A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

There were three doors situated at the opposite end of the room. Behind the middle door was the Doctor's office. To the left was the Medical store and drug lock-up. The right hand door led to the committee room.

The doctor was standing by her office desk, her body bent to the side like a ballet dancer as she took off her coat. She looked up as the door opened.

'They are ready for you doctor, ' Her secretary looked admiringly at the young doctor as she spoke.

Sarah Wallis was twenty eight years old. She had been a doctor at the Medical Centre for two years and had already been made head of the Medical Examination Department. She had joined the Medical Board after her compulsory year of hospital duty. Sarah was ambitious. She had learned early in her days at the department that as long as she accommodated the committee's requests, her career would be guaranteed. It had been a nervous time for her in the early weeks. She had not known the routines or how to deal with claims for industrial injury. These claims made up over sixty percent of the work of the examination board. Doctor Sarah Wallis had learned quickly, often using her authority to ensure she got her own way. Her first real test of her own determination had happened only a few months after her appointment to the board. A young man had claimed for injury against a construction company. He had suffered groin strain and had been sent for examination to the centre. She remembered how he had appeared very good looking and quite self assured. She remembered him standing in the examination room, quite at ease even though he was only wearing his underpants. The nurse had given her his notes and she had asked him about his injury. She had been nervous and because of this she adopted a rather abrupt and aloof manner. As she stood talking to him she began to realise that perhaps he was more nervous than she. She had asked him pointedly why he was claiming compensation. He had replied that the strain had caused him to take a lighter job and that it hurt when he made love to his wife. She had noticed his embarrassment as he answered. 'Well I will take a look at it, take your underpants off and lay on the table.' She remembered vividly his look of anguish as she had told him to strip. He had laid before her nervously as she put her hands on his thigh. 'Show me where you feel the pain.' She had asked him. He had pointed to the inside of his thigh, high up toward his groin. It was then she knew that she was in control. Here was a man ten years her senior acting as nervously as a school boy. She had felt the inside of his thigh, pressing firmly with her fingers. He had moaned a little as she located the sore tendons. She had called the young nurse, asking her to hold his penis out of the way as she pressed her fingers higher. He had blushed bright crimson as the nurse took hold of him, cupping his testicles and lifting them to the side. She had taken hold of his penis and stretched it upward. The nurse had not been the least perturbed by her request, nor by the fact that the man's penis had began to stiffen. Sarah had made a mental note to keep this girl as her assistant and to try and find another like her. She remembered pressing her fingers against his thigh to feel for the extent of the strain and moving her hand up to the his groin gently probing the flesh. After taking her hands away she laid the flat of her palm on his lower stomach, just above the pubic hair.

"Any pain here?" She had asked noting his blush as she gently stroked her hand lower over his pubic hair. Her fingertips had touched the base of his penis beneath the nurses hand.

"Er... no" he had stammered as she pressed firmly on the base of his penis before taking her hand away. The young nurse followed suit and let go of the man's penis. He had looked quite comical as his penis stood straight up above his thighs, his face now beetroot red. 'You don't seem to have any sexual problems.' She had said as she looked down on him. 'Do you usually get an erection during a medical examination.' He had no answer, just a look of pure anguish as she took hold of his penis and drew the foreskin down. 'Does it hurt when you ejaculate.' She had asked him coolly.

'I don't k.know.' He stammered.

'Well we shall have to see, just put your hands behind your head and try and relax.'

'What a... are you g... going to do.?'

'Would you see to him nurse.' She had sounded stern, ignoring his question. The nurse had moved behind his head and had made sure his hands were secure. She had turned to the young doctor and raised her eyebrows enquiringly.

'Shall I stay here doctor?' 'Yes I think so.' Sarah had replied as she curled her fingers around the shaft of his penis and proceeded to draw the foreskin slowly up and down. The young nurse laid her hands flat upon the man's chest and began to tease his nipples with her finger nails. It was not long before his hips were writhing under the soft caresses of their hands.

She had thought how easy it all was as she spoke firmly to the him.

