My First Everything - Cover

My First Everything

Copyright© 2006 by Openbook

Chapter 54

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 54 - A coming of age story for a group of early teens coming of age in the late 1950's. Larry enjoys the attentions of the girls in his school, and around his neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   First   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Caution   Violence  

A funny thing happened with Clara over the next two weeks. She started to adjust herself to having to deal with the new idea of me being independant. I still treated her good whenever I saw her. I wasn't making any effort in seeking her out though. When she came up to me asking me questions, about why I wanted or needed to go out with Miriam, I told her that I needed something to do so I could stay busy when she and Kate wanted to spend some time alone together. I found out in a hurry that Clara was jealous, and that she didn't want to share. She wanted all my love, as well as all of Kate's.

The first Friday after our meeting in the cafeteria, I took Miriam to the movies. I went over to her house early, about five o'clock. We talked, and I told her honestly that Clara was the girl that I loved. That didn't sit too well with her. She wanted to know why I said I loved Clara, and still went out with other girls. I tried to explain it to her.

"Clara and I don't love each other equally, and we probably never will. I've decided to see other girls whenever I want to, and she is free to do whatever she wants to."

"Do you tell her about your other dates?"

"No, and I wouldn't like it if you told her about them either. Right now, I'm here with you, and that is what I want to talk about."

Miriam's mom looked a lot like Miriam, just twenty years older. She was loud, and what my father would call flashy, dressing to call attention to herself. It was her who first suggested that Miriam show me her bedroom. We went in there, and after a minute, we started kissing, and I played with her titties. Within five minutes, I had my hand under her dress, and she was rubbing my dick, outside my jeans.

She was right about one thing, she sure wasn't any kind of a tease. When we made our way back out to the living room, I noticed that both Miriam and her mother shared some kind of a signal, and both were smiling and nodding to each other. I didn't know if there was a Mr. Trellman or not, and Miriam had never mentioned a father to me. Just from being around Miriam's mother for a few minutes, I could see how Miriam had gotten so aggressive with boys. They both must have gone to the Mae West School of Dating.

"Larry, do you mind if we leave early, and go to Frank's? My mother has a friend coming over to see her."

We got into our coats and headed out the door. It was a ten minute walk to Frank's from her house, and she kept up a constant stream of chatter the whole way there. Inside Frank's, I noticed Karen already sitting with two other girls. We hadn't spoken much for awhile. She looked like she had put on a few extra pounds. I smiled at her when I went to the counter to place our food and drink order. Frank had girls who would bring your order to your table, but they made you order, and then pay, at the counter first. After ordering, I came back and sat across from Miriam.

"Do you want to sit on the main floor tonight, or up in the balcony?" I figured we could go over the ground rules just to avoid any misunderstandings.

"I like the balcony better, but wherever you want is okay. How come we aren't going to the drive in? Didn't your parents let you borrow their car?" I had planned on the drive in, but decided not to go there because I still didn't know how far I wanted to take things with Miriam.

"I figured for a first date, we'd kind of take it slow. No big hurry is there?"

"What's that supposed to mean? Does this have something to do with you and Clara? Are you going to turn out to be a big dud?"

"Tell me what you were expecting tonight. Then I'll tell you what I was expecting."

"You go first."

"Like I said, I thought we'd take it slow. Kissing, and a little touching, getting to know each other better."

"I've had a boyfriend before, Larry. I miss having a boyfriend, if you know what I mean? That's one of the reasons I picked you to go out with. Trudie said you understood how to do things for a girl. I think we already know each other good enough already."

"Would you rather just go somewhere and screw me then?"

"That's all right with me. Why put it off? We're still going to eat first though, right?"

"Of course."

I had my own key to the dance studio. I wasn't willing to bring her up to Agnes's apartment, but I knew I could screw her on the mats in the storage area. I wasn't worried about Agnes hearing us, since she was having dinner over at my house. The only problem I was having, was that I really didn't want to do anything with Miriam.

