The Gift Book II
Copyright© 2006 by Volentrin
Chapter 4
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The story picks up shortly after Tom after the end of book I, and has finished helicopter training in his alternate Identity. Follow along as big changes happen!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Science Fiction Time Travel
I made the trip back to New York City by train. I spent a few days there looking around, taking in the atmosphere of 1892 in NYC. I decided to go see a show. I went to see one, but was a little disappointed. I guess it was because from my vantage point of a little more than a hundred years in the future, it seemed a bit antiquated and unsophisticated. Still, I did enjoy the experience, over all.
I did use my special abilities to move forward through time, then use modern transport to move through space, and then go back into the past again. I got tired of traveling 'native style'. Taking the steam train long distances soon loses its novelty. After the first couple of hundred miles, and days of traveling, it gets very boring.
I eventually found myself in the Midwest. I had also gone back a bit farther in time. I was now in the year 1875. What the hell, if I was going to travel, and have time traveling ability, I might as well use all my resources.
For some reason, I noticed that farmers were having trouble getting their crops out to market. It was pretty splotchy, but I recognized an attempt at market control when I saw it. Since I was nosy and had funds, I decided to stick my two cents worth in.
I was in a small town in Iowa, of all places, when I back timed a few weeks. I rented the largest warehouse prior to the arrival of the goon squad. Yes, I watched as they had arrived, and bought up space.
I was sitting in my makeshift office in the warehouse, when a visitor was announced. I was pretty sure what this was going to be. A thinly veiled warning, or a direct threat. Thugs were the same in all the times I had visited, so far.
My office door opened. It was not much of an office to tell you the truth. A plain wooden desk, and a swivel chair were the only things even partially comfortable. A filing cabinet that was old had the three drawers, and a tendency to stick when I tried to open them. Still, I had a lot of corn and vegetables already purchased, and some was even stored.
"Are you Mr. Wilson?" asked the first guy. I was using an assumed name.
"Yes, I am. What can I do for you?" I asked with pretended interest.
The man who spoke to me was tall, well muscled and dressed in a good suit. The two guys flanking him were muscle, and dressed roughly.
"Mr. Wilson, we have gone to a lot of trouble to get these farmers to sell to us at a reasonable price, and you have come in here, a late comer, and ruined a very good profit for me," the tall well dressed man said.
"And you would be?" I asked, still mildly.
"You may call me Mr. Smith. I am with a small consortium that is establishing itself and you are rocking the boat so to speak," he replied.
"Well, this is America, and business is business, after all," I said shrugging.
"Mr. Wilson, I am going to give you an option. You can either sell to me at my price, or I shudder to think of what will happen," the so-called Mr. Smith said with exaggeration.
I raised an eyebrow at him. It was amusing really. I carefully considered my next words, as I didn't really want to start a fight, but I wanted him to know I was not intimidated at all.
"Well, Mr. Smith, I will give your offer the consideration it deserves. I'll give you an answer in a few days. I am sure we can come to an agreement that will let me have a profit and make you and your consortium happy," I replied with a serious look on my face.
"Mr. Wilson. I am afraid you don't understand your position. We are not dickering. We spent a goodly amount of money, time, and effort to set things up a particular way, and you came in here and totally undermined our position. I will make you an offer, it then falls to you to take it, or get out of town," Smith said menacingly.
I sighed. "Well, if it is reasonable I might consider it. However, bullying or intimidation tactics do not impress me. Make your offer and get out," I finished, snapping at him.
He smiled thinly and offered me a price that was well below current offering prices by the mainstream buyers. I snorted at him and informed him this was not acceptable. He regretted that his two associates would speak to me at length, and he would wait outside to ensure we were not disturbed.
Frik and Frak started moving around the sides of my desk, one from the left and one from the right, trying to box and trap me, while Mr. Smith went out the door. I am glad I still did my regimen of stretching exercise in the mornings.
I got up, and turned to my left. Since that guy was close, I placed my right hand on the desk and used my arm as a lever while jumping into the air. I was now horizontal to the desk my feet lashing out, met the thug with the heel of my work shoes.
I did not watch the guy I had just kicked go flying backwards. As my feet came back down to the floor, I swiveled in time to dodge a punch from his partner. It was a punch that would have taken my head off if it had landed.
I snapped my flattened (2nd knuckle) fist out, and caught him in the throat. He stopped and started gasping for air. Ok, he was out of it, I turned back to the first guy I had sent thudding into the wall opposite, and he was getting to his feet.
I moved towards him, and he put his head down and charged me, with his arms held wide apart, to make sure I didn't get away. I dove over him. He was not tall, bent over the way he was. I got to my feet, and turned quickly.
He was still recovering from tangling with the chair. My not being there had thrown off his timing. I moved forward a couple steps, turned sideways and lashed out at the back of his knee.
He fell, going down to one knee. I stepped back one pace, and whirled. The solid heel of my other shoe swept in an arc that met his jaw. His head snapped violently to the side. He blinked momentarily at me. Then he fell over, unconscious.
His partner was still busy gasping for air. Elapsed time? Maybe a total of ten to fifteen seconds since Mr. Smith left the room. I walked calmly to the door, running my hand through my hair to make sure it was still in place, and opened it.
Mr. Smith turned, and looked at me in surprise.
"Ah, your friends seemed to have hurt themselves somehow. Perhaps you should assist them to a doctor to make sure they are all right?" I asked with a look of false concern.
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