My First Everything - Cover

My First Everything

Copyright© 2006 by Openbook

Chapter 30

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 30 - A coming of age story for a group of early teens coming of age in the late 1950's. Larry enjoys the attentions of the girls in his school, and around his neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   First   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Caution   Violence  

Friday morning I finally remembered and got around to asking my mother whether I was going to be allowed to go to the dance that night with Clara.

"Why not? We can't punish Clara because of your misbehaving. Besides, I'm hoping that your dancing will bring me more students. There is also the money I spent for the tickets. Don't forget to come straight to the studio after school."

My mother said this, but she was smiling, letting me know that everything was all right again now. My father had decreed the punishment, and I had accepted it. That was going to be the sum total of my punishment.

In school later, Denise came over to me in our homeroom, a few minutes before the final bell rang, and asked me if everything went all right with me at home or not.

"They don't know your name, or who you are. They aren't going to try to get it anymore either."

"Thank you, Larry. I don't know what I would have done if my parents had found out about it. Did you get in a lot of trouble?"

"Just some extra chores, and a big lecture from my dad. I have to work for my mom at the dance studio for an hour every schoolday after school, and work around the house for three hours every Saturday. I also have to go apologize to my aunt, and then work for her three hours every Sunday for awhile."

"That's all? My parents would have done a lot worse to me, and I mean a lot worse. I guess this means no more of our secret dates?"

"I don't know if that has to be true. If you still want to do it some more, we can at least try to find some way."

"I do. I was already thinking about maybe doing it late at night, in my parents car, after they are sleeping?"

"Too dangerous, and too cold. We sure wouldn't want to get caught by your parents doing it. We need a place like we had before, over at my aunt's. Someplace where nobody will be able to ever catch us. I'll keep on looking until I find one. You have to look around too. I can't wait to do it some more." Denise smiled first, but then, she blushed as well.

"Me too. Even when it happened last night, when we got caught? Even then, I wanted to do it some more." She whispered this last little bit, first, looking around to make sure no one was listening to us talking.

I was flirting with Karen in second period. This was the only class we had together where Denise wasn't right there with us. Mostly, at first, it was only with the bold looks I gave her. I was trying to get her to keep looking over at me. Once she started doing that, and I knew she was having fun with it too, when I knew no one else could see me, I reached over and put a hand on her bare thigh, right below her hemline. She was wearing a tight skirt, and it had ridden up until half her thigh was exposed. I only left it there for a second, before pulling it back.

"I miss you, Karen." I said it really quietly, so only she could hear me. "I shouldn't have told your parents that I'd stay away from you. Do you ever think about me?"

She sat there, acting like nothing had happened, but she had a tiny smile on her face, and her neck was a little pink. I knew she had heard me. For the rest of that period, we played the little peek-a-boo game. I'd look at her, until she caught me looking, and then I would look down at my desk. Whenever I looked up again, she'd be looking at me. Then, she would turn away when I caught her looking too. We were both having a good time with it, I think. We sure weren't learning anything about History, I know that much.

At lunchtime, I hurried into the cafeteria. I managed to get my lunch really fast, because I was only the fourth or fifth person to come through the line. I found a table over in the corner where Karen would be sure to see me when she was getting her own lunch. I hoped that she would decide to come sit with me. I was watching her when she came in and got in line. She looked around, and I could see she had seen me. I smiled at her. She got her food and paid the cashier. At first, she started heading away from my corner, but then, she hesitated for a few seconds, before turning around and heading over in my direction. I tried to make sure my face looked real happy to see her, and that I was as encouraging for her to sit with me as I could possibly be.

"Hi, Larry. Is it okay if I sit here with you?"

"Better than okay. I hurried here because I was trying to make sure you could see me. I'm glad you decided to come sit with me."

"Well, you're about the only person who seems to want to talk with me. Especially after what you did to Mandy."

"I'm sorry about that, but I did think you should know how two-faced she is."

"I've only gone to school with her since about the second grade, Larry. You didn't think I already knew about her?"

"I guess. Still, just in case, I thought I'd warn you."

"What have you been up to since the night at your house with my parents? Wasn't that just the worst?"

"No, it wasn't quite the worst, but it was close. I've been mostly going to school, and missing you. I haven't even been to a movie for the past month. I see Denise once in awhile, but not for regular dates like before."

"She's so mad at me, and I can't blame her. I feel bad about what I did, but I didn't really mean for it to happen."

"That's why it is better not to talk about those kinds of things. That's also why I'm not going to tell you all the times I've been thinking about you, or what I've been thinking. It would make what you said in here about Denise before seem tame in comparison." Karen looked all around us. The table I'd chosen was in an area that wasn't very popular. There was no one sitting within twenty feet of us, and we had been speaking pretty quietly.

