Finding Answers - Cover

Finding Answers

Copyright© 2006 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 29

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 29 - High School Freshman Kyle Martin searches for answers. What does he want to do with his life when he grows up? Can he keep his girlfriend Penny happy and satisfied? Will he excel as the football team's star receiver? How does the football team replace all-state quarterback Zack Hayes when he graduates from high School? Does he really understand love? Kyle and his friends continue to experience the mental, physical and sexual highs and lows of growing up in Paradise, Pennsylvania.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Group Sex   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Slow  

I called Julie after lunch on Sunday. We talked for nearly an hour. We got to know each other better. We compared our schedules to figure out when we could find time to be together. Julie was as busy as me. The first time we both were free was on Friday night. Julie was excited about the double date with Trent and his girlfriend.

Julie and I met near the door to the school on Monday morning. We spent the ten minutes between when we arrived and home room together kissing and talking. We found each other between classes too. It felt right having a girlfriend to hold and kiss. I remembered how good things had been when Penny and I were a couple.

Penny and I had another civil conversation before geometry on Monday. I noticed that Penny and Travis came in separately to class. I asked, "How are you and Travis doing?"

"We broke up. My life sucks! I'm grounded for a month."

"What happened?"

"Travis and I were at my house after school on Friday making love. My dad came home from work early and caught us in bed together. He started screaming at us. He threatened to castrate Travis if he ever came near me again. It was awful."

"I'm sorry to hear this, Penny. You and Travis made a nice couple. Can't you two work things out?"

"He doesn't want to. Daddy scared him away," Penny said. A tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it with my handkerchief. I gave her a hug.

"You'll get through this, Penny. You'll find another boyfriend."

"Thanks for listening, Kyle. You're a good friend."

"I try to be. I don't want our breaking up a couple months ago to ruin a lifetime of friendship, Penny."


Monday after school the football team learned about our next opponent. We would play Pottsville High School on Saturday morning at Elizabethtown College. Pottsville played basic football. They ran twice for every pass play. They weren't that fast as a team. We were confident that we could stretch them with our deep passing game and then be able to run the ball with Stan and Drew.

The coaches didn't work us real hard in practice. At this point in the season everyone was in shape and knew their responsibilities. We walked through our plays. Coach Caffrey came up with two new plays that we planned to run against Pottsville. We concluded practice with our two mile run.

I was dressing near Andy Groff, Rick Winters and Stan Humphreys after practice. Andy Groff announced, "I was offered a full football scholarship from the University of Delaware yesterday. I'm going to accept it." We all congratulated Andy. Andy asked, "What about you Rick? Are you going to play football after this year?"

"Yes. I'm going to East Stroudsburg. Division III schools don't have scholarships, but the coaches have been in contact with me. They want me on their team next year. It looks like I get to keep playing for a few more years," Rick answered.

Andy asked, "How about you, Stan?"

"I'm going to Carnegie-Mellon for a degree in mechanical engineering. I don't expect to have time for football. This season is it for me," Stan said.

Life without football. That didn't sound good. Would I be like Stan in two years? I didn't want to let football go. It was too much fun.


I gave Trent Wilson a call after supper on Tuesday. I said "Hi" when I heard the sound of my friend's voice.

"Hi, Kyle. What's up?" Trent asked.

"I'm calling to set up the details for our double date on Friday night."

"I figured it would make sense for us to go bowling near your place. It would be silly for me to drive the whole way to Paradise to pick you up, drive back to my end of the county for our date, and then drive back to Paradise when we're done. We'd spend half the night driving back and forth. What choices do you have near home?"

"We have a couple bowling alleys – one at Rocky Springs and one in Strasburg. Do we want to go out to dinner first?"

"Sure that sounds good." Trent said.

"I know a nice restaurant in Strasburg a couple blocks from the alley. I think you and Ashley would like it."

"Is it expensive?" Trent asked.

"No. We can probably get dinner for about ten dollars a piece," I explained.

"How about if I pick you up at 6:00 pm? Then we can pick up Julie and go to dinner."

"That sounds like a plan Trent."

"I have a personal question for you, Kyle. Have you had sex? You aren't a virgin, right?"

"No," I answered. Then I laughed. "Not even close."

"I gathered that last summer from some of the things you said when you talked about your first girlfriend."

"Do your parents know?" Trent asked.

"Yes, they know. They are really cool about me having sex. They don't mind, as long as I don't let my little sister know about it."

"That must be nice. My parents freak if I so much as kiss Ashley when they are around. The two of us are desperate for some time together. Do you know of any place to park? You know, some place with privacy?"

I remembered the dirt road south of Strasburg where Jessie and I had made love in her car in September. "I know of the perfect place, Trent. No one will bother us there."

"Do you have a curfew, Kyle?"

"Yes. I have to be home by 10:30." I answered.

