Jake, Naked In School - Cover

Jake, Naked In School

Copyright© 2006 by Mr Freeze

Chapter 1A

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1A - What happens if you get picked for the Naked In School Program and you and your girlfriend haven't even seen each other naked before?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Romantic   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  


Monday morning. The alarm clock on the bed stand announced its arrival with a fanfare of Nickelback blaring from its speakers. I groaned and tried to hit the snooze bar, my eyes still closed. I batted at the clock a few times and finally got it to shut off.

I drifted back to sleep only to be awoken shortly after by pounding at my bedroom door.

"Jake, wake up!" yelled my Mom through the door. "You're gonna be late for school!"

My Mom knew my snooze bar trick all to well. I rolled over onto my back and opened my eyes. I tried to focus on the British flag that was nailed to the ceiling above my bed. I sighed deeply and then was startled when Hoobastank blared out of the alarm clock; suddenly.

I sat up in the bed and hit the switch on the alarm clock. There should be a law against Hoobastank being played on a Monday morning. After a few minutes of adjusting to the light filtering into my room, I went over to the window, peeled back the curtains, and squinted as I looked outside. It was a gorgeous morning with no clouds in the sky. I also knew that meant it was going to be very hot as well. Septembers in Florida are usually very hot. Cloudless days in September in Florida are usually unbearable. The clouds would move in around three or four in the afternoon, throw a thunderstorm for a half hour, and make the humidity even more unbearable.

I shook my head and then left the window to start getting ready for the day. After doing my normal morning routine I put on a pair of tan khaki shorts and a Busch Gardens t-shirt. If I were going to stay cool today between classes, it would be with the fewest clothes possible.

I trudged out into the hallway to the strong smell of brewing coffee. The strength of the odor caused me to wake up a little before I entered the kitchen. My mom was busy getting bowls of cereal ready for my sister Heather and me. My sister was sitting at the table already, drinking a glass of orange juice and looking at her latest teen magazine.

"Morning, Mom," I said as I came into the kitchen. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled back at me, the way that only a Mom can smile.

"Sit down and drink your coffee," said Mom.

At sixteen-years of age, I was already hopelessly addicted to coffee. I couldn't get enough of it. When I didn't get enough, I usually went through withdrawals. Considering other kids my age were already strung out on drugs or alcohol, I considered it a minor vice.

I sat down at the table, next to my sister and I nodded to her. She grunted some sort of 'good morning' to me and went back to reading how Matt Damon was the cutest guy in the universe.

My Mom brought over our bowls of cereal just as Peyton came strolling in the back door.

"Good morning, Peyton," said my Mom.

"Good morning, Wendy," replied Peyton.

"Would you like some breakfast this morning?" asked my Mom.

"I would love some, thanks," said Peyton. She bounced over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me. I leaned in and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Please, I'm trying to eat here," whined my sister.

Peyton and I shared a giggle. She took my hand in hers. I loved holding Peyton's soft hands. It made me feel connected to her.

"Are you ready for the quiz in Algebra today?" asked Peyton.

I nodded. "I studied all night for it. You?"

"I think I'm ready."

My Mom came over and put a bowl of cereal down in front of Peyton and resumed what she was doing. Peyton let go of my hand. I know it sounds strange, but I always felt a bit of emptiness every time Peyton let go of my hand.

"When's your first meet this year, Peyton," asked my Mom.

"There's the South Florida Invitational at U.S.F. this Friday," said Peyton.

"You don't mind if I join Jake and come watch you run?" asked my Mom.

"I'd love that," said Peyton. "You're like my second Mom."

"That's so sweet of you," said my Mom. She went over to Peyton and kissed her on the cheek.

"We gotta get going, Peyton," I said after looking at my watch.

"Thanks for breakfast, Wendy," said Peyton as she stood up and grabbed her book bag.

"Can I get a ride with you two?" asked Heather.

"Yeah, sure, Squirt," I said. I got up and grabbed the keys to my car and then held the door for the two girls.