There was something about her that offended my sense of, I don't know, let's call it decency, for lack of a better word. At least she was honest about what she wanted from me. I glanced over at Karen, and caught her looking at me too. She looked away, embarrassed that I'd caught her looking at me. Just then, the girl came over with our food and drink order. Karen and her two friends got up and left the restaurant. She waved to me as she passed by our table, and I waved back to her.

"Why were you waving at that girl? Is she another of your girlfriends?" Miriam didn't sound too happy with me already. I felt like I was already turning out to be a big disappointment to her. I waited until the three girls were well out of earshot before I spoke.

"I don't think you and I are going to get along very well, Miriam. I had hoped that we would, but I can see that we want different things. Let's just eat our meal, and then I'll take you home."

"I'm not going home this early. My mom is entertaining someone. You promised me a date, Larry, so let's go to the movies, at least."

That's what we did. At least the movie was pretty good. We sat down on the main floor, and I didn't try anything with her. I think she wanted me to try something so she could refuse my overtures, but I didn't give her the chance. After the movie, I walked her straight home. Unlike the walk over to Frank's, we were both silent going home.

"Good night Miriam, I'm sorry we didn't get along better."

"That was the worst date I've ever had. I don't know what Trudie was talking about, because she told me that I would love you."

"Lucky, it was only one date. It isn't like we had to spend a lot of time getting to know each other, and then we had a big break up."

"Who do you think I should go out with next? I'm really looking for a boyfriend."

"Tommy Lampkin would be almost perfect for you. I don't think he's going with anyone right now either."

"Trudie mentioned him too, but she said he has a real skinny one. My last boyfriend was more like you are."

I looked at her, not really knowing what to suggest. I was getting cold, and I already felt like I'd been punished enough just by spending the last five plus hours with her. I wanted to go home and forget about this date. Finally, she turned and went inside. As soon as she was inside, she turned off the porch light leaving me in the dark. I walked home as quickly as I could, hating being so cold.

When I got home, my father had already taken Agnes home, and he and my mother were on their way to bed. I saw a light on in Kate's room, but I didn't want to talk to her. I went in my own room and turned on the light before going back out and turning off all the other lights in the house. I was in my room, starting to get undressed, when Kate knocked on my door, softly.

"Come in."

"Tell me how the date went."

"It was good. We had a good time."

"Did you do it with her?"


"Really? How come? She's been telling everyone that she was going to."

"It wasn't that kind of date. We talked, that's all. Well we did kiss a little before we went out to eat."

"Is she a good kisser? I bet she isn't. Clara won't believe you didn't do it with her, Larry. She's been listening to Miriam all week."

"All right. You can make up anything you like. I don't really care."

"I was sure you were going to bring me home another souvenir, like the one from you and Clara."

"You thought that was a souvenir?"

"I gave it to Clara, and she's saving it."

"Is she saving the note too?"

"No, I'm keeping that for myself. How did you do that? Make her pass out?"

"Wouldn't you just love to know my secret?"


I looked at Kate. There was a lot of desperation in that one spoken word. There were two reasons why I didn't tell her my secret. The first reason was that she would have learned how to do it herself, and then been gloating over me, every time she managed to accomplish the same thing with Clara. The other reason, the important one, was because I had no idea how I did it myself. It just seemed to happen, both times, like she blew an overloaded circuit breaker or something. I wasn't even sure I could do it again.

"Well, I'm not going to teach it to you."

"I want you to do it to me then, make me pass out."

"That's never going to happen! Do you have any idea of what they'd do if we pulled a dumb stunt like that? Don't ever ask me something like that again."

"Could you teach Clara how to do it then? She could do it to me."

"I think that most girls can't cum that hard. Clara is one that can. I never did that to any of the others."

"Then tell me why I can't make her do that, if you can."

"I don't think you'd like the answer. I'm not even sure I'm right about it."

"Is it because you have a dick?"

"No. I didn't use my dick the first time I did it to her."

"Is it because she loves you more than me?" Kate was looking at me anxiously. I knew that she probably thought this was the reason.

"I don't think that's even true, Kate, so that couldn't be the reason for it."

