A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

Richard stood in the middle of the room feeling totally naked and ashamed. His young body trembling as he stood holding his hands over his groin. He had been standing there for quite a few minutes before two more young nurses entered the room. They both had dark hair pinned under pretty caps set back on their heads. The taller and prettier of the two went to the sinks ignoring the boy as he stood covering himself. The other nurse, a petite athletic looking girl stood in front of Richard. Both nurses wore rubber aprons, covering their starched tunics.

'We will need a urine sample from you before we start.' She said meeting the boy's eyes.

'I just... just did... ' Richard stammered as he looked at the nurse before dropping his gaze to the floor.'

'It's here.' The second nurse walked across from the sinks to stand by his side. 'I want you to get up on the table, and kneel down on your hands and knee's, do you think you can do that for me?' She spoke kindly to him. 'I am Nurse Ford.' The taller nurse spoke again as she placed a hand on his shoulder and turned his body toward the table.

'This is Nurse Todd, and your name is Richard is that right.'

Richard nodded as he climbed on to the table. Both nurses watched him as he kneeled down facing them, his face suffused in red. The taller nurse placed her hand gently on his shoulders and stroked her fingers down his back and over his upturned buttocks.

'Now we are going to give you an enema, I don't suppose you have had one before so I will tell you that it doesn't hurt, so just relax when I tell you, all right?'

Richard nodded his head numbly. The small blonde nurse had brought an instrument trolley up to the end of the table. The instrument trolley had four corner posts, one of which extended to six feet high. On top of the extension hung a soft plastic container. The oblong bag was about eight inches long and contained two pints of liquid. The lower end of the bag was moulded into an adapter on which was attached a long tube, the bottom of which was coiled up on the trolley's tabletop. The nurse placed the trolley alongside the table where the boy was kneeling. Nurse Ford moved behind Richard and placed her hands on his ankles.

'Just shuffle back a little bit... there that's it... and open your knees as wide as you can.' She gently held the boy's ankles as he moved back. She moved her hands to the inside's of his knees. 'Open up a little more... there that's it... there's a good boy.' She spoke very softly, as one would to a small child.

Richard felt utterly humiliated as the young nurse parted his legs. He was well aware that she had plain view of his testicles and penis hanging down between his widely spread thighs. His buttocks clenched as she stroked her fingers delicately over his bottom. Nurse Todd looked to her companion and motioned her head toward the weals, still clearly delineated across the boy's buttocks. 'You have been in the wars, haven't you.' She traced her hand across the marks left by his caning.

'I didn't know they caned you so severely at the orphanage.'

Richard felt the now familiar nerves in his stomach begin to churn. He was going to explain and then thought better of it.

"Yes miss."

He replied his voice a hoarse whisper. The nurse took a pair of thin plastic gloves from the trolley and slipped them on to her pretty hands.

'Now I am just going to lubricate your bottom for a few moments, so just breathe deeply and try and let yourself relax.'

She took a tube from the trolley and squeezed some of the contents on to her index finger. Richard felt her cool fingers part his bottom. He flinched as the cold lubricant touched his sphincter. The nurse gently rubbed her finger up and down over his the small opening. The fingers of her other hand pulling the cheek of his bottom to the side. She probed gently, feeling his bottom squirm under her hand as she rubbed over the tightly puckered sphincter.

'Now just breathe deeply, in and out, in and out.' Her words set up a rhythm for the boy to copy.

'There that's the way.' She said, as her finger became bolder, probing more urgently at the puckered star of the sphincter.

'Oooh... ooh.' Richard gasped as her finger slid neatly up into his anus.

'Just breathe deeply, there's a good boy.' She probed delicately in and out of the boy's anal passage.

'I'm afraid you're a little tight, just try and relax your bottom a little more.' Richard tried to relax his buttocks, but could not, his bottom tightened as her finger pushed up into him. He did not see the other nurse stand behind him. She held a long chromium nozzle with a rubber tube attached to it. The nozzle had a smooth flange half way down the stem. The flange was about an inch and a half in diameter tapering back to a thinner section. A soft rubber ring encompassed the end of the adapter to which the tube was attached. She held it behind her as Nurse Ford increased the penetration of her finger into the boy's anus.