"How about Julie? Do you know? I know the two of you haven't gone steady very long."

"We dated four or five times before we decided to go steady. I'm pretty sure Julie's curfew is the same as mine."

"Good. This works out perfect. Ashley has to be home by 11:00."

"It sounds like we have a plan, Trent. I'm looking forward to Friday night."

"I am too. See you Friday night, Kyle. Bye."

"Bye, Trent."


Coach Caffrey worked us pretty hard during practice on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. Coach called the whole team together in the locker room when we were done with our run. The assistants handed out copies of the game plan to everyone.

Coach Caffrey announced, "I'm not going to ask you gentlemen to come in for practice on Friday. If you don't know how to play together now, Friday's practice won't help. Please review the game plans on Friday on your own. I want everyone here promptly at 7:00 on Saturday morning to catch the bus to Elizabethtown for our game. Get a good night's rest on Friday night. We need everyone fresh and ready to play if we want to beat Pottsville. Any questions, gentlemen?" No one said anything.

Coach continued, "Good. I have a few announcements to make too. The PIAA honors list has come out today. I want to recognize the accomplishments of some members of our team. First on the list is Greg Harrison, all-conference second team tight end; Rick Winters all-conference second team middle linebacker; Andrew Groff all-conference first team defensive end; Jeremy North all-conference first team outside linebacker; and Edward Fritz all-conference first team quarterback. Please give these five young men three cheers."

The whole team cheered for our friends. I was pleased for my teammates, but a little confused. I played better this year than last and I made all-conference honors last year. What did I do wrong?

Coach Caffrey smiled and looked at me. "This next one is well deserved. Kyle Martin, all-state first team at wide receiver. Please give three cheers for Kyle." The team cheered for me. I blushed and tried not to look too uncomfortable. Coach Caffrey dismissed us with this, "Remember, boys, 7:00 am on Saturday. Study your game plans!"

I went up to Coach Caffrey as the meeting broke up. "Could I see the honors list? I want to see how a couple of friends fared."

"Your friends on Central's team? Sure, Kyle."

"Thanks, Coach," I answered. I scanned the list. Christian was named all-conference first team wide receiver. Trent was all-conference second team cornerback. They deserved the honors.


Abby and Will got home from college Wednesday night. My parents invited the Hendricks to have Thanksgiving dinner with us since they didn't have any local family. It was good to see Will and Abby again. Mom's dinner was excellent as usual. Will stopped by my room after the Hendricks left.

"How are things between you and Julie? Is it working better the second time around?"

"Things are good. I wouldn't call this the second time around with Julie though. We only went on the one date the first time."

"Yes, I remember. What a disaster it was. I'm glad you are taking my advice and settling down with a steady girlfriend. It's better that way."

I bristled a little. "I'm not doing this because you told me to, Will. What I was doing with Stacie, Jessie and Sally was fun. None of us got hurt. I'd still be doing it if it wasn't for Julie."

"Why is Julie different? Why don't you just add her to your harem?" Will asked.

"Julie wouldn't do that. She doesn't hop in bed with every guy who asks. Actually, Julie doesn't hop in bed with any guy. She is a virgin."

"That's precisely my point. You prefer having a girlfriend who is committed to you over the others, even though you don't have sex with her. That is what I have been telling you all fall."

Finally I got it. Will was right. I did prefer a steady girlfriend over promiscuous sex with a bunch of girls. "How did this happen? I love sex. How do I give it up?"

"You committed yourself to Julie. You already gave it up," Will explained. "Be patient with Julie. Make sure she has a good time when you get together. She'll be ready for sex eventually. Enjoy sharing your life with her until she is ready. Nothing feels better than this little brother."

"I guess your right, toad-face." I stuck my tongue out at Will

"Bean pole."

"Brainiac" I retorted as I laughed. It was just like old times when we were younger.


I slept in on Friday morning, enjoying the day off from school. When I finally got up, showered and dressed, I went for breakfast. Or maybe it was lunch. It was 11:30. Andy was in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. I asked, "Where is everyone?"

"Will went over to Abby's a half hour ago. Dad, Mom and Lizzie went shopping for the day. Are you going anywhere today, Kyle?"

"No. I have a paper to write for English. I'm going to work on it and maybe watch a movie this afternoon."

"Oh," Andy said glumly. "I was hoping for some privacy this afternoon. My girlfriend is coming over."

"Girlfriend?" I asked, arching my eyebrow questioningly.

"Didn't you know? I'm going with Vicky Hamilton," Andy explained.

"Hamilton?" I asked.

"Yes, Vicky is Jessie's younger sister."

I asked, "How long have you to been together?"

"A couple weeks."

"I'm surprised I didn't hear about it sooner, Andy."

"You've been oblivious to pretty much everything for the last two weeks, except for football and Julie. Mom calls it the 'Julie haze'."

