A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

The girls stood around one of the massage tables. The young hairdresser was busy laying out her things. Wendy stood in the middle of Veronica and Diane. She already had an idea what was about to happen and was blushing profusely.

"This young lady is going to shave you between your legs, so I want you to do exactly as she tells you, so no nonsense now, is that clear?" Diane turned toward the young hairdresser. Wendy will do precisely what you ask, so if you would like to instruct her we can begin."

The hairdresser turned toward Wendy. She showed no embarrassment at all as she looked the blushing young maid up and down. Wendy wore a black dress which buttoned down the front. Around her waist was a small white pinafore.

"Get undressed please, and lay on the table."

She watched as Wendy blushed an even deeper red and began undoing the top buttons of her dress. Diane slipped behind her and undid the pinafore. As Wendy reached the buttons at the waist of her dress, the young hairdresser could see the girl's breasts as the material sagged open. Wendy finished opening the buttons and reluctantly let the garment slip from her shoulders. Diane caught hold of the dress and placed it with the pinafore on the other massage table. Wendy was naked except for her small panties.

"Pop your panties off and lay on the table, will you."

The girl walked around to the head of the table as she spoke.

"We'll have your head at this end."

Wendy was blushing from head to foot as she pushed the small panties down over her thighs and stepped daintily from them. Trying to cover herself as best she could she sat on the low table. The hairdresser immediately placed her hands on the blushing girl's shoulders and pulled her backwards until she was laid down fully on the table.

"Now I think we will have you turned over on your front... there that's the way." She helped Wendy turn over so that she was laid flat on her stomach. Moving around the table she placed her hands on the girls hips.

"Now if you will just get up on to your knees, there that's it. No not on your hands, go down on to your elbows." She manipulated the girl's body as she spoke to her.

"There now just get your knees as far apart as you can, there that's it." Diane looked down at Wendy, her bottom was thrust up into the air, her thighs spread widely apart. Her head was turned to one side, her pretty face was bright red. The young hairdresser looked at the four stripes across the girl's bottom. Three red stripes neatly spaced and a fainter one at the juncture between thigh and buttocks. She said nothing but a quiver of excitement ran through her.

"Perhaps you can give me a hand." The hairdresser spoke to Annette.

"Come around here and put your hands on either side of her bottom, like this." Annette did as she was bid, and placed her hands on Wendy's bottom cheeks close to the crease of her buttocks. The young girl took a jug from the trolley and a small soft brush.

"Now just hold the cheeks as far apart as you can while I soap in between." Wendy blushed at the absolute humiliation of it all, she moaned softly as she felt her buttocks being spread apart. Her body was a delight to look at. Her back curved upwards from the bed, her firm buttocks pushed high. Her knee's were spread widely apart so that they rested on the very edge, each side of the massage table. She was well aware that all her femininity was on view to the onlookers. Jill looked down at the girl, the young Vietnamese maid was holding the cheeks of her bottom well apart. The neat little star of her sphincter was being tightly stretched as Jill placed her own hand between the crease of the buttocks and stroked her fingers down between her thighs. Her finger nails delicately brushing through the puff of pubic hair covering the girl's vagina. Wendy trembled as she felt a finger probe between the lips. She quivered as the shaving brush was thrust in between the cheeks of her bottom. She felt the soapy liquid slurp in between her thighs as the hairdresser moved the brush with quite vigorous motions from the top of her buttocks and down over her pubis. The girl seemed oblivious to the maids, embarrassment or discomfort. She put down the brush and continued soaping the distraught girl with her hand. Her finger lingering over the swelling of the pubis. Jill watched the girl's hips tremble as she pushed her fingers firmly over the pubic mound. The flesh felt firm under her hands. Gently she let the tip of her finger penetrate the lips, feeling for the clitoris. The girl shuddered, her buttocks quivering as she felt Jill's finger push further into the already moist orifice. Annette stretched the buttocks wider as Jill brought her other hand up between the cheeks and impudently pushed her forefinger up into the young girl's bottom. Diane looked on as the girls fingers played back and forth between the out-stretched thighs.

"Will you pull the buttocks further apart when I tell you" The girl took a small safety razor from the trolley and bent forward over the thrusting buttocks of the young maid. Annette did as she was told and stretched the cheeks wider, allowing the girl to shave between the crease. She worked steadily until there was not a trace of hair up to the lips of the Wendy's Vagina. She smoothed her finger down between the girl's bottom, feeling the smoothness of the flesh.

"Right I think we are ready for you to turn over now, you can let go of her bottom and help her lay on to her back." Annette obeyed letting the tightly stretched cheeks of her bottom relax... Wendy moaned as she felt relief after having her buttocks stretched so widely. Her legs and back ached after her strained position.

