A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

It was some time later that Wendy called to Richard "You can stay in the water for a little longer, but Annette and I have to go and prepare lunch." Richard nodded and carried on swimming. He had made sure that his body was hidden under the water. He had noticed that both girls had not played in the shallows either. He watched as they waded up on to the bank. Their young bodies glistening in the sun, Annette's skin glowing dark against the paleness of Wendy. Diane watched the two young girls approach. It was the first time she had seen Annette naked.

"Come here Annette, I haven't had a good look at you yet." Annette walked toward the reclining girl and stood with her arms by her sides.

"Kneel down beside me." Annette obeyed, kneeling with her knees together and her bottom resting on her ankles.

"Kneel up, that's the way. Now place your knees further apart." Annette raised her self on to her knees and placed them wider apart.

"That's it, Now I can see you." She raised herself on to one elbow and placed her hand on the girls hip. Gently she traced her fingers over the girl's stomach and down between her legs, cupping her smoothly shaven pubis. She rubbed gently back and forth pressing with her middle finger until she could feel between the lips of the labia. She watched the girls face grimace as she slid her finger up into her vagina.

"Did they shave you at the Medical centre."

"Yes Miss, before the examination."

"Do you like it like that." Diane pushed her finger further up into the girl.

"Ooh... yes Miss it's all right."

"Well I think we will keep you shaven for a while I rather like it." Diane sat up, keeping her finger inside the girl. She pulled the girl forward so that she was knelt over on her hands. Diane placed her other hand on the girls bottom and stroked her fingers down over the buttocks and into the crevice of her bottom. Firmly she probed between the cheeks her finger locating the sphincter.

"You have a lovely body, you are a lucky girl." Diane pushed her finger deftly up into the girls bottom, and started to rotate her other finger inside the girl's vagina.

"Are you a virgin" Diane asked the girl as she pushed harder into the girls bottom.

"Oooh... Yes Miss."

"But I can tell that you are enjoying this." Diane increased the pace and firmness of her fingers, making the girl squirm.

"Tell me does this feel nice." Diane pressed harder and increased the pace of her fingers.

"Y'... yes... Misss... Oooh... ooh Yes Miss."

Diane noticed that her hips and began to move from side to side and her mouth hung open as she breathed. Veronica had been watching the proceedings and moved off her chair to kneel in front of the girl. She cupped her hands underneath each of the girl's breasts and took the nipples between her fingers and thumbs. Diane heard the girl gasp as Veronica squeezed the nipples hard. She pushed harder with her own finger inside the girl's quivering bottom and looked up to Wendy who stood watching.

"Why don't you stroke your friend."

Wendy knelt down quickly, her young breasts bouncing as she moved. Carefully she began to stroke one hand over the girl's back and the other between her thighs. Annette began to writhe beneath their fingers. Her breath coming in short gasps.

"I can tell you are going to come soon, you are lovely and wet." Diane spoke soothingly as her fingers moved round inside the trembling young girl.

"A... aaaargh... aaargh." Annette's body stiffened and bucked as she climaxed. Her small hips jerking backward and forward violently. Diane kept up the relentless pressure of her fingers, suddenly pushing a second finger up into the helpless girl's vagina.

Veronica squeezed hard on the girl's nipples.

"There what a nice big come, I bet you are feeling that all the way to your toes."

"Ooo... oooh... Misssss... pleeeeeease... ooooo" The girl's body shook violently her legs trembled. The soft flesh of her buttocks quivered in ecstasy.

"A... aaaarrrgghhh... oooOOhh." Annette's knees suddenly gave way and she collapsed, her body laying prostrate over Diane's legs.

"Oooh Miss... Oooh."

"There don't you worry." Diane gently slowed her fingers inside the girl's vagina and slipped the finger from her bottom.

On a sudden impulse, Wendy bent forward and kissed Diane on the mouth. Her young lips soft and yielding against those of her Mistress. She leaned back quickly and blushed as she realised what she had done.

"Why you impetuous girl." She looked across at Wendy who hung her head.

"I told you she had a crush on you." Veronica said laughing.

Diane stroked her hands softly over Annette's bottom while she recovered and then gently turned her over. She cupped her hand delicately over the girl's pubis.

"What a lovely little pussy you have, and so sensitive too." Annette looked up at her Mistress.

"Thankyou Miss." Her lips were trembling.

"I think you have two admirers." Veronica laughed.

"How about some lunch, do you think you can manage that Annette."

Annette got up quickly.

"Oh yes Miss, right away Miss."

"You may both dress before I call Richard in from his swim."

Wendy looked at her Mistress.

"Oh thank you Miss."