"Tell me then. Why are you able to do it, but I can't?"

"I think Clara might respond a little bit stronger to me because I'm a boy, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to respond to boys. Maybe in her head, it seems better if she tingles from a boy's touch. She might not feel as guilty about loving you then."

"You're the only boy she's ever liked that way, Larry. She didn't like any of those other boys, not at all."

"That doesn't prove anything, Kate. You're the only girl she ever tingled with. She told me that." Kate giggled. Pleased to know that Clara had told me that.

"I've cum with several girls, but never came close to it with a boy."

"Me too." We both laughed at that. We were starting to grow comfortable with each other again. Like we had been before all the trouble started.

"I'm really serious about wanting to cum that way, Larry. I'd just like to find out what it feels like one time. Maybe, if you did that to me, I'd start to like boys."

"You don't believe that for a minute, Kate. You must think you're talking to someone who doesn't know you. How often do you think of boys when you're alone, and trying to make yourself cum? I bet the answer is never?" She wouldn't look at me. "You aren't going to suddenly change, Kate. There's as much chance of that happening, as there is of me waking up some morning and thinking Tommy Lampkin is awfully cute. It isn't ever going to happen."

"Sometimes, I've dreamed about you, or thought about how it would be with you and me. Sometimes when I was playing with myself. You're a boy, so that counts. I got hot that time on the couch with Bill too." She still wasn't looking at me. From the pink coloring on her face and neck, I knew she was embarrassed to tell me that. I'm pretty sure I was getting redder in the face too.

"I've thought about you like that too, Kate. But that's as far as it's ever going to go. Sharing Clara is a little like that. Like when I ate that carrot you gave me, knowing where it had been just a few minutes before. Don't you ever think about things like that when you're doing things with Clara, knowing that I've done the same thing too?"

"I've thought about it, but not in the same way that you're talking about. That's why I don't want you to do it better to her than I can. It's already unfair that you have that big dick, while I just have my fingers."

"It doesn't have to be some kind of competition, Kate. You always try to make it a contest, and when you win, or you end up getting your way, you always have to rub that in. That's what happened that night out at the lake, and that's why I stayed home from church. I wanted to show you that I could play that game too. We both love her, Kate, but we love her a lot more than she loves either of us. I don't know how we can change that. We can either cooperate, and share her as much as we can, or we can make a big competition out of it, and then Clara will be the only one having a good time. I had a chance to keep her all to myself before, but I didn't."

"If I had that chance, I would keep her to myself. How come you didn't?"

"Because, it was like mom told me, Clara's just some girl, but you're my sister, we're family. As much as I care about Clara, I don't have that same connection with her that I have with you. I never missed her as much when she was gone, as I missed you when you were in Hungary."

"Why won't you just give Clara to me then? There's lots of other girls for you."

"For the same reason you don't want to give her to me. We both love her. If you won't agree to share her, I'm going to make her choose one of us."

"She'd choose me." Kate said that, but we both knew it was only a false bravado. If she had been confident, she would have tried to force Clara's hand long before now.

"Are you really willing to find that out? I am if you are, but you can't go crying to mama when you're the one left out in the cold. Clara will choose whichever one of us she thinks will give her the best tingles. Her loyalty is going to be controlled by her pussy."

"She's not like that. If you think that, then why do you love her?"

"I'm just like you, Kate, I don't have any choice. We do have a choice about how we handle our loving her. Are we going to keep on fighting over her, competing to see who finally wins, or do we share her?"

"Can you take us to the lake tomorrow night? She asked me to ask you. She said you can do it to her, but I can watch."

"You might have the same problem I did. I don't want to watch you two anymore. I don't mind sharing, but I don't like watching. I thought I would too."

"I don't even like the idea of you doing it to her, but I'm dying to watch it for some reason. Will you take us? I promise I won't gloat again if you do."

"If I'm the one that's screwing her, why would you be the one gloating? Every time I catch you gloating, I'm just going to make Clara pass out again. Before too long, she will only want me to do it to her."