They turned the girl over until she was laid on her back. Diane noted that Wendy kept her head turned to one side. Her cheeks were bright red.

"Right pull your knees up." Wendy was slow to obey. The girl quickly caught hold of Wendy's leg and pushed the knee up until the girls foot was flat on the table just below her buttocks.

"And the other one." Annette helped Wendy place the other leg in the same position.

"Right now just let your legs fall outwards,... relax them, there... that's the way." Wendy turned her face in to padded surface of the bed as they exposed her so openly. Her mouth opened wide but made no sound as she felt the shaving brush being thrust rudely up and down over the lips of her vagina. Both Veronica and Diane gently held the girls thighs open, supporting her knees which extended over the sides of the bed. Wendy blushed as she felt the young hairdresser stroke her fingers over her pubic hair. She watched as the girl reached for the shaving brush and brought it between her thighs. She felt the bristles penetrate between the lips, shuddering as the rough texture of the bristles brushed over her clitoris.

"Arrrgggghhhh... mmmmm.mm" Wendy gasped as the brush was rubbed vigorously in between the tender lips of her sex. She tried to raise her knees but felt gentle fingers pull her thighs even wider apart.

"The young hairdresser was quite enjoying herself. She had sensed immediately what Diane and the other girl had wanted from her. Quickly she began to shave the small curls of hair from around the lips, occasionally she would push her fingers into the crease and gently tease the lips apart, shaving the minute hairs from the crest. After several minutes she ran her fingers over the whole area of the pubis and down between the crease of her bottom.

"I think that should be fine. Shall I put some cream on her, otherwise she might develop a razor rash." She looked at Diane inquiringly.

"Yes I think you had better, nothing looks worse than a sore pussy." The young hairdresser smiled at Diane.

"To do it properly might take a few minutes, is that all right." Diane smiled and nodded meaningfully to the girl.

"I would rather you did it thoroughly... er it doesn't matter if she becomes... em aroused, I certainly don't want her to be sore." The girl understood immediately. She took a hot flannel from the bowl and squeezed off the excess water. Bending low between girl's legs she slapped the hot flannel over the smooth fleshy mound of the pubis. Briskly she wiped the cloth over the soft flesh, quickly applying it between the buttocks. She pushed hard, ignoring the girl's moans as she wiped her bottom. The rough material making the girl's bottom squirm from side to side as wiped over the sensitive sphincter. She turned to the trolley and took a tube of cream. She watched the girl shiver as she squeezed a generous amount over her naked pubis. Gently but firmly she began to move her hand between the maid's thighs. Her fingers slipping in between the crease of her sex. She looked at Diane once more to make sure, and gently increased the tempo of her movements. Wendy began to moan softly as she felt gentle fingers slip into her. Slowly, inexorably she felt herself being seduced by the girl's clever ministrations. Suddenly she gasped as a creamy finger slid upward into her vagina.

"Just relax now." She heard Diane say as another finger slid up inside her. Diane watched as the firm young body below her shivered with sensation. Her young breasts heaving up and down as she began to breath more deeply.

"AAAaaaarggggghhhhh... MMMMMMMmmm." Wendy could not help herself as she fought to contain her feelings. Veronica moved to the girl's head and gently placed her hands over her breasts. With her finger nails she scraped over the nipples until they became firm.

"Just you relax now, there's a good girl." Wendy could not help herself, her hips began to gyrate as the hairdressers clever fingers increased their pace.

"OOOOOOOOOOOoooohhhh... aaarrrgh." Her body quivered as she felt a finger being pushed rudely up into her bottom.

"Arrrrhhhhhh.eeeeehhhhhhhhhh... pppleeease... pleeeeaaaase.

"The sensation was too much for the young maid her hips thrashed under their fingers... eeeeeeeeeeeeehh... I... Immmm... coming.Aaaaaaarrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Her head turned wildly from side to side as the girls extracted every last sensation from the young girl's body.

" There... now, " Diane stroked her fingers gently up and down the inside of Wendy's thigh. She felt the shivers of sexual sensation begin to abate as she caressed her flesh. The hairdresser slowed the motions of her hands and gently extracted her finger from the girls bottom. She looked up at Diane, and smiled, her white teeth showing between her pink lips.

"I think you did very nicely, come and sit with me over here while we let Wendy recover her senses.

Jill sat beside Diane on the cane settee and looked across at Veronica and the young Vietnamese maid as they helped Wendy sit up upon the massage table. Her slim naked figure pale against Veronica's hand which gently stroked over the young girl's breasts.

