Careless Promise - Cover

Careless Promise

by NiteWriter

Copyright© 2006 by NiteWriter

Erotica Sex Story: A mother makes a rash promise to her daughter on her 18th birthday that she will go along with anything the daughter wants to do to celebrate. She chose sex - with her mum!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   .

Desire can take many forms, of course, and this story is about the desire of a daughter for her mother, and she takes full advantage of a rash promise from her mum to get herself a very special birthday treat. Don't read it if this subject may offend/upset you, or if you are too young to be reading these stories where you are.

Copyright stays with the author. Contact by email to

Careless Promise — By NiteWriter

I'd been looking forward to this day for so long. 18 today!!! My eighteenth birthday. It was here at last and it's that defining moment in time when I am no longer a minor. New possibilities open. I can legally buy cigarettes and alcohol, not that I actually smoke or drink, but I could do now if I wanted to.

I'm legally an adult and can do all the things an adult can. Vote, watch XXX-rated and porn movies and even star in them if I wanted (which I don't!) What I didn't realise is that I would do something really weird today, something I hadn't planned, and yet it was another thing I could only now legally do.

Anyway I should have started by telling you about me. Well, a little about me, not everything obviously or I'll be here all day. Apart from being 18, I'm about 5' 6" tall with short cut black hair.

Most people say I'm pretty in a Barbie sort of way, nice boobs, only a C cup but they seem to look bigger on me than on some friends. My name's Beth, short for Bethany but I hate that. I live with my Mum and my sister Danni, short for Daniella, in a pleasant house in the suburbs of London, England. Danni looks a bit like me except that, at 16, the lucky bitch is already my bra size and will end up in a D cup at least.

My Mum is great too. About 40, but her body is really neat still, more like someone 15 years younger. Ever since Dad left a few years ago, and their subsequent divorce, we have been urging her to get a life, find another guy who will treat her better. Or a woman if she prefers that. I'm quite bi myself so would be comfortable either way, but she doesn't seem to have the will, or courage maybe, to get back into the dating game.

Danni has had more sex recently than Mum. Only with me it has to be said, but it's still sex. We started experimenting about 2 years ago, just kissing and stuff but it developed into something more and we have been lesbian lovers for a while now. As I said I'm bi though, and yes I've been out with boys too. Had sex with one too, but wasn't that impressed. But I'm sure other guys would be better.

Anyway, let me get back to this birthday. It fell on 1st January this year. Duh! It always falls on 1st January of course! I meant it was on a Sunday this year. It doesn't matter anyway because it's always on a holiday, and that's about the only advantage of a 1/1 birthday. Oh, and an easy-to-remember birth-date. 1/1/88.

My Dad now lives in America with his new woman, what mum calls his... , no actually, let's keep this clean! Anyway the point I'm trying to make is that over there they write dates differently. Yesterday to them was 12/31/2005 instead of 31/12/2005 as we would write it, but today is 1/1/2006 on both sides of the pond!

Of course there are downsides to a 1/1 birthday. Everyone comes up to you with that hangover expression after the New Year's Eve celebrations, and do they say Happy Birthday Beth? No, always Happy New Year. And of course they are so broke after Christmas and New Year celebrations that they don't even buy you a card, let alone a present. But anyway for this special birthday I'd been dropping not-so-subtle hints for the last few months, so for a change there were a whole lot of people turning up with cards and presents all day.

Sadly, none of my school-friends could face another night on the town, and so it was that we were having supper at 6.00pm still discussing what we wanted to do to celebrate my birthday that evening. Even amongst the family there was little enthusiasm for any suggestion for a night out, despite Mum offering to pay for it. By the end of the meal nothing was decided though, and as Danni and I cleared away the plates, Mum said she was going to have a shower.

"Look," she said, "why don't you decide what you want to do Beth, and I'll do whatever you want."

"Anything?" I asked an evil thought taking root.

"Well anything that's legal, affordable and fun!"

"But anything I decide you will do?"

"Sure, now let me get a shower."

"You promise?"

"YES, I promise, you decide and I'll go along with it OK?" With that she collected a fresh towel and headed for the shower-room.

"What was all that about?" asked Danni.


"All that 'promise me' stuff with Mum?"

"We-ell. Look Dan, you remember on Christmas Eve when Mum went out to do the last minute Christmas Shopping?"

"What, when you and I went back to bed for a romp?"

"Yes, and what we talked about afterwards?"

"No, remind me. I talk all sorts of crap when I'm in a post-orgasmic haze."

"We talked about Mum, and how great she looks for her age, and I said if she wasn't my mother I'd really fancy her?"

"Ye-es, vaguely, but what's that got to... do... with... oh shit Beth, you're not thinking what I think you're thinking are you?"

"Why not? She said she'd do whatever I wanted to do. And I want to make love with her"

"Yes but that wouldn't be fair. That's not what she had in mind and you know it."

"I know, but it's legal, affordable, in fact free, and it sure would be fun. I reckon half the guys in town would like to get their leg-over with her. A lot of the women too!"

"Yeah well that's as maybe, but what if she's not into that? You'll look a right tit! And it'll put her in a bad mood. Why don't we just go to the cinema or something?"

