"Seven?" Katrina asked.

"Yeah. Come on. I'll show you our room." She led Katrina through an inside door and into a large well appointed room. There was a large raised bath in the middle with many couches surrounding it. One wall was open to the outside. It looked out over a cove and the blue expanse of the Indian Ocean. There was a white sand beach and again, the verdant growth of the tropical forest. A cool breeze blew in from the ocean. Several girls came running up and there was soon a babble of voices. An Asian girl hushed everyone. In good, though accented, English she introduced herself. "I am Sujita, but they call me Suji. I was from Thailand. This is Siobhan," she said pointing to a pale skinned and quite pretty redhead. "She's from Ireland."

"Welcome," Siobhan said. "I'm sixteen. How old are you?"

"Twelve," Katrina said. "But I'll be thirteen in two months."

A small brunette spoke up in heavily accented English, "Oh good. I'm no longer youngest."

Suji smiled, "This is Anna, Ileanna, and she is from Romania." The girls exchanged greetings. Suji pointed to a dark haired girl lounging with a magazine apparently paying no attention. "That is Jasmin. She is from Persia and is fifteen. He parents sold her to the Master."

"Sold her?" Katrina asked.

"Yes, they sold her. And out on the beach is Nantale. I'm afraid she isn't always very friendly." Katrina followed her finger to see a tall lithe black girl walking along the beach. Suji continued, "She is from Uganda. So, you have met everyone." Motioning to the girls, "Come girls, we will let her get used to this place. As we all know, it is hard the first few days." Katrina received commiserating looks from the girls. They all scattered leaving her with Natasha.

Natasha led her around. Through one door was a gym, small but well equipped. "The Master doesn't want us getting fat and lazy," was Natasha's comment. There was a toilet with several commodes, sinks, and showers. "Be careful with the water. We don't have much fresh water, only what we collect from rain. So get wet, turn off the water, wash, then turn the water back on to rinse." Through another door was a room with a table. On the table were fruits and rolls. "This is where we eat. The food is good, but not like home. I miss good Russian bread." Natasha looked wistful. She led Katrina over to the open wall which framed a small cove with a white sand beach. Two strips of tropically clad land extended out to form the cove. "Don't swim past the orange cones. Katrina saw several of the cones bobbing in the water. "That's the shark net. It keeps the sharks out."

"Oh my," Katrina said.

Katrina turned to Natasha. "Don't worry. The net keeps them out. But beyond... This part of the Indian Ocean has more shark attacks than all of the other places. Many people are killed. The big White sharks swim here."

Katrina saw the tall black girl walking back from the beach. She went by the two girls without even a glance to say she had seen them. "Why isn't she friendly?"

Natasha gave her a knowing smile. "Look around. What does this look like? A movie set? We are all slaves here. That is why Nantale is so hard. She says it is good we white girls are slaves since our people have been making her people into slaves for hundreds of years. But for her to be a slave... this is intolerable."

"Slaves? We are slaves? But slavery doesn't exist any more," Katrina said.

Suji had come up to the girls. "Come sit down," as she led them to the couches around the sunken bath. "Katrina, why do you say slavery doesn't exist?"

"That's what they taught us in school," she said.

"Much of what they teach in schools is wrong. Look around. We are being held here without our agreement. We have to do what our Master says. They whip us if we do not do as they say. That is slavery," she said.

"But..." Katrina said but couldn't finish, her mind in a whirl trying to process the data.

"Slavery never died out in the Arab world. It just went underground. And men like the Master, if they are rich enough, they can buy an island and get all of the slaves they want. We are lucky, we seven, because we are his pleasure slaves. We don't have to do any work like the others," Suji finished.

"Pleasure slave?" Katrina asked, a hint of hysteria creeping into her voice.

"It's not so bad," Natasha said. "The Master is pretty good. He likes the girls to enjoy." Suji nodded.

"What about Khalid?" Katrina asked.

The girls giggled. "Khalid? No, he doesn't do anything. Didn't you notice his voice?" Suji asked.

"It sounded funny," Katrina told her.

