A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

"I think Wendy has taken far too long in answering my bell. Perhaps this will give you an opportunity to have a look at the girl in more detail." Lady Rawlings turned her head toward the door.

"Come in." Both Wendy and Annette appeared through the door pushing a tea trolley. They wheeled it into the room adjacent to Lady Rawlings and her young guest.

"I took the liberty Madam of bringing both tea and coffee. There are some cakes as well Ma'am." Lady Rawlings laughed.

"You have been busy, I thought you were taking a long time answering the bell." Wendy stood up primly "I'm sorry Madam, I just thought as it was already passed half past three, that you might be ready for tea."

Lady Rawlings smiled at her young maid.

"You are perfectly right this time Wendy, Would you and Annette care to pour."

Lady Rawlings turned toward Jane.

"Will you take tea or coffee?" Jane looked intently at both girls watching their movements.

"I will have tea please."

Lady Rawlings let the girls pour the tea and uncover the pastries before she spoke.

"Wendy and Annette come and stand in front of me, I want to introduce you to Jane Marwood." She watched Jane observing the girls as they moved to stand in front of the easy chairs. Jane looked the girls up and down as they stood side by side. Wendy with long slender legs stood a head taller than Annette. Both maids were wearing short black dresses, showing off their bare thighs to pretty effect. Lady Rawlings smiled up at them.

"This is Jane Marwood, who will be taking over the supervision of Richard's education as well as his physical and moral well being. She will be in complete charge of the household during my absences and will have charge of the day to day running with myself. I think you may address her as Miss or Miss Marwood." Lady Rawlings turned to Jane with a warm smile.

"What would you prefer Jane?" Jane smiled up at the girls. Her beautiful delicate features giving no hint of the discipline that she was about to wield.

"I will be quite happy to be addressed as Miss and I am sure that we will get along splendidly." Both Wendy and Annette bobbed a little curtsey and said, "Yes Miss." in unison.

"Good I think we will all benefit from Jane's presence." Lady Rawlings could not help thinking how true her words might be. She continued.

"I will inform you of which rooms Jane will occupy when I have time to show her round. I wish to inform Richard myself so I would prefer it if you did not mention it yet. I will be visiting the kitchens later so again I will inform Rachael and Claire. Off you go, you may come and collect the tea things in half an hour."

Jane watched as the girls walked primly from the room. She was delighted with them both, she turned to Her Ladyship.

"They really are very pretty girls and obviously most obedient and willing. I would say Wendy is already bound by love and I imagine Annette is not far behind."

Lady Rawlings nodded.

"You are right, I think Annette is most grateful for her situation here. Her life in Asia I understand was most traumatic. She seems determined to do exactly what she is told in order to keep her position. I would imagine she is willing to put up with most things, she is old enough not to forget the violence or her hunger and poverty in Vietnam."

"I would like to hear about Claire if you feel like indulging me." Lady Rawlings laughed her pretty eyes revealing the merriment she felt.

"You really are going to keep on the straight and narrow aren't you. But of course you are quite right we have so much to discuss we will be in conference for days." She sat back and swung her bare legs up underneath her.

"I really do feel like a pussy cat that as had the cream, What you did earlier has proved very therapeutic." Jane smiled.

"I am sure I enjoyed it as much as you. You have a beautiful body and you really do move so prettily when you are aroused." Lady Rawlings was surprised to feel her self blush.

"Do you realise you have made me blush, not something I have done for a long time." Jane laughed.

"I think we are all capable of embarrassment in the right circumstances. I was rather apprehensive when I came here. I have always wanted charge of a young boy and I was rather worried that mother's description of the boy was overly flattering. I must be honest and say until I had met you I was not sure that your standards would meet mine. I don't mean that as a detrimental remark but more in the way that when you want something as badly as I do, you are in fear of being let down. Let's talk about Claire, as you probably have gathered I would like to talk about the boy last."

Lady Rawlings was looking intently at Jane, her voice was quiet and serious as she spoke.

