A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

Richard looked up to see the Nurse and the secretary bending over him. The nurse moved to the end of the bed and stood between his legs as they hung in the stirrups. The secretary stood by his side and looked into his blushing face. Her eyes gazed at him coolly beneath her glasses. Her lips were parted, displaying even white teeth. She leaned forward over the boy's naked body.

"I am going to ask you a few questions, try and answer them as best you can."

Richard's body jerked as he felt the nurse take a firm hold on his penis and stretch the foreskin down over the shaft. The secretary glanced down at the nurse's hand as she manipulated the boy's foreskin.

"Have you had chicken pox?" She turned back to face the boy, looking him straight in the eye. Richard was utterly humiliated as she looked at him, she seemed unconcerned at what the nurse was doing.

"Did you hear the question?" She addressed him once more.

"I don't think so miss." Richard stammered as he felt the nurse pull his foreskin up over the glans of his penis.

"Whooping cough?" She looked at the clipboard as she marked the form.

"Nnn oooohh Mm... iiss." Richard could hardly speak as the nurse deftly pushed a finger deep into his anus.

The secretary carried on asking him questions, seemingly unconcerned at the boy's discomfort and humiliation. The nurse worked his foreskin up and down, probing with her finger deeper into his bottom.

"Would you just hold his penis for me a moment?" The nurse asked the secretary matter of factly. Richard could not believe his ears. He watched dumbly as she placed her clipboard on his stomach and firmly took hold of his erect penis, her manicured fingers encircling the bell like glans.

"Push the foreskin down would you while I pop another finger into his bottom." Richard watched in horror as she pushed the foreskin down the shaft, bending forward a little to watch as the nurse pushed a second finger up into his bottom. Richard gasped at the intrusion. He felt his nerve ends tingle as the secretary pulled his foreskin back up the shaft. Richard hips squirmed as their fingers aroused him.

"Try and keep still, I don't want to nip your skin." The secretary looked into his eyes as she spoke. Richard blushed a deeper red and looked away, his lips trembling.

"I think that will do for now." It was the doctor's voice that spoke.

"I would like him fit for the committee."

Richard watched as the secretary gently released his penis from between her fingers. He felt the nurse also withdraw her fingers from his bottom.

His penis was standing straight up in the air. The secretary smiled at him with an amused expression as she stood back and looked at him.

"You are tense aren't you." She picked up her clip board off his stomach and smoothed her hand up over his chest.

"Just try and relax a bit more, you have to go before the committee in a few moments"

Richard hardly heard the words through his haze of embarrassment. His lips trembled, his eyes downcast as the secretary looked over his body, her eyes lingering over the juncture of his splayed thighs. His penis felt so hard it was almost painful, his feelings were in turmoil as he laid there so rudely displayed. He felt the nurse take hold of his leg and carefully lay it on the bed between the stirrup post. She moved to the opposite side and released his other leg.

"Just you relax now." The nurse smiled as she moved away, the secretary following her. Richard laid his head back and looked up at the ceiling. He could hear the Vietnamese girl being asked to get up off the examination table. He heard several movements over the next five minutes as the nurses prepared for the committee room. He closed his eyes and thought about what his future had in store.

"Come along Richard time to go." He opened his eyes and looked up to see the nurse bent over him, her face close to his.

"Wake up, time to go." She whispered once more. She placed her arm across his knees and slid his legs to the side of the table.

"Jump down Richard." Richard slid his bottom off the table, his body pressed against the nurse as she steadied him. He looked around to see the doctor and the other nurse were standing near the door to the committee room. The young girl still naked stood facing the door in front of the doctor.

"Come along don't keep us all waiting." The nurse took him by the shoulders and walked him over to the door. She pushed him so that he stood behind the naked girl, his body almost touching hers.

Richard instinctively covered his genitals, the backs of his hand touching the girls bottom as the nurse pushed him forward.

"Let me tell you both, you will not attempt to cover yourselves, you will do exactly as you are told quickly and without fuss. I assure you I will see to it that you are punished if you do not obey. Is that understood." The doctor raised her voice on the last sentence. Both Richard and the girl stood up straight. Richard uncovered himself and placed his hands by his sides.

"That's better, now I want you answer any questions you are asked quickly and clearly, don't forget to speak up. You are to stand up straight and look at the person if you are being spoken to. I shall walk in first and I want you both to walk in behind me. Are you both ready." She walked past them and placed her hand on the door knob, she turned to look at them.