"He's a eunuch. They cut off his fruit before he grew up. He can't do anything. The other two men are also eunuchs," Suji said.

"But... How does he pee?" Katrina said.

The girls laughed. "They didn't cut off his banana. They cut off his mangos."

"Oh," said Katrina. "I heard they used to do that to opera singers, but they don't do that any more."

"They do in Arabia," Suji said. "Khalid and the other two, they were bought from an Emir, from his personal harem." She shook her head, "I think this is why Khalid hates us women, because of women, he had his fruit cut off." The other girls nodded agreement.

Suji appraised the young girl. She had barely developed breasts and only a small spattering of hair above her woman's cleft. "So, what do you know of sex?"

Katrina turned red. "I know about sex." She looked at Suji's searching eyes. "I do."

"Have you ever had sex?" she asked.

"Sort of," Katrina answered. Natasha looked interested now. "Well, never with a boy."

Suji smiled, "Yes, I understand. Some of the girls here like that as well. Sometimes we even share a bed at night. And with all of us sleeping here in one room, well, we all know each other's secrets, now don't we?" Natasha laughed and nodded.

The door at the end opened and Khalid stepped into the room. The girls all turned towards the sound, then lowered their eyes. Katrina watched, then mimicked them. In his high voice he said, "Natasha, the Master wishes to see you."

Looking through her lashes, Katrina saw the young girl get up, and hesitate before following the towering Khalid. Katrina watched with morbid fascination as Natasha followed the swarthy giant out the door. Her mind ran wild with images of sex, the kinds of images she had at night as she touched her virginal pussy. After the door closed, Katrina asked in a rush, "Where is she going?"

"To pleasure the Master," Suji answered. "Don't worry. Natasha will be back soon and you can ask her what happened. If you do as you are told, and smile, and be enthusiastic, the Master is very pliable. Yes, you can ask for anything..." Then very quietly with a haunting look Suji said, "Except freedom."

The Master stood looking out over the same cove. His suite was on the second floor. He smiled, knowing he was King of his little kingdom. All it took was money, lots of money. Oh yes, the slave girls had cost him a pretty penny. The idea had come through his business contacts. He had made many millions by selling to the Arab world items they couldn't get otherwise and perhaps things politicians in his country wouldn't want them to have. He left the politics to politicians. He only wanted to make money. So the Arabs he dealt with trusted him to be discreet. One day, a business partner asked if he wanted a slave. He thought the man was kidding him. But there was no smile behind the eyes. The man took him home and showed him his slave girls. It was through this man that the Master had purchased Khalid and the eunuchs. They had also arranged the purchase of the serving girls who did all of the cleaning and cooking. They had arranged the purchase of his first two pleasure girls, Nantale the African and Sujita, the Thai. Those two had cost him $100,000 apiece. His contacts had told him he could purchase a girl from Iran if he wished. Poor farmers were often willing to sell a girl child. What use was a girl to a poor farmer? Jasmin had cost only $50,000. The Master considered her a bargain although her dark beauty was not his favorite. She was enthusiastic in bed, though completely unskilled in pleasing a man when she arrived.

The Russian Mafia, practiced at the art of obtaining women to be sold into prostitution in the west, brought him the Ukrainian girl and the Romanian. Anna had been $75,000 and Natasha was cheap, only $65,000. The Irish girl had been expensive since she was special ordered. They had kidnapped her while her family was on holiday in Egypt. The Russians arranged for a small group of Muslim extremists to take the blame. The Egyptians raided them, killing them all only to find out that they had 'already killed' the girl. Siobhan was dead to the world. But the crown jewel was the newest girl. They had e-mailed him a grainy photo and he knew he must have her, so young and virginal. $250,000 had covered the costs. Now he had one of every type: black, white, Persian, Asian, blonde, red, brunette, ages eighteen to twelve.

He smiled as he looked at his island. The lease of this island had also cost him, but not as much as any one of his girls. The Seychellois bureaucrats are greedy men, and that made them cheap as well. They had even passed a law that for $100,000, paid in cash to the government, anyone could immigrate to Seychelles and be forever free from extradition to any country. It cost more per year to run the island since everything had to be brought in by boat, first to Victoria, then by smaller boat to the island.