Nodding her head to her colleague, she pushed her finger further in.

'Just relax now.' She said gently as her colleague moved the nozzle in between the cheeks of Richard's bottom. Delicately the nurse eased her finger partly out of the anus. She pulled down on the sphincter with her fingertip still inside. Richard began to tremble as she increased the pressure of her finger, he gasped as she stretched the opening. 'Take a deep breath, all the way in, that's it.' The second nurse placed the tip of the nozzle against the small opening above her companion's finger. She pushed firmly feeling a small resistance before the cold steel slid up into the anus. 'Breathe in deeply now.' She said softly as she pushed the nozzle further in. The flange was now touching the tightly stretched sphincter.

'Ooh... ooh.' Richard moaned as he felt the cold appliance invade his bottom. Nurse Ford stroked her hand over the boys buttocks, stroking softly as her colleague moved round to the boy's side and placed her hand firmly on his back, bringing her other hand up underneath his slim tummy. 'Now breathe deeply just once more, and relax your bottom, just one more push now.' 'Ooooh oo... er.' Richard gasped as he felt the cold steel push hard against his bottom feeling his sphincter stretch over the smooth metal flange.

The nurse stood by his side gently pushing her hand down on the small of his back.

"Keep your bottom up there's a good boy". With her left hand she stoked underneath him, her fingers running under his tummy and toward his groin. She nodded at her companion and pushed down hard on the boy's back. Nurse Todd pushed the flange firmly against the sphincter, watching the skin stretch wide as the flange disappeared up into the boy. 'Oooo... hh... oohh.' He cried as he felt his bottom stretched wide.

"There we are it's all in now, just relax.' She said as she pushed the buttocks apart to check the nozzle was being firmly held in place.

'There that didn't hurt too much did it. 'said the nurse at his side, feeling his body give a reactionary shudder after the sudden penetration.

Richard could feel the cold steel deep inside him, his anus was contracting, trying to reject the intrusion.

The nurse stood behind him for a few moments gently stroking the quivering cheeks of his bottom. She noticed that his penis had distended slightly during the insertion of the nozzle. She stroked over his buttocks comforting him before she turned on the irrigator.

'Nurse Ford is going to feel your tummy to make sure you are all right, so don't worry Richard.' She said softly.

Richard felt the cool water begin to fill his insides, it felt strange as it passed into his bowels, making his nerves tingle right down to the tip of his penis. The nurse moved from behind him and around the table, her hips leaning against the top as she stood facing the boy. She cupped her hand under his chin and raised his head to look at her. Her strong features softened as she spoke softly to him.

'It wont take long, and its easier for you when I let the irrigation run in slowly.' she said.

She stroked his cheek and continued to hold his chin, looking into his eyes.

Richard felt his insides beginning to fill, he felt bloated, his stomach distended as Nurse Ford stroked his tummy, her fingers cool on his skin.

She stroked her hand back and forth, feeling the lower stomach swell. She felt his penis brush against her fingers as she moved her hands further down into his pubic hair. Her other hand ran over his back and down on to his buttocks. The feel of the boy's skin was delightful, his body looking beautiful as he kneeled before her.

'There is only a little more and then we've finished.' She said as her fingers once more bushed his penis.'

Richard was feeling a growing embarrassment as he felt her hands touching him. He was aware that his penis had grown, the foreskin curling back over the rim of the glans.

Nurse Todd held the boy's face in her hands. She too, was enjoying the sight of his body. She had not seen a boy so beautifully featured before. She spoke gently to Richard whose face was becoming redder by the minute.

'I'm just going to take the nozzle out of your bottom, I won't hurt you I promise.' She looked deep into his eyes.

'The secret is just to relax your bottom, you can do that for me can't you Richard.'

