A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

It was fifteen minutes before Diane and Veronica got up and went over to the boy. Richard had stopped sobbing but the tears still fell down his cheeks. 'Up you get, ' said Veronica laying her hand gently over the six bright weals' that decorated the boy's bottom. 'Let's have a look at you.'

Richard got up awkwardly from the table. His knees felt stiff as he lifted them from the bench and straightened them. He stood facing the table, the two girls standing behind him. 'Turn round and let's have a look at you.' Veronica told the boy.' Richard turned to face the girl his head hung down. His hands were trying to cover his penis which was still swollen.

'Head up, hands by your sides.'

Richard took his hands away and looked up his face flushed.

His tear stained cheeks blushed bright red.

Veronica took the boy's penis in her hand and squeezed. To Richard's amazement she pulled his penis forward and held him by it as she led him back to picnic blankets.

Wendy watched his face as Veronica held him by his penis. Richard was blushing profusely. He squeezed his eyes shut as he saw her look at Veronica's hand holding his erect penis.

'Kneel down on the blanket Richard, I want to see to your bottom' Diane gestured as she sat down. Richard kneeled forward taking the weight on his hands, his arms straight.

'That's fine. Just stay like that.'

'Do you want this Miss.' Wendy held out the bottle of lotion that had been used on her own bottom.

'Thank you Wendy' Diane smiled warmly at the girl. She took hold of the bottle and spilled lotion on to her hand. 'Hold this for me.' She handed the bottle to Veronica who poured some on to her own-cupped hand.

Diane moved around behind Richard proceeded to gently apply the lotion to his naked bottom. Veronica smiled knowingly at Diane and slid her hand underneath Richard's tummy reaching for his penis once more. Richard trembled as he felt their light fingers rubbing the lotion into his body.

Veronica gently rubbed the lotion into his penis feeling it throb as she stroked him.

Diane parted Richard's legs and applied lotion along the crease of his buttocks deliberately making the boy squirm. His penis felt as if it were bursting as their busy fingers intoxicated his senses.

'Right young man, lie down on your side and turn over on your back.' Richard just managed to understand, his mind was awash with sensation.

'Hurry up.' The girls took their hands from his penis and buttocks. Richard slid his knees to the ground laying face down. Veronica put her hand under his hip and turned him over gently. He closed his eyes, not daring to look at the girls. He knew his penis was sticking straight up in the air. His humiliation was total.

'Open your legs as wide as you can Richard, there's a good boy.' Diane voice was soothing but insistent. Richard parted his legs as wide as he could. 'Bend your knee's, that's it she said gently as she took hold of one knee and bent it up and out. Richard had never felt so humiliated. His body trembled and his lips quivered in distress. Diane stood up looking down on the naked boy, his body spread before her.

'Come here Wendy' Said Diane looking to her maid. She came and stood by her. 'Just take off your skirt there's a good girl.' Wendy looked at Diane anxiously. 'I haven't got my panties on Miss.' she said blushing.

'That's all right, just take it off.' She undid the buttons and let the skirt fall over her slim legs. She picked it up and laid it to the side of the boy, looking down at his penis as she did so. The maid stood up in front of Diane she was naked from the waist down. She tried her best to hide her embarrassment, but could not help keeping her pretty legs pressed together. 'Right just step over here, that's it one leg either side, now kneel down.' Diane instructed Wendy to sit astride the boy's waist with her pretty bottom facing his head, she observed the position of both Richard and her Maid. She was satisfied to see Wendy sitting over the boy looking innocently at Richard's erect penis, standing stiffly only inches from her face.

'Now Wendy I just want you to hold his legs under your arms, you can do that can't you.

'Yes Miss.' the maid replied. Diane took hold of one of the boy's legs making him bend the knee further as she pushed it up over his hips. Veronica took charge of the other leg doing the same and placing the maid's arm over the back of the boy's knee. Richard felt so embarrassed as he lay there, his legs bent back over his body his sore bottom lifted up off the ground.

'You don't need to kneel up, sit your bottom down a bit.' She said to the maid. Wendy let her buttocks move down on to the boy's chest, feeling his warm body under the cheeks of her bottom. Veronica moved to kneel by his shoulder. She looked down into his eyes. His cheeks were suffused in a bright red blush. He had shut his eyes tightly, his lips were trembling and his chin quivered as she stroked soft fingers over his hot cheeks.

'Open your eyes.' Veronica said gently.

Richard obeyed, slowly opening his eyes to look up into Veronica's beautiful face. Her hair was shining in the sunlight. She parted her sensuous lips and lowering her head kissed him on the cheek. Richard could not help but watch as Veronica sat up and began to slowly unbutton her shirt, pulling it from her waistband and dropping it down over her shoulders and arms. Her naked breasts stood out firmly as the she gazed down on him. Veronica took her arms out of the sleeves and leaned over the boy's face. Her nipples brushed across his cheeks as she moved her body over him.