"I will tell you about Claire, but let me put your mind at rest on Richard. He is everything you have been led to expect. His physical appearance is exceptional. For my daughter to enthuse about Richard the way she did I knew he must be above the ordinary. When I first saw him I knew she was right. But let me continue with Claire. She is from the same orphanage as Richard. I saw her there... oh it must be four years ago. I had been invited to present the education certificates to fifteen year olds. Claire I believe was in the form below. I noticed her initially because of her beauty. She stood out from the others not just with her looks but her graceful movements, even in orphanage clothing she had an air and manner that didn't belong in those stark, austere surroundings. I mentioned her to Matron who said that she was a quiet unassuming girl. She was bright in class and yet showed kindness and deference to the others. I decided to bring her here. She is, like Rachael and Richard under my legal guardianship until she is twenty-one years old. She is seventeen at present."

"Why did you decide to use her in the kitchen, if she is so graceful I mean?" Jane inquired.

"Well Wendy was already here and so I started Claire in the Kitchen with perhaps the thought of moving her later on. It was after I had disciplined Rachael that I was in the kitchen one day and noticed that Claire was wearing perfume. I immediately recognised it as Chanel 5. So I knew it must have been mine, obviously taken from my dressing table. The girls help clean the rooms so Claire would have ample opportunity to take a quick dab of perfume. I questioned her immediately and she admitted trying some on. I think my best ideas come on the spur of the moment. I instructed Rachael to take Claire up to the bathroom and wash her from head to toe. Up in between her legs in her bottom in fact everywhere. Both girls were blushing furiously but I continued to instruct them. After Rachael had bathed Claire she was to bring her as she was (naked in other words) down to my office where she would receive the cane. Rachael told me later that Claire had climaxed as soon as she had began to wash between her legs. In fact I believe she climaxed three times before Rachael had finished." Jane was leaning forward her eyes sparkling as Lady Rawlings recounted the events.

"I was in my office by the time the girls came down. Claire was blushing from head to toe. It was the first time I had seen her naked. Her body is quite beautiful she has quite large breasts for such a slender frame and her waist is absolutely tiny. She has long slender legs and only wisp of hair between her legs. The girl was covering her pubis with her hands. I remember hair squirming as she stood in front of me. One thing I did notice was a certain excitement within Rachael. She had obviously enjoyed bathing the girl and I suspect making her climax. I made Claire stand to attention with her hands by her sides. She was shivering from head to toe. I fetched the cane (I bought several soon after I had had to use a riding crop on Rachael) and swished it through the air. Her look of anguish was exquisite. I bent her over the desk with her arms outstretched on either side. Her breasts were nicely squashed against the leather surface. I instructed Rachael to stand to the girls side and put one hand underneath her tummy. I reached between the girls legs and placed Rachael's hand so that she was cupping the girl's pubis. I told her to take a tight hold knowing that her fingers would press into the vagina. I made Rachael press down on the small of the girls back with her other hand. I gave her four sound strokes of the cane in quick succession. She bucked and reared but managed to stay bent over. As soon as Rachael had released her she slumped at my feet holding on to my legs, pleading that she was sorry. She really was in quite a state. I felt so sorry for her that I sat down and took her over my knee immediately. The most unusual occurrence was that Rachael took a tube of cream from her pocket. The same make of cream that I had used on her, and handed it to me.

"I thought you might need this she said." Can you imagine, she was hoping that I would do to Claire what I had done to her."

Jane smiled.

"You obliged of course."

"Yes of course." Lady Rawlings laughed.

"But I began to understand that Rachael was really fond of Claire and that she genuinely hoped I would treat her in the same way. I mean even to bringing the same type of cream down from the bathroom. I always keep some here anyway. I instructed Rachael to stroke the girl gently while I rubbed cream on her bottom. It was really a revelation of her feelings for the girl. She stroked her hair and then I noticed her put her hand under the girls breast. I put cream on her poor bottom. The marks were quite livid and I had to be very gentle with her. I pushed my hands between her bottom cheeks and popped a finger into her vagina. I could feel her move her hips almost immediately and it couldn't have been more that a few minutes before she climaxed so strongly that I thought she was going to have a fit. Rachael in the meantime I am sure was squeezing the poor girls nipples. Since that time they have become inseparable, really good friends and I am sure that hop into each others bed. They share a bedroom through choice although I have offered them bedrooms of their own."