"I doubt that you've been thinking about me at all. You probably have four or five other girls that you like better than me."

"That isn't true. I don't know any girls that have anything close to your build. Sometimes, at night, I think about how your butt looked when it was naked, and my dick get so hard it hurts me. I think about how I wish we had done it from behind so I could have looked at it while I did it to you. I get so excited thinking about it, that I have to play with myself, or I couldn't get to sleep."

"Really? I think it's way too big, almost like an elephant's."

"It's perfect, Karen, and I really mean it. I better quit thinking and talking about it, because now I went and made my dick all hard again."

"I wish we hadn't got caught, Larry. I think about you too, and about what we did. I must have walked by that little wrapping you left on my floor at least fifty times, but I never once noticed it."

"Are you on any restriction? Other than not being allowed to see me?"

"I was, but it's over now. I can't date anyone unless my parents first meet him and approve. They watch me all the time too. I don't know what they think. Maybe, that I'm going to sneak someone into my bedroom or something. My mother is the worst. She goes through all my things, even my notebooks and book covers, looking for any evidence that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. They used to just trust me."

"They love you. My parents are being pretty good, considering everything. I'd sure like to meet you somewhere though. I miss just talking with you, and kissing you. I miss the other stuff too, but I've already accepted that we can't do that anymore."

"I'm glad you do miss me. If you didn't, then I'd feel bad, because of how much I miss you. I thought that after I got my period, my parents would relax a little, but they didn't. They keep making out that it was such a big deal. I think it's my choice to make about personal things like that. What are they going to do next, give me some rules about kissing and making out? Now that I've already admitted doing it, what are they afraid of? It isn't like I can ever go back to being a virgin. They should leave me alone now."

"I feel that way a little bit too. I'm old enough to decide for myself. It would be different if we were still little kids, but if we were, we wouldn't want to do it. I never did until just recently."

"Really? How recently?"

"I don't know. Probably since my birthday."

"This birthday? Your fourteenth?"

"Yeah. I guess I was slow to start thinking about those things."

"I'll say. About three years slow. Girls start talking about boys, and all of that kind of thing, at about ten or eleven. We have pretend weddings, and play housewife and mother from about the time when we're five or six. By ten or so, we stop playing with our dolls, and start thinking, talking, and pretending about real boys, and even babies. When did you first start getting hot?"

"From thinking about girls, probably the first time was around my birthday, a little before maybe. Before that, I'd get these boners every morning, and it felt good sometimes to rub it. That started sometime after I got to be thirteen, when my dick started to get bigger, and I got hair down there."

"So, all of this is still new to you? No wonder you have been so excited, and trying to do so much. Denise said you were probably a sex fiend."

"I don't think so. A lot of guys I knew started being interested before I was. Tommy Lampkin has been interested in girls since we were in the sixth grade. Even Bill has been saying stuff from when he was around twelve. I don't know why it wasn't interesting to me before though. It sure is now."

"That might be because a lot of girls were interested in Tommy before the sixth grade even. He has those dreamy eyes, and those long lashes. He used to be pretty until he started shaving, and getting all hairy on his arms and neck. I had a crush on him in the fifth grade, but he was such a jerk in so many other ways. He used to grab at my breasts right in class sometimes, before I hardly even had any. He did that to all the girls that were starting to develop. He even got in trouble for it and was sent to the office a few times. He's such a creep."

"I wouldn't mind grabbing them right now, but you would probably object." She laughed.

"That wouldn't be good. It would just remind everyone about us. I sure wish I'd listened to you about that. Now, I'm just Karen, the big, easy slut. The worst thing is, I'm the only one to be blamed for starting it all. I'm the one who told everyone about what we did." She started crying when she said that.

"You weren't ever that to me, Karen. You shouldn't think of yourself like that either. It doesn't matter what these other people think about it. We both know, for us, it was special and wonderful. If they want to think it was bad or dirty, let them. Don't you make it like that, because it wasn't."

People were looking over at us now. Mostly because Karen was crying. We hadn't really attracted that much notice until then. I reached a hand out and put it on top of Karen's. Her skin was so soft and warm. She had to have the best circulation in the world. Anywhere I'd ever touched her, her body felt warm. The first time, when I put it in her, without the rubber, her pussy was just burning up.

"You have the warmest skin."

"What?" She looked up at me, too surprised at what I had said.

"Your skin, it's is always so warm to the touch, all over. A lot warmer than mine, or anyone else I know."

"I know that, I guess. I mean I've heard it from my parents. My normal body temperature is 99.8. That's unusual, to be that high. My doctor said it isn't anything to be concerned about though. He says that's just my normal body temperature. Do you like it, that it's warmer?"

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