My First Everything - Cover

My First Everything

Copyright© 2006 by Openbook

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A coming of age story for a group of early teens coming of age in the late 1950's. Larry enjoys the attentions of the girls in his school, and around his neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   First   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Caution   Violence  

My decision made, I went over to the far end of the couch, away from where Bill was sitting. The sofa was only about six feet long. Fitting four people across it was going to be a tight squeeze. We managed. It started off pretty awkward. Kate had to give Jane a nudge towards me. I thought, now that I'd decided to do it, that either Jane or Bill would back out. Slowly, Jane approached me and then sat down. There was a foot separating the two of us. This left another foot and a half clearance between Jane and Bill. Kate promptly sat down, her size forcing Jane to scoot over closer to me so that we'd all fit. I put my arm around her shoulder and drew her in even closer to me.

"You can back out of this if you want to, Jane. I don't want you doing anything you don't want to do."

In response, Jane attacked me. There isn't any other way to describe it. For a few seconds, she looked like she was really uncomfortable, and then she reached up, put her arms around my neck, and started kissing me feverishly. It took me completely by surprise. When she started probing my lips with her tongue, a few seconds later, I opened my mouth in astonishment. I reacted to what she was doing by not doing anything proactive at all. I just sat there, allowing her to lead the way. She broke away from our mouth kissing, and started working on my neck and ear. I felt her tongue probing inside my ear lobe before she went right back to kissing my neck. Somehow, in the midst of all of this, Jane had gotten herself up so that she had straddled her legs across one of my legs. when she lowered herself down again, I felt her pressing down against my thigh. She then went back to kissing my mouth. When I didn't move away or try to resist her, she started rocking back and forth, up and down my pant leg.

The first coherent thought I remember having was that she was humping against my leg like you sometimes might see a dog do. It was that weird thought that finally galvanized me into action. I grabbed Jane by her waist with both my hands, lifting her up bodily, then moving her off of me. I twisted my own body sideways, and let go of her, just as I lifted up off of the sofa. Her face was red, not pink, not flushed. It looked like she had been boiled or something. I looked over at Bill and Kate, and both of them seemed shocked as well.

"Jane, what was all that?" I wondered if she would be able to respond to me.

"What do you mean?" She was breathing hard when she said that. Her nostrils were dilated because of her attempts to get sufficient oxygen into her lungs. From start to finish, we aren't talking about more than two minutes time elapsing for this entire episode. "Wasn't I doing it right?"

"I don't know about right or not. What were you trying to do?" This probably wasn't the best approach to take, but I was puzzled and curious. Jane didn't answer, but her lower lip started to quiver, a sure sign that tears were about to be shed. Kate reached over and hugged her to her. Then, they both got up and left the living room. I looked over at Bill. I needed to blame someone for all of this, and Bill seemed a good choice at the time. Bill put both of his hands up in front of himself, like he was trying to keep something from running into him.

"I never told her to do that, Larry. Did you see that? I don't have any idea where she learned to do something like that. I never even kissed Kate just now, because we were both watching Jane. What do you think caused that?"

"I think she got overwrought. There was too much pressure on her or something. Maybe she didn't want to seem too innocent or inexperienced, so she went overboard the other way? Whatever it was, it was scary for me. You think she'll be all right?"

"Maybe you're right. She's been awfully nervous all morning, since before you came, and then, while we were playing monopoly, she was calm again. I thought she had settled herself down. If it had been any other girl, and not my sister, that would have been pretty fantastic. Being that it was Jane though, it wasn't exciting to me at all." I looked at him, not believing what he was talking about.

"Maybe it wasn't exciting to you, Bill. If I hadn't been so shocked by the suddenness of it all, I'm not certain I would have tried to stop her. That girl can kiss. Did you see what she did with her legs on my thigh?"

"You better not say one more word to me about any of that, Larry. I mean it too. Not another word. That's my sister."

"You mean that now that the shoe is on the other foot, this all looks different to you?"

"No, I mean you can't talk about her like that to me. You can't do what you did with her in front of me either. I saw what she was doing with you. I don't need you to talk about it with me. I'm glad you stopped her when you did though. If you hadn't of stopped her, I would of, and soon."