'Lay still, or I will turn you over and do it the other way.' She had slipped her other hand between his legs and pushed her finger up in between his bottom cheeks. Quickly she had located the sphincter and without warning had thrust her index finger up into his bottom.

It took no more than five minutes, before he had started to moan and gasp for air. She had pulled her hand from his bottom and reached for a glass test tube from the trolley beside her, leaning forward with her arm outstretched she handed it to the nurse. As soon as the young nurse had taken the glass Sarah pushed her finger back in between his buttocks. Once more she located the sphincter and pushed hard against it. Her finger slid upwards into the anal passage. She curled the finger upward against the prostate and massaged it with a firm motion. The man had groaned loudly thrusting his hips upward. The nurse moved from his head and neatly placed the container over the tip of his penis just as he ejaculated.

She remembered how humiliated he had been. How easy it all was as she squeezed the last of his semen from him. The man had shuddered and moaned, his face bright red with embarrassment as she chided him.

'Well you are a big baby, I couldn't see any strain there.' She had pulled his penis from side to side.

'Still I suppose we will have to give you the benefit of the doubt.

'Y... y.yes d.doctor.' He had stammered as she held his penis firmly, feeling it going softer beneath her fingers. Sarah had noticed there was a new look of respect on the nurse's face. Sarah had instructed the man to stay exactly where he was while she took the nurse through into her office. She had questioned her closely about her feelings during the man's examination. Although she was only nineteen, the nurse had admitted she would love to work permanently with her and that she had enjoyed having that sort of control over a man. It was then that Sarah knew the real thrill of domination.

"I have a bright idea". She told the nurse.

"Follow me back into the examination room." The man was still laid on the table, his penis now flaccid between his legs. She noticed that his head was still resting on his hands.

'You have had twenty minutes to relax, so I am going to ask the nurse to make you ejaculate once more while I examine you.'

The man had turned his head toward them looking astonished as they stood on either side of him. She ignored his protestations and his blushing face as she leaned low over the table examining his flaccid penis.

'Just relax now.' She had placed her hands on the inside of his thigh, pulling his leg toward her.

'Would you, please nurse.' She had nodded toward the man's genitals and then up to the nurse. The nurse had tried to hide her delight as she gently took hold of his penis. Sarah had been surprised at how expertly the nurse's fingers coaxed the organ to erect. It took longer the second time but it was still no more than ten minutes before Sarah was holding the test tube over the end of the man's penis, catching the flow of semen as he ejaculated.

He had moaned and thrashed his hips, but the young nurse had held him firmly, squeezing his testicles hard at the moment of climax.

A year and a half had elapsed since that day. During that time the young nurse had helped Sarah find another assistant, equally discreet. The nurse had helped with her knowledge of the committee, telling Sarah their likes and dislikes.

A few months later, Sarah had taken on two new secretaries, both of whom, shared her ambition and enjoyed her sexual activities with the younger patients.

The secretary watched the young doctor as she hung her coat on a hanger and placed in on the rail. A pure silk blouse covered her slim shoulders. She wore no bra. The shape of her nipples was clearly visible through the material. Her breasts were small and firm. Around her slim waist she wore a wide leather belt with a pretty buckle. Her skirt was fashionably short, showing her brown knees and trim legs. She wore high heeled shoes of black leather.

'Who have we got today.' She asked her secretary as she began to unfasten the leather belt around her waist.

'We've got a girl and a boy, The boy is from the orphanage, he's going to be fostered and the girl is from immigration.'

'How old are they.'

The young secretary smiled.

'I think you will like these two. The boy is fifteen tomorrow and the girl is sixteen.'

'Are they nice looking.' The doctor looked at her secretary. She stepped out of her skirt, her pretty brown legs moving daintily as she kicked off her shoes. Her grey blouse shone under the lights as she unbuttoned it, revealing a trim tummy and firm breasts. She wore only a pair of brief panties, the sides ending in a thin silk string tied in a bow.