My car wasn't anything special. It was a beat up electric blue Chevy Cavalier. It had enough miles on it to make it to the moon. Peyton rode up front with me and Heather got squished into the back seat. On the way to school, I turned up the volume in the back seat of the car just to annoy my sister. All it really did was earn me a slap on the leg and an annoying glare from Peyton.

Peyton turned down the stereo and put her hand on my leg again, this time nicely.

"They're starting that naked in school thing today," said Peyton. I could sense the nervousness in her voice.

"It's gonna be fine," I said. "It's not like they're gonna pick you. Your Mom would never sign you up for that. I'm pretty sure my Mom wouldn't sign Heather and I up, either."

"I know, but what if she did?" asked Peyton. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. "It's not like we've... you know... seen each other before."

I put my hand on her leg to comfort her. "It'll be fine, baby. Trust me. You'll still have your clothes on at the end of the day."

"I can't believe they're bringing that program here," said Peyton. "They had so many problems with it elsewhere."

"There were a lot of successes, though," I offered. In fact, there were more schools having success stories than those that weren't. "Besides, we see so many people at the beach naked nowadays. This shouldn't phase us in the least. I wouldn't worry about it."

"I think it would be cool to be naked all day at school," offered Heather.

"You would," I said. "You're a freak, anyways. What else would be new?"

Heather stuck out her tongue at me so that I could see it in the rear view mirror.

I managed to get a halfway decent parking spot once we got to the school. It was still a bit early. I wanted to get in and review my notes for my Algebra II quiz. I had a feeling that Peyton would too.

Once we got inside the school, Peyton and I embraced and then kissed.

"See you in class?" asked Peyton.

"Yep," was my simple reply.

I headed to my locker; she headed to hers, which was on the other side of the school. My sister had long since disappeared, probably off with Peyton's weird sister, Lindsey. I thought about Peyton's concerns over the naked in school program. Everything seemed so normal that morning. People were chatting in the halls, catching up from the weekend. The cheerleaders and jocks were all hanging out together in the cafeteria like they always have. Soon, there would be naked boys and girls walking with the crowd. That would add some excitement, I thought. I could imagine the laughing and the pointing. I could see the boys going nuts over the naked girls and trying hard to get that first "reasonable request" in.

I quickly worked the combination on my locker when a hand on my shoulder startled me. It was a feminine hand, but definitely not my Peyton.

"Hi, Jake," said the woman. I turned to look at her and found that it was Ms. Davis, my guidance counselor.

"Hi, Ms. Davis," I said warmly.

"Do you have a few minutes to come talk with me, Jake?"

"Sure," I said. I had the work to do for Algebra, but I liked Ms. Davis. I spent a lot of my time in her office talking about anything and everything. Most of our talk was about what schools I was starting to look at, but we seemed to talk about other things like two old friends.

I grabbed the stuff I needed for first period and then followed Ms. Davis to the school offices.

"I heard you were thinking of trying out for the school play," said Ms. Davis as we walked to the office.

"Yeah, I figure it will look good on my college applications," I said.

"You might actually have some fun, too," said Ms. Davis with a giggle. "I keep telling you not to take everything so seriously."

"I know, Ms. Davis. I do think it will be a lot of fun. I really like my Drama class so far."

I had only been in the Drama class for three weeks now, but it was already one of my favorite classes.

We walked into the school office. It was a full house, which was surprising for a Monday morning. There were several students waiting around with looks of bewilderment in their eyes.

"Madison Jenkins?" asked Ms. Davis.

"Yes, Ms. Davis?" said Madison.

Madison was one of those girls that everyone knew but very few had actually talked to. Only the elite at Clearwater High talked to Madison Jenkins.

"Can you come with Jake and me?"

"Sure," said Madison in a sweet tone.

Madison followed us into the office. Ms. Davis gestured for us to sit down. Being the gentleman, I wordlessly offered Madison first choice of a chair. I took the chair she didn't take.

I saw that Ms. Davis's look had changed. She looked strained.

"Jake, I really hoped I wouldn't have had to be the one to do this."