Richard felt utterly embarrassed as the pretty nurse stroked his cheek. Would she see that his penis had grown, he felt his body shudder as the nurse walked back to the trolley and turned off the irrigator.

She picked up the tube of lubricant her colleague had used earlier and squeezed a little on to her finger. Standing behind the boy she gently placed her hand on his buttock, her fingers resting in the cleft of his bottom.

With her right hand she pushed her finger against the opening, making sure the lubricant penetrated the inside of his sphincter.

'Just relax.' She said as she took hold of the metal appliance. She pulled gently but quickly, watching the sphincter close back over the stem as she extracted the flange.

'There that's a good boy.' she said as she delicately slid the rest of the nozzle out of his bottom. She picked up a gauze pad and held it firmly in between his buttocks. She noticed that his penis was now quite stiff and was pointing forward slightly.

'Right if you can just slide your legs off the back of the table and stand up. I'll take care of your bottom.'

Richard felt awkward as both of the nurses helped him from the table. Nurse Todd carefully pressed the gauze firmly to his bottom, making sure there was no spillage.

Richard was blushing profusely as he stood down from the table his penis was stiff and pointing forward. Nurse Todd smiled at her companion as she watched the boy's penis bob from side to side as they helped him from the table to a cubicle in the corner.

There was a toilet boil and bidet inset in the tiled floor of the cubicle.

'Just sit on here.' The nurse said as she took away the gauze.

'We'll leave you here Richard, just come through that door when you've finished.'

Both nurses were looking down at him surely they would see his erection Richard blushed a deeper red. The nurses seemed oblivious to his plight.

It was ten minutes later when Richard emerged through the door to the row of baths. Both nurses looked up at his naked body, his hands once again clasped tightly to his groin. The bath they were stood next to was already half filled with water.

'Just pop yourself in here, Richard and you will feel a lot better.' The taller girl addressed Richard and pointed to the water. Richard got into the bath covering his now flaccid penis.

He sat down, using one hand on the side of the bath as he covered himself with the other.

'I will leave you to it.' The smaller girl addressed her colleague as she left the bathroom.

The nurse kneeled by the side of the bath and took a jug she had placed on the floor. She filled the jug from the bath water behind the boy's back.

'Close your eyes Richard I am going to wash your hair.' She proceeded to pour water from the jug over the boy's head as he squeezed his eye-lids together. She got up and fetched shampoo from a trolley at the far side of the room. The trolley contained an assortment of bottles and jars.

Turning to the bath she observed the boy as he sat in the warm water, his face screwed up as he squeezed his eyes. His hands were still covering himself. I am going to enjoy this she thought as she approached the bath. Pouring the liquid on to his head, she began to shampoo the boy's hair, rinsing it several times before putting on more shampoo. Gently she massaged his scalp, her fingers stroking the back of his neck and his ears. She rinsed once more before fetching clean warm water from the tap at the sink.

'Eyes tight, you don't want soap in your eyes.' She poured more water over the boy's head.

'Right stand up and I'll do the rest of you.' Richard's eyes were still shut but there was no mistaking the boy's reaction to her words.

He blushed as he took one hand away from his groin and held the side of the bath. The girl smiled as she helped him up putting her arm round his waist.

Above the bath was a metal bar, which ran along the entire length of the room. It held plastic shower curtains at one end. The bar was about two feet above the boy's head. She took one of Richard's wrists and lifted it above his head.

'Take hold of the bar Richard.' She said gently as Richard looked up. He clasped his fingers around the bar, his other hand still cupped tightly over his penis. He blushed as she took hold of his other wrist and pulled it from his groin.

'Both hands on the bar, that's a good boy.' She said soothingly as she exposed him. Richard felt numb, standing naked before the young nurse. She smiled kindly at him before walking across to the surgical trolley situated in the middle of the room. She wheeled it across to the bath and taking a dispenser of liquid soap she squeezed a generous helping on to her palm. Looking up at Richard she saw the dismay on his face as she scooped water on to his tummy. Don't be embarrassed Richard.' She said brightly. 'You want to feel clean don't you?'

