A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

He waddled rather than walked towards the ornate French windows at the end of the conservatory. He felt absolutely naked and humiliated as he turned to walk back towards the young women. He instinctively covered his genitals with his hands, clutching his penis and testicles close to his body.

"Come along, you can walk straighter than that." The doctor spoke firmly.

"Hands by your side stand straight up and walk towards me." Richard blushed at the rebuke. He let his hands fall to his sides and blushing profusely he walked slowly towards the doctor. She stood with her pretty legs astride and her hands on her hips watching him intently as he tried to walk as upright as he could back towards her.

"That's better, now I want you to touch your toes and then stand up straight. You can do it until I tell you to stop. Come along now over you go... right down... that's it touch your toes... now back up again as straight as you can." She watched fascinated as the boy's lithe young body bent and straightened the blushing face contorted with effort as he attempted to straighten his body. The gasp from his lips as the pressure in his bottom increased from the stretching and bending.

"I think that will do for now, back up on to the table I want to start the therapy on your penis." Richard coloured up once more as the doctor mentioned his penis. Lady Rawlings helped the doctor and nurse position the young boy facing upwards upon the massage table. The doctor moved to his side and grasped his penis firmly. Ignoring the look of anguish on his face, she quickly pulled the foreskin back and took the tip of his penis between the finger and thumb of her other hand.

"I think you had better have some tissues ready." She turned to the nurse as she spoke.

"I think if you were to come around to the other side you will be able to see better Lady Rawlings." She motioned to the far side of the table.

"Now you can do this at anytime, it's merely putting your fingers over the glans like this." Lady Rawlings watched as the doctor placed the two fingers and thumb of one hand over the glans of his penis and pulled the foreskin up over them. Richard jerked his hips violently as the doctor stretched the foreskin. He gasped once more as she pulled the flesh back down until it was stretched tight.

"You can see he is fully erect now and of course this makes the therapy far more effective. Richard began to gasp and groan as the doctor's fingers firmly pushed the skin of his penis up over the glans and over her fingertips. The nurse moved toward the doctor's side as she heard the boy groan. His chest was heaving as he fought for breath and his hips moved from side to side as he tried to escape the sensation of her fingers.

"I think he is going to ejaculate soon nurse would you hold the tissue." The matter of fact tone did nothing to diminish the boy's utter humiliation or the helplessness of being brought to an impending involuntary orgasm.

"The foreskin certainly seems a lot easier." The doctor's fingers increased their tempo as she addressed Lady Rawlings. Richard's hips writhed uncontrollably as the nurse held a tissue above his penis. The doctor quickly took her fingers away from over the glans and firmly cupped the boy's testicles. She looked at his blushing face noting his open mouth and heaving chest. Firmly she squeezed the scrotum as semen erupted from the tip of his penis. The nurse neatly caught the first jets of semen as they spurted from the tip of the boy's penis. Richard was beside himself the insert in his bottom seemed to be increasing in pressure as his buttocks squeezed together tightly together in the throws of his orgasm. Gently, the nurse laid the tissue over the doctors hand watching as the last drops were coaxed from the boy's trembling body. The doctor squeezed his testes pushing one finger against the flange of the insert inside his bottom.

"There now you just relax while nurse cleans you up." She spoke soothingly to the helpless boy. Lady Rawlings could not help leaning over Richard and gently taking his head in her hands.

"There my young man... you can relax now." She leaned her head forward and lowered her pretty lips on to his. She kissed him gently stroking his hair.

"There there... just you lay there and relax." Lady Rawlings stroked her hand down his chest and on to his tummy. She looked at the doctor who was gently extracting the last drop of semen, her fingers pressing the flesh in a milking motion, squeezing the shaft as she drew the last droplet to the tip. The nurse gently wiped the tip before the doctor gently laid the flaccid organ against his tummy.

They left Richard and walked toward the corridor leading to her Ladyships office. Richard lay looking up at the Glass roof of the conservatory. He shivered occasionally as the effects of his orgasm and the sensation of the insert in his bottom played upon his nerve ends. His embarrassment was without relief, he blushed as his thoughts passed over the day's events. Since being caught naked in the woods he had had little respite from constant humiliation and yet for the first time in his life he felt some security and affection. The orphanage, for all the goodness and charity that it offered had never been able to bestow love and affection on any of the boys and girls. Matron had always been kind although occasionally strict, but Richard could not think of one time that she or any of the staff had shown any affection. His thoughts returned to the present on hearing the return of Lady Rawlings and the doctor and nurse. He turned his head to see the doctor approach the bed.