'Nice looking would be an under statement. The boy is most unusual, in fact I have never seen a body or face so perfect. The girl is Vietnamese, very pretty and trim. I think you will be delighted.'

The doctor smiled.

'Do you think I ought to greet them like this.' She twirled around, her slim body moving gracefully.

'I think you look marvellous.' Her secretary said as she placed her hand over the doctors firm breast, her fingers gently caressing the nipple. Her face was blushing red, but she could not resist the impulse to touch her body. Jill had been the last of the team to join the young doctor, she had quickly fallen under her spell. She admired her more than any person she had ever known, and although she did not know why she felt sure that she would do anything for her. She looked up at the doctor as she stood holding her breast and shyly tilted her head, kissing her on the lips.

'My you are in a mood today, if you are a good girl I might call you in at the appropriate moment, and if you are a bad girl I might just smack your bare bottom. Now what do you think I should wear?'

'Well, there is Lady Todd-Berresforsd heading the committee, Maggie Forbes and a woman from Immigration. I haven't met the woman from Immigration yet.'

'OK I think I will wear a plain white blouse and navy skirt. That should look efficient enough. Ask Jane and Francis to start while I get ready will you?' The doctor's secretary took her hand away from the erect nipple and picked up her clip board.

'Will you remember your promise?' she said shyly as she went through the door.

Richard stood facing the glass cabinet, he had been looking at the various instruments without understanding any of their uses.

He heard the door open as the doctor's secretary came back into the room.

She walked toward the girl, standing near the scales behind Richard.

The nurse's will be through in a minute, so just be patient. She spoke to them both as she passed them, walking through the door into her office. The girl looked around as the secretary left the room. She had been through so many formalities during her immigration. She had thought she would never get to England. It had been the Church Army who eventually arranged her final visa, a few weeks before the first troubles. Since that time she had travelled continuously until a post as servant to an English Lady had been arranged. She was determined that nothing should go wrong at this stage. Her name was Neijiet, which most people had had difficulty in pronouncing. She had agreed to have it changed to Annette, which was the nearest sound to her own name. She had been nervous and embarrassed when the woman and taken her to be shaved, but she had decided that what ever she was asked to do, she would obey without question. She did not want to return to Vietnam, having no family or friends she would have been destined for shipment to the hills, where girls laboured throughout the day, sleeping in crude huts at night. She had heard that people grew old very quickly there. The woman who had shaved her had said that Lady Rawlings was a kind woman, and that she would be very happy there.

She looked at the boy as he stood facing away from her. She examined his body, noting the six stripes across his bottom. It was not unusual in Vietnam to be beaten by one's family, or the authorities, and this did not seem a severe beating. She admired his body, she had not seen a boy so good looking either in Vietnam or since she had landed in England.

The door from the secretary's office opened and two young nurses walked in. They were dressed in starched white tunics, their bare legs visible to mid thigh. She noticed that they were both tanned, their skin shining with health. Both nurses were tall, one had blonde hair which was cut short around her head, showing off her pretty features. The second nurse had dark hair which was cut straight around her neckline. She was extremely pretty, she smiled at the girl, displaying strong white teeth.

'Up on to the scales please.' She motioned to the girl to stand facing forward on the platform. The dark haired nurse marked the weight on her chart as the scales steadied.

'That's fine, now just stand against the measure on the wall, facing me.' The nurse watched as the girl stepped off the scales and walked to the wall near the office door.

'Put your back flat against the wall, and press your shoulders back, that's it.' The young girl obeyed, her breasts jutting forward as she pressed her shoulders back.

'That's fine, now go with Nurse Falmer and get up on the far table will you.' The girl followed the blonde nurse to the second of the examination tables.

Richard could hear the instructions the nurses were giving but could see nothing but vague reflections in the glass in front of his face.

'Right young man, it's your turn now, come over here to the scales will you.' Richard turned, his hands still placed over his genitals as he walked toward the nurse. She looked very pretty as she smiled at him.

'I hope you are not going to be shy all through the examination are you.' She looked at his hands covering himself.

