The Gift Book II
Copyright© 2006 by Volentrin
Chapter 13
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - The story picks up shortly after Tom after the end of book I, and has finished helicopter training in his alternate Identity. Follow along as big changes happen!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Science Fiction Time Travel
I put the Dusenberg away, and Courtney kept an eye on me. Damn! What a time for her to show up. I dreaded what was coming, but I knew I 'had it coming', too. I escorted her into the house and asked if she wanted coffee or tea. She settled for tea.
She did not lay into me immediately. We sat sipping our tea, while she continued staring at me.
"Uh, how did you find me?" I asked hoping that things would stay civilized.
She set her tea down, and walked over to me. My head rocked over from her slap, accompanied by the loud cracking sound of her flesh striking my right cheek.
"Yeow! Damn it! That hurt!" I exclaimed rubbing my face.
She calmly walked back to her chair, picked up her tea and said, "I feel ever so much better, now."
We looked at each other, her with narrowed eyes at me, and me with a red cheek that I was still rubbing. I sighed.
"You did tell me the name that you were using in Alaska, you know. My uncle just contacted someone in the international insurance industry. We kept our eyes open for people registering plates from Alaska, in other states. As I already had the name, it was fairly easy and quite straight-forward," Courtney said in a scathing tone of voice.
Damn! I had been a fool. I thought about what she said. If my enemies had known my alternate name, I would have been an easy target indeed! Shit! I was not thinking at all.
But why did Courtney care so much? I mean, we hadn't really known each other that long. So I made another mistake, and asked her about that.
"You are a dolt," she said on a sigh. "But you're my dolt, and I will train you out of it if it kills us both. I like you. I have from the very first I met you. You also helped my aunt and uncle, whom I love dearly.
"God help me, but I have come to love you too, and in a very short amount of time. You obviously need looking after. If I can find you after you have gone to ground, think of what an organization or government could do if it were actively looking for you," she said bitingly.
I had the grace to blush, which I had not done in ages. It made my skin feel hotter than normal, which made my blush even redder. Good Lord! She was smitten with me for some reason. I mean, I had liked her a lot, a whole lot; but had not realized just how much she liked me. Wow, she really had it for me. For some reason, despite the lecture she was still giving, I sort of felt as though I was floating on a cloud.
"... and so, with this in mind, I decided to handle your day to day activity for you, and to remind you to stay hidden," she finished in a superior tone of voice.
"Huh? Wait a minute. If you think it was easy finding me after I had gone to ground, won't it be twice as easy with you hanging around me all the way from England?" I asked curiously.
"No. My office has been trying to convince me for the past six months to take a position in one of the affiliate offices over here in the states. We have hotels and offices in almost all the major cities.
"St. Louis is a new market for us, and a challenge. While I would not be handling the really high profile celebrities I normally do, there is still the concert crowd. Occasionally movies are produced in and around St. Louis. There are plays, musicals, promotions... that sort of thing.
"What better way to explain me getting a new boyfriend than to work here, in the states, for my hotel? I will get a work visa easily, and I will fall for a local chap, you. Simplicity, itself. See to it that you do your part, and win my affections, will you?" she asked me in that crisp British tone of voice.
"Now then. Just what are you trying to accomplish, driving around in a vehicle sure to draw attention to yourself? I swear, you need a keeper! It's a good thing I have decided on me being that keeper," she said a bit snappishly.
I explained my idea of procuring very good vintage automobiles, and turning a profit selling them. I was going to "recover" them, recondition, and then sell them. Maybe collect a few for myself along the way, too.
"I see. And how are you going to explain the fantastic original condition of these cars of yours?" she asked.
"Now that, I have pretty much worked out already. I asked my computer to give me a rundown on elderly people in the area who could conceivably be old enough to "store" vintage autos for me. Others I will find of course. It won't take many really, just a few to get me started, and establish a reputation of quality. Most I will acquire legitimately. Only a couple are going to be a sensation. I will sell those through a 'front man', so to speak. Everything will be legal and above board. Only serious collectors will even pay attention to the really good ones," I finished a bit smugly.
She looked at me skeptically, but finally nodded.
"I think it can be done. However, you must be very careful. Also, you have to make sure ownership papers, titles, that sort of thing are absolutely above board," she told me seriously.
"They will be. My computer is very good at what it does," I replied smugly.
"That's another thing. What's with you and your computer? You act as if it were a living breathing person with amazing abilities," she asked curiously.
Hmm, come to think of it, I had not got around to telling her the whole reason of how I came to my decision to disappear. I refilled our tea, and then launched into the whole story. I'll give her this, she listened with a sort of fascination. When I was done, she just shook her head.
"The more I hear, the more you and your life amaze me. You definitely need a keeper, and I will fill the job, nicely," She said when I had finished.
I snorted. She cocked an eyebrow at me, Mr. Spock style, from Star Trek. I wish I could arch an eyebrow like that. Both mine tended to rise at the same time. She finished her tea and asked me for a ride in my 'new' car.
"Um, might be better if we backtime a little, to when these cars were popular, or at least still on the road. We will need to get you appropriate clothing, though, so you can blend in," I told her.
Bless the 'shopping gene'. It works as well for old style clothing, as for new.
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