"Sorry. I didn't realize. Do you want the family room for the two of you?" I asked.

"No. We are planning to use my bedroom this afternoon," Andy said.

"Bedroom?" I said, leering at him.

"Yes. Before you ask, Vicky is on the pill. When her mom found out what Jessie does, she put both girls on the pill."

"Have the two of you had sex before?" I asked.

"Twice last week," Andy gushed. "Vicky is great!"

"I'll stay downstairs in the family room so the two of you can have more privacy. Have fun this afternoon, Andy."

"Thanks, Kyle," Andy replied. "We will."

Vicky arrived about fifteen minutes later. She was the spitting image of her sister. She was a little shorter, her breasts weren't quite as large as Jessie's yet, but they looked good for an eighth grader. I could see why my brother liked Vicky.

Andy and Vicky headed upstairs to Andy's bedroom. The sounds of two teens having sex carried down the stairway. I tried to concentrate on my homework, but I couldn't. Finally I dropped my pants and jerked off from my frustration.

I popped a movie in the DVD player when I finished my homework. Andy and Vicky were still at it. I had to give my brother credit. He seemed to have learned quickly how to pleasure a girl from the sounds that Vicky was making. After awhile the sounds from upstairs quieted. A short time later I heard the shower start. Soon giggles, sighs and then moans filtered down from upstairs. Finally two damp, very clean and blissed out teenagers came downstairs to have a snack in the kitchen.

I popped into the kitchen to say hi. Vicky turned bright red when she saw me. I said, "It's nice to meet you, Vicky. I'm friends with Jessie, very close friends. I hope you had fun with my brother."

Vicky stammered, "I did. Your brother's pretty cool," as she blushed some more.

"I've got to go. I have to get ready for my date tonight. See you around later, Vicky," I said as I headed upstairs. I showered, shaved and dressed in nice clothes for my evening out. I stuffed a couple condoms in my pocket. Who knows, I can be pretty persuasive when I try hard. After listening to my brother get laid this afternoon, I certainly had enough motivation to be persuasive. I didn't really expect to get lucky tonight. Still, I'm a scout, so I was going to be prepared.

Trent and Ashley showed up a couple minutes late. I grabbed my coat and headed out the door. Earlier in the day it had been sunny. Low clouds had dropped in. The air felt damp and chilly. Bad weather was on the way.

I hopped in the back of Trent's family mini-van and gave Trent directions to find Julie's house. Before he pulled out Trent said, "Kyle, I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Ashley High." I shook Ashley's hand. "Ash, I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Kyle Martin."

"It's nice to meet you, Ashley," I said. I looked Ashley over. Trent could pick a girlfriend. Ashley had long blonde hair that swirled around her shoulders. It was obvious that Ashley was full breasted and had curves in all the right places even though she was bundled in a winter coat.

"It's nice to finally meet you too, Kyle. Trent has told me a lot about you. I enjoyed watching you play last week. You certainly were impressive."

"Thanks for the compliment, Ashley. I hope I do as well tomorrow when my team plays Pottsville. Hey Trent, I want to compliment you on making all-conference. That's a big honor."

"It's second team. It's not that big a deal," Trent answered.

"It is. We have eleven teams in our league. You are one of the top four cornerbacks among the twenty-two starters. That's pretty good." I said.

"It's nothing compared to you. First team all-state. That's impressive, Kyle. Congratulations!" Trent explained.

"Thanks, Trent." I tapped Trent on the shoulder and said, "Turn up ahead at the stop sign. That's Ridge Top Avenue. Julie lives in the fifth house on the left."

Trent pulled into Julie's driveway. I got out and escorted her to the mini-van. We hopped in together. I introduced Trent and Ashley to Julie and vice versa. I gave Trent directions to the restaurant in Strasburg. Julie and I cuddled to together and kissed discretely on the way to dinner. The four of us talked about school and football on the way to Strasburg.

We were going to a small Italian restaurant that was my Mom's favorite. They served plenty of good food at reasonable prices. That was an important consideration for a couple of guys who worked at a scout camp in the summer. The conversation was as good as the food. By the end of dinner it felt like the four of us had all known each other for years.

We headed over to the bowling alley next. We bowled three games. Julie and Ashley were pretty good. Trent was excellent. He managed almost 200. On the other hand, I managed a personal best score of 83. Bowling wasn't my sport. I had fun anyway in spite of the teasing by Trent, Julie and Ashley. We finished our games around nine o'clock.

When we got in the mini-van, Trent asked, "We have some time before we have to go home. Do you girls want to find a place with some privacy so we can park and make out and stuff?"

Ashley agreed immediately. It took a little coaxing, but Julie agreed too. I directed Trent south to the dirt road I knew about from my time with Jessie in September. Trent pulled back off the main road far enough to keep us out of sight from passing cars. Trent cranked up the heat and cracked a front window open. The van warmed up quickly. Julie and I shed our coats. Trent and Ashley decided to switch seats to the back of the van so they would have more room.