Jane leaned back a smile on her face.

"I am really looking forward to being here. I think that I will have to plan my contact with all the girls rather carefully, but I am sure that tenderness coupled with discipline will give me the control I need. What I need now is to discuss Richard in detail, so that we are both in absolute agreement about his upbringing."

"I have no doubt we are already in perfect agreement, but I will give you a run down on everything that has happened so far. I have received his school reports from the orphanage and all his medical details."

Lady Rawlings proceeded to tell Jane about Richard, interrupted only by the maids clearing away the tea trolley. They talked at length, the sun's rays slowly diminishing through the study window. It was early evening by the time they had finished. As they got up from their chairs, Lady Rawlings said.

"I have an idea how you could see Richard and yet still meet him on fresh ground on Monday morning. That is if you would like to stay for dinner. I will ask Wendy and Annette to have their meals with Richard in the small drawing room and we will eat in the dining room. Claire and Rachael enjoy eating in the small conservatory which is just off from the kitchens, so you will be able to meet them on your own terms. How would that suit you?" Jane nodded her agreement. Lady Rawlings continued I will put Richard to bed early and you can see him when he is asleep. He has been at the lake with Diane as Veronica is shopping in Douglas. He is usually tired after swimming all day, so I think you would be able to leave about nine. How long does it take to get back to the school?"

"Oh... about ten minutes I suppose, there is never any traffic around here and the road is good for a country road."

It was nine o clock in the evening when Lady Rawlings and Jane Marwood slipped quietly into Richard's bedroom. The room was dark apart from moonlight from the stone framed window which cast a silvery light over the bed. Lady Rawlings reached down and turned on the bedside light. A soft glow lit the room and for the first time Jane Marwood was able to see her new charge.

"Isn't he beautiful." Jane whispered as she bent over the bed watching the young boy in repose. Richard did not stir as Lady Rawlings carefully lifted the covers and drew them back to the end of the bed, fully exposing the boy's naked body. Richard was laid on his back with his head turned to one side. Jane examined the boy carefully from head to toe. Indeed he was more than she imagined. She looked at the pale smooth skin, his graceful torso and legs before focusing her attention on his penis and testicles. His penis was slightly laying across his thigh. Jane was sorely tempted to gently cup his penis and testicles in her hand but knew that the risk of waking him would spoil her future plans. After a few moments Lady Rawlings raised an enquiring eye to Jane. The girl nodded and Her Ladyship gently drew the covers back over the sleeping boy. As they descended the stairs Jane could not help the excitement in her voice. She put her arm around Lady Rawlings and kissed her tenderly on the cheek.

Lady Rawlings smiled. It was now time for her own curiosity to be filled.

"I know it's late Jane but I would like you to do one thing for me before you go. I know we have spent most of the day going through our arrangements, but it will not take long." Jane leaned against her companion.

"Of course anything you want you only have to ask." They entered the small sitting room to the right of the staircase. Lady Rawlings immediately sat down on the large settee looking up at the young girl.

"What is it you want." Jane smiled down at her Ladyship as she spoke.

"I want you to strip off your clothes so that I can have a good look at your body." Jane looked shocked for a second and then smiled.