"You don't think that both of our sisters are too young for this kind of pressure?"

"She was probably just too nervous. She'd get used to it. Kate doesn't act like that, not ever."

"So, you think we should bring them both back out here and try it all again?"

"I didn't say that. Quit putting words in my mouth. I think it might be worse though, if we all just stopped, when it turned out like this one time. Jane would probably feel terrible. Maybe we should start all over again, but explain to Jane that she doesn't have to try to impress you so much with her enthusiasm."

"You're serious? I would think it would just add to her nerves after what just happened. It isn't like falling off a horse and getting right back up. I would like to talk with her though before we leave. Just to let her know that nobody is upset with her. If she is calm enough, maybe a little, innocent kissing would be all right."

As if on cue, Kate and Jane came back into the living room. They were holding hands and Jane was half hidden behind Kate. Kate had a little reassuring smile for Bill, trying to indicate that things were going to be all right.

"Jane, come here please. I need to say something to you." As I spoke to her, I patted the cushion next to mine, indicating to her that I wanted her to sit there. Kate pulled her forward for the first one or two steps, and then Jane took over on her own. She sat down right where I had indicated for her to sit. I took both of her hands in mine, staring right at her face, which was no longer lobster red. "Are you okay?" She nodded that she was. "I'm okay too. Bill's okay and Kate's okay as well. No one was hurt or upset by anything. Bill and I thought that you might have been nervous and just tried too hard. If that's what it was, there's no problem. I thought we might try it again though, only this time you let me do the leading. Like a dance? I'll lead, and you follow. You can just relax and enjoy the music, all right?" She gave me a very uncertain and tentative nod of agreement.

I was vaguely aware of Bill and Kate looking at us while this was all being said. I tried to put them out of my mind and just concentrate totally on Jane. I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. I kept my mouth closed and let her get used to me for awhile. After a few minutes, I opened my mouth and used my tongue to pry her lips open. We French kissed, but not fiercely or hungrily. It was passionate, but not a kiss to inflame anyone. When we broke the kiss and I moved a little bit away from her, she looked like she had enjoyed herself, but seemed in full control.

"Was that all right?" I smiled as I asked her. My one hand was laying on top of both her hands which she had folded in her lap. Rather than answer me, she took her hands out of my hand and put them around my neck again. She lifted herself up until she was on her knees and her face was level with mine. She came forward and started kissing me again. It didn't take her as long as it took me, before she was trying to pry her tongue between my lips. Her kiss was a little more passionate than mine had been, but nothing like her first attempt had been. I started missing her earlier abandon. We broke apart, and she smiled at me.

I turned my head to look over at Kate and Bill kissing on the other end of the sofa. Bill was just sitting there, allowing Kate to take the initiative. She was raised up on her knees as well, and I watched as she kept squirming around, trying to find a more comfortable position. By the time she had found one she liked, she had her entire upper body draped across Bill's. They looked like they were doing all right, and I saw that Bill's hands weren't moving around on Kate's body. In fact, Bill's hands were grasping his legs, down by his knees.

I turned back to Jane, and we started kissing again. Sometime after we had been kissing for awhile, I heard Kate moaning. I turned a little so that I could keep kissing Jane and still see what Bill and Kate were up to. Bill still had both hands on his knees, but I saw that one of Kate's hands had found it's way between her own legs. Kate was touching herself. Jane stopped kissing me, and she turned to look as well. I think both of us were a little bit shocked by it. I almost said something about it to Kate, but, because Bill wasn't doing anything to take advantage of her, I decided not to say anything. Jane and I went back to kissing, and, in just another minute, I felt Jane's hand between us, and then I could feel her forearm moving up and down as her hand moved back and forth between her legs. Kate was wearing jeans, but Jane had on a dress. I was paying more attention as Jane's kiss started moving back up in intensity, closer to the first time we'd kissed. In a very short time, Jane made a few moaning sounds of her own, and then she stopped moving her hand, and was still. When we broke our kiss, Jane was red in the face again, but seemed much calmer about it all.

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