Wendy's Wild Ride - Cover

Wendy's Wild Ride

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2006 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Wendy is 35 and on her first vacation in three years. Laying on a seculded beach, drinking wine, she meets two teenage boys.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Group Sex   Masturbation   .

Thank God, Wendy thought, my first vacation in damn near three years. She had rented a seaside cottage for two weeks and today was her first day and she was headed out onto the beach. She had packed a bottle of wine, two beers just in case she ran into a hot guy, and some sandwiches. Wendy toted her stuff about a half mile up the coastline and then walked between two dunes and spread out her blanket. She took off her blouse but decided to keep her shorts on, at least on for now; even though she was alone she was still a bit embarrassed by her widening hips. She was wearing a two piece bikini, not the newer sexy French ones but something a little more appropriate for a 35 year old woman.

She had eaten half of one sandwich and downed three glasses of the cold Chardonnay and had the beginnings of a nice buzz. She lay back in the warm sun and closed her eyes and fell asleep. She wasn't sure how long she had dozed but the noise of kids woke her up. She sat up and looked around and saw a gaggle of teenage boys and girls running up and down the beach, playing with their Frisbees and footballs, the boys mostly showing off for the girls. Wendy watched for a while then grew bored, drank the last of her wine and lay back down and closed her eyes.


Wendy sat up with a start knowing that something had hit her but not knowing exactly what. She looked down and saw a Frisbee laying on her blanket and two teenage boys running over to her.

"Sorry lady." One of the boys said.

"Yea, sorry." His companion mimiked.

"Well it's alright but you boys should be more careful where you throw that thing." Wendy hand the Frisbee back to the taller of the two boys.

"Thanks lady. You know something lady, you're really hot. Would you like the company of a couple of hot studs?"

She was a bit taken aback by his brazenness. "I would love it; do you know where I can find any?"

The taller one smiled at her. "Oh I get it, ha ha ha."

No one said anything for a few minutes then the two boys looked at each other and just sat down on her blanket. Wendy felt compelled to say something, anything. "Well that's a little presumptuous of you don't you think, I mean thinking that I might actually ask you to join me."

"Look lady, my name is Billy and this here is Dan and we're both seniors at Forrest Grove. So what's you're name?"

Wendy studied the two boys and thought that when they grew up they would both be handsome. "Wendy."

"Alright Wendy, we're glad to meet you." Billy said

"Yea, please to meet you." Dan chimed in. "What's in the big bag?"

Billy was obviously the leader of the two, Dan the follower. "Some sandwiches and a couple of beers and my empty wine bottle."

"Beers? Can we have one?"

"You're not old enough, either one of you."

Billy reached over and grabbed her tote bag and opened it and pulled out a beer and tossed it to Dan then reached back inside and took the last one for himself. "Yea you're right but what the hell no one is watching."

Wendy looked up and down the beach and didn't see any of the other kids who had been there earlier. "Where did all your friends go?"

"Dan and Billy made a big show of looking up and down the beach like she had, then they looked back at each other. Dan shrugged his shoulder and Billy laughed. "Aw, well they all left for home, it's just the three of us now. You want some lotion on your back Wendy; looks like you've got a little burn?"

Wendy looked down at the shoulder and saw that she was indeed a little pink. She wondered how far these boys would really take this teasing and she was just buzzed enough to challenge them. She picked up her bottle of sunscreen and tossed it to Billy. "Sure, why not." She turned over and lay down on her stomach, her arms underneath her head.

It was, of course, Billy who straddled her butt and started applying the sunscreen. His hands felt nice as he massaged her shoulders than started down her back, more caressing her than massaging her, using his fingers in small circles until he came to her bra. Without asking he untied the bikini and continued applying sunscreen.

"Hey!" she said as her top came undone.

"Well you can't expect me to put the lotion on with you're wearing a top now can you?"

"Well... alright, but be careful of WHAT and WHERE you touch."

"You mean like here?" Billy's hands slid down on either side of her chest and caressed the sides of her breasts.

"Yes, exactly like that young man!"

He continued to rub the sides of her breasts for another minute then he started down her back, moving lower and lower until he finally came to her shorts. "Probably no chance you'll let me take these off of you?" Billy tugged on the waistband of her shorts so she knew what he was talking about.

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