"No, I may never get another opportunity like this. Look if she won't do it, we'll see a film I promise. OK?"

We loaded the plates in the dishwasher in silence. I don't know if Danni really believed I would do it, and I wasn't even sure that I could go through with it either, but it sure was tempting and, as I said, I might never get an opportunity like this again.

Soon Mum appeared in a nice blue dress that made her look fabulous. "OK girls, I'm ready. So what have you decided?"

"Well." I started. Danni glared at me shaking her head slightly. "I was sort of thinking maybe I'd like to stay in. It's cold out and most places are shut as it's New Years Day."

"Stay in?" she asked incredulously, pretending to swoon. "Lord I never thought I'd see the day you knocked back a free night out on me! So what do you want to do? Play games or something?"

"Yeah, sort of."

"Well, as long is it's not Monopoly, we always end up fighting!" We all laughed at the memories of that, especially when Dad used to play and got really evil when he collected big rents.

"No, I didn't have board games in mind." Shit, this was the moment and it was scary. "Mum, you look so good and sexy that what I'd really like to do is... is to take you to bed and make mad passionate love to you." There, I'd said it.

She laughed out loud, "Easy you randy girl. Honestly, the things you come out with! So what did you really want to do?" Shit, she didn't believe me!

"I mean it Mum, I think you are fabulous and I'd love to be your lover, and you did say you'd do ANYTHING I wanted." Danni had sat down with her head in her hands and the smile faded off Mum's face.

"Christ, you're not joking are you? You know we can't do that though. I'm your mother and that would be incest. And I did say legal if you are going to hold me to my promise. Are you into that girl-girl stuff then?"

"Well, Danni and I have been having fun together for years." Danni groaned and sank deeper in the armchair. "And anyway it's not incest between a mother and daughter, I checked."

"You? And Danni? For years? Oh my god!" She looked over at Danni and one look told her I wasn't lying. "B-but even if its not incest it must be illegal, corrupting a minor or something."

"Mum I'm eighteen as of now remember? So I'm not a minor and therefore you can't corrupt me!"

"Look baby, I know I promised, but sorry sweetheart, that's not going to happen, I'm just not into other women."

"You mean you've never been with another girl?"

"Well not like that. I mean I fooled around a little at school with a friend, but that was only kissing and kid's stuff."

"What stuff?"

"Oh you know, just touching boobs, but we never had sex."

"But did you enjoy it, with your friend at school?"

"Yes, I must admit it was very sexy, but all girls were fooling around and it didn't mean anything."

"But you did enjoy kissing and touching?" I insisted.

"I guess. Yes it was a turn on, but you're talking about something altogether different. You're my daughter for god's sake."

"You love me though don't you?"

"Not fair, you know I do, but that doesn't mean I want to fuck with you."

"But you did promise Mum! You said you'd do what I wanted."

"Yes I know what I said. And I always try to keep promises but this is seriously weird. Look, pour me a large vodka and tonic will you? This is hard to deal with."

I nodded and poured her a large vodka in a glass; it must have been 3 times what a bar would pour at least. I topped it up with Indian tonic water and went into the kitchen and put some ice in too. I poured myself a big glass of white wine and a small one for Danni.

We all sat down in the lounge, and I think Mum needed to sit down after the shocks she'd had. "So, tell me about this 'having fun' you've been doing with Danni for years? Just how far have you gone?" Danni turned and glared at me and shook her head vigorously.

"Well, we've gone way beyond kissing and cuddling. We've diddled each other with our hands and had oral sex too." Danni blushed red and groaned. "And we have a few toys that we've been using on each other. Sorry, Danni but it's best if it's all out in the open."

"Yes, I agree with Beth on that Danni. We are girls together and should be able to talk about this stuff. If I'd been a better mother I'd have known what was going on."

"No Mum, don't blame yourself, we only did stuff when you weren't here, like at work or shopping, so you couldn't have known. Are you saying you don't mind?"

"Yes... no... oh I don't know. But you've been out with boys and seem to like them. Now I'm confused I think."

"Oh look, don't worry, I'm not a lesbian, Mum, but I'm bisexual I suppose. I do like boys too. But I really find you so attractive and I would like to share some sexy fun with you. So will you do it?"

"I suppose I did promise, and I admit I have fantasised about doing it with Marie and others in my time." (Marie is our neighbour and Mum's best friend). "And if I'm going to try girly sex, I suppose I could do a lot worse than a pretty girl like you. It's been a long time since I've had any sex at all though, so I don't know what I'll be like."

"You'll be great Mum, and it might just get you interested enough to start dating again."

"Hey, don't get carried away. OK, yes my sweet I'll do it. So when had you in mind for my lesbian adventure?"

"Why not now? Come on Trisha, let's go to your bedroom."

"Trisha? What happened to 'Mum' all of a sudden?"

"Well I just thought it may be easier if we forgot the mother-daughter thing for a while and just be two adults who fancy the pants off each other." I got up and took her by the hands, pulling her up out of the armchair. I put my arms around her back and kissed her on the lips like we had done thousands of times before, but this time held it for much longer than the normal peck. Danni got up too and stood beside us putting her arms around us both in a group hug. Mum's eyes widened.

There is more of this story...

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