'Yes Nurse.' Richard said, his mind in turmoil.' She scooped more water on to his stomach and watched it trickle down between his legs.

'Well then a nice warm bath is just the thing.' She transferred the soap to her left hand and proceeded to soap the young boy's stomach avoiding his pubic hair. She took the jug again and poured water over his shoulders and chest. Soaping both hands thoroughly, she washed his back and shoulders her hands moving smoothly over his body.

'I would have thought it would be quite nice to have someone do the work for you.' She brought her body closer to him as she spoke, looking up in to his face. Her hands slowly moving over his thighs and down to his knees. She took her hands away and placed them around his waist, her body touching his thighs as her fingers gently soaped him. Richard looked at her his face bright red, the cold of her rubber apron cool against his skin.

"Well, doesn't that feel nice?".

'Yes Miss.' He stammered, his body taut as he gripped the rail above his head.

His chest and shoulders as well as his thighs were well covered in soap suds, but so far she had not touched his pubic area.

"Maybe she would not touch him anywhere else, he hoped as he felt her soft hands moving over his body. 'Well that must feel a lot better.' she said as she brought her hand up in between his legs, her palm stroking the back of his thighs.

'Just open your legs a little, that's it just a bit more.' Richard groaned and his heart sank as she brought her right hand up between his buttocks, her other hand pushing his legs apart.

'That's it as wide as you can go.' She pushed his thighs apart until his feet were touching the curve of the bath side.

Slowly and deliberately she pushed her hand in between his bottom and underneath him, cupping his testicles in her right palm, the left hand slowly ascending the front of his thighs. Richard steeled himself for what must surely come next.

'You do want to be clean here, don't you. He could not help watching as her hand moved up his thighs and firmly took hold of his penis.

'Most young boys never seem to wash properly here.' She pushed her hand further in between his thighs and took hold of the shaft of his penis with her right hand. With the other she pinched the tip of the penis before pulling the foreskin back firmly. She looked up into his face as she stretched the foreskin back along the shaft as far as far as it would go. His eyes were shut and his breathing laboured as she began to manipulate the foreskin up and down the shaft. She seemed oblivious to his discomfort, her hand steadily soaping over his penis. She smiled to herself as she felt his penis begin to stiffen. She looked at him, but his eyes were shut tight, his face suffused in red. Richard gasped as she pulled the foreskin back once more this time holding the skin and running a fingertip around the sensitive rim. He opened his eyes and looked at her as she suddenly squeezed his penis hard.

"I'm sorry Richard, did I hurt you? Her tone matter of fact. She did she seem the least concerned that his penis was erect. Richard tried to answer, but all he could manage was an unintelligible whisper. Her right hand moved between his legs alternating between his testicles and penis as she soaped him thoroughly. He was aware that his penis was now pointing straight out in front of him. He felt a soapy hand slip between his buttocks. Her finger probing against the sphincter, delicately seeking the entrance. Richard could do nothing as he felt her slowly and deliberately insinuate the tip of her soapy finger into his bottom. Without warning she pushed the finger straight up.

'Oooh... oo.oh. Richard gasped as her finger sunk fully into his bottom.

'I'm sorry Richard, I'll try and be careful, but I must have you nice and clean here." She began to move her finger in and out of his bottom, withdrawing as far as the first knuckle and then pushing up until the finger was again fully inserted. With her other hand she squeezed the tip of his penis. The manipulation of her finger inside the boy completed his erection. Richard jerked his hips violently as her fingers played around the tip of his penis. His knees trembled and jerked as she pushed her finger hard up into his bottom, the tip brushing over the prostate gland. Suddenly she felt the penis begin to throb uncontrollably. Quickly she let go of his organ and quickly withdrew her finger from his bottom.

