A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

Susan was delighted with herself as she descended the wide oak banister'd staircase. She had been part of the doctor's team for six months and had already enjoyed many occasions such as this.

She had come to Sarah's notice during a general meeting of the nursing staff at the Medical Centre. The doctor had asked Susan to stay behind after the meeting. She had talked generally to her at first and then asked her to make an appointment to see her in her office. It was at this meeting that Sarah had brought the subject around to sex. She had examined Susan's attitude carefully eliciting more and more information as she had put her at her ease. Susan remembered blushing at many of the personal and intimate questions, but had answered truthfully. Sarah had carefully built up a profile of the young nurse. It was a week later that Sarah had sent for her. She had been surprised to find two other nurses already in the doctor's office. She blushed even now as she remembered.

The two nurses were sat at each side of the doctor. As Sarah entered they moved their chairs back from the desk and sat watching her as the doctor invited her to sit in front of the desk.

"I enjoyed our little chat the other day and I think you would make a good member of my team. As you know we deal with a variety of examinations, some of which require discretion. I had better introduce you to Nurse Ford and Nurse Todd." The two nurses nodded to her as they were introduced.

"If you decide to accept my offer, you will be working with them." Susan had nodded her head to the nurses and turned back to face Sarah.

"If you would like time to make up your mind, tell me. If you are ready to make a decision now then I will continue." Susan had already decided, she could not explain why but she had felt attracted and yet somewhat in awe of the young doctor.

"I really would like to work for you. I will try hard to please you and I have always got on well with my contemporaries, so I am sure we will get along." Susan had smiled at the pretty nurses as she spoke.

"Good, I took the liberty of getting your file from records. You had a physical about eight months ago. So I would like you to have another one. Apart from that you will be able to start from this coming Monday if you agree." Susan had nodded her head.

"That would be wonderful and I am sure I can get a medical from my doctor fairly quickly." She had been puzzled at the doctors knowing smile.

"I have had a word with your head of department to see if a transfer could be arranged should you wish to take the job and they have agreed. It is not necessary for you to go to your doctor for your medical as I am going to give you one now." Susan had felt shocked as the doctor announced that she would be giving her a medical examination. She could not explain why but she had felt embarrassed.

"If you would stand up and undress please. We might as well get started straight away." Susan had stood up numb at the thought of undressing in front of the doctor and smiling nurses. Nurse Todd had moved from her chair to stand beside her.

"I will see to your clothes as you take them off." The nurse had announced brightly. Susan had felt slightly dazed as she began to undress. The young nurse helping her, laying her clothes neatly on a chair as stripped down to her panties and bra.

"Nurse Todd had moved behind her and had unhooked her bra before she had realised what was happening. Susan had stood in front of the doctor, her arms folded over her breasts. Her legs pressed firmly together at the knees as Sarah moved around the desk. She took her stethoscope and placed it into her ears.

"Right hands by your sides, now breathe deeply." Susan had shivered as the cold diaphragm of the stethoscope touched her flesh. The doctor had turned her around to face the young nurse, placing the stethoscope on her back. She had felt Sarah's gentle fingers stroke over her shoulders as the cold metal moved over her back.

"You seem healthy enough, do you keep fit." She had asked Susan as she turned her around to face her. Susan remembered only being able to mumble as she felt the nurse behind her place her hands on her waist. Her naked body had trembled as the nurse hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties and quickly pulled them down to her ankles.

"Step out of them would you." The doctor had smiled as she stood back from her. Blushing she had obeyed as the doctor looked over her naked body. Susan shivered, remembering how she had been made to stand with her legs wide apart and cough as the doctor's gentle fingers cupped her pubis. They had taken her through to the examination room and laid her down, placing her legs in stirrups. The nurses had stood to each side of her as the doctor stood between her outstretched legs.

"Now I want you to relax and let yourself go." She remembered the events vividly. She had felt the doctor's gentle fingertips open up the lips of her vagina. Slowly she had felt a delicate probing as a finger was inserted into her. She had begun gasping for breath as Sarah had began to stimulate the delicate tissues of her moist vagina. One nurse had leaned over and had taken both nipples firmly between the finger and thumb of each hand. The second nurse had stroked delicately over her tummy and thighs, feathery caresses accentuating her nakedness. Words, that she now used herself had increased the eroticism of her ordeal.

"I want to feel inside your bottom, so just relax your buttocks while I pop a finger in, I will be as gentle as I can." Susan involuntarily clenched her buttocks as she thought of what Sarah had said to her.