"Yes doctor." They replied in unison. The doctor opened the door and walked through. They entered a large room, its highly polished wood floor shone under bright overhead lights. At the far end of the room stood a large polished table, behind which sat three women. To the right stood a smaller table which held a typewriter and computer screen. A young girl of about seventeen years old sat behind the desk, she was pressing buttons on the computer keypad. On the right of the girl was a cloth screen and behind this an examination table complete with stirrups.

Richard looked at the three women as they sat behind the large table. The woman in the middle was about thirty five years of age. She wore a silk blouse and her fair hair was tied in a bun behind her head. She had fine boned features and bright intelligent eyes. She was talking to the woman on her right who wore a navy blue uniform. She looked about twenty years of age. Her dark hair was also pinned back, her neat white collar and tie gave her a rather severe look, although in fact her features were very pretty. The woman on the left was older and quite plump, her fleshy features accenting the heavy horn-rimmed glasses she wore. In front of the table was a dais, it was about eighteen inches high and about six feet long. The far edge of the dais was beneath the table the near side extending to about four feet in front. The doctor stopped in front of the dais and stepped to one side. The nurse behind Richard took hold of his shoulders and placed him beside the girl.

"Stand up straight now." She whispered as she stood to the other side of him.

"Step up on to the Dais" The doctor tapped the girl on her bottom. She stepped up on to the platform and stood in the middle facing the three women sat at the table.

"Up you go Richard." The nurse stroked her hand down the boy's back and gave his bottom a light smack. Richard stepped up and moved forward on to the dais until he was standing beside the naked girl. He was blushing profusely, acutely aware of his nakedness. The room was cooler than the examination room and it seemed to accent his naked state. His scrotum tightened as the cool air enveloped his body. The girl stood beside him, her back straight and her breasts jutting forward. Her nipples stood out firm and hard.

"Doctor would you do the girl first." Lady Todd-Berresford looked up as she spoke, her eyes travelled up and down the naked boy and girl standing in front of her.

"By all means." The doctor answered, stepping up on to the platform. She stood by the side of Annette.

"I have examined her this morning, I have not had the results of the blood test yet, but the ones from immigration taken six months ago are clear. As you can see she is well formed and is physically healthy." The doctor placed her hand on the girls chest above her breasts as she continued talking to the committee.

"Her breasts are quite large for someone of her race." She traced her fingers down over the girl's right breast and cupped the under-part, lifting the breast upward." They are quite firm and are not pendulous. She has a well muscled physique with no history of any disorder." Her hand travelled down on to the girls lower stomach.

"She has reached sexual maturity, although there is no indication that she has yet had sexual intercourse."

The three women watched intently as the doctor made the young girl part her legs. She slid her hand between the girl's legs and parted the lips of the vulva.

"She seems to be particularly sensitive, so I would suggest that as yet she has had no sexual contact." The doctor let go of the girl and turned her round.

"Bend over and touch your toes." She instructed, pushing the girl over.

"Spread your legs, that's the way." The women watched as the doctor parted the girl's buttocks, displaying the neat sphincter.

"She is neat and clean in this area, her diet will have been high in fibre and as such there are no swollen veins." The doctor stretched the buttocks wider apart causing the girl to gasp.

Her legs are strong, and she shows no trouble in her joints. Her feet are small and neat with no deformity." The doctor ran her hand down the back of the girl's leg.

"Stand up and turn around." She commanded. The girl obeyed, turning to face the committee. Her face was flushed more from embarrassment than bending over. Her lips were trembling, but she stood up straight placing her hands by her sides.

"If you would like to have a closer look at her, I have the examination table ready behind the screens."

Lady Todd-Berressford looked to the woman from immigration.

"Will you need to have another look at her?". The woman shook her head.

"No she has already been examined by my department, and although I am here as a committee member it would seem rather inappropriate." She smiled at the chairwoman.

"I understand." She turned to Mrs. Forbes.

"How about you Maggie?".

"Yes I think I will." She turned toward the doctor.

"If you would be so kind as to arrange her."

The doctor turned the girl around and they both stepped off the dais. She lead her around the screens.

"Just get up on to the table." The nurse moved behind the screen and helped place the girl's legs in the stirrups.

Richard watched as The woman got up from the table and walked round behind the screens. He was acutely aware of the interested gaze of the chairwoman as she looked over his body.

Maggie Forbes stood over the girl, looking down at her lithe young body.

