Jake, Naked In School - Cover

Jake, Naked In School

Copyright© 2006 by Mr Freeze

Chapter 3B

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3B - What happens if you get picked for the Naked In School Program and you and your girlfriend haven't even seen each other naked before?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Romantic   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

The rest of lunch, my friends and I horsed around like we always did at lunch. Zoe stayed on the periphery of the conversation and withdrew. After lunch I asked her if she wanted me to walk her to class. She declined and headed off on her own. With the extra time to get to class, I ended up being one of the first people in the orchestra room. I got my violin out and started tuning it. Peyton came in and got out the case to her viola.

"Thanks, Jake," she said, barely at a whisper.

"What for?"

"Lunchtime," she said. "Clarissa."

"Peyton, you don't deserve to lose your friends just because we're fighting," I said.

Peyton started crying. "You're too good to me."

I didn't have time to respond, however, as my sister dragged me across the room.

"What's this I hear about you and Heidi Ritter in the shower room?" asked Heather. "Isn't she dating your friend Vic?"

"Does the entire school know?" I asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. I heard from Jasmine Richards who was in there at the time."

"Heidi had a deal with Vic, I guess. Vic got to give Madison oral in exchange for what she did for me."

"My brother the stud," said Heather with a giggle.

"You're terrible, you know that?"

"Yes, I do," said Heather with a huge, shit-eating grin.

Orchestra went well. I began to feel a little better about the whole Peyton situation. I knew we probably wouldn't get back together, but it was nice to know that we could be civil towards one another.

History class was a total bore, except for what was becoming the ritual fucking between Madison and Greg. I watched with a little more interest this time, remembering my conversation with Madison. I no longer thought of her as a slut. I was actually happy for her that she got to do what she loved to do right in front of History class. After a discussion of the Boston Tea Party, it was off to Accounting. I waited for Zoe at the door to the classroom. She didn't show up until just before the bell rang.

"You were almost late," I said.

"Got tied up at my last class," said Zoe sullenly.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

Zoe shook her head and went to her table, while I went to mine. Class was more of the balance sheet. I kept looking over at Zoe. She looked really sad. I made it a point to talk to her after class.

When the bell rang at the end of class, Zoe tried to make a run for it to her next class. Knowing her schedule pretty well now, it was easy to cut her off by taking a different route and walking faster.

"Hey, Zoe," I said. "Can we talk?"

"I'll be late for class," she said.

"Nonsense, I just want to know what's wrong."

"Nothing, Jake," she said angrily.

"Bullshit. You were moping throughout Accounting class. You left in a hurry after lunch. What's wrong?"

"Did you enjoy your blow job with Heidi?"

"Are you jealous?" I asked.

"No," said Zoe defensively.

"We're not even dating," I said. "I told you that up front."

"I know," said Zoe. "I wish we were, though."

"You do?"

Zoe nodded sheepishly.


"Because, you're a wonderful, caring guy, that I love spending time with."

"I love spending time with you, too, Zoe. I'm just not ready for another girlfriend, yet."

"I know," conceded Zoe. "I'm sorry I'm being such a bitch. I just feel more for you than you feel for me. We can still be friends like we are now, right?"

"You mean with the occasional blowjob thrown in?"

"Yeah, something like that," said Zoe with a giggle.

"I think that would be okay," I said. "Who am I to turn down playing with such a gorgeous girl?"

"Maybe we could take our play a little further? Perhaps tonight?"

"You mean... ?"

Zoe nodded. "I want to be your first, Jake."

"Come over to my place around eight," I said. If Peyton wasn't going to be my first then I figured there was no good reason to tell her 'no'.

"Are your parents going to be gone?" asked Zoe.

"It's just my Mom, and she won't mind. Trust me."

"You're serious?"

"Why do you think she put me in this Program? Her original intent was that Peyton and I go through the Program together so that we would get it on."

"You mean, Peyton's signed up too?" asked Zoe.


"That girl's gonna freak when she gets chosen," said Zoe.

I nodded. "I gotta get to class. See you tonight?"

"Where do you live?"

I gave her my address and how to get there. I also gave her my phone number. After that she gave me a cock-hardening kiss before heading off to her last class of the day.