Veronica leaned across to Diane as the maids dressed. Gently she placed her hand on her friends tummy and slid her fingers down inside her bikini bottom until her fingers found the crease of Diane's vagina.

"Just as I thought, you're all wet." She whispered into her ear.

"I know I can never help myself." She laughed and lay back down, rolling over on to her tummy. Veronica's trapped hand lay beneath her as she clenched her buttocks, pressing her pubis against the gentle fingers.

"Not now, later." She whispered to Veronica as she released the pressure of her hips.

"Why did you let them get dressed" Veronica asked Diane.

"Because my dear friend, it will increase Wendy's shame when I make her take it all off again for her smack bottom."

"You do plan your entertainment well." Veronica laughed.

"Can I have my hand back now," It was Diane's turn to laugh. She released her friend's hand and rolled over on to her back.

"Why don't you go and get Richard out of the water and dry him off, I'm just to hot and lazy to move."

Veronica got up and picked up a large towel. She walked down to the water's edge, her long lithe body moving sensously.

Richard was enjoying himself tremendously as he swam through the cool water. As he turned in the water he could see Wendy and Annette laying out food on the Picnic table and Veronica walking toward the water with a towel. He started to turn back toward the deeper water when he heard her call.

"Richard, time for lunch."

He swam toward the shallow water, floating on his stomach until he felt the gravel of the lake bed touch his knees. He knelt forward in the water and covered his groin with one hand while he stood up. Hesitantly he walked toward the waiting girl. As he climbed the bank he placed his other hand to his groin.

"Come on Richard, its time for Lunch." She stepped forward and put the towel around his shoulders.

"Follow me and I'll dry you off." Veronica turned and walked back to her chair while the boy followed. Once seated she beckoned Richard to stand nearer to her, opening her legs so that he could stand close to the chair. He could not take his eyes off her beautiful body as he stood shivering, his hands pressed tightly to his groin.

Veronica reached around and pulled the towel from his shoulders. She began to dry his chest and arms.

"Turn around" She pushed at the boy until he was stood with his back to her. She dried his shoulders and back and then moved the towel down over his buttock. Such a lovely bottom she thought as she pressed the towel to his cheeks.

"Bend forward." She pushed at the small of his back.

"Open your legs." Richard obeyed spreading his legs. His hands tightly clutched over his penis and testicles. He blushed as he felt her hand part his buttocks and the towel being rubbed up and down between them.

"Turn around again." Once more she pushed his hips until he stood facing her.

"Did you enjoy your swim." She asked looking him in the eye.

"Yes thank you Miss."

"Take your hands away and stand with your legs astride." Veronica looked into his eyes as she spoke, watching him colour up as it dawned on him what she had said. She gently took hold of his wrists and pulled his hands away from his groin. Richard averted his eyes from her gaze and shuffled his feet apart. Slowly and deliberately Veronica lifted the boy's testicles so they were laid in her hand and began to dry his penis as it lay on top. She dabbed at it gently as she gently caressed his testicles, drawing them forward from his groin. Richard bit his lower lip as she took hold of the tip of his penis and pulled the foreskin back, wrapping the towel around the shaft. Richard trembled as she rubbed the towel over the sensitive rim.

"There that should do for now."

Richard sighed with relief as she stopped rubbing. She let the towel drop to the floor, but instead of letting go of his penis she pulled him forward and pushed her hand between his legs and into the crease of his bottom.

"You seem to be dry enough Richard, go and sit on the blanket and let the sun warm you up a bit." Veronica let go of his penis and pointed to the blanket where Diane lay. Richard quickly knelt on the rug and laid down on his tummy.

Richard had been made to sit naked between Veronica and Diane while they ate lunch at the picnic table. Diane had placed a towel on the rough wooden bench so that his bottom would not catch splinters.

Both Veronica and Diane had dressed over their bikini's making Richard feel even more naked.

Annette and Wendy sat opposite them, Wendy occasionally getting up to fetch items from the hampers.

"Right Wendy and Annette, if you will pay attention to me I would like to have a serious word with you both." The girls looked up as Diane spoke in a firm tone. Wendy began to blush immediately as her eyes met those of her mistress.

I think that I am a reasonably easy person to get along with but, and I repeat but, I will not tolerate disobedience. Wendy chose to disobey me this morning and as Richard already knows to his cost I will not be disobeyed."

Wendy's face blushed even more as Diane looked straight into her eyes.

"Richard go and sit over on the blanket, this does not concern you."

Richard got up from the bench not daring to cover himself as the girls eyes all glanced down at his genitals. He quickly stepped over the bench and walked toward the blankets. Laying down on his stomach he turned his head away from the table and toward the lake.