Diane knelt between Richard's legs and gently cupped her hand underneath his testicles. Her fingernails gently traced a pattern along the soft underside of the scrotum causing the skin to contract.

Wendy watched in fascination as Diane took his penis in her other hand and gently slid her fingers up around the shaft, bending forward she blew on to the tip of the boy's penis.

Slowly but steadily her hand passed up and down over the glans pulling the foreskin tight as she reached the base of the swollen organ.

Richard's eyes were misty, his body stiffened as Diane cleverly stimulated his body to a fever of excitement.

'There, there Richard.' Veronica whispered, bringing her lips over the boy's face. 'It will all be over soon, you have had a traumatic day just relax there's a good boy.'

She gently stroked the boy's face. His breathing had become heavier and more laboured, his body was trembling all over as Diane increased the pressure of her fingers upon his penis. Diane noticed his hips had begun to move in small gyrations. She gently squeezed his testicles and pulled them forward. His buttocks moved from side to side as she brought him toward a climax.

She mover her hand from his testicles and placed it over the end of his penis. She flattened the palm and rubbed it in a circular motion over the lips of the opening. The boy immediately tried to draw away from the intense sensation. But Diane held his penis firmly her hand keeping a steady motion up and down the shaft. Veronica watched his face, his mouth opened wide as he gasped for air. His breath producing a rasping sound against the larynx as the girl's brought him inexorably to the very edge of his impending climax.

'Oooooohh... ooh.ohh... ooohh.' Richard moaned.

'Aaah... hh... hh. He threw his head back. There was a pounding in his ears and his vision became blurred. Wendy felt the boy buck like a young colt beneath her buttocks. She pressed down on to his body and felt the soft lips of her vagina slide over his smooth skin.

'You poor boy, you are tense aren't you, just hang on, you will come very soon.' Veronica whispered as she pressed her breasts over his chest and shoulder. Her face close to the boy's trembling lips.

'Ooooooo... oo... ooohhhh... ' Richard's head moved from side to side as once more ran the palm of her hand over the sensitive opening of his penis. She deliberately stretched the foreskin as tight it would go. Her fingers squeezing hard around the shaft. Richard was beside himself every nerve in his body stretched to breaking point.

Without warning, Diane slipped the palm of her left hand between his legs her fingertips pressed hard against the anus, feeling for the first spasms of his climax.

'Ooooohhh... aaaarrhhhhhhh.' Richard's moans grew louder. His head jerked from side to side, his mouth slack. Veronica held the boys face between her hands as she saw his eyes lose focus.

'Pleeeeaaase... Miss... pleeee... oooohhhh... aaaarrrhh.' Richard lost control. His limbs twitched as if he were having a fit. His eyes staring wildly.

Diane felt the climax approach and deftly pushed her forefinger up into the boy's anus rapidly moving her finger in and out of the soft tissue of the sphincter. She watched as the first jets of semen erupted from the tip of the penis. Immediately she pushed her finger hard up into his anus. She felt him buck as she curled the finger hard up against the prostate gland.

"There my boy". she cooed.

"Let's Have a nice big come from you." 'Oooooo... oooo... oooohhhhh... aaaaaarrrrhhhhh. Richard moaned louder and louder his imprisoned hips trying to escape. His thighs quivering as his nerves sent shocks through to his legs. 'Ooooooohhh... Miss... Mi... ss. Wave after wave of pleasure rushed through his body. 'There you are, you're coming now.' whispered Veronica as she moved her lips over his.

'Pleeeeaase... Missssss... ' Richard gasped as spurt after spurt of semen shot from his penis.

Suddenly Veronica closed her lips over his, deliberately robbing him of air. She pushed her tongue deep into the back of his throat and held him for a moment. Slowly she withdrew her mouth, feeling his chest heave as he drew in lung full's of air. Diane continued drawing her fingers firmly up and down the boy's penis. Her other hand pushing deep between the parted buttocks...

Wendy felt the boy's stomach heave as she rubbed herself over him. Fascinated the maid watched as yet another stream of semen shot from the tip o his penis and high into the air.

The boy's climax seemed to last forever as Diane cleverly coaxed every drop of juice from him. Richard's body trembled from head to foot. His fingers were stretched rigid, the orgasm had seemed to reach every part of his young body. His lungs felt as if they were about to explode as he gasped for air. 'Arrrhh.arrrhh. He moaned, all his strength gone, his body drained. Veronica looked down at him, her breasts gently pressing against him, her face close to his. 'There my precious boy, it's all over now'. She whispered softly, her breath sweet on his lips.