"I won't, okay? Don't worry, I'm not stupid."

Kate left then, and I started thinking about what we had been talking about. I knew that Kate would only be good until she figured out some way, or thought she'd figured out some way, to get Clara all to herself. The way things were heading, it wouldn't take too much longer for Clara to start playing us off, one against the other, just like she was doing with her parents. There were some situations that I could accept, but that wasn't one of them. We had avoided it thus far, but only because Clara hadn't been secure enough to start playing us that way. She might have felt her hold on Kate was strong enough, but she hadn't been sure of me until we had made love. My date with Miriam must have unsettled her too. I had to find a way to make the three of us all equals, with no one dependent on only one other person. I had a plan. It was pretty dangerous, and I was unsure whether it would work or not.

I woke up at eight thirty. My mom was over at the dance studio, working her normal Saturday schedule of classes. I went out in the living room, and was moving to the kitchen to get some breakfast for myself. I said good morning to my father. He was reading the paper, and finishing what was probably his third or fourth cup of coffee for the morning. I knew he was waiting for two guys from work to come by to pick him up for a day of ice fishing. I could never understand why people wanted to go out on a frozen lake to go fishing in the middle of winter, but it was one of my father's favorite winter activities. He had never been successful in talking me into going with him, and today was certainly not going to be any exception. It looked cold outside, just from the frost collected on the kitchen window panes. I was halfway done with my cereal when a horn blew and my dad threw on his heavy coat and walked out the door. I stood by the window and watched him ride off, thinking that all three of them had to be nuts to think it was fun.

I went to the phone and dialed the number at my mom's studio. It rang three times before my mother answered it. From her breathing, I guessed she had just begun her nine o'clock women's exercise class.

"Mama, can Kate and I borrow your car tonight to go to the movies? It's too cold for us to walk there and back."

"You can, Larry, but I won't be home much before six. You'll have to fix something to eat yourselves before you leave. There won't be time to go out to eat beforehand."

"Thank you, mama. We'll see you tonight then."

After I hung up the phone, I went into Kate's bedroom. My father was gone and my mother wasn't going to be leaving her class, not in the middle of it. I had, at the very least, one hour undisturbed. I woke Kate up.

"You still want to see about cumming until you pass out?" When she smiled and nodded, I opened my robe, showing her that I was naked underneath. My dick was at full attention, and she stared at it without saying anything. I thought she looked nervous, but excited too. She pulled back her covers, and reached down to lift up her heavy flannel nightie, and pull her panties down and off. I felt the blood coursing through my face, and the pounding at my temples. Once I did this, there would be no turning back.

I dropped down to my knees, and pulled Kate's legs over my shoulders. She was already starting to moan even before my tongue split her sweet little pussy lips. I knew what she tasted like, from that carrot. Soon, I was fully involved in what I was doing. I knew it was something I shouldn't be doing, something that would probably wind up ending badly for both Kate and myself. That didn't matter to me right then. All that mattered was that I had to show Kate that I could love her every bit as well as Clara could.

She was responsive, right from the very beginning, probably because a tongue and a pair of lips weren't that big a departure from what she was used to. I managed to bring her right to the very edge, before I backed away and climbed up on her bed. She watched me with her lust glazed eyes as I rolled on the condom. I lifted myself up and got right back between her legs. There was a slight possibility, if I pulled back now, that we could avoid sliding into the abyss. I looked down at Kate's face, seeing only anticipation and desire in her eyes. Whatever chance there had been to turn around was irretrievably lost to me right then.

I set myself, and pushed slowly inward, settling the head, and a little more, inside her. Kate let out a long soft whimper, but not one of pain. I pulled back slightly and then pressed forward again, watching as another two inches disappeared inside her. She was tight, but her natural copious lubrication made the first penetration possible. I felt her trying to relax beneath me. It was a long process, longer than with Karen the first time. It was difficult for me to believe that Kate could still be so tight. She wasn't big down there to begin with, but she wasn't shrinking away from the pressure I brought to bear. When I was well seated, I began my movement, but I could see that Kate was already having problems, and second thoughts.