Thankfully, my next class was Computer Programming Two. If any class could deflate my cock, it was that class. It wasn't a bad class. It was just a class that took my mind off of everything. While I was writing code in class, I managed to forget about Zoe coming over, about Peyton and our breakup, about Heidi and her feelings for me, about Clarissa and her feelings for me, and about being naked in general.

After class, my friends and I stayed in the room for Computer Club. I noticed Clarissa standing at the back of the room while the president of the club read the minutes from the last meeting and we took care of the formalities. He reiterated the rules of the current game programming challenge that Jesse was working on.

After the official part of the meeting was over, people usually stayed and worked on their programs or socialized with other computer geeks. Clarissa came over to me and put her hands on my shoulders and started rubbing them.

"Hey, handsome," she said. "I know Jesse's working on a game. What about you?"

"Me? I'm working on a program where I can write and print sheet music for my orchestra class."

"That sounds really neat. Definitely more useful than Jesse's game."

"Games can be very useful," I said. "Who said entertainment isn't useful?"

"I guess you're right," said Clarissa.

"Anyways, I'm not staying. I want to get dressed again and go home."

"Can I go with you?" asked Clarissa.

"Take a look at Jesse's program first. You promised him."

"Yes, I did," said Clarissa with a smile. "I'll meet you out front after you get dressed."

I saved my information on disk and then headed out to get dressed. My box was waiting for me all alone. I pulled out my clothes and quickly got dressed.

"Hey, bro," said Heather, bouncing down the hall, and startling me.

"Hey, sis," I said.

"Can I get a ride from you?" asked Heather.

"Sure, why are you still here?"

"Detention. I called Mr. Yu an asshole."

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"You had Mr. Yu, think about it."

I remembered what a prick Mr. Yu was and chuckled. "Good point," I said. "I'm waiting for Clarissa."

"You two getting serious?" asked Heather.

"No. Zoe and I are, though."

"Really? I don't know if I like her," said Heather.

"It doesn't matter if you like her," I said.

"You guys have sex yet?"


"What? I thought that was a pretty valid question," said Heather. "I told you about not being a virgin anymore."

"Maybe tonight," I said. "She's coming over."

"I'll stay out of your way then," said Heather.

"Yeah, right," I said.

"Seriously, Jake. I will. I know how much Peyton hurt you. I'm hoping someone can undo that. If it's Zoe, then she's suddenly one of my favorite people in the world."

"When did you get all mushy like this?"

"Jake, believe it or not, I do love you. I may act like a shit a lot of the times but you're actually an awesome older brother."

"Thanks, sis," I said, genuinely.

"I'm ready to go!" announced Clarissa when she got to the doors.

I packed everyone into the car and headed back to my house. When I walked into the house, my Mom was at the sink washing some dishes.

"Hi, Mom," I said.

"Hi, Mom," said Heather.

"Hey, kids. How was your day?"

"Okay," I said. "You've met Clarissa before, haven't you, Mom?"

"I sure have," said my Mom with a smile. "Nice to see you again, Clarissa."

"Hi, Wendy. Nice to see you again, too."

"Can Clarissa stay for dinner?"

"I'm sorry, Jake. Not tonight. I have something special planned for just the three of us."

"It's okay, Wendy," said Clarissa.

"You can come any other night and I'd be happy to have you," said my Mom brightly.

"I'd like that," said Clarissa. "Maybe I should get going now."

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" I asked.

"I'll be fine, Jake. Thanks."

I gave Clarissa a hug and then she gave me a peck on the lips. She smiled at me and then walked out the door.

"What's going on tonight, Mom?" I asked.

"We're going to do some outreach tonight," said my Mom.


"You remember what we talked about Monday night? We're going to be naked all night long."

"Mom! It's bad enough that I've gotta be naked at school."

"This'll be good for you," said my Mom.

"Can I talk to you about this for a minute? Alone?"

My Mom followed me to the living room. I sat down on the recliner. She sat down on the couch next to me.

"I talked with Heather today. She said she wasn't a virgin and that you talk about sex a lot."

"Yes, we do. I'd hope you could do the same. That was one of the reasons why I put you in the Program and why I wanted to do this outreach tonight."