"Do what?" My heart was now pounding. There was bad news coming.

"Jake, Madison? You've been chosen to participate in the Program."

My heart nearly stopped. I gasped for air, but found none.

"You've got to be kidding me," said Madison.

"I'm afraid not," said Ms. Davis.

"I c... c... can't d... d... do this," I stammered.

"I'm afraid you have to," said Ms. Davis.

"But my Mom would have never agreed to this," I said.

Ms. Davis rifled through some papers and then handed me one of them. It was a consent form. On the bottom was my Mom's signature. I crumpled the part of the paper that was in my hand as it tightened into a fist.

"I'm not gonna do this," I yelled, getting out of my chair. "I'll just leave. Who's gonna stop me?"

"Several security officers who are outside the office right now," said Ms. Davis.

"What happens if I refuse?" I asked.

"Not only would you be punished but you would be forced to strip," said Ms. Davis. "Please, Jake, don't make this more difficult than you have to."

"I take it you have some sort of box for my clothes?" said Madison. She sounded annoyed more than anything else. Why wasn't she fighting this? Then I remembered that she had a reputation of being pretty loose. This would be a piece of cake for her. Not for me though. I was skinny, with virtually no muscle. I wasn't a nerd, but once the girls saw how I really looked, I probably would be ostracized with the nerds.

Ms. Davis put a box on top of her desk.

Madison stood up and pulled off the cut-off shirt she was wearing, revealing the fact that she didn't wear a bra. Her breasts were small, perky orbs that were highlighted with their relative whiteness compared to the rest of her tan body. I had suddenly forgotten about my own dilemma and was focused on her tiny nipples that were jutting out like two small pencil erasers.

"Here's your box, Jake," said Ms. Davis, ripping me from Madison's body and back into reality.

"I can't do this," I whimpered.

"Please, Jake. Don't make this difficult on yourself."

If it were anyone besides Ms. Davis, I would have put up a fight. I grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and ripped it over my head.

"We can wear shoes, right?" asked Madison.

Ms. Davis just nodded. I could tell that she was trying to hold back her emotion. In a way it made me feel a little better.

Madison kicked off her sandals and then undid her hipster shorts, revealing the fact that she was wearing a light blue thong underneath. In one fluid motion she pulled down both her shorts and panties and then kicked them off her feet. Madison now stood in front of me completely naked except for a gold heart necklace, a gold watch, and her diamond pierced ears. My eyes drifted down to the well-trimmed patch of blonde hair between her legs and I felt my cock growing in my shorts.

"Jake?" called Ms. Davis, once again ripping me back into reality.

"I um, don't think I can," I said sheepishly. I had a new reason not to get naked; a very embarrassing woody.

"You have an erection, don't you?" asked Ms. Davis.

I couldn't do anything but blush.

"It's perfectly normal," said Ms. Davis. "I'm sure Madison is flattered."

Madison giggled, but I saw that she, too, was blushing.

I took a deep breath and kicked off my tennis shoes without bothering to untie them. I then took another deep breath and undid my shorts. I wasn't as adventurous as Madison, however. I dropped my shorts to the ground first. I heard Madison gasp when the shorts hit the ground. I looked over at her and saw that she was looking at my tented boxers. I felt the blood rushing to my face once again.

I was now shaking so badly that it was hard for me to put my fingers into the waistband of my boxers.

"Jake, take a deep breath and calm down," said Ms. Davis.

I looked at her and she gave me a warm smile of encouragement. I breathed deeply and then exhaled just as deep. I managed to stop shaking enough to at least get my fingers underneath my waistband. I pulled down the boxers and both Ms. Davis and Madison gasped.

"My God, it's big," whispered Madison aloud.

My instinct was to cover my private parts as quickly as I could. Both hands went over my cock, trying to cover it to little avail.

"Jake, you can't do that," said Ms. Davis. "You probably should read this pamphlet."

Ms. Davis handed us both a black and white pamphlet that looked like something we got in the mail a few weeks earlier. I noticed Ms. Davis' hands were shaking almost as bad as mine were when she handed me my pamphlet.