"Rub your clit, Kate, just pretend it's a large carrot. Close your eyes and try to stay relaxed. I had lifted up, balanced on both arms, withdrawn to the point where Kate's own fingers had lots of room in which to move and work. I started to establish a rhythm with her. When she started moving her hips beneath me, I knew we were going to be okay. After about ten minutes, Kate took her hand away and started thrusting up against me, pulling me down until our upper bodies made contact. We kissed then, our first passionate kiss, and, with this kiss, I felt truly connected to her sexually, for the first time since we'd started making love. The tempo of our rhythm started moving faster, becoming more and more insistent, until both of us were starting to strain to achieve an even closer union.

We were definitely past any point where either of us could imagine wanting to turn back. I was sweating a lot, and panting as I desperately tried to bury that last inch of my cock shaft up inside her. She wanted it, was thrusting her hips up impatiently for it, but there was simply no place for it to go. I had heard Kate cumming many times before, times when neither of our parents were home, and she had let herself go with Clara. This time, I could feel it as well as hear it. She pulled me down closer, shuddering violently, thrashing around, her head moving from side to side, moaning loudly, and calling my name. I moved her legs forward, tilting her hips up and drove myself, time and time again, forward into her. Her pussy spasmed, squeezing me, tighter than Clara, almost like Trudie had been that first time. Unlike that time with Trudie, I refused to permit my dick to stay trapped. I moved inside her like a well oiled piston, and heard myself yelling as a sharp wave of intense pressure seemed to pass in front of my eyes. I felt my balls clenching and tightening, and, when they erupted, I could almost hear the boiling cum shooting up through my shaft and into the rubber.

That's when I passed out for the only time I could remember. I don't know how long it was, but I felt Kate beneath me trying to shake me awake.

"Larry, get off me, I can't breath. I mean it, you're too heavy, get off."

I rolled off of her, and even that tiny effort took every single ounce of strength I still possessed. I looked over at my sister. She was smiling, but it wasn't the gloating smile that I half expected to see from her.

"Was it okay for you, Kate?"

"It was much better than okay, Larry. How long were we passed out? I never really thought you'd be able to make me do that. I just wanted to see what you did when you tried. We did it to each other. I'm a little sore down there right now. Your dick felt like a cucumber, but warmer and nicer. I like it, it's a good sore. You really made me like doing it Larry! I liked it with you a lot. I bet I really could learn to like doing it with boys, if you keep showing me how to do it. I think I'll always like girls better, but this was good too. I'm glad it was with you, Larry, because I love you too. Do you think it would be like that if we did it again?"

"I don't know. I'm glad we did it too, no matter what happens. Now, we can both be like Clara. Each of us has two people that we can do it with, so nobody has to compete with anybody else We'll all have to be sharing now." Kate laughed. "What?"

"I still don't want to share, but now, it's going to be twice as bad. Whenever you and Clara are doing it, I'll be jealous of both of you."

We all got together that night over at the lake. We were all sitting in the back seat of my mother's car. Kate and I had deliberately not told Clara about what we'd done together that morning. We had washed all of Kate's sheets, and aired out her bedroom when we were through talking together. Kate was on one side of Clara, and I was on the other side, and we were both taking turns kissing and touching her. Clara seemed to really welcome the attention we both were giving her, although she kept asking us both to stop, so she could let me screw her while Kate watched. We managed to switch places so that Clara was lying down across the seat. Kate and I were both kneeling on the floorboards. We had moved the front seat as far forward as possible, so that we had a little bit of room to maneuver. As soon as Kate started licking Clara's pussy, she quit asking for me to screw her. I waited until Kate swung her legs over Clara's head so that they were both licking each other. I put my rubber on then, and got up off of my knees and reached for the top of the back seat rest. I looked at Clara's startled eyes as my dick slid past her nose and right up inside Kate. She never stopped licking Kate though, and neither did Kate stop licking her. The only drawback for me was that neither girl liked the taste of my pussy soaked rubbers. I fucked them both in the back seat that night, and all three of us really enjoyed ourselves.

