Rite of Passage - Cover

Rite of Passage

Copyright© 2006 by Frozen North

Chapter 11: A new day

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11: A new day - Young girl comes of age and learns the secrets of womanhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   First  

From the sanctuary, my Aunts led me back downstairs to our apartment where we finished cleaning up and packing our things. Cleaning was an uncomfortable experience for me as I was still rather sore, but we were done in just a few minutes. I took one last look around, remembering the events of the previous evening and sighed. I would miss this place (just the apartment mind you).

Finally, when we were finished, Amber turned to us and said; "Ladies, I don't know about you, but I'm rather hungry and I'll bet poor Alison here is famished."

Now that the subject was brought up, I felt as though I could eat a horse. A few pieces of fruit will give you the energy to carry on for a while, but they don't do much for filling your stomach and satisfying an appetite.

We followed Amber from the room, back up the stairs into the sanctuary and out the main temple door. Once in the main hall, we took a right, through a small door I hadn't noticed on the way in. This led to a long carpeted hallway that followed along the outside of the sanctuary. The hallway opened into a large rectangular room, only slightly smaller than the sanctuary itself. The room was lined with long tables filled with food and people. My senses reeled with the smells of food filling the room and my mouth was watering almost before we came in the door. My aunts led me to a table at the back of the room where Angela and Jill were sitting. Their aunts were sitting together several tables away.

"This table is reserved for the newly awakened." Amber said as she steered me towards a chair. "Enjoy your breakfast dear, and meet us back at the sanctuary in an hour." With that, my aunts turned and walked away, joining the other aunts.

I sat down and looked to Angela and Jill. I was just about to say something when a small bell rang at the other end of the room. The entire room turned as one to see the High Priestess standing at the head of her table.

She held a loaf of bread in one hand and a glass in the other. Holding the two to the heavens she said softly; "Let us pray. Mother, Father, creators of all things. We give thanks this day for the gifts of your bounty. We ask that you bless this food and nourish us in body and spirit that we may continue to walk upon the paths which you have laid before our feet. We ask that you shine your countenance upon the three young women joining us this morning as they begin their adult lives. Though they may hunger of body, let them never hunger of your love. In your divine names we pray."

I was so 'hungry of body' that I almost couldn't wait for her to finish before I began digging in to the absolutely sumptuous feast laid out before us. This made the lunch feast we had yesterday look meager. Angela finished her prayer looking as ravenous as I felt, but Jill seemed withdrawn and still near to tears.

Looking to Angela, I asked; "So, how did it go for you?"

Her eyes got wide and she said; "OWW! I thought he was killing me at first! I could not BELIEVE that it could hurt that much. I thought; how could women keep doing this over the years if it hurt so. After a bit, though, it started to feel really, really good. What really freaked me out though was not just my aunts, but it seemed like ALL the priestesses in the building were there watching. I have never been so embarrassed in my life, I just wanted to fall into a hole in the ground and pull the earth in over me. I don't know about you but I still feel a bit like I've been beaten up on the inside."

"Yeah, I know what you mean;" I said with a sympathetic smile. "It still hurts a bit to close my legs. They tell me that it will go away in a day or three. I didn't have as big of an audience, but I empathize with you on the rest of it. I thought they were going to have to sew me back together when he was done with me. Thank the Mother that we only have to experience that the first time. How about you Jill, how did you fare?"

Jill looked up at us and I could tell from her expression that last night had been a waking nightmare.

"I'd rather not think about it at the moment;" she whispered through the tears beginning to well up in her eyes. "How can you talk about it so calmly? It was horrible; dirty. How can they ask us to DO such things? It hurt so much and it was so disgusting... "

With that she broke down and started to cry softly. Angela and I both got up and gave her a huge hug and held her through her tears. After a minute or two she stopped crying and was able to talk again.

"How can you act like you enjoyed it?" She asked in a barely audible whisper.

"Because that is the general idea;" Angela told her. "The act is supposed to feel good, or the human race would cease to exist. No one would want to reproduce if it wasn't pleasurable. It's only supposed to hurt the first time. What, did you think that sex was only something you did as a duty to your husband and that you weren't allowed to enjoy it?"

The look on Jills' face told the whole story; that was exactly what she believed.

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