"There are you recovered now?" She did not wait for a reply but deliberately ran her cool fingers down over his chest and tummy and gently took hold of his penis. Richard blushed immediately, turning his head as the doctor took two hands to his penis, gently pulling the soft folds of his foreskin down over the glans exposing him fully.

"Now Richard I am going to have another little look at your penis, so do try and relax this time there's a good boy." She pulled the skin of the penis firmly as the nurse stepped forward and gently cupped his testicles. With her other hand she took the boy's nipple between finger and thumb and squeezed. Richard blushed once more as the looked into his face.

"Now the doctor needs to get your penis nice and stiff so just relax." Richard blushed once more, a deep flush colouring his face and neck. Lady Rawlings moved around the table so that she stood looking between his parted thighs. Instinctively she placed her hands gently on his knees, her touch immediately accenting the vulnerability of the naked boy as he laid before her. The doctor smiled at her Ladyship as she quickly brought Richard's penis to an erected state. His hips had already began to writhe in small gyrations as she skilfully aroused him. Richard felt absolutely helpless, every nerve seemed to be stretched to breaking point as they skilfully played with his senses. The nurse bent her head close to his face, her hand still holding his testicles firmly.

"There my young man you are in a state aren't you." She squeezed his nipple firmly at the same time squeezing and releasing the pressure on his testes in a series of quick motions. The doctor looked at Lady Rawlings.

"If you wouldn't mind..." She nodded at the box of tissues on the table beside her.

"I want to remove the insert this time." Lady Rawlings smiled and took several tissues from the box, she moved to the doctor's side and watched as she cleverly manipulated the flesh of his penis. She could see the organ pulsating as the doctor quickly pulled the foreskin down the shaft and held it tight. She flattened the palm of her other hand and rubbed it over the tip of the penis in a circular motion. The effect was almost electric, Richard's hips began to move violently his bottom almost lifting off the table as he tried to escape the acute sensation of the doctor's hands. The nurse saw the change in the boy and squeezed his testicles hard, pulling them up from in between his thighs.

"Just a few more seconds there's a good boy." The nurse whispered as she increased the pressure on his testicles. Quickly the doctor reached beneath the nurse's hand holding his testicles and located the flange of the insert in-between the boy's writhing bottom. She pulled the foreskin quickly up and down the shaft causing the boy to gasp.

"Are you ready?" She looked over at Lady Rawlings.

"Argghh... argghh" Richard screamed as semen spurted from the tip of his penis. At that exact moment the doctor pulled the flange of the insert hard, forcing his sphinter to stretch wide as the tube slid from his bottom.

"Argghhhh... arrgggghhh... argggggggghhhh." Richard screamed, the sensations seemed to much to bear. His mouth sagged open and his chest heaved as he fought for breath.

"There, let's have all of it there's a good boy." The nurse bent her head close to his, her arm still stretched across his tummy as she squeezed his testicles.

"Just a little longer and it will soon be over," The words seemed to excite the young boy even more as yet another jet of semen erupted from his penis. The doctor began to slow her hand, she pulled the tube from between his thighs and laid it on the bed. She held the base of the penis firmly and pulled upwards causing the last of the semen to appear in a small globule at the tip of glans. Lady Rawlings wiped her tissue once more over the sensitive opening watching the boy's knees quiver at the acute sensation.

She threw the tissue on to the table and moved to the head of the bed bending over the boy.

"Well Richard you've been a very good boy and you deserve a kiss." Richard looked up as she lowered her beautiful face to his. He felt her soft lips close over his, the sensation overwhelming him as she thrust her tongue inside his mouth. The nurse watched suddenly squeezing his testicles as her ladyship kissed the boy. She held the pressure for a moment before releasing the scrotum and gently stroking her hand over his chest and tummy.

Richard watched the flock of small birds flying above the glass roof of the conservatory. A gentle breeze permeated the air through the opened French windows situated at the end of the glass building. The cooler air seemed to accentuate his nakedness as he lay quietly looking up at the ceiling. It had been over ten minutes since the doctor and nurse had left him. He could still sense the gentle touch of the nurse as she had stroked her hand over his chest and tummy while Her Ladyship had tenderly kissed him upon the lips. She had instructed him to lie still and rest. The low drone and hum of summer insects in the garden were the only sounds he could hear. Through emotional fatigue he began to doze, his eyes closed and his breathing deepened.

