Email Across the Pond - Cover

Email Across the Pond

by NiteWriter

Copyright© 2006 by NiteWriter

Erotica Sex Story: A 14 year old girl writes to a friend who has emigrated to Canada telling her of some cross-dressing sexy fun she has had resulting in an unexpected lesbian romp.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   CrossDressing   True Story   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   .

Hi Janice

I hope you are enjoying your new life in Canada. We all miss you a lot, but envy you as well if you know what I mean. LOL. I hope you have a bit of time as this may be a long email. Have so much to tell you.

Fiona, Maddy and I miss you most, I think. The gang of 4 is now the gang of 3 and it's not the same without you. Anyway, I thought I would drop you a line to let you know of a sexy adventure Fiona and I had last weekend. But first, you remember Sandy, the shy girl in our class who was having to get some chemotherapy just before you left? Well her hair started to fall out in chunks and she is almost bald now! We all felt so sorry for her that about 6 of us girls in the class decided to make her feel less conspicuous by having our heads shorn too. A lot of the boys have done it too since, but it doesn't notice as much. We thought the headmistress would go crazy, you know what she's like for appearances, but she stood up in assembly and praised us for a 'brave and wonderful' sympathetic gesture, but added that it was to be a one-off gesture limited to our class only. It made us feel quite good inside I can tell you.

I had mine cut down to about a centimetre all over and so did Fiona so we're not quite bald but almost. It's spreading like the plague and soon the whole class will be like it. I know we must all look daft but it really cheered Sandy up, so much so that she cried like a baby when she saw us all! No, honestly, she really did cheer up! She told us her mum was going to buy her a wig but now she didn't dare get one or she'd be the only one in class with hair! That would have been so fucking ironic!

My mum's reaction was just classic. Fiona came back with me from the hairdresser and mum glanced at us, looked away and then span round to stare at us with a look of sheer horror! "What have you done?" she kept shrieking. I explained why but she was in shock I think. I've been growing my hair down my back for the last 10 years so it must have been a shaker for her.

"You look awful." Mum went on. "You both look like boys. You'd better hope it grows again before your brother's wedding next spring." (I told you Robert was getting married didn't I?). There's almost a year for it to grow back though!

Mum and dad were going away for an Easter break last weekend and I think she was glad I wasn't going with them! It was her comment that put the idea in our heads really. The one about us looking like boys. Fiona was sleeping over at my place while my parents were away. And for once we had the house to ourselves. You can guess what we were doing the minute mum and dad pulled off in the car! I bet you miss the cuddles we had during the sleepovers. We went a lot further than ever that first night.

I won't tell you the gory details now because just wait till I tell you what happened on Saturday!!! But anyway it was Fiona that said mum was right, we do look like boys at the moment. We stood in front of the mirror pulling faces! I said, "Why don't we go out dressed as boys tomorrow to see if we can fool anyone." We both thought this was a hilarious idea and spent the rest of the evening sorting through and trying on some of Robert's clothes seeing what would fit best. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, although he's taken some of his best stuff away to police training college with him.

Luckily he's quite thin so we found plenty of stuff to fit. I drew the line at wearing his underpants; well our knickers wouldn't show would they? I fully expected Fiona to back out of it Saturday morning, but to my surprise she was still up for it. We had so much fun getting dressed up. The boobs were a problem, of course, but we managed to strap them down fairly flat with bandages! We found some of Robert's old trainers that fitted with a couple of pairs of socks under them! We had to stuff out the jeans at the front with some socks stuffed down our pants but as we were trying to look like boys about 12 years old we didn't go too mad and only used one sock! Although we are 14 we had to bear in mind our voices wouldn't sound right for 14 year old boys.

Maybe our faces were a little too small but all in all we did a pretty convincing job I think. Obviously we didn't want to go anywhere local or we would have been sure to bump into people we knew so we got a bus about 6 miles away to Peckham. The bus driver at least was fooled. He said "Where to lads?" When we got there we found a shopping mall. We had fun striding out like boys and eyeing up the girls the way they do.

We had a coffee in the mall café and we were really getting into the roles by then. We even had a couple of other lads talk to us. They had football shirts on as they were off to a match somewhere and were talking about the game. We felt a bit out our depths as neither of us follows football but Fiona knew enough to bullshit a bit. One of them said, "I'm Gary and that's Jim," and was obviously waiting for us to say our names, but we had forgotten to think of names so I said, "I'm Bob and that's Mick." They're our brothers' names but were the first that came to mind. Gary said "You're not local are you, what are you doing here?

Fiona cut in and said, "Just come to look around and see what the crumpet's like!" I nearly burst out laughing, Janice. Do boys really call girls crumpet? But anyway she got away with it, but then they started pointing out 2 girls sitting on a wall not far away.

"See those two?" asked Jim, "They go to our school and they are supposed to be good lays."

"Yeah the blond one is called Angela. Nice pair of tits!" said Gary. The girls were only about 15 or 16, I suppose, so a bit young to get a reputation like that but we played along with it.

"Who's the other one, she's got a nice ass?" I asked, trying to sound like them.

"I think it's Linda or Lindsay or something. Her tits aren't bad either. Bit small though."

"Yeah, wouldn't mind giving her one," added Fiona. I just don't know how I kept a straight face, Janice!

"You've got no fucking chance," said Jim, "She wouldn't be into boys with little pricks like us; they go for the older studs. Come on Gary, we'd better get going or we won't get in the match. See ya Bob. You too Mick. Good luck on the pull."

