Man Of The House - Cover

Man Of The House

Copyright© 2006 by Mr Freeze

Chapter 11

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Scott became the man of the house when his dad was killed in Iraq. He never thought his sisters noticed until one day when something happened that changed all of their lives forever.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Incest   Brother   Sister   First  

"HOLY FUCK!" screamed Whitney, waking me from a deep sleep.


I was wondering what the hell Whitney was yelling about when I realized two things. I was naked. Lindsey was also naked and laying on my chest.

"Whitney, it's not what it looks like," I rationalized. Why do people say that? It was pretty damned obvious what we were doing.

Which is what Whitney pointed out next. "Well, I have a pretty good idea as I see the condom next to you."

"You aren't going to tell Mom, are you Whitney?" asked Lindsey.

"I can't," sobbed Whitney. "Because if I do, she will know that Scott and I fucked, too!"

"HE WHAT?" screeched Lindsey.

"What is going on in here?" demanded my Mom, walking in the room. "OH MY GOD! Why are you two naked and in bed?"

"HOW COULD YOU LEAD ME ON?" screamed Lindsey.

"She seduced me," I replied to Lindsey.

"Is this why you couldn't have sex with me anymore?" asked Whitney, tears streaming down her face.


"The evidence is pretty clear, Mom," sobbed Whitney. "Just look at the used condom next to them."

I didn't know what to do. I had both my sisters and my Mom screaming at me. I was surrounded and had no allies anywhere. I did what I did best. I ran out of the room to look for a place to hole up and hide.

"Scott, you get back here right now, young man," demanded my Mom as I bolted out of the room.

I didn't listen to her. I ran to the girl's bedroom and closed the door. I leaned up against the door and started crying, not knowing how I was going to get out of this predicament.

It wasn't long before I felt pressure against the door.

"Open this door now, Mister," demanded Mom.

"Why, so everyone can yell at me some more?" I shot back.

"Well, yes. You are in some deep shit right now," answered Mom.

"Well, then I'm not opening the door," I answered.

"Why did you do it, Scott?" demanded Mom. "What possessed you to have sex with your sisters?"

"Why don't you ask them," I spat. "They're the ones that seduced me. Fucking bitches."

"Scott Alan Foster!"

"Oh drop the language bullshit already," I yelled. "I'm almost eighteen."

"And can't be trusted with anything," said my Mom. She wasn't yelling. She was now crying.

"Yeah, it's always the guy's fault," I said.

"You're supposed to be the responsible one, Scott. You're the one that's been looking after these girls."

"Yeah, well I'm fucking sick of being the responsible one. You want Dad's chores done from now on, fucking do them yourself. You want someone else to hold this family together, you fucking do it yourself."

"Jesus, Scott, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Talk to Whitney and Lindsey and ask them!" I yelled. "I'm done talking to you."

The next week, the entire house was in chaos. Lindsey wasn't even speaking to me. Whitney and I often got into shouting matches with one another. Lindsey and Whitney were always in shouting matches. Mom got into shouting matches with me and pretty much ignored the girls. Whitney was sliding back into her Goth ways again.

My room became my respite from life at home. I holed up there and surfed the internet from the time I got home until the time I decided to go to bed. No one came to my room and that was fine with me. That was until exactly a week after Mom had caught us in bed. She knocked softly at my door and I told her to go away. Of course, being a Mom, she came right in instead.

"Scott, we need to talk," she said softly.

"I don't want to talk," I spat.

Mom sat down on the edge of my bed.

"I want to talk about what's been going on between you and your sisters. I want peace back in my house."

"And you're going to keep blaming me for everything and yell at me for fucking everything up. No thank you."

Mom sighed. "I promise not to yell," she said softly. I could tell she was making a huge concession in saying that.

"Why should I believe you? You hate me. You love Lindsey and Whitney, but you hate me."

"I don't hate you, Scott," cried Mom. "God, I love you so much."