'Just stand on the scales facing me.' Richard did as he was asked and stood facing the nurse. His face was now level with hers as he stood up on the platform. She noted his weight from the digital scale and picked up her clipboard that held Richard's details.

'all right Richard, up against the measure, that's it.' Richard stood with his back to the wall measure, still covering himself with his hands.

'I'm afraid you will have to stand straight.' She said kindly. 'Just drop your hands by your sides and press your shoulders against the wall. Press your head back that's the way.' Richard reluctantly let his hands drop to his sides, his face blushing as he uncovered himself. He pressed his head, back looking straight at the young nurse as she smiled at him. She moved to his side to take the measurement from the chart. Richard could see the examination table with the young girl laid upon it. She was stretched out on her back, her head was toward Richard, he could see her breasts jutting upward. Her legs were close together her toes pointing forward.

Her smooth pubic mound pale under the overhead lights. The nurse moved back in front of Richard, her eyes glancing down at his groin, as she laid her hand on his shoulder. He noticed her look and blushed as her eyes met his.

'Just get up on the table and lay on your back, I'm just going to take your blood pressure.' She led him by his shoulder to the table. Richard climbed up aware that the nurse was watching him. He could not help blushing again as she laid her hand on his chest, smoothing it up over his nipple. She moved to the top of the bed and took hold of his head gently, placing it so that it was tilted back slightly. Richard laid there feeling very nervous as the nurse drew up a trolley containing a blood pressure strap and gauge as well as other instruments.

'Keep your head like that Richard.' She said softly as Richard tried to look to see what she was going to do to him. She took his right arm and wound the strap around the part above his elbow. Richard could feel the strap tightening as she squeezed the lemon shaped rubber pump between her fingers. She watched the gauge on the trolley, reading the pressure.

The nurse finished the reading and marked the result on Richard's chart. She gently released his arm from the strap and pushed the trolley back from the side of the table.

She looked down at the boy laid before her, examining every inch of his body. She noticed his tight scrotum, the testes bulging below his penis. His thighs were pressed together tightly as if trying to hide his genitals from her. She looked up toward his face, he was staring up at the ceiling his head in exactly the position she had placed it. She took a needle and syringe from the trolley and fitted them together. Walking around the table she took hold of his other arm.

'You will just feel a little prick in your arm Richard.' She said softly as she located a vein on the inside of his forearm. Carefully she pushed the needle in to the vein and pulled a small amount of blood into the syringe, before extracting the needle.

The nurse took the syringe back to the trolley and opened a small circular plaster which she placed on the boy's arm. Gently she stroked her hand over the boy's tummy, her fingertips just brushing the top of his pubic hair.

'You can get up now and stand over here.' Richard sat up, his face red with embarrassment. He tried to turn his body away from the nurse as he swung his legs over the side of the bed.

'Just stand here.' She gestured to an open area on the floor. Richard stood facing her. He could hear the girl being asked to sit up on the examination table behind him. Sarah was delighted with the sight that greeted her.

Sarah looked over at the girl laid on the examination table. Her lithe young body supplicant below the nurse attending her. She walked toward the boy stood at the far end of the room.

'Have you taken the blood sample nurse?' She asked as she stood in front of the naked boy. She placed her hand under his chin and raised his head until his eyes met hers.

'Well my boy, I will start with your respiration, jump up and down on the spot until I tell you to stop."

Richard looked into her eyes feeling vulnerable at the intensity of her gaze. She stepped back, motioning him to start. Richard began to jump up and down on the spot, he became acutely aware of his penis slapping up on to his stomach and then down on to his thigh. Sarah watched the boy, she admired his graceful form as he moved before her. 'Try jumping a little higher.' She looked at his face and then down toward his penis as it slapped between his legs.

Her head bent forward as she placed her stethoscope into her ears and picked up the end in her left hand.

'Right Richard you can stop now.' She placed her hand on his shoulder and drew him closer until the front of her tunic pressed against the boy's naked flesh. The stethoscope felt cold against his chest as she moved it up over his heart.

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