A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

Richard and Annette followed the young maid up the stairs and down a long corridor.

Richard walked behind Annette, he was acutely aware of his nakedness, his penis slapped from side to side as they walked quickly to one of the rooms on the left of the corridor. They stopped outside. The girl took a pace back to make room for the maid to enter, her bottom pushing against Richard's hips.

"Annette this is my room and will now be your room too." Wendy smiled at the naked girl.

"Through there, you will find the bathroom. Will you fill the bath for yourself and I will come through in a few minutes to make sure you are all right." She smiled once more and gestured for the girl to go in the room.

"Now Richard if you will follow me." She looked down at the boy, noticing that his penis was still not completely flaccid. They walked further along the corridor and entered a room on the right. Richard looked around the bedroom it was large and beautifully furnished. A large double bed dominated the central space. Fitted wardrobes surrounded the room on three sides it's mirrored doors making space for the large window which overlooked the gardens. The room was bright and cheerful and Richard could not help thinking how different it was to his dormitory in the orphanage.

"The bathroom is through here." The maid lead the way through the doorway situated to the side of the bed-head. She bent over the white fitted bath and pressed the lever for the bath plug.

"I'll run your bath Richard and then you can sit and soak for a few minutes while I see to Annette. What do you think to your room, it's lovely isn't it." Richard nodded as the maid turned toward him. He had covered his genitals with his hands and stood looking embarrassed.

"Don't worry Richard, you will like it here I know." She smiled kindly at him as she turned both taps on full. She turned to face him and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Lady Rawlings is really very kind and so is Diane, it will only take a little while for you to settle in." She looked into his eyes.

"I am sure I will like it Miss, I just feel embarrassed. Richard said quietly, his eyes looking down as he spoke.

"It is just something you will have to get used to. There that seems to be full enough." She turned off the taps and tested the water.

"Just pop in the bath and I'll come through in a little while." She turned and gave Richard a little kiss on the cheek before walking through the door to the bedroom. Richard stood for a minute and then slowly tested the water with his foot before getting into the bath. He sat down carefully in the hot water. Looking around the bathroom, he noticed that there was a toilet and bidet as well as a shower cubicle in one corner. There was also a long table, the surface was covered in pale orange rubber. The legs of the table were chrome and the feet ended in small wheels with rubber rims. Richard sat back in the bath and let the water soak his body. He felt nervous but excited at the prospect of his new home.

Annette looked up from the bath in which she was sitting as the maid entered the room.

"I have left Richard to soak for a while so I suppose we had better get started." The girl looked up to the maid and smiled.

"Shall I stand up, if you have to wash me?"

"Yes I think that would be best." The maid blushed as she approached the girl.

"I have to do what madam say's." Wendy blushed once more as she spoke gently to the girl standing facing the taps.

"I understand." Annette gave a little smile. Wendy took the soap and dipped her hands in the water. Gently she began to soap the girls back and then lower over her bottom.

"You will have to open your legs a little."

The girl obeyed immediately, pushing her feet as far apart as the shape of the bath would let her. Wendy slid her hand between the girl's bottom and through her parted legs, her fingers sliding smoothly over the smooth pubis. With her other hand she began to soap over her tummy.

"Just bend forward a little so I can soap between your bottom." She cupped the girls pubis with her left hand as slid her fingers up between the girl's buttocks. Annette felt a gentle pressure at the opening to her bottom as the maid probed with her finger. Slowly she felt the fingertip tease the sphincter until the maid pushed her finger firmly up into her bottom. The girl shivered slightly as Wendy pushed her finger further in.

"I hope I am not hurting you." She said as she began to ease her finger back and forth making the girl squirm.

"It's all right Miss, it doesn't hurt."

"Please call me Wendy, we are working together and as far as I know I don't have any authority over you."

"Thank you... Wendy." The girl gasped as she felt the maid begin to probe the crease of her sex. Her legs quivered as Wendy quickly slid her finger down the crease and deftly up into the girl's vagina. She blushed as the girl turned her head toward her and looked into her face.

'I am sorry but it is madam's instructions." Wendy said as the girl looked into her eyes.

"I know you didn't hear her say so, but she means me to do this to you. I'm as embarrassed as you are." The girl smiled at her

"I know it is just a bit, well... embarrassing... aa... aarrgh."