'Oh... Miss... Misssss' Richard breathed a deep gulp of air as the last spasm's of pleasure rippled through his young body. Diane gripped the base of his penis, squeezing hard. She gently slipped her finger out of his bottom and cupped his testicles, Squeezing gently as her other hand firmly slid up his penis bringing the last drop of semen to the tip. Richard looked up at Veronica as if he had returned from a dream. 'Oh Miss... Miss.' He stammered. Veronica bent her body over his face and cupped her right breast, gently placing it against his open mouth. 'There my baby... there.' She said soothingly as the boy's trembling lips closed over the nipple.

Wendy looked in wonder at her Mistress watching every movement as Diane gently wiped a small globule of semen from the tip of Richard's penis. She reached for Wendy's hand, motioning her to let down Richard's legs. Satisfied, she took the maid's hand and placed it on the boy's penis.

Wendy closed her small hand around it and squeezed. Diane took the girl's other hand and placed it between the boy's legs so that she could feel his testicles. Wendy leaned forward and cupped the testicles, gently moving the balls to and fro between her slim fingers.

Richard awoke and looked up at the sky, his skin warm from the sun. The girls had left him lying quietly to recompose himself, the blonde girl ordering him to stay where he was and to rest. Richard had been near to fainting as Diane had cleverly prolonged his climax.

He had slept for over two hours, his body exhausted from a surfeit of pain and pleasure coupled with the lack of sleep he had suffered during the night. He could not hear the girls and wondered whether they had left him to go home. He felt the blanket still underneath him and looked around to see one of the hampers was still by his side, but the Range Rover had gone. He turned his head toward the picnic table to see the maid watching him intently. On the table was a Thermos and four plastic cups. Richard raised himself on one elbow and suddenly realised he was naked. He quickly covered his groin with his hand. The maid stood and gazed down on him, her almond eye's, examining every detail of his body. 'Mistress Diane said that I should give you some coffee when you wake.' She said sweetly. Richard looked down at himself to make sure his hand was covering his genitals. 'I'll get dressed.' he said as he got to his feet awkwardly, keeping his hand over his groin.

'Mistress Diane said you are not allowed to dress, ' the girl said timidly looking down. '... and... and... you are not to cover yourself... with your hand. 'The maid's voice trailed off into a whisper as she hung her head.

Richard could not believe his ears. So it wasn't over. His insides churned as he remembered the position he was in, he blushed, his face turning red in an instance. He didn't think he could bear more humiliation.

'But... but... ' Richard stuttered. The girl turned away from Richard swinging her legs over the bench to face the table. Her slim thighs exposed for a second as she pulled her skirt to her knees. She opened the Thermos and poured two cups of coffee. 'Do you take sugar.' She asked Richard who was still standing covering himself. The maid had not looked round at him as she spoke.

'... er, yes please Miss... er two spoons.' Richard replied.

'You can sit down.' Wendy spoke softly, then remembering his bottom. 'There is a blanket on the bench at that side she pointed to the bench at the other side of the table.

'Thank you Miss.' Richard replied his hands still placed over his penis. The maid looked up as walked round the long oak table. 'Richard.' Wendy spoke with warning in her voice. Richard stood still.

'Mistress said it would be three strokes if I had to ask you to do anything twice.'

Richard stood at the end of the table as the girl looked up at him. She looked embarrassed.

Richard blushing looked down at his hands, slowly uncovering himself.

'I'm sorry Miss.' Richard hung his head. His penis moved slightly as his arms fell to his sides

Wendy looked at the boy and felt sorry for him but she dare not disobey her Mistress.

'You can sit down.' She said simply.

The maid watched as the naked boy walked around the table. The livid red stripes on his bottom standing out from the pale skin. She noticed him wince as he sat down delicately.

They drank coffee as Richard asked about the girls. Who they were and what they did. The girl told him as best she could details about the family and all the land they owned. She seemed uneasy as if she had something on her mind, something she had not told him.

They sat for ten minutes before the girl looked up to Richard, and blushed prettily as she spoke.

'Mistress Diane has told me to put some more... ',

The girl hesitated. '... lotion on your bottom... and... and to make your... your... , ' She blushed bright red, '... to make your... penis hard. 'She blurted. Her eyes looked down at her dainty fingers as she twisted them together nervously. Richard stared with amazement. He blushed bright red, gasping in shock at the words. His head felt dizzy.

'I... have... to do it.' The girl said as she looked at Richard.

The boy hung his head but said nothing.

They both sat in silence for a few minutes. The maid began to look nervous and blushed.

'They will be back soon' The girl broke the silence.