"Master," a high thin voice proclaimed from behind.

He turned to see the beautiful young Ukrainian girl standing, hands at her side so that her beauty was on full display for his pleasure, her eyes cast down as her lowly status demanded. "Thank you, Khalid. You may go." Khalid bowed and closed the door. The girl stood, waiting as she had been taught. Her whole being concentrated on the Master's wishes. She knew, from painful experience, that displeasing the Master brought punishment, administered by the hateful Khalid.

The Master smiled. He liked this girl, the only true blonde in his stable. "Remind me Kitten, how old are you?"

"Fifteen, Master."

"A good age. Have you met the new girl?"

"Yes, Master," she answered.

"Is she pretty?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, Master. But she is young and has no experience. I don't know how much she even knows," Natasha said trying to intercede for the young girl. If the Master had fewer expectations, the girl might not be whipped if she didn't please him.

"Then you will teach her what is expected," he said in a cold voice of command. A shiver ran through Natasha, knowing that she would share the punishment of the new girl if she failed to please the master.

A surge of power ran through him knowing how he controlled everything about these girls. They depended on him completely, for pleasure, for pain, for life itself. He liked the thought of being able to do as he pleased with them and they desired nothing more than pleasing him as he wanted. He felt his cock swelling in anticipation. He dropped his robe and walked from the window, standing before the young girl. "On your knees."

Natasha knelt, looking up at his manhood before her. She smiled, as she had learned to do. The master smiled to himself, thinking the girl's obvious pleasure was because of him, rather than the avoidance of pain that really motivated the women of his harem. "Suck it," he commanded. He felt the power rush through him again, swelling his cock.

Natasha bent forward, taking the head of his cock between her lips, lightly playing with it, sucking and licking the head. Her hands wrapped around the shaft as she sucked more of his cock into her mouth. She had been conditioned, as all of the girls had been, that pleasure and submission were connected. As she submitted to the Master, her body responded. She wanted to please the Master in order to get the pleasure.

He had been thinking of the new girl all morning and he was stimulated already. Her hot wet lips quickly brought him to the brink. "Bend forward," he commanded.

Natasha quickly turned and bent her head to the soft mat on the floor, her ass up and proudly displayed. He knelt behind her, nestling his cock between her lips. He ran the head up and down, coating it with her natural lubricant, before seating it in her center and thrusting it into her tight young pussy. He pulled back and thrust into the young girl again. He looked at her small tight little white ass, presented to him like a sacrifice. Her hairless pussy lips kissed his wet cock. He thought of the new girl, so young. Soon, he would be fucking her just as he was his little Russian girl. The thought brought his cum; he slammed into the upturned ass of Natasha, sending gouts of his cream into her pulsing pussy.

Below him, her face being pushed into the soft mat, Natasha felt the final thrusts. He would be cumming soon. She must make her sounds now. "Oh yes," she moaned convincingly. "Please, please give it to me..." She felt the warmth as he thrust deeply into her. She contracted the muscles of her vagina, holding it as Suji had taught the girls. They practiced daily, squeezing their vaginas and holding reeds with the muscles, reeds much thinner than their Master. As she felt him empty himself into her, she felt the warmth suffuse her body, filling her with pleasure.

He felt the girl spasm around his cock knowing that he was giving her a climax which helped him empty himself into the upturned ass before him. One last spasm and he was finished. He fell back onto the mat as the girl slumped forward. "Thank you, Master," she breathlessly moaned.

He lay, breathing hard, basking in the pleasure of his climax. The girl quickly went into his bath. He heard the water running, knew that she was cleaning herself in case he would want her again. She brought a warm wet towel and cleaned his cock and groin. She took the towel away, came back and knelt by him. "Is there anything else, Master?"

"No, that was exquisite, Kitten. You may go."

As she stood to leave, he said, "Don't forget to teach the new one."

She bowed, "As you wish." She left and returned to the girls' room.

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