"I suppose fair is fair and I did take you rather by surprise." Without hesitation she began to undo the buttons of her shirt, the white silk contrasted starkly with tanned flesh as she slowly revealed her naked breasts. She pulled the silk from beneath the broad leather belt and shrugged off the garment on to the floor. Her breasts were magnificent, jutting straight out from above her narrow waist. Quickly she undid the leather belt letting it drop to the floor. Her red fingernails flashed in the light of the fire as she undid the waistband of her skirt. It slid down her tanned thighs to her feet. She stood for a moment, her splendidly proportioned body glistening with health. She hooked her long delicate fingers into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down over her beautifully proportioned thighs and over her knees to the floor. She kicked them off and stood in front of her Ladyship. Her nipples stood out in sharp relief against the contours of her firm breasts. The dark aureoles were large and plump accentuating the firm flesh of the nipple. Her waist, so tiny against the plump firm flesh of her breasts. Her hips swelled below the tiny waist, a beautiful curvature to the slender legs below. Lady Rawlings leaned forward and cupped her hand between the girls legs. Her fingers gently caressing the prominent mound of her smoothly shaven pubis. Without warning she slipped a finger between the fleshy mounds at either side of her vagina.

"Why Jane you are quite moist. Why don't you come and sit on my knee." Jane moved forward gracefully, her ladyships hand still cupping her pubis as she sat down on her knees.

"Now lean back on the settee so that you are laid with just your bottom on my knees. Jane smiled, almost shyly as she leaned back on to the soft cushions and swung her legs up on to the other side of the settee.

"Open up a bit I want to have a little look at you." Her Ladyships voice was soft and low as she gently parted the girls thighs.

"Now I can get at you, my you have a nice plump pussy." Gently her ladyship parted the ripe folds of the labia and pushed her finger firmly up into the girl. She could feel and immediate response as she slowly rotated her finger up inside her juicy orifice. She pushed a second finger up into the moist flesh quickly jack-knifing her two fingers. With her other hand she drew back the prepuce exposing the hard nub of the clitoris with feathery strokes of her fingers she watched the clitoris swell. Jane had never been so expertly seduced before. She could not help herself as her hips began to undulate in circular motions between the busy fingers of Her Ladyship.

"Try and control yourself a little longer I want you to have a nice big climax. There I can see you are losing control." Lady Rawlings quickened her fingers until the girls hips strained upwards beneath her. Just as she began to climax Lady Rawlings pinched the clitoris hard. The girl bucked as she pinched and rubbed the tender flesh, her other hand busy deep inside the girl's vagina.

"There you are feeling that aren't you." Her Ladyships words were calculated to increase the girls passion.

"Argghhh mmmmnnn oooh yes sss. Jane arched her back, her bottom was lifted up off her Ladyships knees as she climaxed.

"Arggghhh aarrggg mmm." She felt completely out of control as a finger suddenly speared up into her bottom.

"Arrrgghhh.arrrggh." Jane rolled her head from side to side as wave after wave of sensual pleasure coursed through her body. Gradually her orgasm subsided. She felt the finger being withdrawn gently from her bottom and the delicate feathery strokes of Her Ladyships fingers over thighs and tummy.

"Just you relax for a few moments, while I stroke you gently, there my poor baby there..." Lady Rawlings cooed softly to the young girl. Feathery touches caressing her fine skin.

It was several minutes before Jane moved lazily off her Ladyship's knee and on to the cushions beside her. She curled her pretty legs beneath her and leaned against the back of the settee with her body turned toward her companion.

"That was wonderful, Thankyou. May I kiss you?" Jane leaned forward without waiting for a reply and kissed the beautiful lips of her Ladyship. Her breasts were thrust against her body as she pushed her tongue deep inside her mouth.

It was past ten-o-clock before Jane stood in the hallway of the Manor House. The outside door was open as they walked through to the stone steps leading to the drive. Jane's brand new Austin Healey stood gleaming beneath the portico lights.

"I will see you late on Sunday evening, my bags will arrive some time on Saturday, I would prefer it if only you unpacked the large one. Everything else can be done by the maids." Lady Rawlings smiled.

"You have your own canes then?" Jane smiled impishly as she opened the door of her car and swung her pretty legs over the sill.

"Oh yes a huge variety... and other things as well!" She started the car and slammed the car door shut. Leaning out of the window she shouted to Lady Rawlings, her voice only just audible against the revving engine.

"It's my turn next."


"This is Richard Chambers" Jane relished hearing those words as she stood in front of her desk facing Lady Rawlings and the boy. Her memory of Richard was accurate but she had not been able to see his eyes or the profile of his face from the front.