"Would you give me a rubber glove please nurse." The nurse handed the plump woman a glove from the trolley. The doctor smiled to herself as she watched the woman bend over the juncture of the girl's parted thighs. Deftly she held open the lips of the vulva and slid two fingers straight up inside the girl. The doctor watched the young girls face as she grimaced and bit her lower lip. The woman moved her fingers roughly inside the girl making her hips writhe.

"Just you keep still.

"She spoke sternly to the girl as she began to move her fingers rapidly inside her. With her other hand she drew her finger up between the crease until she located the clitoris which she immediately began to massage. The girl could not help moving her hips as the woman roughly brought her to a state of sexual excitement. The girl began to moan as the woman increased the speed of her fingers, giving her no respite.

"Ah, you cant help yourself can you." She said to the girl as she delved even deeper into the moist vagina.

"A... aaargh... aaargh... ghh." The girl cried out as the woman's fingers brought her to a climax. The woman turned her hand and penetrated the girls bottom with her thumb.

"Well that didn't take long did it, what a sensitive young girl you are." She continued the pace of her fingers as the girl's body shook in a series of spasms.

The woman slowed the pace of her fingers as the girl's body became less tense, her thighs quivered as the orgasm subsided. The woman thrust upward once more before she withdrew her fingers from the girl's vagina.

"You just lay there, for a bit." She turned to the nurse and the doctor who had been stood watching.

"I think you are right, she is extremely sensitive. Shall we get back to the boy now?". She turned abruptly, shedding the rubber glove and dropping it in the bin.

Richard watched as the woman returned to her seat, her face looking flushed. He had heard the girl moaning and understood what had been happening to her behind the screen. The doctor stood on the dais beside the boy.

"This boy is fifteen years old. As you can see he is well built and in good physical condition. He has had no recurring illnesses and suffers from no deformities." She ran her hand across the boy's chest and down on to his stomach. There are only two minor problems. Although he was circumcised as a baby, his foreskin seems rather tight." She brushed her fingers down over the boy's stomach and took hold of his penis, drawing it away from his body. She took hold of the tip and pulled back the foreskin with her other hand.

"There seems to be plenty of skin, so I think it will just be a matter of therapy." Richard face turned a bright crimson as the doctor took hold of his penis. He looked straight ahead as the women watched the doctor manipulate his foreskin.

"Turn around and bend over." She let go of his penis and watched him turn around. He bent over and grasped his ankles.

"Legs apart." She tapped the inside of his thigh. Richard shuffled his legs wider apart.

"His sphincter is rather tight also, it could give him problems later on, so I am recommending therapy for this too." She bent over the boy and stretched the buttocks apart.

" Nurse would you lubricate a glove please." Richard began to tremble as the doctor stretched his buttocks further apart. He saw the nurse's feet as she walked past him.

"If you would nurse." The nurse put on the rubber glove and bent over the boy. The doctor held his bottom at either side of the cleft and stretched the buttocks apart.

"Just relax your bottom, there's a good boy." The nurse spoke softly as she gently pushed a lubricated finger up in to the boy's bottom.

"As you can see it is very tight, but I don't think it will be a long term problem." The doctor addressed the panel. The Nurse withdrew her finger and patted the boy's bottom.

"Stand up straight and face the front." The doctor instructed Richard as she let go of his buttocks.

"We will pass on your recommendation for therapy, but you haven't mentioned whether he has reached puberty yet." Maggie Forbes smiled knowingly at the doctor as she spoke.

"His testicles are in place and of course he is capable of an erection, we have not tested him for a sperm count." The doctor smiled back at the chairwoman.

"I think you ought to check whether he has reached puberty, or that he is capable of ejaculation." Maggie Forbes looked up at Richard's face, observing the boy's acute discomfort.

"I think the easiest thing would be to do it here and now, so if you would like to come round to the examination table in a few moments I will get him ready. Richard could not believe his ears. The doctor turned him away from the table and lead him toward the examination table. The young girl was standing by the side of the screen as the doctor pushed him toward the table. Her face was flushed and Richard detected a look of pity in her eyes as she watched him sit on the table. The nurse quickly fastened his legs into the stirrups. This time she brought the leather straps over the top of his ankles and buckled them tight. She pushed the screen away from the table and pulled the trolley around toward her as she stood between the boy's open legs.

"Would you ask Miss Watts to fetch me a test tube." The doctor addressed the young secretary.

Richard looked around as the doctor spoke, he could see the secretary watching him, her desk only a few feet from his widely splayed legs.

"If you would like to gather around the table, I think you will be able to observe first hand." The doctor smiled as the women got up and approached the examination table.