"My my, you are a sensitive girl aren't you, just relax it will be over soon." The words had sounded far away like an echo as the three girls had brought her to a shattering climax. She remembered the nurse pinching hard on her nipples as the doctor's finger thrust up deep inside her vagina. A second finger spearing her bottom as the nurse leaned over her. They had held her in a state of pure abandonment as the nurse kissed her hard on the lips, her tongue thrusting to the back of her throat. The sensations she had felt had been an exquisite mixture of shame and wantonness as they skilfully held her climax. Not once but three times they had aroused her to such a passion that she had flayed her head from side to side, her hips thrusting upwards off the surface of the table. It was if she had been in a dream the skilful way their fingers had caressed her. The impudent finger pushed between the quivering cheeks of her bottom as they induced yet another orgasm. She had felt drained as they gently kissed and caressed her. It was with gratitude that she had looked into Sarah's eyes as they helped her up from the table. On an impulse she had kissed the young doctor hungrily on the lips.

Her looks and willingness to learn had quickly promoted her to a special relationship with Sarah. Over the following months she had practised many of the things she had learned. How to control a situation or how to cause acute embarrassment with just a simple word or action.

Lady Rawlings sat back at her desk. She brushed a hand over the Sea Island cotton dress she was wearing. Crossing her long legs she pushed back on her chair. Feeling the warmth of the sun on her back from the open window she looked down at her body. Her legs were firm and tanned below the short hem of her dress. Her breasts were firm and without need of support. She unbuttoned the top two buttons of the white cotton dress, feeling the sun against the upper part of her full breasts. She sat with her head back, deep in thought. Her sojourn of quiet contemplation was broken by a knock at the door.

"Please enter" She called sliding her chair forward once more. She smiled as Wendy peered her head around the high oak door of her office.

"Come in Wendy, what can I do for you?" Lady Rawlings tried to stifle a chuckle, watching the blushing face of the naked young girl as she timidly entered the office. She walked awkwardly, trying to keep her knees together as she moved to stand in front of the desk. The surface of large desk was clear except for a telephone and diary. Wendy stood to attention, her flesh pale and shivering with embarrassment. She held her hands at her side although doing her best to conceal her naked pubis by crossing one leg in front of the other.

"What on earth are you up to Wendy, walking around the house without clothes on?" Wendy looked utterly distressed as her Mistress addressed her.

"Miss Diane told me to come and show you Madam." Lady Rawlings smiled, knowing full well the discomfort the girl must be feeling.

"Show me what Wendy?" She had of course already noticed the freshly shaved pubis.

"This madam." She looked down as she spoke but kept her legs pressed tightly together.

"Oh you have been shaved, well I can't see you properly like that open your legs so that I can see." Wendy blushed, the colour suffusing her pretty cheeks. Reluctantly she moved her legs apart, her beautifully slender body moving gracefully despite her embarrassment.

"Come on girl wider than that, I can't see you at all." Wendy timidly moved her feet further apart, her thighs opening to reveal the smoothly shaven lips of her vagina.

"That's better, I can see you now." Lady Rawlings leaned forward and looked over her desk at the naked girl. The plump flesh of her pubis stood out from between her parted thighs. She looked delightful, her beautiful full breasts standing out firmly above her slender torso.

"You are such a pretty girl Wendy, come around here and stand by me." Lady Rawlings spoke kindly watching the girl blush once more as she stepped around the desk and stood by her side.

"Now bend over the desk with arms stretched out in front of you... that's it... tummy flat on the desk. Open your legs that's it... and push your bottom up... there that's the way." Lady Rawlings instructed the girl until she was positioned to her satisfaction. Delicately she ran her fingers over the inner part of the girl's thigh. She felt the flesh quiver with anticipation as she softly touched her fingers to the lips of the girl's vagina. She moved her hand in between the pretty cheeks of her bottom and then down again, cupping her pubis firmly. Wendy wriggled her bottom prettily as Lady Rawlings parted the lips of the labia, and teased the inner tissue with the very tip of her finger. Without warning she pushed a finger straight up into the moist opening.

"Oooohhh... M.m. madam." Wendy gasped as the finger penetrated her. Lady Rawlings stood up, keeping her finger firmly inserted into the young girl.

"Keep still now, you look so delicious like that." Lady Rawlings quickly stroked her other hand between the parted buttocks and moved her fingers delicately over the girl's sphincter. Deftly she probed the opening, watching the young body squirm.

