My First Everything - Cover

My First Everything

Copyright© 2006 by Openbook

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A coming of age story for a group of early teens coming of age in the late 1950's. Larry enjoys the attentions of the girls in his school, and around his neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   First   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Caution   Violence  

The next day in school I had a hard time getting up my nerve to ask Denise to a movie for Friday night. She was in two classes with me, plus we had the same lunch period. I saw a lot of her, but I never could work up the nerve to approach her. After school let out, I waited for her three blocks away from the school. I knew where she lived. Her younger sister was in dance classes with my mom, and we'd given her rides home from recitals and things like that. I only had to wait for about five minutes before Denise came into sight. Unfortunately, Karen Gless was with her.

Karen and I had something of a history together. In sixth grade, she and I had gotten into a fight over some answer to an Elvis Presley question. I had the record in question, and so, I knew I was right. Elvis had made a single of 'Teddy Bear' earlier in the year, and the flip side was his first released recording of 'Loving You'. Karen insisted that 'Loving You' had first been released in the album of that same name. She wound up slapping me in the face because I called her a fat idiot. She was lucky that my parents had both conditioned me to never hit a female. She and I hadn't spoken five words to each other since that incident. Now, three years later, if there was anyone I didn't want around when I asked Denise for a date, it was Karen Gless.

Denise gave me a real big smile when she recognized me standing there waiting for her. She probably knew where I lived too, so she had to assume that I was there just so that I could see her. She crossed the street, heading towards me. I noticed that Karen held back a little. At least she was going to allow Denise and I a little moment of privacy.

"Hi, Larry. Were you waiting for me?"

"Hi, Denise. Yeah, I was. I wanted to talk to you in school today, but there was always all kinds of people around. I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with me on Friday night?" Just as I got through asking her, Karen started coming right towards us.

"I wish I could, Larry, really. My parents won't let me date until I'm fifteen though, sorry."

"Fifteen? How come so old?"

"That's the rule. My brother and sister didn't start before then and Trudie and I have to wait too. It isn't that much longer though."

"A whole other year."

"No, I'm turning fifteen next week. Did you think I was thirteen still?"

"I guess, I mean I never really thought about it. So you're almost fifteen then?"

"Yes, how old are you?"

"I'm fourteen. My birthday is right near the cut off date for school. I just made it into Kindergarten right before I turned five. I guess that means you're older than I am then."

"I guess. I still would like to go to the movies with you though, if I could. You still want to come to my party don't you?"

"Sure, I'm looking forward to it. The invitation says there will be dancing."

"Yes, my parents added on to our house and we have a big rumpus room in the back now. That's where we are having the party."

"Hi, Larry. You're coming to Denise's birthday party too?" I thought Karen was going to say something to try to shoot me down with Denise. Like I said, we had this history.

"Hi, Karen. Yep, I'll be there. You're coming too then, I guess?" Denise spoke up then.

"I know you two had a problem, but that was a long time ago. Can't you both forget it? You know, Karen, I told you that I want Larry to come to my party."

"I know, Denny, and I have no problem anymore with Larry. Larry I'm sorry that I slapped you. I found out later that I was wrong, and you were right."

"I accept your apology Karen, I'm sorry I called you an idiot."

"A big, fat, idiot."

"Really? If I was going to call you an idiot now, I sure wouldn't call you big or fat." She smiled. She had a nice smile too.

"Karen, Larry asked me to the movies for Friday, but I had to say no because of my parents no dating rule. Maybe he could take you instead?" They both looked over at me, expectantly. Never, not in my wildest imaginings, had I ever thought I'd ask Karen for a date.

"Have you seen 'The Magnificent Seven' yet Karen?" I wouldn't have been surprised if she had laughed in my face, or slapped it again.

"Friday? I haven't seen the movie, but I heard it was really good. I'd have to talk to my parents to get their permission. Can you call me at home after six thirty tonight, and I'll let you know for sure? I can't wait to see my mother's face when I tell her that you asked me out. I mean, you don't have to ask me just because of Denise saying you should."

"No, if Denise hadn't suggested it, I might have asked you anyway. Since we had already made up and all from our elementary school fight."

She gave me her phone number, and I wrote it on the cover of my History book. I told her that I'd give her a call after six thirty. I knew that Karen was the same age as I was. Exactly the same, since we had the same birth date. Before our fight, we had hung around together some because we had some of the same friends. Karen used to be plump in the sixth grade. Over the years though, she had redistributed the weight and now had a good figure. Even when I didn't like her, I still had to acknowledge that she had a fine set of boobs and a great butt when the guys were talking about girls in our classes. Karen's boobs weren't always mentioned, but I don't remember a single conversation about who had the best ass in class, where she didn't get mentioned.

She was a good looking girl. I hoped that she could go out with me on Friday. I was halfway home before I remembered that I had told Kate that I'd chaperon her and her date on Friday. I hadn't mentioned that to Denise or Karen. When I got home, Kate and Clara were both there, sitting at the dining table doing their homework. I could also tell that they were waiting for me. Kate couldn't seem to just take what I told her at face value. I went into the kitchen and made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I also made some chocolate milk. I was walking through the living room when Kate called me over to them.

"Larry, tell Clara what you told me last night."

"About what?"

"About yesterday being one time only for Clara to see it and play with you."

"Yes, that's what I told her when we were in my room." I turned again to go to my room. I heard Clara whispering something to Kate. Kate laughed, and I heard Clara whispering some more. I made it to my room and closed and locked my door. Within two minutes I heard a tapping on my door. I knew it wasn't Kate. She would have either banged on it or else shouted at me through it.

"Can I come in, Larry?" I got up and unlocked the door. When I opened it up, Clara was all alone. That surprised me. I stepped back and made a sweeping enter motion with my arm. Once she came in, she closed and locked the door behind her. "Kate promised not to bother us today, Larry. I want to see you again. Yesterday I was too nervous to get a good look at it."

"I don't know, Clara. I already told you that I wasn't going to repeat this for you. What will you give me?"

"I'll let you see me again if you want to."

"I saw you yesterday, and, with girls, all the good stuff is hidden. Mostly what I saw was just your hair down there. You got the better show yesterday."

"I'll let you touch me too. If you let me see and touch you, I'll let you play with mine too."

I was already pretty sure that I was going to take this deal. I only needed to make sure we both understood what each expected from the other. Kate had told me that Clara had feelings for me. Boyfriend, girlfriend feelings. I didn't think of her that way. To me, she was Kate's friend, my sometimes dance partner, and someone that I got along with pretty well. I liked her enough to not want to hurt her. My dick though, it didn't care about any of these niceties. All it cared about was having a different set of hands on it. Although my hormones had gotten a late start kicking in, all of my recent activity had put them into overdrive.

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