Richard was woken abruptly from his dozing state, he had been neither awake nor asleep although a heavy torpor had seemed to invade his body.

"Come along then you've had enough rest." Richard opened his eyes to see the Nurse bending down over him. Her pretty face smiling as she pushed a hand beneath his head and put a glass of orange juice to his lips. Richard sipped the orange juice looking down at his naked body. The nurse took away the glass and gently let his head back down on to the table.

"Right Richard do you think you can turn over for me and get ip on to your knees." Richard groaned inwardly, slowly turning his body over so that he lay on his stomach. With an effort he got to his hands and knees. He was not surprised as the nurse placed her hand on his shoulders and pressed.

"Down on your elbows there's a good boy. Richard obeyed arching his back so that his chest was pressed against the table. He placed his hands together and laid his head upon them.

"That's the way." She punctuated the remark by slipping a hand beneath him and cupping his testicles. Richard blushed furiously as she took hold of his penis and pulled the foreskin back.

"It doesn't seem quite as tight Richard, I think we are making progress."

Richard felt more hands gently part his buttocks.

"Right keep still young man, while I replace the insert." Richard had not heard the Doctor approach. Involuntarily he clenched his buttocks against the impending intrusion.

"Right young man, we'll have none of that. Relax your bottom properly." Richard felt a lubricated finger gently probe the puckered star of his anus.

"Hold still I can't get at you properly if you keep squirming around." A sharp slap across his bottom accompanied the instruction. Richard blushed once more his face bright crimson as the nurse watched his face intently.

"Now don't be a naughty boy, let the doctor get at your bottom properly." Richard felt the finger gently probe around the opening of his bottom. He grimaced as he felt the acute sensation of her finger as she slowly pushed it up into his anus. He grunted as she suddenly pushed her finger up even further into the tight orifice.

"There that's better now just relax while I insert the appliance." The nurse was acutely aware of the young boy's embarrassment as the doctor slowly withdrew her finger and placed the tip of the cylindrical insert up against his sphincter. She watched his body shudder as the cold metal was pushed hard against the puckered opening.

"Right breathe in deeply, come along now in... and out... in and out... in." Her sentence stopped abruptly as the insert was deftly pushed up into his bottom.

"Arggggghhh... mmmm... mm. Richard groaned as the metal slid upwards into his bottom.

"There now that went in nicely." The doctor looked across at the nurse who was gently stroking her hand over the boy's shoulders. She placed her hands on either buttock and spread the cheeks wide. She had never quite analysed her own feelings or predilections but this moment seemed immensely satisfying. Perhaps it was the feeling of power coupled with a certain sexual domination. Whatever the explanation she knew exactly what she liked and what gave her satisfaction. She squeezed her legs together, her pubis pressed against the edge of the table. The thin material of her white coat transmitting the cold of the table's steel edge. She reached forward and took a firm hold of the boy's penis. Just you keep still now while I manipulate the foreskin." Richard grunted as he felt the doctor pull his foreskin back. He grimaced as he felt her deliberately tighten the skin and at the same time squeeze his testicles firmly. The nurse watched intently. The boy's face was coloured bright red as the doctor proceeded to pull the foreskin back and forth along the shaft of his penis.

"Relax there's a good boy." The doctor was well aware of the feeling that must be running through his body as the penis became erect. She could see his sphincter had contracted over the metal flange of the insert as she expertly brought him to a full erection. The nurse was gently stroking his back as the doctor increased the pace of her fingers. Richard groaned loudly as the doctor's delicate fingers pulled the foreskin firmly up the shaft. His body began to tremble as she deftly placed her flattened palm over the tip of the penis and rotated it. Richard tried to raise his hips to escape the intense feeling but the doctor held him firmly.

"Just you keep still if you don't want another smack." She increased the tempo of her fingers once more, gesturing to the nurse as she did so.

"If you would..." The nurse quickly picked up a tissue and held it under the boy just below the tip of his penis.

"Arrggghhh arggggghhh... mmmn...

please miss... ssss." The sensation in his body was incredible. Richard's hips bucked and shook as he climaxed. Semen spurted from the tip of his penis in an agonising jet. The nurse held the tissue nearer to the tip as the doctor manipulated the foreskin at a rapid rate. Without warning she took hold of the insert in his bottom and pulled hard. The boy reared up on his hands as the sphincter was stretched wide over the larger circumference of the middle of the tube.