Julie and I started out French kissing. After a minute or two, I slipped a hand down to Julie's right tit and caressed it, paying particular attention to her nipple. Trent and Ashley were doing the same thing. I glanced to the back and saw shirts coming off. Trent dived down and started to suckle on Ashley's breasts. She moaned and ran her hands through Trent's long blond hair. Ashley moaned as Trent worked her nipples.

Julie was getting excited too. She was squirming around from my stimulation. I asked, "Can I see your breasts? It'll feel great, I promise."

"OK, as long as I can see your bare chest too, Kyle," Julie countered.

I pulled my shirt off instantly for the opportunity to see and play with Julie's beautiful tits. Julie was a little less anxious to strip. She took her blouse off slowly and then undid her bra. I helped her pull the bra off. Our excess clothing ended up on the floor.

Julie lay back against the arm rest while I lay on top of her, pressing our naked chests together. The feel of her hard nipples pressing into my chest was more than enough to engorge my cock with blood, producing a massive erection. Julie and I went back to kissing while I stroked and rubbed her back and sides. Our tongues danced back and forth between her mouth and mine. Julie slipped her hand down and felt my boner. She touched it for a few seconds and then pulled her hand away.

Ashley moaned, "Oh Jesus. Keep doing that, Trent. Your finger feels great!" I glanced over the seat and saw Trent was down to his boxers. Ashley was wearing nothing but panties. Trent had pushed them aside and was finger fucking his girlfriend.

I kissed my way down from Julie's lips to her neck and then down her chest to her breasts. I kissed and suckled on her tit while Julie moaned from lust and passion. I caressed one bare tit while I suckled on the other and then switched. After a couple minutes of this, Julie was flushed and squirming again.

I slid one hand down Julie's body to her crotch. I rubbed my hand over her jeans clad mons. I could feel dampness through her jeans! Julie was getting hot! I pressed my body against Julie's chest, kissed her and rubbed her mound. "Ooohh, Kyle ... Ooohhhh..." Julie moaned around my invading tongue.

Trent asked, "Are you ready, Ash?"

Ashley purred, "Mmmm ... yeah, Trent. Do it. I'm ready." I saw out of the corner of my eye that Trent was buck naked now. He planned to fuck Ashley right now!

I went back to sucking on Julie's tits. "Julie, can I see your pussy? It'll feel even better." I said as I rubbed hard against her jean's covered mound. "Please?" I begged. "You'll enjoy it, I promise."

"I don't know, Kyle. I haven't done this before," Julie stammered. I rubbed her crotch some more.

"Please?" I whined. I moved my hand up to the zipper of her pants. I pulled it down a little.

Julie sat up and said, "NO! This is too far, Kyle. We need to stay above the waist."

"Ohhhh..." I moaned. I pulled Julie's zipper up. No need to ruin a good thing with Julie a second time. "I'm sorry, Julie. I'll behave. I promise." I went back to playing with Julie's luscious orbs. Julie calmed down and enjoyed the feelings I was giving her.

Both of us stopped short when we heard Ashley ask, "Is your rubber on, Trent?" We glanced over the seat at our now naked friends preparing to fuck. I grinned. Julie looked apprehensive.

Trent answered, "Shit. I forgot to bring them."

Ashley said, "Make sure you pull out, Trent. I don't want to end up knocked up like Caitlyn."

Trent answered, "I promise, Ash. I'll be careful."

I interrupted, "Trent, take one of my condoms. Don't take a chance on getting Ashley pregnant. I handed one of the condoms in my pocket to Trent.

"Cool. Thanks, Kyle," Trent said. He tore the wrapper open and rolled it down his cock.

I looked back at Julie. She looked a little shocked at what was happening in the back seat. I whispered to her, "Is this too much, Julie? We could take a walk for a little while." Julie nodded yes.

I said, "We're going to take a walk so you guys can have some privacy. Probably about ten minutes. Is that OK?"

Trent grunted, "Ummm ... oohh ... yeah, Kyle, ten minutes. Unnhh..."

Julie and I dressed quickly while Ashley and Trent rutted together.

Ashley and Trent were moaning and panting as we stepped out of the car. Julie and I held hands as we walked down the dirt road away from the mini-van. It had gotten colder since we left the bowling alley. Low, light gray clouds hung just above the tree tops. The cold and dampness cut right through our winter coats. The air in these woods was completely still. A storm was on the way.

"I hope they don't take too long," Julie said. "We'll freeze out here."

"Yes it's cold. I'm sure it won't take too long," I explained. "I'm sorry that happened. Trent and I had discussed making out, but I didn't think anyone would be having sex tonight."

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