"Wendy from now on I will ask you to do things only once, if you do not obey me instantly I shall cane your bottom so that you won't sit down for a month. Do I make myself clear?." Diane reached over the table and raised the maid's chin until their eyes met.

"Y'... ess Miss." The maids bottom lip trembled as she answered Diane.

"Do you realise that you have let me down in front of both Richard and Annette?"

"Y... ess Miss, I'm really sorry." Wendy's voice was a mere whisper.

"You have control over the boy, you are to bathe him every morning. What possible difference does it make if he sees you naked?"

"I know Miss... I'm sorry I truly am." Wendy voice trailed off as she spoke in earnest tones to her mistress.

"Don't you like Richard?."

"Oh yes Miss I think he is a wonderful boy."

"Then what's the matter with you then?"

"I don't know Miss, I really didn't think I'm so sorry."

"But you do know that I shall have to punish you, don't you Wendy?"

Wendy looked deep into Diane's eyes, she trembled as she spoke but there was a look of love and courage.

"I know you have to punish me Miss Diane, I... I..." Wendy burst in to tears but continued.

"I... I love you Miss." She hung her head as she uttered the words. Diane reached across and lifted her chin once more so that their eyes met.

"I know you love me, I have always known." Diane's voice was soft and low as she whispered the words to her maid.

Diane looked into her eyes for quite a few moments before she let go of her chin and sat straight on the wooden bench,

"Annette you are to help Wendy clear the table and then you are to strip her naked. She is not allowed to do it herself. Wendy you must kneel on the bench like Richard did, your knees must be as far apart as you can get them and you must arch you back so that your bottom is thrust upward. Annette is to fetch the cane from the Landrover when you are ready and bring it to me. I know I may sound cold hearted but I must have your obedience and respect. Wendy I am going to give you three strokes of the cane, they will hurt but you will thrust your bottom toward me with each stroke."

Wendy looked at her Mistress her eyes full of tears.

"I will do as you ask Miss, I promise I will."

"Come round here Wendy and stand in front of me."

Wendy got up from the table and walked around to stand in front of Diane. Diane quickly pulled the girl forward until she was stood between her thighs.

"Come here my precious girl." Diane gently drew Wendy forward and down so that she could kiss her gently on the lips.

Wendy felt Diane gently press her mouth on hers and responded by hungrily fastening her lips on those of her mistress. She pulled away, shocked at what she had done, but Diane smiled and pulled Wendy forward again, this time she kissed her gently but pushed her tongue deep inside the girl's mouth.

"There my precious girl, be ready to receive my cane, and I promise to fill your day with more ecstasy than you thought possible.

Veronica watched as the maid bent her head toward that of her mistress, she had never seen such love and supplication.

It was half an hour later that Diane stood behind the naked body of her maid. Wendy was knelt on the strong wooden bench, her knees spread widely apart and her back arched so that her quivering bottom thrust upward. Veronica sat beside the girl's knee and slipped her hand between her thighs. Gently she stroked upward until she was able to cup her hand under her pubis. Wendy gasped as Veronica gently teased open the lips of her vagina and slipped a finger up into her.

"Keeps still there's a good girl." Veronica began to rotate her finger causing the girl to squirm her hips.

"Let yourself go, it will make things a lot easier." Veronica increased the pressure of her fingers as she spoke. Diane looked across at Annette standing on the other side of the table. The young girl's pretty face looked toward her mistress.

"Will you hold her arms please." Diane gestured toward Wendy who's body was pressed firmly down on to the table top. Her hands gripping the far edge. Annette bent forward quickly and held the girl's arms. She looked up at her mistress to see if she had done it correctly. Diane nodded toward her and moved closer behind Wendy's upturned bottom. Veronica pushed another finger up into the girl's vagina, she felt her hips buck as she pushed both fingers firmly up into her.

"Arr.rrgh... mm." Wendy groaned at the extra intrusion. Diane watched as Wendy's bottom pushed upward. Without warning she raised the long cane above her head, her eyes fixed on the pale quivering flesh of her target. Measuring her stroke expertly she brought the cane down in a perfect arc.

"Arggh... arrrrggh... arrr... rrgh." Wendy screamed as the bamboo bit into her flesh. Her buttocks quivered and shook as she tried to escape the pain. Veronica pushed hard with her fingers and increased their tempo as the girls body shook from the agony of the stroke.

"Push your bottom out Wendy," Diane spoke firmly as she raised the cane once more. Wendy was beside herself with pain, she could hardly hear the words of her mistress. The pain seemed to invade every part of her body.

"AAAaaaargggh... arggh... aarggh." Wendy's body went rigid as a second stroke struck her across her quivering buttocks. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably as the pain seared through her body. Two bright red weal's marked her bottom, they reached across the middle of both cheeks. Diane admired her handiwork as she stood back and raised the cane once more. She looked across at Veronica who immediately increased the tempo of her fingers inside the trembling girl.