The girl gasped as Wendy pushed up a second finger and began to work them around inside her. The maid's right hand pushed again, her finger sinking deep into the trembling girl's bottom.

"Just a few more minutes and then I can let you go. Wendy began to work diligently with both hands upon the trembling girl. Annette could not help her hips from squirming, Her knee's quivered as she began to feel sexually aroused.

"AA... rrrghhh... aarrrgghhhhhh... pleeease." The girl gasped and moaned as Wendy increased the pace of her fingers. She was nor sure whether Lady Rawlings had intended her to go this far, but she remembered when she had first been bathed by her Ladyship. Lady Rawlings had excited her so much that she had had two orgasms in quick succession.

"Ooo... ooohhh.aarghh... ooohhh." The girl let out a long wail as she came to a climax, her knees quivered uncontrollably as the maid's fingers roamed insistently deep inside her.

"Oooo... ooohh... ooohhh... oooohhh." The girls breath came in gasps as she shook from head to toe.

"There I've nearly finished." Wendy said softly, slowing her fingers to a soft caress. Gently she slipped her finger from the girl's bottom and stroked her hand gently over her buttocks.

"Can you stand upright" She asked gently as the girl stopped shaking.

"Yes I think so." Annette straightened her legs and put her shoulders back as the maid began to soap gently over her breasts.

"You have a lovely figure, and your skin feels so nice." Wendy talked softly to Annette as her hands soaped over her body.

"This is the first time I have ever done this to a girl." I hope you aren't cross with me, but I think it was what lady Rawlings wanted, she did it to me when I first came."

Annette looked at Wendy, her face was flushed but she gave a little smile.

"I enjoyed it, you were lovely and gentle." Wendy smiled back at her.

"I just know that we are going to be friends."

They both looked up as Lady Rawlings entered the bathroom. Wendy blushed and dropped her hands from the young girl's body.

"Don't stop if you haven't finished yet, I don't want to interrupt you. If you would call me when you are finished I think it would be better if I were to show you how to bath the boy. You may bring Annette, it will be part of her duties too."

"Yes Madam I've nearly finished." Wendy blushed once more as she looked up at her Ladyship. She noticed the amused expression on her face and wondered whether she knew what she had done to the girl.

Wendy turned once more to the girl as her mistress left the room.

"I had better just rinse you off and help you dry, I don't want to keep her Ladyship waiting."

She rinsed the girl quickly and helped her from the bath. Annette's graceful form stretching as she stepped to the floor. Wendy reached for the warm bath towels and proceeded to dry her. Her firm breasts jiggled as she rubbed the towel briskly over her olive skin.

"Open your legs a little so I can dry your bottom." Wendy turned the girl as she spoke and went down on one knee. The girl was stood facing her. Her shaven pubis inches from the maid's face. Wendy brought the towel up between the girl's legs and rubbed backwards and forwards, the texture of the cloth causing the young girl to quiver as it rubbed over the crease of her sex.

"I'll just talc you and then you can get dressed." Wendy reached for the container and shook a liberal amount on to the palm of her hand. Gently she cupped it between the girl's legs and gently drew her hand back and forth feeling the smoothness of the skin. Annette put her hand on to the maid's shoulder to steady herself as the maid pushed her hand boldly between her legs.

"I think that will do, if you will pop your dress on while I tell Madam." She smiled at Annette as she left the bathroom. Wendy was in high spirits as she walked down the stairs toward the drawing room.

"There you are Wendy, all finished upstairs are you?" Lady Rawlings was smiling at the young maid.

"I suspect you are enjoying yourself having some measure of responsibility over others."

"Yes Madam" Wendy blushed dropping her head shyly as her mistress gave her an enquiring look.

"Tell me, did you wash the girl as I instructed?"

"Oh yes Madam." Wendy looked up into Lady Rawlings face.

"I think I did what you wanted.

"You washed her bottom properly?"

"Yes Madam" Wendy hung her head once more"

"And her vagina, did you wash inside?"

"Y... yes Madam." Wendy blushed an even deeper shade of red, but managed to look up at her mistress again.