"Arrgggghhh... arggggghhh Pleaeeees miss ssss." The boy's head shook from side to side as the doctor laid the insert on the bed beneath his widely stretched legs and pulled his testicles backwards squeezing them firmly.

"Let it all come out there's a good boy." She gave him no respite as he ejaculated, rapidly pulling the foreskin up and down the shaft of his penis as she squeezed the testicles still harder.

"Arggghhhh... arggh... arggghhhhhhhhh..." Richard was beside himself as she squeezed the last drop of semen out of his penis.

They left the boy to recover for a few moments before Nurse Harvey helped him from the bed.

"Right young man I am going to give you a nice warm bath. It's all over now so I hope you are going just relax, what do you say?" Richard managed to mutter "Y'yes miss... Thankyou."

Shafts of sunlight filtered through the panes of the high window. The mullions casting shadows across the carpet. Lady Rawlings leaned back on her chair and looked across her desk at the young woman. Surely this could not be the grand daughter of Harriet Marwood. Or even the daughter of Henrietta who had safeguarded her mother's reputation, even enhancing it over the years. The young woman could be no more than nineteen years old. Her face was surely the face of an angel. Her sweet voice was soft with a delicate precise timbre. Jane Marwood was indeed beautiful. Her delicate features smiling beneath jet black hair. Her slim shoulders were set straight as she sat primly in her chair. Although her body was slender, her breasts were full and firm, stretching the smooth cotton of her shirt tightly. She wore a short skirt which finished half way to her pretty knees. Her legs were long and slim. Lady Rawlings remembered how gracefully the girl had moved when she had first walked in.

"I am sure we will get along well together Lady Rawlings." Jane was saying. I have only had one other charge before and that was for a period of six months. The rest of my experience has of course been at my mothers school. She did explain to you I think that at the moment it was not possible to take Richard. She does not object in principle of course, I mean about Richard being the only boy. But as yet we, or rather she does not have the appropriate facilities. Lady Rawlings was listening to the girl but her mind was elsewhere. She had severe misgivings that Jane would make a suitable School Mistress or Governess for the boy. What Lady Rawlings had in mind was a strict disciplinarian. Someone who would completely understand the nuances and subtleties of the kind of psychological moulding she had in mind for her young charge. Jane had already sensed that her Ladyship was not paying full attention to her. She was aware of the visual impression she made. She had prepared herself for the eventuality of being taken only at face value. Now it seemed was the time to reveal her determination and dominance. "Lady Rawlings would you stand up please" Jane's voice quickly bought her ladyship out of the reverie with her own thoughts.

"I won't tolerate young girls that don't pay attention in class." Jane's voice was still sweet and gentle and yet there was a subtle determination to her tone, almost imperceptible but Lady Rawlings was quite sure of what she heard. Lady Rawlings stood up, almost instinctively. She could not help the look of surprise on her face as she first began to realise the role play the young girl had instigated with one simple command.

"What is your first name, quickly girl answer me," Lady Rawlings smiled but answered in a slightly timid tone.

"Victoria Miss, but most people know me as Vicki." Jane nodded, watching her Ladyship as her face put on a serious expression.

"Well Vicki, I am afraid I shall have to punish you. You have been a very naughty girl and I will not tolerate naughty girls. This is for your own good and I want you to take it without fuss. Come here and stand in front of me." Lady Rawlings obeyed, standing to attention in front of the slim young girl seated in front of her. She wondered how far Jane was prepared to take the charade. Jane remained seated and reached up underneath the cotton tunic that her ladyship was wearing.

"Hands on your head, there's a good girl." Jane said sweetly as she gently pulled her ladyship's panties down over her knees to her ankles. Take your shoes off and put your panties over there on the chair. Her ladyship was at a loss for words. She had been given no time to protest. Almost in shock she obeyed the young girl, taking off her shoes and stepping out of the lace panties before laying them over the chair.

"Stand in front of me Vicki, now hands by your sides... head up and look at me." Victoria Rawlings had not been spoken to this way since boarding school. It unnerved her in a way and yet she was determined that she would continue at least for a time. Jane stood up and held Victoria's chin with gentle fingers.

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