"Annette would you come here a moment" Diane's voice broke the silence as she called across the room. She turned her head back toward Jill, "How often do you think we need to shave Wendy to keep her nice and smooth?" "Oh I think about once a week should be sufficient. It will keep her nice and smooth and if you rub plenty of cream in, she won't get sore." Jill looked up as she finished speaking and watched Annette stand in front of her young Mistress.

"Would you like to check Annette to see if she needs shaving again, it must be nearly a week since she was at the Medical Centre." Jill looked at Diane and smiled as she answered.

"Yes if you like." She looked up at Annette.

"Come and stand in front of me." Annette moved sideways until she stood in front of the young hairdresser. Swiftly Jill placed her hands behind the girls knees and pulled her forwards. She pushed both hands up beneath the young maid's dress and quickly pulled down her panties before she could protest. Leaning forward she pushed the flimsy material over the girl's ankles.

"Just lift your foot so I can get them off, there's a good girl." Annette blushed as the girl took her panties from her and laid them on the side of the settee. Jill looked up at the girl's face as she slowly pushed her dress up to her waist.

"Just hold your dress up like that and open your legs as wide as you can." Annette took hold of the dress which was bunched around her waist.

"As high as you can, there that's the way. Jill watched the girl bite her lips she pulled the material of the dress up above her waist and shuffled her legs apart. Annette was now completely naked from the waist down. Her shaven pubis seemed to accentuate her nakedness. Her body looked delightful. Her firm stomach gently curving inwards to the plump flesh of the pubis. The muscles of her thighs tightened as she stretched her legs further apart. Annette felt feathery fingers gently caress the inside of her thigh.

"Open up a bit more, that's the way." Jill leaned forward and cupped the girl's pubic mound. Gently she moved her hand backwards and forwards over the lips of the vagina. She could feel the girl tremble as she teased open the lips with the delicate probing of her fingers.

"She is still very smooth, but I might as well do her again while I am here. Shall I get her up on to the table?". Diane smiled. The young maid looked delightful, her hips swaying as Jill rubbed her hand gently between the lips of the vagina.

"Yes if you would, I don't want to keep you from your other work, but I would appreciate it. I will send for Richard so that he is ready by the time you have finished Annette." Diane smiled again as she watched Jill turn the girl and give her a little tap on the bottom.

"If you will go and get your things off and lay on the table on your tummy, I will be with you in a minute." Jill said to the girl as she gave another little smack to her bottom. Annette walked toward the massage table, her face was flushed as she faced Wendy and Veronica. Wendy was standing by the side of the table, her naked body contrasting sharply against the black leather covering.

"Pop you dress over your head" Veronica held her arms out to take the dress as she spoke.

"Right up on to the table with you, there's a good girl". Veronica helped Annette into a kneeling position, pushing and pulling gently until the girl was knelt with her knee's wide apart and her bottom thrust upward. Her head was turned to the side and resting on her arms. Annette could feel the strain in her back as Veronica applied more pressure, pushing her shoulders down so that her bottom tilted further forward. Veronica moved her hand slowly up over the cheeks of the maids buttocks and down into the crevice of her thighs.

Veronica looked over toward Diane and the young hairdresser.

"Annette is ready if you would like to start." Diane looked toward her friend.

"We'll be there in a minute, Wendy, would you come over here please." Diane beckoned with here hand as she spoke. Wendy's face was still flushed as she crossed the room toward the two girls. She was acutely aware of her nakedness. She felt the cool air between her thighs, accenting her nudity. She could not help herself as she tried to cover her pubis with her hand. It felt strangely smooth to her touch. She had never felt so naked.

"Just stand in front of me, my you look delightful. Now stop being silly and put your arms by your side." Wendy looked down, her long eyelashes closing over her blushing cheeks. Reluctantly she let her arms fall to her sides. Her legs were squeezed together modestly as she stood in front of her mistress.

"Stand up straight and stop being stupid." Diane said sharply.

"I wont tolerate any nonsense, so you had better do as you are told first time. Now stand with your legs apart and put you hands on top of your head." Wendy jumped at the rebuke. She quickly opened her legs and placed her hands on top of her head.

"Now stand up straight instead of crouching forward, we will have no more disobedience today. Do you hear me young lady." Wendy quickly straightened her body. Her young firm breasts bouncing as she stood to attention.

"Feet further apart, come along now." Wendy quickly shuffled her feet so that her legs were wide apart.

"Now look at me, when I am talking to you." The young maid looked down at her Mistress, "I am sorry Miss."

"That's better, now we can see you properly." Diane leaned forward and ran her hand upward on the inside of the girl's thigh. She cupped her fingers, and brought her hand up between the girl's legs. Gently she rubbed her fingers backwards and forwards over the lips of the vagina. Her long finger nails teasing open the plump folds of skin at either side of the crease.