"Step forward Richard and greet your new governess." Lady Rawlings pushed the boy forward until he was stood directly in front of Jane. Jane placed her hand under his chin and raised his head so that she could look directly into his eyes.

"I am Miss Marwood... your Governess." She spoke slowly and insistently as she revelled in her first contact with the boy. I am going to be teaching you your lessons and I want you to work hard and be obedient... do you understand?" Richard nodded his head.

"Yes Miss Marwood."

"Well done, you need not call me Miss Marwood unless you want to attract my attention, please address me as Miss when answering my questions."

"Yes Miss." Richard's face had coloured up at the touch of her hand and her steady gaze. He was completely mesmerised by her beauty. Her gentle touch against his face had made him dizzy. He looked at her through a haze of embarrassment, not daring to catch her eye.

" Right you can go and sit at that desk over there, you will see that your books are in the drawers at each side. We will be starting with English, so if you would like to find your books for that subject while I see Her Ladyship out. Jane followed Lady Rawlings out of the study and closed the door behind her.

"Please call me Victoria, I only get called Her Ladyship by officials or peasants." She laughed as Jane took her arm.

"He looks everything I expected and his demeanour is perfect. I shall need about three weeks before I first start to mould him. As we discussed he needs to feel secure and loving towards me before I can begin to influence his nature." Victoria smiled.

"I understand perfectly and I know attention to detail is as important to you as it is to me. Would you like me to send Wendy in at eleven with morning tea? I already know the arrangements you would like for Richard."

"That would be fine I will ring if there is anything else."

Richard sorted through his books but his mind was in a turmoil. He had felt clumsy and awkward standing before her and what was worse he knew he could not help himself. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. His feelings of inferiority were such that he found it almost impossible to articulate.

Jane had dressed impeccably for the occasion she wore a blue silk shirt with a large cameo broach at the collar. Her skirt was fine blue cotton with pleats at either side. Her tanned legs were covered in sheer silk, which accentuated their perfection. Jane had deliberately worn high heels so that she would have extra height. The dark blue of the Italian leather neatly encased her dainty feet.

Jane re-entered the study, which her ladyship had carefully set out. The large desk faced the smaller one squarely, they were set about six feet apart. Her ladyships attention to detail and been impeccable. Pens, exercise books and paper had been supplied to both desks. A carafe of water had been placed on the corner of her desk next to a bell push. Jane sat down, her fingers brushing over the fine yew surround of the desk and on to the thick leather covered top. She looked across at Richard who sat expectantly with his English text and exercise books open. Jane did not speak but looked intently at the boy, watching him blush as he met her gaze. She looked down and opened the middle drawer of her desk. She had to stifle a giggle as she saw all of her canes had been neatly laid on the green baize of the drawer lining. On top of the canes was a hand written note.

"Enjoy... V" Jane smiled to herself and closed the drawer. She looked up and addressed Richard.

"Come and stand by my side and show me your text and exercise books will you Richard." Her voice was cool and precise. She watched him get up from his desk, noticing his grey worsted jacket and grey short trousers were obviously brand new and being worn for the first time. Richard walked forward and stood at the side of her desk. She leaned her body towards him and put her arm around his legs drawing him closer until his body was touching hers. She kept her hand on his thigh, feeling the warmth of his body though the material of his short trousers.

"Now show me where you are up to." Jane spoke softly almost intimately to him as he placed his books upon her desk.

"Er... I am up to here." Richard pointed to a passage from the test book.

"We were doing comprehension Miss." Jane smiled sweetly, looking up into his face. Richard turned his head toward her, aware of her gaze. She felt a thrill as he blushed profusely, quickly turning his head back to the books in front of them. Jane looked at the text and pointed with her pretty fingers at the start of the passage of text. Read this chapter for me Richard, I want to see if you pronounce the words correctly. You can pick up the text book and stand up straight. She could feel the boy's discomfort and embarrassment emanating from him as she slowly let her hand trail down over his short trousers and on to his bare thigh. She lightly played her fingers up and down his leg as he began to read. His voice was almost trembling as he started the first passage.