"Good I am glad to see that you are learning obedience. I want you to look after the girl and show her her duties. She will have a uniform like yours from tomorrow and she can start work alongside you. Now let's go and see to young Richard."

Wendy followed lady Rawlings up the stairs and into Richard's bedroom.

"Go and fetch Annette and bring her through to the bathroom." Lady Rawlings instructed as she entered the bathroom doorway. Richard was sat in the bath, his knees drawn up to his chest. He looked up, startled as her Ladyship entered the room. His cheeks began to colour up as he looked at her.

"If you will stand up please Richard." She turned away from the boy and took a container of liquid soap from the shelves above the sink. Richard stood up slowly, his face already bright red. He stood facing toward the end of the bath, his hands clasped over his groin. He watched with dismay as both Wendy and Annette entered the bathroom. Lady Rawlings turned toward the boy.

"Now we will have no nonsense with your hands." She looked down at the boy. His knees were pressed together and both hands clasped tightly over his genitals.

"Put you hands on top of your head, that should keep them out of the way." She smacked his bottom lightly as he hesitated.

"Do as I say at once". Richard lifted his hands and placed them on his head. He was acutely aware of his nakedness. Lady Rawlings looked the boy over. He really has such a beautiful body and face she thought as she placed a hand on his hip and turned him to face her.

"Now Wendy and Annette if you will come nearer." She placed her delicate hand between the boy's thighs and pulled his legs apart.

The two girls stood next to Lady Rawlings as she poured the soap on to her palm. Slowly and deliberately she placed her hand between the boy's legs and cupped his testicles. She lifted them gently drawing them forward from between his thighs.

"You have to be reasonably careful with a boy's testicles." She addressed the girls.

"They are very delicate and if you squeeze them too hard you can cause quite a lot of pain." Her hand began to soap between Richard's legs.

"Now I will show you how to wash his penis." Delicately she took hold of Richard's penis and drew back the foreskin until it was stretched tight. The boy shuddered as she soaped around the rim of the glans.

"This is where boy's fail to wash, if you draw the foreskin back tightly you can soap behind the rim." Both girls watched intently as her Ladyship continued to smooth her fingers over the boy's penis. Richard shivered as he felt the velvety fingers stroke over his genitals. His eyes were tightly shut with embarrassment and to his horror he felt his penis begin to harden. Lady Rawlings felt it too and stroked harder her finger nails scraping over the rim of the glans.

"All boy's are sensitive here so don't worry if the penis becomes stiff, in fact you will find it easier to handle." Richard was trembling from head to toe as her Ladyship continued to stroke her hands over his swelling member. His knees quivered as she pushed a hand between his legs into the crease of his bottom.

"Now I'll just turn him around and show you how to wash his bottom."

She took hold of the boy's hips and turned him to his side. Richard turned awkwardly, he opened his eyes to the see the girls watching him.

"Now bend forward, that's the way." She pushed him forward and slid her hands down to his buttocks.

"Boys never think to wash their bottoms so you must make sure that he is absolutely clean here." She pushed his bottom cheeks apart and indicated the sphincter with a soapy finger.

"You should be able to push a finger right inside, I know it is a little tight but it will be good therapy for him." Lady Rawlings gently teased the orifice watching as it contracted at her touch.

"Now just relax Richard, I am not going to hurt you. Do you hear me?" Richard mumbled as he tried to relax his bottom.

"Ooops there we are." Lady Rawlings deftly slipped her forefinger inside the boy's bottom. Richard tried to stand upright as the finger invaded him.

"Keep still." Her Ladyship commanded as she began to move her finger around inside the boy. She quickly located the prostate gland and stroked her finger gently over it. She felt the boy shudder as she moved her finger inside him.

"Now if you turn him further to the side, you can soap his penis at the same time. She moved the boy round, her finger still moving insistently inside his bottom. With her free hand she took hold of the erect penis and began to pull the foreskin backward and forwards.

"Please... madam I feel funny... I think I'm going to..." His voice trailed off as her finger stroked over his prostate. His knees began to tremble violently as she pushed with her finger hard up into his bottom, at the same time pulling his foreskin back tightly. He felt the inevitable approach of an orgasm. Helplessly he stood there as her fingers cleverly brought him to the peak of sexual sensation. His body quivered violently as her fingers seemed to probe the very core of his body. He gasped for breath as he began to ejaculate.