From that point forward, until the day that Clara left us both, to go to college, the three of us were almost inseparable. When Clara left, Kate and I fooled around only a few times more. It wasn't the same for either of us without Clara there.

In 1966, I joined the Air Force, mostly to keep from being drafted into the Army. A month after I left for basic training, Kate found someone else, and they fell in love. After I finished my tech school, I got orders for California. I met a nice quiet girl out in California, she didn't seem to mind when I became withdrawn and introspective sometimes. We got along well enough, and one thing led to another, until we were married in 1968.

Clara had already met someone by then and she had dropped out of college in order to get married. She had only kept in loose touch with Kate or me through her mother. We didn't see her again for many years.

When my mother passed away in 1994, three years after my father's fatal heart attack, Kate and Trudie moved into our house. Yes, that Trudie. She never did become a professional dancer, instead opting to work at the studio, with Kate, my mom and aunt Agnes.

In 1970, Agnes found a nice woman who knew just how to treat her. My mother was scandalized by the bruises that Agnes came to work with, but Agnes was always smiling. Her friend was killed in a car crash a year before my mother passed away, and that loss took all the heart out of Agnes. She still lives above the studio, but we seldom managed to get her to attend any family functions after my mother passed away.

Back when my wife divorced me in 1983, claiming that she was tired of me going off to my workshop to play with my little projects, we sold the house and I moved back to Ohio, almost as soon as my divorce was final. We had never had any children, and when we went to the doctors to see why, I found out that my sperm count was so low that it would take a miracle for me to father children.

There were plenty of jobs for a truck driver in Ohio, so I just went back to work driving, and moved back into my old room at home. When my dad died, it was only my mom and I living in that big house. I worked in the basement now, trying to figure out how to fix my dad's old projects. One day, I came up from the basement to find my mom on the kitchen floor, coughing up blood. It was a burst aneurysm, and they were too late to try to repair it because she had bled out before I could get her to the hospital. She was 76 years old, the same age my father had been when he died.

Kate and Trudie didn't want to move into the house. I told them I could move out and get an apartment. They still refused. A month after we buried my mother, I called Kate and asked her to find someone to put the house on the market and sell it for us. The next day, Kate and Trudie came over, and started telling me all the changes they'd need to make if they did decide to move in. They also told me that I had to stay living there, or they weren't going to keep the house. I told them they could make any changes they wanted to, except, not to my room, and they also had to leave the area in the basement that I used to work on dad's projects alone. I told them that I'd even pay half the costs for whatever they wanted to do.

I mostly tried to stay out of their way after that. They managed to either do the work themselves, or to get one or more of their friends to do it for them, always at a really good price. It took almost a year and a half to get everything just the way they wanted it. When it was done, they threw a big house warming party to celebrate. So there we were, forty one women, most of whom had absolutely no use for men, and who stared at me sullenly the more they drank that night. The one exception was Denise, Trudie's sister. I had just turned fifty, so she was fifty one. I knew from Trudie that Denise was twice married, and twice divorced, and that she had four children, including the one she decided to keep back in 1961. I had quite a bit to drink that night, mostly so that I wouldn't run away and hide from all those women and their baleful stares. At around nine thirty that night, I gave Denise a tour of my bedroom. We both thought we were going to do something, but the thought was a lot easier to accomplish than the deed, and we gave it up as a bad idea after fumbling around drunkenly, in the dark, for fifteen minutes or so. I knew I should have gotten at least a double bed for my bedroom, but I had just never gotten around to it.

The next morning, I had to listen to Trudie and Kate howling in glee at my inept performance of the night before. Apparently Denise had given a really amusing account of our antics on her way out the door. All of this after she left me asleep on my bed. Somehow, during the time they were making fun of me, I had let slip that I was woefully out of practice, blaming that for my embarrassing failure with Denise. When they wormed out of me the information that I hadn't had sex with anyone since my divorce, more than thirteen years before, they both stopped kidding me and just stared at me with a look of disbelief instead. Trudie spoke to me first.

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