"My you do feel nice and smooth doesn't she Jill." Diane took hold of Jill's wrist and placed her hand on the leg of the naked girl in front of them. Jill smiled quickly at Diane and began to stroke upwards with her soft fingers, she reached between the girl's legs and pushed her fingers upwards between the buttocks.

"Yes she's nice and smooth now."

"We had better go and get on with Annette. You can stay where you are Wendy until we are finished. No on second thoughts you can go as you are to mothers office and show her your nice little pussy." Abruptly Diane let go of the girl and stood up.

"Off you go and don't dawdle." She turned the girl around and gave her a smack on her pretty bottom.

"You can take your hands off your heads but you are not to cover yourself, do you understand,

"Yes Miss." Annette stammered.

Richard watched the flurry of excitement as the small birds chased away a Magpie. He was kneeling on the window seat, his elbows rested on the stone sill enabling him to hold the binoculars steady.

The sound of footsteps caused him to look round.

"You must be Richard." A young woman had entered the bedroom. She wore a nurse's uniform and was carrying a bag. Richard looked startled as he stood to face her.

"I am from the Medical Centre where you were examined last week, I have been asked to come and see you." The young nurse smiled at the boy and proceeded to the bed where she laid down a large black leather satchel she had been carrying. Richard watched the nurse as she began to take several items from the bag. She was a strikingly beautiful girl of about twenty years of age. She smiled at Richard as she unwrapped some small tubes from their packing. Her teeth were white and even. Her face was extremely pretty. Her brown eyes narrowed as she looked over toward Richard. He blushed a little as their eyes met. Her uniform stretched tightly across her breasts as she stood with her back straight. She shifted her legs apart. the hem of her uniform stretched tight against her legs. The skirt was quite short revealing beautifully tanned thighs, perfect knees and shapely calves. Richard blushed again as she caught him looking at the tops of her legs. She smiled to herself and moved forward toward Richard who was now sat facing her.

"Stand up and lets have a look at you." She motioned with her hand for him to step forward. Richard could not bring himself to look her in the eye. He shuffled forward and stood with his head bowed looking at his feet. She gently cupped his chin and lifted his head.

"The doctor is coming to start your therapy, so I have to get you ready. They didn't tell me you were a shy boy". She smiled kindly at him. You needn't be embarrassed there is only the two of us here, so just relax there's a good boy. Richard blushed once more. The smell of her delicate perfume and the gentle stroking of her fingers on his cheek played havoc with his senses. She stood back and dropped her hands to his waist.

"Right we had better start hadn't we young man". Richard was dressed in a white Tee shirt and blue shorts. His long legs bare, apart from short white sports socks. He had not been wearing shoes. What are you going to do Miss?, I didn't know the doctor was coming today". Richard's face had a look of anguish as he spoke to the nurse.

"You needn't call me Miss. I am Nurse Susan Harvey... just call me nurse if you like." Her fingers stroked down his cheek and under his chin.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, let's have your Tee shirt off first shall we". The young nurse stood closer to the boy, Richard felt the hem of her uniform touch his bare legs, then the gentle touch of her hands as she held his waist. She quickly pulled the shirt up from his shorts and slid it up revealing his chest to just below his arms.

"Arms up above your head... there that's the way". She pulled the shirt over his head and laid it on the window seat behind him.

"Now the shorts". She reached towards him and pulled him forward by the waistband of his shorts until she could sit on the bed. Quickly she undid the waist catch and pulled down the zip fastener. She placed both palms on either side of his waist and gently slid the shorts to the floor. Richard blushed as she bent to release the shorts from his feet. She sat up and looked at the boy's face. Richard blushed once again.

"Now you're not going to be embarrassed all afternoon are you Richard?"

"er... No Miss." Richard stammered as he looked down at her pretty face.

"That's a good boy, now we just need your underpants and your socks off then I can start." Slowly and deliberately, she tucked her thumbs into the waistband of his underpants. She lifted her head to look at his face. Richard was blushing furiously, he felt dizzy as she gently slid the pants down until they reached the base of his penis.

"Try not to be shy there's a good boy." Richard felt her breath on his stomach as she lowered her head. She pushed the pants lower, slowly revealing his penis and scrotum. Her head moved forward, her cheek brushing against his thigh as she pushed the pants to the floor.

"Step out of those and then give me your foot." Gently she took his foot and slid off the sock. Her cheek brushed against his penis as she took the other foot and repeated the procedure. Richard quickly placed his hands over his genitals as he balanced on one foot. The nurse sat upright once more and placed her hands on the boys waist. She was smiled at the way his hands were clutching his genitals.

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