Both girls watched fascinated as semen spurted from the end of the boy's penis.

"A... aaargggh... a... rrgggh." Richard gasped as her Ladyships fingers worked incessantly. She pushed a second finger into his bottom as he spurted his semen. His body shivered and shook as she extracted every last drop from him.

"There don't worry about that." She said soothingly.

"All young boy's find it difficult to control themselves." Her finger slowed their pace. She slipped her fingers from his bottom and slid her hand between his legs. She cupped his testicles and squeezed them firmly, at the same time tightening her fingers on the base of his penis and drawing the last drops of semen from him.

"If he happens to do that when either of you are washing him, make sure that you clean the tip of the penis and wash behind the glans again." Richard could not believe his ears as her Ladyship addressed the girls. He felt so humiliated. But he realised his ordeal was not over as he listened to her Ladyship instruct the girls.

"You may wash the rest of him and them dry him. Make sure that you put plenty of talcum powder between his legs and between the cheeks of his bottom." Lady Rawlings took her hands from the boy and dried them on a towel she looked at both girls as she turned to leave. They were both watching the boy intently as he stood with his hands on his head, his face bright red.

Richard was in a daze as the girls began to gently wash him. Making him kneel to rinse his bottom and then stand before them while they dried him. Their soft hands caressed him as they applied talcum powder to his penis and testicles. He gasped and shivered as they bent him over softly running their hands between his buttocks to apply more powder.

"There I think you will do." said Wendy as they gently led him to the bedroom.

They dressed him and sat him on the bed. Wendy bent before him and gently took his face between her hands.

"I know you are embarrassed Richard but we are your friends so let's have a little smile shall we."

Richard looked into Wendy's sweet face and then toward Annette who was watching him intently. He tried a little smile, but could not help blushing.

"There now you just lie on top of the bed for a little while and rest, Annette and I have to go and prepare dinner. There is a clock over there, you have an hour before you need to come down for dinner."

She pushed Richard gently down on to the bed and bent over him kissing him gently on the forehead. Annette bent forward and kissed the boy too, her soft lips pressed gently over his.

Richard lay there looking up at the ceiling as the girls went downstairs. The sunlight was still quite strong as it rays filtered through the window and he began to doze.

Diane and Veronica were sat at the dinner table as Richard came through to the dining room. Wendy had woken him and had watched him while he washed his face. She had combed his hair and ensured that his clothes were straight.

"You can sit over here between us." Diane said as Richard looked for somewhere to sit.

"Mother always sits at the head of the table and Wendy and Annette will have their dinner in the kitchen after they have served ours." She pushed back her chair and moved to sit to her right leaving a space for the boy. Veronica beckoned for Richard to come and sit between them.

"Well from what I understand you have had quite an eventful day." Richard looked down and blushed. He had not seen the girls since they had caned him in the woods. The memory of it came flooding back as she addressed him.

"Well have you lost your tongue?"

"N'no Miss."

"Well then tell us what sort of day you have had."

"I... I... well I had a medical... and then they brought me here... er Miss." Richard managed to stammer.

"Well what did they do to you at the Medical Centre, you were there for four hours." The girls giggled at the boy's discomfort watching him blush an even deeper red and hang his head lower.

"I am waiting for an answer Richard." Diane took hold of the boy's chin and raised his head.

"They er... er examined me Miss... er to make sure I was healthy." Richard raised his eyes to meet hers and blushed profusely as she looked at him with an amused expression on her face.

"Did you still have those stripes on your bottom when they examined you."

Richard bit his lower lip "... er yes Miss."

"Let him eat his dinner now Diane." Lady Rawlings spoke gently as she took her chair.

"You will have plenty of time with him tomorrow, I thought you could all go to the lake and take a picnic."

"All right mother." Diane looked rueful but smiled at her mother. Both Wendy and Annette served dinner. Richard had never tasted such excellent food, nor had he ever tasted wine. Lady Rawlings smiled to herself as she watched the boy eat. Although he was obviously hungry she was pleased to see that he had excellent table manners.

"You may have some more wine Richard" She gestured for Wendy to refill his glass which he had emptied.

"I will allow you two glasses with your meal."

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