"Ooops, there we are, now doesn't that feel nice." She pushed hard against the puckered rosebud of the opening, watching her finger disappear up inside the trembling bottom.

"Oooo... aaarrrgggghhh Mmm... Madam. Wendy squirmed and wriggled her hips from side to side as Lady Rawlings quickly set to work with her fingers. Without respite she rotated her finger against the sensitive membranes of the vaginal wall. Pushing, probing and squeezing she used her consummate skills to excite her maid.

"I am going to make you come and there is nothing you can do about it my pretty girl." She accented her words with a firm push up into the quivering bottom, inflaming the senses and passion of the prostrate girl beneath her. She watched with fascination as the slender young body bucked and writhed with sheer abandonment. Gently she moved her thumb over the girl's clitoris, rubbing gently against the sensitive projection. She felt the clitoris harden and swell as the pubis naively pressed against her hand. Her finger pushed hard into the vagina, moving faster as she felt the girl raise her bottom.

"There I can tell you're going to come aren't you?" "Mmmffffhhh... Arrggggghhh... I... I amm..." The girls voice trailed of as Lady Rawlings deftly slipped a second finger up inside her vagina. She drew the nail of her thumb over the swollen clitoris at the same time pushing her finger hard in between the wriggling cheeks of the girl's bottom. The response was immediate.

"Ooooohhh... arggghhh... ooooOOOHH... pleeeeeeessseeee." Wendy's body tensed as if she had been struck by lightening. Her pretty legs shaking uncontrollably as Lady Rawlings thoroughly pervaded her body. Wave after wave of indescribable pleasure coursed through the young girl. Her lungs gasped for air, her slender waist heaved up and down as her orgasm continued was cleverly prolonged by Lady Rawlings. There, there you are having a big one aren't you." She scraped the nail of her thumb once more over the sensitive nub of the clitoris.

"Let yourself go, there's a good girl. Wendy heaved and writhed her body shone with perspiration as the intensity of her orgasm increased to an unprecedented summit. Lady Rawlings slowed the pace of her fingers before gently with drawing them from the girl. She leaned over her, stroking her back and buttocks tenderly.

"There my pretty girl, just lay quietly and don't move, I will be back in a minute." Her Ladyship walked from the room closing the door softly behind her.

It was several minutes later when her Ladyship returned. Wendy looked up from the desk to see Annette, still naked follow her Mistress into the room. She was carrying both her own and Wendy's clothes. Wendy stood upright from her prone position. Although naked she gave a curtsey to Lady Rawlings.

"I think you had both better go and have a quick bath. I shall need you in the conservatory in ten minutes." The smile from Lady Rawlings to her young maid was warm and affectionate. Wendy blushed prettily, her pale flesh showing a red mark across her tummy where she had lain on the desk. She stopped in front of her Mistress and blushed once more. She looked coyly at her Mistress, her long eyelashes fluttered against her blushing cheeks. Lady Rawlings took her hand and drew her forward so that the girl's naked body was pressed next to her own. She tilted her head and kissed her tenderly on the cheek.

"You run along now and have a nice bath." Lady Rawlings could not suppress a smile as she noted the intense look of love and supplication on the face of her pretty maid.

Richard felt utterly ashamed and humiliated. He is was acutely aware of his penis swinging from side to side as his bare feet trod the stairs behind the nurse. She had come to get him from the bedroom, not letting him having anything to cover himself merely ordering him to follow her down the stairs. She turned to him as they rounded the curved banister leading to the ground floor.

"I think the hairdresser is in the conservatory, which I think is along here is that right?" Richard nodded his head dumbly. He had scant knowledge of the architecture of the house, but was reasonably sure that they were going the right way. Richard blushed as she looked down at his groin. He had tried covering himself while walking down the stairs, but the awkwardness of holding the banister and his groin at the same time and been too much. He also had not expected the nurse to stop and turn around quite so quickly. His embarrassment quickly turned to anguish as they entered the conservatory. Both Veronica and Diane were seated around the coffee table talking to the young hairdresser. Richard immediately covered his groin with both hands. He stood behind the nurse as she stopped in front of the girls.

"Is that you hiding behind there. Come and stand here." Diane's voice sounded firm. Richard obeyed immediately moving around the nurse to stand in front of the girls. The young hairdresser looked at her watch as she stood up.