"Clear your throat Richard and start again... a little louder and firmer this time." Richard straightened his shoulders and held the book up higher as if it would project his voice further. Jane relaxed her body as the boy began to read. His voice was clear and his pronunciation good although Jane thought, his accent could do with a lot of modification. Gently she stroked his thigh her fingers occasionally pushing up beneath the trouser leg. Richard was blushing a bright crimson by the time he had finished the chapter. Jane let go of his legs and leaned back in her chair, her breasts thrusting against the silk of her dark blue blouse as she altered her position.

"Very good for a first attempt Richard. Go and sit down and write an explanation of what Sheridan meant to say by introducing that character. Do you understand what to do?"

"Er Yes Miss I think I understand." Richard stammered as he stumbled rather than walked back to his chair. Jane watched him as he left her desk, she was almost sure she could detect a slight bulge in his trousers.

Richard worked silently he had had no time to crystallise his thoughts about his new governess. He was embarrassed to distraction by her beauty and could not bring himself to look her in the eye.

They both sat in silence as the hours passed by. Richard had become absorbed in his work and was determined to do his best. Jane watched as he wrote his paragraphs on to spare sheets of paper, altering them several times before finally copying them to his exercise book. Jane sat at her desk writing busily. Rather than leave anything to chance she was composing a programme of events to give to Her Ladyship. She had already laid out a profile of what would be happening with Richard over the coming weeks, this was already several pages long. She was now composing a programme of events and suggestions with regard to the rest of the household staff. She had talked with Lady Rawlings the previous evening and explained that her acceptance within the household must not just be based on authority alone. Much of what she was now writing clarified and recorded their conversation.

At eleven-o-clock precisely Annette entered with a small tea tray which she placed on the desk in front of Jane. She removed a glass of orange juice from amongst the pot and jugs and placed it in front of Richard. She smiled at the boy and turned to Jane.

"Will there be anything else Miss?" Jane shook her head.

"No Thankyou Annette, that will be all for now." She watched the girl leave and turned to Richard who was still writing.

"You may have a little break and drink your orange juice if you like. Or sip it as you work if you would prefer." Richard looked across his desk at Jane.

"He could not help dropping his eyes in embarrassment as her she fixed her eyes on his. Her beauty overwhelmed him.

"er... Thankyou Miss." Richard drank from the glass and then looked down once more at his books.

They worked through the day breaking for lunch in the smaller of the two dining rooms. Jane ate lunch alone with the boy watching him intently. She noticed that Richard avoided her gaze when ever possible. She was aware the effect she had on him. Once out of the corner of her eye during the morning she had seen him glance at her as she had leaned back in her chair. She had deliberately stretched her shoulders back feeling the tightness of the silk against her nipples as her breasts thrust forward. She noticed that he had coloured up immediately and bent his head back down to his work. Jane had planned her strategy carefully avoiding all physical contact until late in the afternoon. She walked got up from her desk and moved behind him. Carefully she leaned over him. Her breasts pressed against him as she bent over and placed her cheek next to his.

"Right Richard let me see what you have written." She flipped over the pages of his book to the start of his essay. She could feel the heat from his cheeks as he blushed profusely. She placed her cool delicate finger tips on the nape of his neck stroking his hair gently as she began to the read through his work. Richard was in turmoil, he felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment as she leaned against him. Her fingers were cool and gentle against his neck, her perfume intoxicating his senses as she whispered softly to him.

"You are a clever boy, you seem to understand the characterisation perfectly and you have written so much... what a lovely boy you are." Her voice was low and sensual as she moved her cheek against his. Richard began to tremble unable to control his emotions. Her proximity and the intimate way she touched him destroyed his equilibrium. Her low sensuous voice flattering and praising him was just too much. Jane sensed his agitation at once. She knew exactly the effect she was having on him. Gently she withdrew her face from his and delicately placed a small kiss on his burning cheek. She stood up taking his book from the desk.

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