"I want to talk to you about Zoe."

"Who's Zoe?"

"She's my partner at school for the naked thing. Anyways, she and I have become pretty close. She's supposed to be coming over tonight."

"Are you two planning on having sex?" asked my Mom.

All I could do is blush.

"It's okay, Jake. We can do outreach time until she gets here. She's welcome to join all of us, by the way. She should be pretty used to being naked by now."

"You sure you're okay with her being here?"

"Of course, sweetie."

"I don't know if I'm too keen on this outreach thing, though."

"Why? You get naked at school every day. I'm your mother. That shouldn't be that hard."

"That's the problem," I said.

"I've seen you before. Remember, I changed your diapers. Heather's all excited about this. You'll be fine."

"I don't know about this, Mom," I said. "It was bad enough having Heather see me at school naked."

My mom stood up and pulled off the powder blue scrub top she was wearing. She was now standing in front of me in blue scrub bottoms and a white bra. She reached behind her back and undid her bra. She pulled off her bra revealing her average sized breasts. They were pretty saggy, but still caused me to get hard. My Mom looked at me and smiled. She kicked off her shoes and then pulled off her socks. She then pulled off her scrub bottoms and panties as one. She was now standing in front of me completely naked. My Mom was a lot wider in the hips than the girls at school. I didn't know it at the time but that was because of Heather and me. Her tummy had a bit of a bulge to it and stretch marks, again, products of Heather and me. She had a neatly trimmed bush of blonde hair that was transparent enough so that I could see the lips of her pussy. I shuddered to think that it was the very pussy that I was delivered from.

"What do you think of your old Mom?"

"I... uh... this is embarrassing, Mom."

"You're hard aren't you?"

I nodded sheepishly.

"I'll take that as a compliment," said my Mom with a girlish giggle. "Now it's your turn. Strip."

"Mom, I really don't..."

"Strip, or you can tell Zoe to go home when she gets here."

I sighed and stood up. I took off my shirt and then dropped my shorts. I had dressed in the morning to make it easy to strip. I didn't realize that it would be used against me later in the day. I looked at my Mom and noticed that she was staring at my hard cock.

"My God, Jake. You're really big. Much bigger than your father."

"Okay, I didn't need to know that," I said. "Can I go do my homework now?"

"Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes. Come out and join us then."

I disappeared into my room as quickly as I could. I decided to use my ten minutes to clean up so that Zoe wouldn't think I was a total slob. Ten minutes later my Mom was pounding on my door for me to come eat.

I came into the kitchen and nearly stopped dead in my tracks when I first saw Heather. She was standing next to the table. I think she was purposely trying to show off to me. She was absolutely stunning. She had firm, orange-sized breasts that were topped off with large, engorged pink nipples and large brown areolas. Her entire body was firm, except for a protruding belly that was probably still baby fat. She had slightly flared hips, and firm athletic legs. The two things that stood out the most about her, however, were that she was completely shaved by her little pink pussy, and that she was completely tanned. Somehow she was tanning naked and I didn't know where because I've never seen her tanning.

"Hey, bro," said Heather. "Is that for me?" She pointed at my erection.

I was completely under her spell. Thoughts of being teased for life if I said yes never entered my mind. I nodded to her. "My God, Sis, you're beautiful."

"Just like you're handsome," said Heather.

"I'm not handsome. I'm all skin and bones."

"You're a very handsome man, Jake," interrupted my Mom. "You've got more muscle than you give yourself credit for."

Mom made a very nice dinner of Veal Parmesan and pasta. Eating pasta naked is a real adventure. I never realized how much sauce I would normally get on a shirt because now I was getting it all over my chest and it was easier to notice.

Heather and I got stuck doing dishes after dinner. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her the entire time. I remembered her words, "If you weren't my brother." I was staring to think, "If she wasn't my sister."

After cleaning up, my Mom got out Scrabble and started setting it up. It would be our very first naked Scrabble game. Just as she was getting finished, the doorbell rang. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was only seven. It was too early for Zoe. Heather, being the exhibitionist that I was starting to learn that she was, went and answered the door.

"Jake, it's Peyton," said Heather.

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