"I will have to do him straight away. The doctor will be here in a minute." She addressed her remarks to the girls, ignoring Richard except to take his arm and lead him to the massage tables.

"Right up on here as quick as you can, on your hands and knees." She turned away from him as he struggled up on to the table.

"I could do with some more warm water." She said to Diane as she arranged her implements upon the trolley.

Richard had been naked many times in front of both Diane and Veronica. His shame and embarrassment rather than diminishing seemed just as acute as when they first met. He was blushing profusely as the young girl turned to him, laying her hand on his bottom.

"Shuffle your knees apart there's a good boy." Her soothing voice calculated to increase his shame rather that put him at ease. Diane placed a jug of steaming water upon the trolley and turned to the boy. Bending low she placed her hand beneath his chin and turned his head towards her.

"Now you just do what you are told. You are in a very good position for a smack if you disobey.

Veronica left her chair and walked over to where Richard was knelt. She stood directly behind him admiring the firm buttocks and parted thighs. She noted the tight sac of the scrotum, the testes bulging from within as placed her hand between his legs and delicately cupped his testicles. I think Gillian would like you down on your elbows Richard.

"Her soft words and gentle touch caused Richard to blush an even deeper red. He slowly let himself down on to his elbows. He realised with utter misery that his bottom was now fully exposed to her gaze. Veronica gently drew her long fingernails along the underside of his testicles. She saw his body quiver like a bow string. Without touching any other part of him she scraped her nail over the very tip of his penis. She watched fascinated as his body jerked in response.

"You had better keep still now Richard, while Gillian here shaves your bottom." Veronica moved away, allowing the young hairdresser to stand behind the boy. She watched as Gillian thrust the soft bristles of her shaving brush up into the cleft of Richard's bottom. It was a deliberate action and elicited an immediate response from the young boy. His hips jerked forward as he tried to escape the discomfort of the brush against his sphincter.

"Keep quite still, there's a good boy. I am not going to hurt you." Gillian was in her element. The girls had been more than friendly treating her as an equal, which she knew she was not. But their attitude had been far from condescending. She knew Diane had immediately recognised her interest in the stripes on her maid's bottom. Suggesting perhaps that if Richard was not compliant, a sharp slap or two might be in order. She moved the brush in deft strokes up and down the cleft of the buttocks. When the whole of the anal area was thoroughly lathered in soap. She took her razor and shaved gently and carefully between the cheeks. Taking a hot flannel she rinsed the area and leaned forward to examine her handiwork.

"I think I will need some help here she said to Diane and Veronica. Could you hold the cheeks of his bottom apart so that I can shave closer. Richard's body shuddered as he felt his cheeks being pulled apart. He felt utterly ridiculous as they stretched his flesh, completely exposing the puckered opening of his bottom. He tried to pull away from their hands as Gillian pushed a soapy finger up against the sensitive sphincter. Diligently she ran her soapy finger up and down over his anus. She took her razor once more and shaved around the puckered skin. She noticed the boy had kept his body absolutely still as she used the razor. It was all completely unnecessary, she thought. The boy had no hair at all between the cheeks of his bottom apart from the fine hairs that cover all one's skin. But she was sure that the actual shaving of his bottom was not really the object of the exercise.

"I think we will have you over on your back." She said firmly to the boy.

"If you would hold his legs for me I would appreciate it." She smiled at Veronica and Diane. She noticed a knowing smile on Diane's face as the girls helped Richard to turn over. They immediately seized his legs and pushed them backwards and out over the edge of the table. She was able to see the boy's face. His eyes were shut tightly, his eyelashes pressed firmly against his blushing cheeks. His parted lips drew breath noisily. She looked down over his heaving chest to his penis which was laid over his tummy. His buttocks had been forced back above the surface of the bed. She waited a moment until the boy lay still. Both the girls looked at her as they held his legs tightly against there bodies.

" I am going to shave around the base of your penis Richard, so I want you to be a good boy and not move while I have the razor in my hand." Gillian's words were designed to cause embarrassment. They were also a prelude to what she was to do next. Deliberately she reached forward and took his penis gently between her thumb and forefinger. Lifting the timid flesh away from his tummy and stretching it upwards. Richard groaned, turning his head sideways as if to escape his predicament. Gillian reached for the tip of his penis with her other hand. Holding the glans between her fingertips and thumb she pulled the foreskin down the shaft. Richard tried in vain to pull his bottom down on to the bed. Diane spoke sternly.

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