When they'd gone, we did a high 5. We'd got away with it! So it is true boys talk about football and girls! We didn't try to chat up the girls! We finished the drinks and then Fiona wanted to pee, so we wandered back to where the toilets were. We were heading for the queue by the ladies toilet when Fiona pulled me to one side.

"We can't go in there looking like this can we you idiot," she whispered.

"Shit, no. I suppose not. I don't fancy going in the gents though. We can hardly use the urinals can we!

"It's OK; they must have cubicles too, mustn't they? In case boys need to crap." We wandered over towards the gents, and a few men came in and out. Fiona grabbed my hand to pluck up the courage to go in but I quickly snatched my hand away.

"You idiot, Fiona, boys don't hold hands, and certainly not in the gents!"

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry. God, this is so scary. I've got to pee, though. Are you ready?"

At that point the two girls that we had been ogling earlier, that had been sitting on the wall, came by us to go in the ladies and they looked at us, smiled and waved. We waved back then went into the toilets. Inside, there were urinals down one side and three cubicles down the other. The toilets didn't smell quite as bad as I'd expected but there were two guys peeing into the urinals, which was sooo embarrassing. Each had a hand round the front and I visualised them holding their cocks. As we passed, one of them turned around still tucking his equipment back in his jeans and we dived into 2 of the cubicles. I heard Fiona peeing, wiping and pulling up her jeans and I timed it so I would exit at the same time. We couldn't get out fast enough and after a quick wash of the hands we ran out without even waiting for a dryer to come free.

We wandered away from the toilet areas giggling at the private joke we were sharing. We went upstairs and looked in the shops but Fiona had to pull me away from a dress shop that was displaying some lovely skirts. "Don't think boys would be looking in dress shops, hun," she whispered. I was beginning to wish we hadn't dressed up like this, and I think Fiona was regretting it too. The novelty had definitely worn off.

"Why don't we grab a burger and then go home," I said.

"Sounds good to me, I'm not sure I want to be a boy!"

"Me neither! Have you seen a McDonalds or Burger King about?"

"I know where to get food," said a voice behind us. It was those same two girls again. Were they following us?

"Yeah?" said Fiona, "Where's that? We haven't been here before."

"Didn't think we'd seen you lads around. I'm Lindsey by the way, and this is Angie."

"I'm Bob and he's Mick." I countered. We don't want a big meal, just a burger or something."

"That's OK," said Angie, "We'll show you the way, just follow us." They headed out on a covered walkway that crossed a busy road from the upper part of the mall. Over the other side seemed to be blocks of flats and no shops, but we assumed they knew a shortcut. However, when we climbed some stairs and walked round an open balcony in front of the flats, Fiona and I looked at each other.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" asked Fiona.

Angie stopped and opened one of the doors to a flat. "Sure. You can get something to eat here; my parents are out all day. And it's free!"

Once again Fiona and I exchanged looks. This was getting into dangerous territory for a couple of frauds like us. If the girls were looking for some sexy fun with us they wouldn't be very impressed by the socks in our panties! "Er... I think we'd rather find a McDonalds if you don't mind," I said. "But thanks for the offer."

"No, don't be silly, we can grill you a burger, a nice home-made one and you can hold onto your pocket money!" We were sort of crowded into the flat by the two girls and we gave up the resistance. After all, what boy wouldn't want to get these two delightful girls alone! Of course we weren't boys though, even if we did quite fancy the girls!

Angie went in the kitchen and asked if I would come with her to tell her how we liked the food. Fiona nervously went and sat on the settee with Lindsey while we were gone. Angie put four quarter-pounder burgers under the grill and scooped some chopped onion from a dish in the fridge and started heating them in a frying pan. She asked me to keep an eye on them while she got some bread rolls, relish, ketchup and salad stuff out of the fridge. She came back to the oven again and stroked her hand over my bottom. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the touch.

"Sorry," she said, "Didn't mean to make you jump. You've got a lovely cute butt for a boy, couldn't resist touching it. You can touch mine if you like, get even with me."

'Oh God!' I thought, 'This is getting so out of hand. What would a boy do to get out of this?' I wondered, and realised that the answer to that is 'Nothing'! A boy would love this and wouldn't want to get out of it at all!

She sensed my hesitation. "Don't be shy! You've never touched a girl's bum have you?"

"Um, no, I guess not." That was not true of course, but I've never done it pretending to be a guy! She grabbed my left hand and put it to her bottom, squeezing her fleshy cheeks.

"See? It doesn't bite. Give it a good feel." She returned her hand to my ass, pushing her fingers into my crevice. Thankfully the burgers and onions needed turning, giving me time to think. If I was a boy I think I would be very erect by now, and although my sock wasn't impressed, I was certainly feeling damp around my vagina! After turning the food, I turned toward her to discourage the ass touching, but that too was a mistake. She leant into me and kissed me on the lips, with one of her hands on the back of my head that prevented me backing away. She certainly was no stranger to kissing. Her tongue was prodding deep in my mouth and flicking against mine. I was trying not to let her push her body close to mine or my strapped-down boobs would have given the game away for sure.

The lunch was soon ready, thank goodness, and I went into the lounge to call the other girls. Fiona had seemingly had the same problem. She was locking lips with Lindsey and her hand was stroking the girl's upper thigh. I think Fiona was grateful to hear that lunch was ready and couldn't get to the kitchen fast enough. When they came in Angie was pouring Cokes for us all from a large bottle. After the meal we washed our hands at the sink. I was going to make our excuses and go, but I wasn't given that chance. Angie's lips were on mine again as I leaned back on the sink unit. The kiss turned so passionate that momentarily I forgot about our little deception, and didn't appreciate the danger of my jeans being unfastened and her hand slipping down into my panties until it was too late.

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