"I think nurse if you would stand by his head and provide a little stimulation." Richard could see the women gathering around him as he lay looking upward. He noticed to his horror that the young secretary had also joined the group, she looked amused as she saw his expression.

Richard's body jerked as he felt a cold cream being applied to his bottom. He saw the doctor lean forward and felt her soft fingers gently take hold of his penis.

The nurse gently took hold of his arms and pulled them until they were stretched out towards her. She leaned forward her pretty face looking down on his. She placed her hands on his chest and gently tweaked his nipples. He felt the doctor squeeze his penis, pulling the foreskin down the shaft until the skin was stretched tightly. The doctor spoke to the second nurse who stood next to her.

"Would you put a little cream just around the rim nurse." Richard gasped as he felt the cold cream being applied around the sensitive glans. He felt a hand being stroked over his stomach as the doctor started pulling the foreskin up and down his penis in a steady rhythmic motion.

Lady Todd-Berresford was stood by the side of the table. She watched intently as his penis began to stiffen. She placed her hand gently on his thigh.

"Just you lay back and relax, there's a good boy." She stroked her hand up and down the inside of the boy's leg as she spoke softly to him. The second nurse had cupped his testicles in her hand. Her soft fingers gently moving the testes up and down. She watched the doctor cleverly manipulate his penis to an erection. She looked down between the boy's parted thighs as she concentrated on her task. Her lips were moist and her mouth partly open as she gently pushed her hand between the splayed buttocks. The doctor continued her manipulation of the now erect penis. Using both hands she pulled the foreskin back and then flattening the palm of her other hand she slowly brushed it in a rotating motion over the sensitive opening. Richard's body jerked violently as he tried to escape the incredible sensation on the tip of his erect member.

"I think if you just pop a finger in." She murmured to the nurse stood next to her. She watched as the nurse slipped a finger neatly up into the boy's bottom. Richard squirmed, his breath was coming in gasps as he felt the finger being slipped up into his bottom. The sensations were just too much for him and his whole body began to tremble as inexorably they aroused him. The young secretary watched as his body began to jerk, his hips writhing under their clever fingers. She looked into his face, it was suffused in red, his lips were trembling.

" I don't think it's going to be long before we need that test tube." The doctor glanced round to see her other secretary had already entered the room and was holding the test tube ready. Her eyes were bright with excitement as she watched Sarah pull the boy's foreskin up and down over the rim of the glans.

"Aaaaa... rgh... aaa.rr.gghh." Richard moaned as he felt his climax approach, he could not stop his hips from moving under their clever fingers.

"Not long to go now, just let yourself go there's a good boy." The nurse above him spoke soothingly, her fingers pinched hard on his nipples. Richard's head moved from side to side, his hips writhed as the doctor increased the tempo of her soft fingers up and down his penis. She nodded to the nurse standing beside her who deftly pushed a second finger up into the boy's bottom. She could feel his penis pulse as her fingers located the prostate gland.

"Test tube." The secretary reached over and placed the test tube on to the end of the glans. She watched in fascination as a stream of semen shot up into the glass, followed by another and another. The nurse pushed her fingers even further into the boy's bottom as she squeezed his testicles with her other hand.

"Aaaaarrggh... aaaaa.rrgghh." Richard cried out as his body tensed, his legs unable to escape the straps that held them. His hips writhed uncontrollably and his head thrashed from side to side.

"There there it's all over now." The nurse whispered softly as his body shook.

"Mmmm... mmm.mum..." Richard moaned his whole body racked with sensation. The secretary took the test tube away from the end of the boy's penis, holding it so that the semen did not spill. The doctor began to slow her strokes, her fingers squeezing hard. She squeezed, drawing her fingers up along the whole length of the shaft. She beautiful lips were parted as she bent her head low over the boy's genitals she watched the last drop of semen escape from the opening. Gently she laid her hand on his tummy and stroked gently.

"You can relax now it's all over." She took her hands away and watched as the nurse gently slipped her fingers from his bottom. Richard felt dizzy, his head was spinning. He looked up to see faces swimming before him... then blackness.

He awoke from a faint to see the pretty young secretary looking down at him, her soft eyes smiling.

"You fainted, it was just all too much for you wasn't it." She stroked a hand over his chest.

"Do you think you can sit up, I've brought you a cup of sweet tea."

Richard slowly began to sit up, his legs had been freed from the stirrups and he swung them over the edge of the table. The young girl put her arm around his shoulders and handed him the cup. Richard sipped the sweet tea and looked around. The committee room was empty except for Annette who was stood at the end of the table. The secretary rested her hand on the boy's knee.

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