"Then why don't you yell at Whitney and Lindsey instead of me?" I shouted.

"Scott, please. Let's just talk. No yelling."

"It's fucking bullshit, Mom!" I yelled.

"Scott! Calm down. Let's just talk this out. The girls are in a lot of trouble, too. It's just that I expected more out of you."

"Yeah, because I'm Mister Hero and Mister Man of the House," I replied sarcastically.

"You've never complained..."

"I just didn't want to see you hurt," I said softly.

"Well, what you did to your sisters hurt me," she said.

"What I did? Mom, in case you forgot, it takes two to have sex. I didn't force them to have sex with me, Mom. They practically threw themselves at me."

"I find that hard to believe," said Mom.

"Yeah, because I'm a guy. You can't trust a guy. Dad was right."

"What did your Dad tell you?"

"He said girls will get you in trouble. If they blame you for something that you will always lose just because you are a guy."

"I never thought he was that cynical," Mom pondered.

"I can see he was right," I spat.

Mom sighed. "Tell me what happened. I promise not to get mad."

So after a little waffling, I ended up telling her the story about how the girls started getting frisky with me when I was sleeping in their room. I told her about Whitney and how she started seducing me first and how Lindsey and I had actually developed a relationship. I went on to describe Whitney's further seduction and finally my loss of virginity to her. I then told her about how Lindsey and I ended up in bed together. I admitted that I was partially responsible with Lindsey, but how Whitney tried to seduce me as quickly as possible. Then I told her about Whitney's outburst when I told her no and how she told me that she loved me. I think when I was done my mother was in shock.

"You know, you could have told them both no," said Mom.

"I know I'm not totally blameless, Mom. It's just that... well... I love both of them so much. It was hard for me to say no when I saw how Lindsey had turned back into her old self and how Whitney dropped her Goth image and became normal again."

"And now Whitney is back to her Goth clothes again..."

"And Lindsey is being a bitch to everyone around her..."

"This is an amazing shitstorm you three created," said Mom shaking her head.

"I don't see it ever ending," I said. "My sisters will probably never speak to me again."

I thought Mom's talk would make things better in the house, but things were just getting worse. Whitney and Lindsey had to be put in separate rooms. Lindsey was relegated to the den, while Whitney stayed in the room. Neither sister was even talking to me anymore. At first, I was welcoming their silence in lieu of their cruel barbs. Now, I was even missing the cruel barbs.

I could tell Mom was losing it, too. She was frequently disheveled when at home. A few times I knew I smelled alcohol on her when she came home late from work.

So, I stayed in my retreat, in my room. Once again, I had another knock on my door a week after Mom and I last talked. Again it was Mom.

"I want you to come down to the living room," said Mom.

"What for?" I asked.

"Family meeting," she said firmly.

"Fuck that," I spat.

"Scott, I swear to God I will paddle your ass if you don't go downstairs now. I know I haven't spanked you since you were nine, but by God I will start again."

My Mom was pissed and I didn't want to press things any further. I sheepishly headed out of my room and down the stairs. My two sisters were already on the couch and wouldn't look at me. My mom gestured for me to sit between the two girls on the couch. They both moved as far to the ends of the couch as they could when I sat down.

"We are not leaving this room until we all kiss and make up," said Mom, sitting down in a chair across from us. "I'm going to help you work this out."

"I don't want to talk to this cheater," spat Lindsey.

"Well, you fucking stole him from me," countered Whitney.

"Let's not forget what you too girls have been up to before calling Scott a cheater," said Mom.

"What is she talking about?" I asked.

"Nothing," said Lindsey, fright in her eyes.

"I know you two girls have been messing around with each other for years now," said Mom.


"How did you know?" asked Whitney.

"I did the same experimenting when I grew up. It wasn't too hard to see the signs."

"So, why is it wrong for me to mess around with them but its okay for them to mess around with each other?" I asked, angry both at Mom for the double standard, and at both of my sisters for effectively cheating on me.

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