'There that seems all right.' She said softly as she took her hands from the boy. 'Just stay where you are a few moments, ' she patted him gently on the buttocks and bent to get a towel from the trolley

Richard stood trembling, his arms stretched out above him. His penis thrusting out above his parted thighs. He felt utterly humiliated as he watched the nurse reach down for a towel. Her shapely body swaying as she bent on one knee. He felt a sudden chill on his body as the door behind the row of baths opened.

'Are you finished?' He heard a voice behind him.

'Yes I've just got to dry him off and he can go through.' The young nurse stood up holding a towel as Nurse Todd walked up to her companion.

'My you have been busy.' She said looking at Richard, her eyes glancing down at the boy's turgid penis.

Richard looked straight ahead, avoiding the girl's eyes. He blushed a deeper red as she stepped toward him and placed her arm around his waist.

'Just step out and we'll dry you off.' She pulled the boy's arm down from the rail above him and turned his body toward her. Placing her hand behind his knee she indicated him to step out of the bath.

Richard's face was ablaze, his head felt dizzy as she helped him from the bath. He could not avoid her eyes and was embarrassed to see a look of amusement on her face. The nurse pulled his body towards her as a towel was put around his shoulders.

'Stand there and we'll soon have you dry.' she said as she proceeded to rub his shoulders with the towel. Richard looked down as the nurse dried him, her rubber apron was pressing against his out-stretched penis, rubbing against it as her body moved. She slipped her arms beneath his, catching hold of the towel and continued drying him. Her hands moved lower rubbing the towel over his buttocks, Richard felt his penis being pressed hard against her body as she moved further forward reaching around his waist. The nurse seemed unaware of his embarrassment as she bent on one knee, her hands moved the towel down the back of his legs.

Her head was inches from his erect penis as she brought the towel round in front of his legs and took it in one hand, holding the back of his knee with the other. She was looking at his penis as she spoke.

'My Richard you are tense, just try and relax a bit, there's a good boy.' She moved the hand on the back of his knee up to his bottom, her cool hand cupping his buttock as she dried the front of his thighs.

'Open your legs a little.' She said, pushing the towel in between his legs. Richard was in a haze of embarrassment as she slid the towel up under his testicles, rubbing backward and forward gently. He started to tremble as she brought the towel under his penis, the texture of the material sending shivers through him as it brushed against the exposed rim of the glans. She pulled on his bottom as she deliberately brushed the towel over the sensitive tip. Richard could not help jerking his hips backwards as he tried to escape the sensation.

'There all done, I'll just put a bit of cream in your bottom and then you will be ready to see the doctor.' Richard felt numb his head was ringing and his throat was dry. Nurse Todd stood up and turned the boy so he was facing her colleague.

'Just bend forward, see if you can touch your toes.' She gently pushed his back as her hand slid round his waist holding the flat her hand against his tummy. Richard bent forward trying to avoid the interested gaze of the nurse in front of him.

'Legs apart.' She commanded as she took a scoop of cream from a jar on the trolley.

'Just bend forward a little more.' She bent over behind him and placed her hand on the left cheek of his bottom, pulling it firmly to the side she exposed the boy's sphincter. Richard felt cool creamy fingers gently rub against his anus, her fingers probed gently but insistently against the opening. 'Relax, you feel very tense.' Richard jerked, trying to straighten his body as she slid her finger into his trembling bottom.

Relax now, like we told you.' She pushed the finger further in making him squirm as dainty finger slid up into him. She watched as the sphincter closed over her slim finger feeling the boy tremble as she pushed it in as far as she could. Slowly she eased her finger back out so that only the tip remained inside. She probed the sphincter gently before withdrawing completely. 'That should make it easier.' She said brightly as she withdrew the tip of her finger from his bottom.

'You can stand up and turn back to face me.'

Richard straightened up, his bottom felt as if it were still trying to expel her finger as he stood straight and turned toward her once more. The nurse dipped her hand into the jar once more and took hold of the boy's erect penis. Richard closed his eyes his body trembling as he felt her cool fingers wrap around his member. She pushed the foreskin back as far as it would go, stretching the skin tight.

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