"Ooooohh... arrrgh... oooohhh... please Miss... I'm... arrgggh." Wendy was beside herself with agony her head thrashed from side to side as Annette held her arms tightly. Diane lowered her cane, waiting for the girl to steady herself. She moved forward and gently stroked the inside of her widely spread thighs. Veronica could feel the girl beginning to respond to her ministrations, she brought her other hand up under the girl's tummy and stroked the tips of her fingers gently over her clitoris, at the same time Diane gently parted the girl's buttocks taking care to keep her fingers away from the bright red weal's.

"Oooohhh... arrgghh... ooohhh." Wendy moaned as sexual sensation mingled with the pain.

"Arrrfgggh... arggghh... oooohhh." Her hips began to rotate as Veronica and Diane worked busily with their fingers. Diane pushed a slim finger against the girl's anus and probed gently until she had insinuated the tip into the opening, slowly she pushed until the knuckle disappeared into the hole.

"Oooooohhhh... oooohhhhh." Wendy moaned as she felt the intrusion her hips moved more rapidly as the girls worked on her.

Diane nodded at Veronica who increased the pace of her fingers once more. Diane stepped back quickly, pulling her finger from the girls bottom. With one continuous movement she raised the cane and brought it down hard, it's whippy bamboo curling around the juncture between the girls bottom and thighs.

"Arrrggh... aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhh." Wendy screamed, her orgasm of pleasure spilling into pain as the cane bit into her flesh.

"Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhhh... aaarrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh." Her screams echoed through the trees of the clearing as she bucked and thrashed with the pain and pleasure. Diane dropped her cane and moved behind the girl, quickly she pushed her finger back inside the girl's anus. Veronica pushed upward with her fingers. The poor girl squirmed furiously as they made her come. Annette watched the pitiful tear stained face of her friend as she gasped in anguish and torment. She bent her head and fastened her lips over Wendy's, kissing her firmly as Veronica and Diane moved their fingers relentlessly inside the sobbing girl. Wendy's body stiffened as they prolonged her orgasm, her mouth wrenched from Annette's soft lips as she gasped for air.

"Oooo... oooohhhh... aaaarrrrggggghhh." She trembled from head to foot her nerves on fire as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body.

"There my precious girl," Diane spoke soothingly as she began to slow the pace of her finger pushed fully up into the girl's bottom.

"Try and relax a bit it's all over now, you've nothing more to fear."

"Oh Miss... please Misss... is it all over." Wendy gasped as she tried to speak.

"There there, just relax we'll help you over to the blanket" Diane gently withdrew her finger from between the girl's buttocks and took her around the waist. The three girl's helped the naked girl over to the blanket where Richard was lying and laid her down.

"Why don't you go for a swim." Diane said kindly to Richard as she knelt down beside Wendy. Richard got up immediately not daring to cover himself after what he had heard of Wendy's thrashing. Diane looked directly at his penis and then up toward his face as he began to blush.

"Off you go then I will call you when you are to come out.

"Thankyou Miss." Richard hurried off toward the lake glad to be out of the way. He plunged into the cool water and swam a fair way out before turning and looking back toward the shore.

Diane looked down at her maid. The three stripes were bright red across her bottom. Two were across the middle of the buttocks about two inches apart the third was on the lowest part of her cheeks, just above the thighs.

"Annette fetch me the bag of medicines from the hamper will you, while Veronica and I see what we can do here." They gently lifted the naked girls hips until her bottom was thrust upward. Veronica rolled up one of the large bath towels and placed it underneath her hips. Wendy was still sobbing from emotion as Diane gently stroked her back and thighs. Annette handed the bag to Veronica who took some antiseptic cream on to her fingertips. Delicately she applied the cream to the weal's causing the girl's bottom to squirm. Diane slipped a hand between the girl's legs, her thumb pushing up between her bottom cheeks and her fingers slipping between the lips of her vagina.

"Keep still while 'ronica puts some cream on you, there's a good girl. We don't want you catching any infection."

Annette watched as the two girls stroked gently over Wendy's body their hands softly caressing her. Her bottom was thrust upward prettily by the rolled bath towel. Annette sat at her head and gently took her hand in hers as she watched the girls soothe and caress her friend.

They continued for about ten minutes while Wendy ceased her sobbing and lay there quietly.

"Come around here Annette will you." Diane pointed toward Wendy's legs. Annette let go of her friend's hand and walked round until she was stood at the girls feet. Gently Diane parted Wendy's legs so they were spread quite widely apart.

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