I was too preoccupied with my nakedness to concentrate on the pamphlet. I started feeling like this was just a bad dream.

"Did you two read the pamphlet that was sent you your house?" asked Ms. Davis.

"I did," said Madison. I just shook my head.

Ms. Davis went on to explain the "rules". I caught only bits and pieces of what she said. Must be naked for all school activities. Must submit to any reasonable request. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I had read about other schools and their programs before so I was already familiar with the rules.

"They have made a change to the reasonable request policy, however," stated Ms. Davis. "The old rules allowed for too many cases of sexual assault. Students can now be punished for being too rough in their touching. If you have reason for not allowing a reasonable request, you can disallow it, however, if the student brings it up to a school official, you must be ready to defend your denial."

"What kinds of things can we deny?" asked Madison.

"Well, say they have dirty hands, or they have been rough with you in the past. Those are all valid reasons. Also, you don't have to allow insertion of any kind if you don't want it. Everyone will have to ask before they touch you."

The principal came over the loudspeaker and started speaking about the Program. I was lost in my thoughts once again so I missed most of what he was saying. I do know he was going over the reasonable request rules, which in a way, was a comfort. My mind suddenly drifted to Peyton. I was in a near panic. Neither of us had seen the other naked before. Now I had no choice but to have her see me naked in my very next class! Would she be upset with me? Would she still like me after seeing me naked? Would she want to give me relief?

"Ms. Davis, we had a quiz in Algebra this period," said Madison after the principal finished speaking.

"Oh, I know, Madison. That's been taken care of."

"Whew," said Madison with relief. "I didn't study for it."

Ms. Davis gave her a weird look and then shook her head.

"Madison, Jake, you two are going to be partners this week. You are going to help each other get through this week and be there for support. If either of you have any problems you can talk to one another and help each other out. Do you think you two can work together?"

"Sure," said Madison. I knew it was a lie. The minute we walked out the door she would be ditching me.

I just nodded wordlessly.

I nearly jumped when there was a knock at the door. I was so nervous that nearly anything was going to set me off.

The principal poked his head in the office.

"You ready?" asked the principal.

"Yes," said Ms. Davis. "You want me to bring them out?"

"Yep," said the principal and then he disappeared.

"We're gonna do this in phases," said Ms. Davis. "You will be joining the other naked students right now. You will mingle with them until the bell rings at the end of first period. Then it will be time for you to face the rest of school. Oh, I almost forgot..."

Ms. Davis dug into our boxes where our clothes were in and took out two blue towels.

"These are to be carried with you as you go through your day. You are to sit on these towels wherever you sit down. It's for sanitary reasons."

I took my towel and put it in my backpack.

"You two ready?"

Madison nodded. I didn't say or do anything.

"Okay, let's go."

Ms. Davis headed for the door and opened it. All of the students I had seen waiting in the office before, plus a few extras, were now out there and naked like I was.

Madison walked out confidently and found one of her friends, the big man on campus as far as the junior class was concerned, Greg Jamison. So much for having a partner, I thought. It looked like they had gotten four people from each class. The other junior was Zoe Pfeferberg. I had Zoe in a few of my classes. She was a Goth wannabee. She wore the black but didn't do the makeup, nails, or piercings. Seeing her naked, it was obvious that she was one of the few girls in Florida that didn't get sun. Her smooth, flawless, alabaster skin contrasted with her dark black hair.

I drifted off to a corner of the room and pretended to look at a picture on the wall. If I was going to show anyone anything on my body it was going to be my ass and not my hard cock. I felt a tap on my shoulder and reluctantly turned around to see whom it was. I was surprised to see it was Zoe.

"Hi," said Zoe timidly.

"Hey," I said.

"Listen, I know I'm supposed to be partnered with Greg but he seems to be more interested in cheerleader Barbie."

My mouth was too dry to speak. I found myself strangely attracted to this pasty skinned girl that I had never really noticed before.

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