'I think it will be best if I do it now.'

'Wh... what shall I do Miss.' Richard stammered.

'Just bend over the end of the table, while I bring the stuff.'

The maid got up from the table and stepped over to the picnic hamper. She looked through it until she found the bottle that her Mistress had instructed her to use.

She turned to find the boy already bending over the end of the oak table. His young body looking lithe and graceful as he bent forward, his arms stretched out in front of him. Wendy stood behind him and admired his body.

His legs were pressed together and his buttocks were clenched. Wendy opened the bottle and placed the top on the table. She carefully poured some of the liquid into the palm of her right hand. She placed the bottle beside the top and gently placed her hand on the small of his back.

'I have to do this Richard, they will cane you if I don't.' she said softly.

'Please do as I ask you, or it will be worse for both of us.'

Richard raised his head, which rested on his arms.

'I'll do as you say Miss, I promise.'

'Open your legs please, I have to do it exactly as she told me.'

Richard opened his legs a few inches still keeping his buttocks clenched.

'You will have to open them further please hurry they will be back soon.' Wendy said anxiously.

Richard opened his legs until they were about two feet apart, but the girl was not satisfied.

'No all the way, like you were before' she said more firmly.

Richard opened his legs as far as he could. The thought of his recent punishment flooding through his mind as she reminded him.

Wendy gently put her cupped palm over his bottom, the liquid running down his buttocks. She quickly followed the liquid with her hand rubbing it gently over his pale firm bottom.

'It... stings... a bit Miss' Richard gasped as he felt the liquid setting fire to the weal's across his flesh.

'Relax your bottom, I can't get inside.' Wendy said nervously as her hand rubbed softly over him.

Richard unclenched his buttocks allowing the maid access to the cleft between his cheeks. She stroked gently over the mounds of his bottom, her fingers making their way between the crevice, the tips gently probing at the very centre, making Richard squirm.

Wendy felt less nervous as she realised how pliable the boy was. She slowly let her hand slip lower between the buttock cheeks, her right hand sliding from his back down between the cleft. With her left hand she slid her fingers boldly between his legs and cupped his testicles.

'OOooh, ooh. Richard gasped as the girl held him between her delicate fingers. Deliberately she stoked over the boy's scrotum and slipped her well lubricated fingers tenderly around his penis, pulling it back so she could see it as she stooped lower. She pushed the foreskin up the shaft and then pulled back down, squeezing as she drew her fingers down in a milking motion. She felt the penis begin to stiffen as she skilfully slid the foreskin down over the head and then up again, stretching the soft skin tight... as Diane had instructed.

'Ooooh... Miss'. Richard moaned softly, as the girl gently played with his penis, her small hands moving with delicacy and precision.

'I'm sorry Richard but I have to do this.' She said, as she squeezed and pulled once more.

Richard's body began to quiver under the effect of the girls fingers.

Gently she let go of him and placed her arms round his shoulders pulling him up. Richard stood up straight at the girls prompting.

She turned him, directing him round the table to the bench, her hands sliding to his waist as she pushed him forward.

'Just stand there and open your legs wide.' Wendy said as stood him in front of the bench, facing the table. She stepped around the boy and sat on the bench in front of him, sliding her knees in between his thighs. She looked up at him and blushed as she saw the anguish in his face.

'I'm sorry but I have to.' She reached forward and took hold of his penis and pulled him closer to her. With her other hand she gently stroked the inside of his thigh upward from the knee until she reached the juncture of his thighs. She cupped the soft scrotum in her hand, and squeezed the testes gently. Her young fingers deftly pushed the foreskin back and forth, the young maid imitating the expert ministrations her Mistress had demonstrated. Richard's body began to tremble as she slid her delicate fingers up and down his shaft in a continuous rhythm.

'Plee... ease Miss' Richard moaned as Wendy increased the tempo of her fingers upon his organ.

'I feel funny... Miss... oohh... ooohh Miss.' Wendy quickened the pace of her fingers as the boy's thighs trembled and shuddered in front of her. Suddenly he seemed to go week at the knees. 'Plee... eease Misss... sss, I... th... ink.I'mm... ' Richard stammered as a wave of sexual sensation pervaded his whole body. So intense that his whole body jolted like a young colt. Wendy deliberately increased the pace of her hand. She pulled the foreskin right down to the bottom of the shaft before bringing it up over the glans. With her other hand she quickly felt between the boy's buttocks, locating the anus with her index finger. 'I'm sorry Richard, but I have to put my finger into your bottom, I'll try not to hurt you.' Wendy said breathlessly as she felt for the centre of the sphincter.

'Please Miss, I feel... oh... Miss' Richard pleaded.

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